2020-02-25 17:57:12 +08:00
import 'dart:async';
2020-07-25 13:42:48 +08:00
import 'dart:math' as math;
2020-02-25 17:57:12 +08:00
2020-03-14 11:14:24 +08:00
import 'package:audio_service/audio_service.dart';
2020-05-19 01:03:45 +08:00
import 'package:dio/dio.dart';
2020-07-26 18:20:42 +08:00
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'package:just_audio/just_audio.dart';
2020-05-19 01:03:45 +08:00
2020-07-26 18:20:42 +08:00
import '../local_storage/key_value_storage.dart';
import '../local_storage/sqflite_localpodcast.dart';
2020-05-07 00:50:32 +08:00
import '../type/episodebrief.dart';
2020-07-22 17:34:32 +08:00
import '../type/play_histroy.dart';
import '../type/playlist.dart';
2020-02-25 17:57:12 +08:00
2020-03-14 11:14:24 +08:00
MediaControl playControl = MediaControl(
androidIcon: 'drawable/ic_stat_play_circle_filled',
label: 'Play',
action: MediaAction.play,
MediaControl pauseControl = MediaControl(
androidIcon: 'drawable/ic_stat_pause_circle_filled',
label: 'Pause',
action: MediaAction.pause,
MediaControl skipToNextControl = MediaControl(
androidIcon: 'drawable/baseline_skip_next_white_24',
label: 'Next',
action: MediaAction.skipToNext,
MediaControl skipToPreviousControl = MediaControl(
androidIcon: 'drawable/ic_action_skip_previous',
label: 'Previous',
action: MediaAction.skipToPrevious,
MediaControl stopControl = MediaControl(
androidIcon: 'drawable/baseline_close_white_24',
label: 'Stop',
action: MediaAction.stop,
2020-07-25 01:17:47 +08:00
MediaControl forward = MediaControl(
androidIcon: 'drawable/baseline_fast_forward_white_24',
label: 'forward',
2020-03-14 11:14:24 +08:00
action: MediaAction.fastForward,
void _audioPlayerTaskEntrypoint() async {
AudioServiceBackground.run(() => AudioPlayerTask());
2020-02-25 17:57:12 +08:00
2020-07-22 17:34:32 +08:00
/// Sleep timer mode.
enum SleepTimerMode { endOfEpisode, timer, undefined }
2020-07-31 01:18:56 +08:00
enum PlayerHeight { short, mid, tall }
2020-07-22 17:34:32 +08:00
//enum ShareStatus { generate, download, complete, undefined, error }
2020-02-09 20:29:09 +08:00
2020-07-22 17:34:32 +08:00
class AudioPlayerNotifier extends ChangeNotifier {
2020-02-25 17:57:12 +08:00
DBHelper dbHelper = DBHelper();
2020-07-22 17:34:32 +08:00
var positionStorage = KeyValueStorage(audioPositionKey);
var autoPlayStorage = KeyValueStorage(autoPlayKey);
var autoSleepTimerStorage = KeyValueStorage(autoSleepTimerKey);
var defaultSleepTimerStorage = KeyValueStorage(defaultSleepTimerKey);
var autoSleepTimerModeStorage = KeyValueStorage(autoSleepTimerModeKey);
var autoSleepTimerStartStorage = KeyValueStorage(autoSleepTimerStartKey);
var autoSleepTimerEndStorage = KeyValueStorage(autoSleepTimerEndKey);
var fastForwardSecondsStorage = KeyValueStorage(fastForwardSecondsKey);
var rewindSecondsStorage = KeyValueStorage(rewindSecondsKey);
2020-07-31 01:18:56 +08:00
var playerHeightStorage = KeyValueStorage(playerHeightKey);
2020-07-22 17:34:32 +08:00
/// Current playing episdoe.
EpisodeBrief _episode;
2020-04-01 00:36:20 +08:00
2020-07-22 17:34:32 +08:00
/// Current playlist.
2020-07-26 18:20:42 +08:00
final Playlist _queue = Playlist();
2020-02-25 17:57:12 +08:00
2020-07-22 17:34:32 +08:00
/// Notifier for playlist change.
bool _queueUpdate = false;
2020-02-09 20:29:09 +08:00
2020-07-22 17:34:32 +08:00
/// Player state.
AudioProcessingState _audioState = AudioProcessingState.none;
2020-03-14 11:14:24 +08:00
2020-07-22 17:34:32 +08:00
/// Player playing.
bool _playing = false;
2020-02-25 17:57:12 +08:00
2020-07-22 17:34:32 +08:00
/// Fastforward second.
2020-07-25 13:42:48 +08:00
int _fastForwardSeconds = 0;
2020-04-12 01:23:12 +08:00
2020-07-22 17:34:32 +08:00
/// Rewind seconds.
2020-07-25 13:42:48 +08:00
int _rewindSeconds = 0;
2020-04-23 02:10:57 +08:00
2020-07-22 17:34:32 +08:00
/// No slide, set true if slide on seekbar.
2020-03-14 11:14:24 +08:00
bool _noSlide = true;
2020-07-22 17:34:32 +08:00
/// Current episode duration.
2020-03-14 11:14:24 +08:00
int _backgroundAudioDuration = 0;
2020-07-22 17:34:32 +08:00
/// Current episode positin.
2020-03-14 11:14:24 +08:00
int _backgroundAudioPosition = 0;
2020-07-22 17:34:32 +08:00
/// Erroe maeesage.
2020-02-25 17:57:12 +08:00
String _remoteErrorMessage;
2020-03-14 11:14:24 +08:00
2020-07-22 17:34:32 +08:00
/// Seekbar value, min 0, max 1.0.
2020-02-25 17:57:12 +08:00
double _seekSliderValue = 0.0;
2020-07-22 17:34:32 +08:00
/// Record plyaer position.
2020-03-14 11:14:24 +08:00
int _lastPostion = 0;
2020-07-22 17:34:32 +08:00
/// Set true if sleep timer mode is end of episode.
2020-03-04 00:04:23 +08:00
bool _stopOnComplete = false;
2020-07-22 17:34:32 +08:00
/// Sleep timer timer.
2020-03-04 00:04:23 +08:00
Timer _stopTimer;
2020-07-22 17:34:32 +08:00
/// Sleep timer time left.
2020-03-20 03:58:30 +08:00
int _timeLeft = 0;
2020-07-22 17:34:32 +08:00
/// Start sleep timer.
2020-04-02 17:52:26 +08:00
bool _startSleepTimer = false;
2020-07-22 17:34:32 +08:00
/// Control sleep timer anamation.
2020-03-20 03:58:30 +08:00
double _switchValue = 0;
2020-07-22 17:34:32 +08:00
/// Sleep timer mode.
2020-04-12 01:23:12 +08:00
SleepTimerMode _sleepTimerMode = SleepTimerMode.undefined;
2020-07-22 17:34:32 +08:00
2020-06-28 02:27:39 +08:00
//Auto stop at the end of episode when you start play at scheduled time.
bool _autoSleepTimer;
2020-07-22 17:34:32 +08:00
2020-04-23 02:10:57 +08:00
//set autoplay episode in playlist
2020-06-28 02:27:39 +08:00
bool _autoPlay;
2020-07-22 17:34:32 +08:00
/// Datetime now.
2020-03-14 11:14:24 +08:00
DateTime _current;
2020-07-22 17:34:32 +08:00
/// Current position.
2020-03-14 11:14:24 +08:00
int _currentPosition;
2020-07-22 17:34:32 +08:00
/// Current speed.
2020-04-18 12:48:02 +08:00
double _currentSpeed = 1;
2020-07-22 17:34:32 +08:00
2020-06-10 15:42:40 +08:00
//Update episode card when setting changed
bool _episodeState = false;
2020-03-14 11:14:24 +08:00
2020-07-31 01:18:56 +08:00
/// Player height.
PlayerHeight _playerHeight;
2020-07-22 17:34:32 +08:00
AudioProcessingState get audioState => _audioState;
2020-03-14 11:14:24 +08:00
int get backgroundAudioDuration => _backgroundAudioDuration;
int get backgroundAudioPosition => _backgroundAudioPosition;
2020-02-25 17:57:12 +08:00
double get seekSliderValue => _seekSliderValue;
String get remoteErrorMessage => _remoteErrorMessage;
2020-07-22 17:34:32 +08:00
bool get playerRunning => _audioState != AudioProcessingState.none;
bool get buffering => _audioState != AudioProcessingState.ready;
2020-03-01 20:17:06 +08:00
int get lastPositin => _lastPostion;
2020-02-25 17:57:12 +08:00
Playlist get queue => _queue;
2020-07-22 17:34:32 +08:00
bool get playing => _playing;
2020-04-01 00:36:20 +08:00
bool get queueUpdate => _queueUpdate;
2020-02-20 23:44:42 +08:00
EpisodeBrief get episode => _episode;
2020-03-04 00:04:23 +08:00
bool get stopOnComplete => _stopOnComplete;
2020-04-02 17:52:26 +08:00
bool get startSleepTimer => _startSleepTimer;
2020-04-12 01:23:12 +08:00
SleepTimerMode get sleepTimerMode => _sleepTimerMode;
2020-03-20 03:58:30 +08:00
int get timeLeft => _timeLeft;
double get switchValue => _switchValue;
2020-04-18 12:48:02 +08:00
double get currentSpeed => _currentSpeed;
2020-06-10 15:42:40 +08:00
bool get episodeState => _episodeState;
2020-06-28 02:27:39 +08:00
bool get autoSleepTimer => _autoSleepTimer;
2020-07-25 13:42:48 +08:00
int get fastForwardSeconds => _fastForwardSeconds;
int get rewindSeconds => _rewindSeconds;
2020-07-31 01:18:56 +08:00
PlayerHeight get playerHeight => _playerHeight;
2020-03-04 00:04:23 +08:00
2020-03-20 03:58:30 +08:00
set setSwitchValue(double value) {
_switchValue = value;
2020-03-04 00:04:23 +08:00
2020-03-01 20:17:06 +08:00
2020-06-10 15:42:40 +08:00
set setEpisodeState(bool boo) {
_episodeState = !_episodeState;
2020-07-31 01:18:56 +08:00
set setPlayerHeight(PlayerHeight mode) {
_playerHeight = mode;
Future _getPlayerHeight() async {
2020-07-31 01:25:00 +08:00
var index = await playerHeightStorage.getInt(defaultValue: 0);
2020-07-31 01:18:56 +08:00
_playerHeight = PlayerHeight.values[index];
Future _savePlayerHeight() async {
await playerHeightStorage.saveInt(_playerHeight.index);
2020-04-23 02:10:57 +08:00
Future _getAutoPlay() async {
2020-07-26 18:20:42 +08:00
var i = await autoPlayStorage.getInt();
2020-06-28 02:27:39 +08:00
_autoPlay = i == 0;
2020-04-23 02:10:57 +08:00
2020-06-28 02:27:39 +08:00
Future _getAutoSleepTimer() async {
2020-07-26 18:20:42 +08:00
var i = await autoSleepTimerStorage.getInt();
2020-06-28 02:27:39 +08:00
_autoSleepTimer = i == 1;
2020-04-23 02:10:57 +08:00
2020-04-12 01:23:12 +08:00
set setSleepTimerMode(SleepTimerMode timer) {
_sleepTimerMode = timer;
2020-03-14 11:14:24 +08:00
2020-07-31 16:50:48 +08:00
void addListener(VoidCallback listener) {
2020-03-14 11:14:24 +08:00
2020-07-31 16:50:48 +08:00
2020-04-01 00:36:20 +08:00
_queueUpdate = false;
2020-07-31 16:50:48 +08:00
2020-07-26 18:20:42 +08:00
var running = AudioService.running;
2020-04-02 17:52:26 +08:00
if (running) {}
2020-03-14 11:14:24 +08:00
2020-07-22 17:34:32 +08:00
Future<void> loadPlaylist() async {
2020-03-01 20:17:06 +08:00
await _queue.getPlaylist();
2020-04-23 02:10:57 +08:00
await _getAutoPlay();
_lastPostion = await positionStorage.getInt();
2020-04-01 00:36:20 +08:00
if (_lastPostion > 0 && _queue.playlist.length > 0) {
2020-07-26 18:20:42 +08:00
final episode = _queue.playlist.first;
final duration = episode.duration * 1000;
final seekValue = duration != 0 ? _lastPostion / duration : 1;
final history = PlayHistory(
episode.title, episode.enclosureUrl, _lastPostion ~/ 1000, seekValue);
2020-04-01 00:36:20 +08:00
await dbHelper.saveHistory(history);
2020-07-26 18:20:42 +08:00
var lastWorkStorage = KeyValueStorage(lastWorkKey);
2020-04-23 02:10:57 +08:00
await lastWorkStorage.saveInt(0);
2020-02-25 20:28:48 +08:00
2020-02-25 17:57:12 +08:00
2020-07-22 17:34:32 +08:00
Future<void> episodeLoad(EpisodeBrief episode,
{int startPosition = 0}) async {
2020-06-16 12:40:51 +08:00
2020-07-26 18:20:42 +08:00
final episodeNew = await dbHelper.getRssItemWithUrl(episode.enclosureUrl);
2020-04-25 21:50:27 +08:00
//TODO load episode from last position when player running
2020-07-22 17:34:32 +08:00
if (playerRunning) {
2020-07-26 18:20:42 +08:00
final history = PlayHistory(_episode.title, _episode.enclosureUrl,
backgroundAudioPosition ~/ 1000, seekSliderValue);
2020-03-01 20:17:06 +08:00
await dbHelper.saveHistory(history);
2020-04-01 00:36:20 +08:00
AudioService.addQueueItemAt(episodeNew.toMediaItem(), 0);
2020-03-14 11:14:24 +08:00
.removeWhere((item) => item.enclosureUrl == episode.enclosureUrl);
2020-04-01 00:36:20 +08:00
_queue.playlist.insert(0, episodeNew);
2020-03-14 11:14:24 +08:00
await _queue.savePlaylist();
} else {
await _queue.getPlaylist();
2020-04-12 01:23:12 +08:00
await _queue.delFromPlaylist(episode);
await _queue.addToPlayListAt(episodeNew, 0);
2020-03-14 11:14:24 +08:00
_backgroundAudioDuration = 0;
_backgroundAudioPosition = 0;
_seekSliderValue = 0;
2020-04-01 00:36:20 +08:00
_episode = episodeNew;
2020-07-22 17:34:32 +08:00
_audioState = AudioProcessingState.connecting;
2020-03-14 11:14:24 +08:00
2020-04-12 01:23:12 +08:00
//await _queue.savePlaylist();
2020-04-25 21:50:27 +08:00
_startAudioService(startPosition, episodeNew.enclosureUrl);
2020-06-16 12:40:51 +08:00
if (episodeNew.isNew == 1) {
await dbHelper.removeEpisodeNewMark(episodeNew.enclosureUrl);
2020-03-01 20:17:06 +08:00
2020-03-14 11:14:24 +08:00
2020-04-25 21:50:27 +08:00
_startAudioService(int position, String url) async {
2020-04-12 01:23:12 +08:00
_stopOnComplete = false;
_sleepTimerMode = SleepTimerMode.undefined;
2020-07-22 17:34:32 +08:00
/// Connect to audio service.
2020-03-14 11:14:24 +08:00
if (!AudioService.connected) {
await AudioService.connect();
2020-07-22 17:34:32 +08:00
/// Get fastword and rewind seconds.
_fastForwardSeconds =
await fastForwardSecondsStorage.getInt(defaultValue: 30);
_rewindSeconds = await rewindSecondsStorage.getInt(defaultValue: 10);
/// Start audio service.
2020-03-14 11:14:24 +08:00
await AudioService.start(
2020-04-06 20:18:08 +08:00
backgroundTaskEntrypoint: _audioPlayerTaskEntrypoint,
androidNotificationChannelName: 'Tsacdop',
2020-07-22 17:34:32 +08:00
androidNotificationColor: 0xFF4d91be,
2020-04-06 20:18:08 +08:00
androidNotificationIcon: 'drawable/ic_notification',
2020-07-22 17:34:32 +08:00
androidEnableQueue: true,
androidStopForegroundOnPause: true,
fastForwardInterval: Duration(seconds: _fastForwardSeconds),
rewindInterval: Duration(seconds: _rewindSeconds));
//Check autoplay setting, if true only add one episode, else add playlist.
2020-06-28 02:27:39 +08:00
await _getAutoPlay();
2020-03-20 03:58:30 +08:00
if (_autoPlay) {
2020-07-26 18:20:42 +08:00
for (var episode in _queue.playlist) {
2020-03-14 11:14:24 +08:00
await AudioService.addQueueItem(episode.toMediaItem());
2020-07-26 18:20:42 +08:00
2020-03-14 11:14:24 +08:00
} else {
await AudioService.addQueueItem(_queue.playlist.first.toMediaItem());
2020-06-28 23:47:29 +08:00
//Check auto sleep timer setting
2020-06-28 02:27:39 +08:00
await _getAutoSleepTimer();
if (_autoSleepTimer) {
2020-07-26 18:20:42 +08:00
var startTime =
2020-06-28 02:27:39 +08:00
await autoSleepTimerStartStorage.getInt(defaultValue: 1380);
2020-07-26 18:20:42 +08:00
var endTime = await autoSleepTimerEndStorage.getInt(defaultValue: 360);
var currentTime = DateTime.now().hour * 60 + DateTime.now().minute;
2020-06-28 02:27:39 +08:00
if ((startTime > endTime &&
2020-06-29 20:13:42 +08:00
(currentTime > startTime || currentTime < endTime)) ||
2020-06-28 02:27:39 +08:00
((startTime < endTime) &&
(currentTime > startTime && currentTime < endTime))) {
2020-07-26 18:20:42 +08:00
var mode = await autoSleepTimerModeStorage.getInt();
2020-06-28 02:27:39 +08:00
_sleepTimerMode = SleepTimerMode.values[mode];
2020-07-26 18:20:42 +08:00
var defaultTimer =
2020-06-28 02:27:39 +08:00
await defaultSleepTimerStorage.getInt(defaultValue: 30);
2020-07-22 17:34:32 +08:00
2020-03-14 11:14:24 +08:00
await AudioService.play();
2020-04-12 01:23:12 +08:00
.where((event) => event != null)
.listen((item) async {
2020-07-26 18:20:42 +08:00
var episode = await dbHelper.getRssItemWithMediaId(item.id);
2020-07-22 17:34:32 +08:00
_backgroundAudioDuration = item.duration?.inMilliseconds ?? 0;
2020-05-09 23:42:13 +08:00
if (episode != null) {
_episode = episode;
2020-07-22 17:34:32 +08:00
_backgroundAudioDuration = item.duration.inMilliseconds ?? 0;
2020-05-09 23:42:13 +08:00
if (position > 0 &&
_backgroundAudioDuration > 0 &&
_episode.enclosureUrl == url) {
2020-07-22 17:34:32 +08:00
AudioService.seekTo(Duration(milliseconds: position));
2020-05-09 23:42:13 +08:00
position = 0;
} else {
2020-07-22 17:34:32 +08:00
// _queue.playlist.removeAt(0);
2020-05-09 23:42:13 +08:00
2020-03-14 11:14:24 +08:00
2020-04-18 12:48:02 +08:00
2020-07-22 17:34:32 +08:00
// queueSubject = BehaviorSubject<List<MediaItem>>();
// queueSubject.addStream(
// AudioService.queueStream.distinct().where((event) => event != null));
AudioService.customEventStream.distinct().listen((event) async {
if (event is String && _episode.title == event) {
_lastPostion = 0;
await positionStorage.saveInt(_lastPostion);
2020-07-26 18:20:42 +08:00
final history = PlayHistory(_episode.title, _episode.enclosureUrl,
backgroundAudioPosition ~/ 1000, seekSliderValue);
2020-07-22 17:34:32 +08:00
2020-04-12 01:23:12 +08:00
2020-07-22 17:34:32 +08:00
.where((event) => event != null)
.listen((event) async {
2020-03-14 11:14:24 +08:00
_current = DateTime.now();
2020-07-25 18:32:05 +08:00
_audioState = event.processingState;
2020-07-22 17:34:32 +08:00
_playing = event?.playing;
_currentSpeed = event.speed;
_currentPosition = event.currentPosition.inMilliseconds ?? 0;
if (_audioState == AudioProcessingState.stopped) {
2020-04-19 03:46:10 +08:00
if (_switchValue > 0) _switchValue = 0;
2020-04-01 00:36:20 +08:00
2020-07-22 17:34:32 +08:00
/// Get error state.
if (_audioState == AudioProcessingState.error) {
2020-04-01 00:36:20 +08:00
_remoteErrorMessage = 'Network Error';
2020-07-22 17:34:32 +08:00
/// Reset error state.
if (_audioState != AudioProcessingState.error && _playing) {
2020-04-01 00:36:20 +08:00
_remoteErrorMessage = null;
2020-03-14 11:14:24 +08:00
2020-04-01 00:36:20 +08:00
2020-04-24 12:19:56 +08:00
//double s = _currentSpeed ?? 1.0;
2020-07-26 18:20:42 +08:00
var getPosition = 0;
2020-04-26 13:41:25 +08:00
Timer.periodic(Duration(milliseconds: 500), (timer) {
2020-07-26 18:20:42 +08:00
var s = _currentSpeed ?? 1.0;
2020-03-14 11:14:24 +08:00
if (_noSlide) {
2020-07-25 13:42:48 +08:00
if (_playing && !buffering) {
2020-04-18 12:48:02 +08:00
getPosition = _currentPosition +
2020-04-24 12:19:56 +08:00
((DateTime.now().difference(_current).inMilliseconds) * s)
2020-07-25 13:42:48 +08:00
_backgroundAudioPosition =
math.min(getPosition, _backgroundAudioDuration);
2020-07-26 18:20:42 +08:00
} else {
2020-04-24 12:19:56 +08:00
_backgroundAudioPosition = _currentPosition ?? 0;
2020-07-26 18:20:42 +08:00
2020-03-14 11:14:24 +08:00
if (_backgroundAudioDuration != null &&
_backgroundAudioDuration != 0 &&
_backgroundAudioPosition != null) {
_seekSliderValue =
_backgroundAudioPosition / _backgroundAudioDuration ?? 0;
2020-07-26 18:20:42 +08:00
} else {
2020-04-01 00:36:20 +08:00
_seekSliderValue = 0;
2020-07-26 18:20:42 +08:00
2020-04-01 00:36:20 +08:00
2020-05-06 20:08:41 +08:00
if (_backgroundAudioPosition > 0 &&
_backgroundAudioPosition < _backgroundAudioDuration) {
2020-03-14 11:14:24 +08:00
_lastPostion = _backgroundAudioPosition;
2020-04-23 02:10:57 +08:00
2020-03-14 11:14:24 +08:00
2020-07-22 17:34:32 +08:00
if (_audioState == AudioProcessingState.stopped) {
2020-03-14 11:14:24 +08:00
2020-03-01 20:17:06 +08:00
playlistLoad() async {
await _queue.getPlaylist();
2020-03-14 11:14:24 +08:00
_backgroundAudioDuration = 0;
_backgroundAudioPosition = 0;
_seekSliderValue = 0;
2020-03-01 20:17:06 +08:00
_episode = _queue.playlist.first;
2020-04-02 17:52:26 +08:00
_queueUpdate = !_queueUpdate;
2020-07-22 17:34:32 +08:00
_audioState = AudioProcessingState.connecting;
2020-02-20 23:44:42 +08:00
2020-04-25 21:50:27 +08:00
_startAudioService(_lastPostion ?? 0, _queue.playlist.first.enclosureUrl);
2020-02-09 20:29:09 +08:00
2020-02-25 17:57:12 +08:00
playNext() async {
2020-06-14 16:03:03 +08:00
await AudioService.skipToNext();
2020-02-25 17:57:12 +08:00
addToPlaylist(EpisodeBrief episode) async {
2020-07-25 18:32:05 +08:00
var episodeNew = await dbHelper.getRssItemWithUrl(episode.enclosureUrl);
if (!_queue.playlist.contains(episodeNew)) {
2020-07-22 17:34:32 +08:00
if (playerRunning) {
2020-07-25 18:32:05 +08:00
await AudioService.addQueueItem(episodeNew.toMediaItem());
2020-04-23 02:10:57 +08:00
2020-07-25 18:32:05 +08:00
await _queue.addToPlayList(episodeNew);
2020-04-23 02:10:57 +08:00
2020-03-14 11:14:24 +08:00
2020-02-25 17:57:12 +08:00
2020-03-14 11:14:24 +08:00
addToPlaylistAt(EpisodeBrief episode, int index) async {
2020-07-25 18:32:05 +08:00
var episodeNew = await dbHelper.getRssItemWithUrl(episode.enclosureUrl);
2020-07-22 17:34:32 +08:00
if (playerRunning) {
2020-07-25 18:32:05 +08:00
await AudioService.addQueueItemAt(episodeNew.toMediaItem(), index);
2020-03-14 11:14:24 +08:00
2020-07-25 18:32:05 +08:00
await _queue.addToPlayListAt(episodeNew, index);
2020-04-01 00:36:20 +08:00
_queueUpdate = !_queueUpdate;
2020-03-14 11:14:24 +08:00
2020-04-23 02:10:57 +08:00
addNewEpisode(List<String> group) async {
2020-07-26 18:20:42 +08:00
var newEpisodes = <EpisodeBrief>[];
if (group.first == 'All') {
2020-04-23 02:10:57 +08:00
newEpisodes = await dbHelper.getRecentNewRssItem();
2020-07-26 18:20:42 +08:00
} else {
2020-04-23 02:10:57 +08:00
newEpisodes = await dbHelper.getGroupNewRssItem(group);
2020-07-26 18:20:42 +08:00
if (newEpisodes.length > 0 && newEpisodes.length < 100) {
for (var episode in newEpisodes) {
await addToPlaylist(episode);
if (group.first == 'All') {
2020-04-23 02:10:57 +08:00
await dbHelper.removeAllNewMark();
2020-07-26 18:20:42 +08:00
} else {
2020-04-23 02:10:57 +08:00
await dbHelper.removeGroupNewMark(group);
2020-07-26 18:20:42 +08:00
2020-04-23 02:10:57 +08:00
2020-03-14 11:14:24 +08:00
updateMediaItem(EpisodeBrief episode) async {
2020-07-26 18:20:42 +08:00
var index = _queue.playlist
2020-03-14 11:14:24 +08:00
.indexWhere((item) => item.enclosureUrl == episode.enclosureUrl);
if (index > 0) {
2020-07-26 18:20:42 +08:00
var episodeNew = await dbHelper.getRssItemWithUrl(episode.enclosureUrl);
2020-03-14 11:14:24 +08:00
await delFromPlaylist(episode);
2020-04-01 00:36:20 +08:00
await addToPlaylistAt(episodeNew, index);
2020-03-14 11:14:24 +08:00
2020-04-01 00:36:20 +08:00
Future<int> delFromPlaylist(EpisodeBrief episode) async {
2020-07-25 18:32:05 +08:00
var episodeNew = await dbHelper.getRssItemWithUrl(episode.enclosureUrl);
2020-07-22 17:34:32 +08:00
if (playerRunning) {
2020-07-25 18:32:05 +08:00
await AudioService.removeQueueItem(episodeNew.toMediaItem());
2020-03-14 11:14:24 +08:00
2020-07-26 18:20:42 +08:00
var index = await _queue.delFromPlaylist(episodeNew);
2020-04-06 20:18:08 +08:00
_queueUpdate = !_queueUpdate;
2020-03-01 20:17:06 +08:00
2020-04-01 00:36:20 +08:00
return index;
2020-03-01 20:17:06 +08:00
2020-03-20 03:58:30 +08:00
moveToTop(EpisodeBrief episode) async {
await delFromPlaylist(episode);
2020-07-22 17:34:32 +08:00
if (playerRunning) {
2020-03-20 03:58:30 +08:00
await addToPlaylistAt(episode, 1);
} else {
await addToPlaylistAt(episode, 0);
_lastPostion = 0;
2020-04-23 02:10:57 +08:00
2020-03-20 03:58:30 +08:00
2020-04-01 00:36:20 +08:00
2020-03-20 03:58:30 +08:00
2020-02-25 17:57:12 +08:00
pauseAduio() async {
2020-03-14 11:14:24 +08:00
2020-02-25 17:57:12 +08:00
2020-03-14 11:14:24 +08:00
resumeAudio() async {
2020-07-22 17:34:32 +08:00
if (_audioState != AudioProcessingState.connecting &&
_audioState != AudioProcessingState.none) AudioService.play();
2020-02-25 17:57:12 +08:00
2020-03-14 11:14:24 +08:00
forwardAudio(int s) {
2020-07-26 18:20:42 +08:00
var pos = _backgroundAudioPosition + s * 1000;
2020-07-22 17:34:32 +08:00
AudioService.seekTo(Duration(milliseconds: pos));
2020-02-25 17:57:12 +08:00
2020-04-02 17:52:26 +08:00
2020-07-25 01:17:47 +08:00
fastForward() async {
await AudioService.fastForward();
rewind() async {
await AudioService.rewind();
2020-04-02 17:52:26 +08:00
seekTo(int position) async {
2020-07-22 17:34:32 +08:00
if (_audioState != AudioProcessingState.connecting &&
2020-07-26 18:20:42 +08:00
_audioState != AudioProcessingState.none) {
2020-07-22 17:34:32 +08:00
await AudioService.seekTo(Duration(milliseconds: position));
2020-07-26 18:20:42 +08:00
2020-04-01 00:36:20 +08:00
2020-02-25 17:57:12 +08:00
2020-03-14 11:14:24 +08:00
sliderSeek(double val) async {
2020-07-22 17:34:32 +08:00
if (_audioState != AudioProcessingState.connecting &&
_audioState != AudioProcessingState.none) {
2020-04-01 00:36:20 +08:00
_noSlide = false;
_seekSliderValue = val;
_currentPosition = (val * _backgroundAudioDuration).toInt();
2020-07-22 17:34:32 +08:00
await AudioService.seekTo(Duration(milliseconds: _currentPosition));
2020-04-01 00:36:20 +08:00
_noSlide = true;
2020-02-09 20:29:09 +08:00
2020-03-14 11:14:24 +08:00
2020-04-18 12:48:02 +08:00
setSpeed(double speed) async {
await AudioService.customAction('setSpeed', speed);
_currentSpeed = speed;
2020-04-02 17:52:26 +08:00
//Set sleep timer
2020-03-04 00:04:23 +08:00
sleepTimer(int mins) {
2020-04-12 01:23:12 +08:00
if (_sleepTimerMode == SleepTimerMode.timer) {
_startSleepTimer = true;
_switchValue = 1;
_timeLeft = mins * 60;
Timer.periodic(Duration(seconds: 1), (timer) {
if (_timeLeft == 0) {
} else {
_timeLeft = _timeLeft - 1;
_stopTimer = Timer(Duration(minutes: mins), () {
_stopOnComplete = false;
_startSleepTimer = false;
_switchValue = 0;
2020-07-22 17:34:32 +08:00
2020-07-25 20:28:24 +08:00
// AudioService.disconnect();
2020-04-12 01:23:12 +08:00
} else if (_sleepTimerMode == SleepTimerMode.endOfEpisode) {
_stopOnComplete = true;
_switchValue = 1;
2020-04-06 20:18:08 +08:00
2020-04-12 01:23:12 +08:00
if (_queue.playlist.length > 1 && _autoPlay) {
2020-03-04 00:04:23 +08:00
2020-03-14 11:14:24 +08:00
2020-03-04 00:04:23 +08:00
//Cancel sleep timer
2020-03-14 11:14:24 +08:00
cancelTimer() {
2020-04-12 01:23:12 +08:00
if (_sleepTimerMode == SleepTimerMode.timer) {
_timeLeft = 0;
_startSleepTimer = false;
_switchValue = 0;
} else if (_sleepTimerMode == SleepTimerMode.endOfEpisode) {
_switchValue = 0;
_stopOnComplete = false;
2020-03-04 00:04:23 +08:00
2020-03-14 11:14:24 +08:00
void dispose() async {
2020-07-22 17:34:32 +08:00
// await AudioService.stop();
2020-03-14 11:14:24 +08:00
await AudioService.disconnect();
2020-04-12 01:23:12 +08:00
//_playerRunning = false;
2020-03-01 20:17:06 +08:00
2020-02-25 17:57:12 +08:00
2020-03-14 11:14:24 +08:00
2020-02-25 17:57:12 +08:00
2020-03-14 11:14:24 +08:00
class AudioPlayerTask extends BackgroundAudioTask {
2020-04-28 01:26:33 +08:00
KeyValueStorage cacheStorage = KeyValueStorage(cacheMaxKey);
2020-07-26 18:20:42 +08:00
final List<MediaItem> _queue = [];
final AudioPlayer _audioPlayer = AudioPlayer();
2020-07-22 17:34:32 +08:00
AudioProcessingState _skipState;
2020-03-14 11:14:24 +08:00
bool _playing;
2020-07-22 17:34:32 +08:00
bool _interrupted = false;
2020-04-12 01:23:12 +08:00
bool _stopAtEnd;
2020-07-18 17:52:31 +08:00
int _cacheMax;
2020-03-14 11:14:24 +08:00
bool get hasNext => _queue.length > 0;
2020-04-24 01:46:36 +08:00
MediaItem get mediaItem => _queue.length > 0 ? _queue.first : null;
2020-03-14 11:14:24 +08:00
2020-07-22 17:34:32 +08:00
StreamSubscription<AudioPlaybackState> _playerStateSubscription;
StreamSubscription<AudioPlaybackEvent> _eventSubscription;
2020-03-14 11:14:24 +08:00
2020-07-22 17:34:32 +08:00
Future<void> onStart(Map<String, dynamic> params) async {
2020-04-12 01:23:12 +08:00
_stopAtEnd = false;
2020-07-22 17:34:32 +08:00
_playerStateSubscription = _audioPlayer.playbackStateStream
2020-03-14 11:14:24 +08:00
.where((state) => state == AudioPlaybackState.completed)
.listen((state) {
2020-02-25 17:57:12 +08:00
2020-07-22 17:34:32 +08:00
_eventSubscription = _audioPlayer.playbackEventStream.listen((event) {
2020-04-01 00:36:20 +08:00
if (event.playbackError != null) {
2020-07-22 17:34:32 +08:00
_playing = false;
_setState(processingState: _skipState ?? AudioProcessingState.error);
2020-03-14 11:14:24 +08:00
2020-07-22 17:34:32 +08:00
final bufferingState =
event.buffering ? AudioProcessingState.buffering : null;
switch (event.state) {
case AudioPlaybackState.paused:
processingState: bufferingState ?? AudioProcessingState.ready,
position: event.position,
case AudioPlaybackState.playing:
processingState: bufferingState ?? AudioProcessingState.ready,
position: event.position,
case AudioPlaybackState.connecting:
processingState: _skipState ?? AudioProcessingState.connecting,
position: event.position,
2020-03-14 11:14:24 +08:00
2020-02-25 17:57:12 +08:00
2020-04-12 01:23:12 +08:00
void _handlePlaybackCompleted() async {
2020-03-14 11:14:24 +08:00
if (hasNext) {
} else {
2020-03-20 03:58:30 +08:00
2020-04-12 01:23:12 +08:00
await AudioServiceBackground.setQueue(_queue);
2020-03-14 11:14:24 +08:00
2020-02-25 17:57:12 +08:00
2020-03-14 11:14:24 +08:00
void playPause() {
2020-07-26 18:20:42 +08:00
if (AudioServiceBackground.state.playing) {
2020-03-14 11:14:24 +08:00
2020-07-26 18:20:42 +08:00
} else {
2020-03-14 11:14:24 +08:00
2020-07-26 18:20:42 +08:00
2020-02-25 17:57:12 +08:00
2020-03-14 11:14:24 +08:00
Future<void> onSkipToNext() async {
2020-07-22 17:34:32 +08:00
_skipState = AudioProcessingState.skippingToNext;
_playing = false;
2020-04-12 01:23:12 +08:00
await _audioPlayer.stop();
2020-07-22 17:34:32 +08:00
if (_queue.length > 0) {
2020-04-12 01:23:12 +08:00
await AudioServiceBackground.setQueue(_queue);
if (_queue.length == 0 || _stopAtEnd) {
_skipState = null;
2020-03-20 03:58:30 +08:00
2020-03-14 11:14:24 +08:00
} else {
2020-04-24 01:46:36 +08:00
await AudioServiceBackground.setQueue(_queue);
await AudioServiceBackground.setMediaItem(mediaItem);
2020-07-22 17:34:32 +08:00
await _audioPlayer.setUrl(mediaItem.id, cacheMax: _cacheMax);
2020-04-24 01:46:36 +08:00
2020-07-26 18:20:42 +08:00
var duration = await _audioPlayer.durationFuture;
if (duration != null) {
2020-04-24 12:19:56 +08:00
await AudioServiceBackground.setMediaItem(
2020-07-22 17:34:32 +08:00
mediaItem.copyWith(duration: duration));
2020-07-26 18:20:42 +08:00
2020-03-20 03:58:30 +08:00
_skipState = null;
// Resume playback if we were playing
2020-04-12 01:23:12 +08:00
// if (_playing) {
2020-04-24 12:19:56 +08:00
2020-04-12 01:23:12 +08:00
// } else {
// _setState(state: BasicPlaybackState.paused);
// }
2020-03-04 00:04:23 +08:00
2020-03-14 11:14:24 +08:00
void onPlay() async {
if (_skipState == null) {
if (_playing == null) {
_playing = true;
2020-07-18 17:52:31 +08:00
_cacheMax = await cacheStorage.getInt(
defaultValue: (200 * 1024 * 1024).toInt());
if (_cacheMax == 0) {
await cacheStorage.saveInt((200 * 1024 * 1024).toInt());
_cacheMax = 200 * 1024 * 1024;
2020-07-22 17:34:32 +08:00
await _audioPlayer.setUrl(mediaItem.id, cacheMax: _cacheMax);
2020-04-24 01:46:36 +08:00
var duration = await _audioPlayer.durationFuture;
2020-07-26 18:20:42 +08:00
if (duration != null) {
2020-04-24 01:46:36 +08:00
await AudioServiceBackground.setMediaItem(
2020-07-22 17:34:32 +08:00
mediaItem.copyWith(duration: duration));
2020-07-26 18:20:42 +08:00
2020-04-24 12:19:56 +08:00
2020-07-22 17:34:32 +08:00
} else {
2020-04-24 01:46:36 +08:00
_playing = true;
2020-04-25 21:50:27 +08:00
if (_audioPlayer.playbackEvent.state != AudioPlaybackState.connecting ||
2020-07-26 18:20:42 +08:00
_audioPlayer.playbackEvent.state != AudioPlaybackState.none) {
2020-04-24 12:19:56 +08:00
2020-07-26 18:20:42 +08:00
2020-04-23 02:10:57 +08:00
2020-04-24 12:19:56 +08:00
playFromStart() async {
_playing = true;
2020-04-25 21:50:27 +08:00
if (_audioPlayer.playbackEvent.state != AudioPlaybackState.connecting ||
2020-07-26 18:20:42 +08:00
_audioPlayer.playbackEvent.state != AudioPlaybackState.none) {
2020-04-25 21:50:27 +08:00
try {
} catch (e) {
2020-07-22 17:34:32 +08:00
_setState(processingState: AudioProcessingState.error);
2020-04-25 21:50:27 +08:00
2020-07-26 18:20:42 +08:00
2020-04-24 12:19:56 +08:00
if (mediaItem.extras['skip'] > 0) {
_audioPlayer.seek(Duration(seconds: mediaItem.extras['skip']));
2020-03-14 11:14:24 +08:00
void onPause() {
if (_skipState == null) {
2020-06-10 15:42:40 +08:00
if (_playing == null) {
2020-07-22 17:34:32 +08:00
} else if (_playing) {
2020-06-10 15:42:40 +08:00
_playing = false;
2020-03-14 11:14:24 +08:00
2020-07-22 17:34:32 +08:00
void onSeekTo(Duration position) {
2020-04-25 21:50:27 +08:00
if (_audioPlayer.playbackEvent.state != AudioPlaybackState.connecting ||
2020-07-26 18:20:42 +08:00
_audioPlayer.playbackEvent.state != AudioPlaybackState.none) {
2020-07-22 17:34:32 +08:00
2020-07-26 18:20:42 +08:00
2020-03-14 11:14:24 +08:00
void onClick(MediaButton button) {
2020-07-26 18:20:42 +08:00
if (button == MediaButton.media) {
2020-06-14 16:03:03 +08:00
2020-07-26 18:20:42 +08:00
} else if (button == MediaButton.next) {
2020-07-22 17:34:32 +08:00
2020-07-26 18:20:42 +08:00
} else if (button == MediaButton.previous) _seekRelative(-rewindInterval);
2020-07-22 17:34:32 +08:00
Future<void> _seekRelative(Duration offset) async {
var newPosition = _audioPlayer.playbackEvent.position + offset;
2020-07-25 13:42:48 +08:00
// if (newPosition < Duration.zero) newPosition = Duration.zero;
// if (newPosition > mediaItem.duration) newPosition = mediaItem.duration;
2020-03-14 11:14:24 +08:00
2020-07-22 17:34:32 +08:00
Future<void> onStop() async {
2020-03-14 11:14:24 +08:00
await _audioPlayer.stop();
2020-05-06 20:08:41 +08:00
await _audioPlayer.dispose();
2020-07-22 17:34:32 +08:00
_playing = false;
await _setState(processingState: AudioProcessingState.none);
await super.onStop();
2020-03-14 11:14:24 +08:00
void onAddQueueItem(MediaItem mediaItem) async {
2020-04-12 01:23:12 +08:00
await AudioServiceBackground.setQueue(_queue);
2020-03-14 11:14:24 +08:00
void onRemoveQueueItem(MediaItem mediaItem) async {
_queue.removeWhere((item) => item.id == mediaItem.id);
await AudioServiceBackground.setQueue(_queue);
void onAddQueueItemAt(MediaItem mediaItem, int index) async {
if (index == 0) {
await _audioPlayer.stop();
_queue.removeWhere((item) => item.id == mediaItem.id);
_queue.insert(0, mediaItem);
2020-04-12 01:23:12 +08:00
await AudioServiceBackground.setQueue(_queue);
await AudioServiceBackground.setMediaItem(mediaItem);
2020-07-22 17:34:32 +08:00
await _audioPlayer.setUrl(mediaItem.id, cacheMax: _cacheMax);
2020-07-26 18:20:42 +08:00
var duration = await _audioPlayer.durationFuture ?? Duration.zero;
2020-03-14 11:14:24 +08:00
2020-07-22 17:34:32 +08:00
mediaItem.copyWith(duration: duration));
2020-04-24 12:19:56 +08:00
2020-03-04 00:04:23 +08:00
} else {
2020-03-14 11:14:24 +08:00
_queue.insert(index, mediaItem);
2020-04-12 01:23:12 +08:00
await AudioServiceBackground.setQueue(_queue);
2020-03-04 00:04:23 +08:00
2020-03-14 11:14:24 +08:00
2020-07-25 13:42:48 +08:00
void onFastForward() async {
await _seekRelative(fastForwardInterval);
2020-03-14 11:14:24 +08:00
2020-06-10 15:42:40 +08:00
2020-07-25 13:42:48 +08:00
void onRewind() async {
await _seekRelative(-rewindInterval);
2020-06-10 15:42:40 +08:00
2020-03-14 11:14:24 +08:00
2020-07-22 17:34:32 +08:00
void onAudioFocusLost(AudioInterruption interruption) {
if (_playing) _interrupted = true;
switch (interruption) {
case AudioInterruption.pause:
case AudioInterruption.temporaryPause:
case AudioInterruption.unknownPause:
case AudioInterruption.temporaryDuck:
2020-02-25 17:57:12 +08:00
2020-03-14 11:14:24 +08:00
void onAudioBecomingNoisy() {
if (_skipState == null) {
2020-06-10 15:42:40 +08:00
if (_playing == null) {
} else if (_audioPlayer.playbackEvent.state ==
AudioPlaybackState.playing) {
_playing = false;
2020-03-14 11:14:24 +08:00
2020-02-25 17:57:12 +08:00
2020-03-14 11:14:24 +08:00
2020-07-22 17:34:32 +08:00
void onAudioFocusGained(AudioInterruption interruption) {
switch (interruption) {
case AudioInterruption.temporaryPause:
if (!_playing && _interrupted) onPlay();
case AudioInterruption.temporaryDuck:
2020-03-14 11:14:24 +08:00
2020-07-22 17:34:32 +08:00
_interrupted = false;
2020-02-25 17:57:12 +08:00
2020-03-14 11:14:24 +08:00
2020-05-08 19:35:08 +08:00
Future onCustomAction(funtion, argument) async {
2020-03-14 11:14:24 +08:00
switch (funtion) {
2020-04-12 01:23:12 +08:00
case 'stopAtEnd':
_stopAtEnd = true;
2020-03-14 11:14:24 +08:00
2020-04-12 01:23:12 +08:00
case 'cancelStopAtEnd':
_stopAtEnd = false;
2020-03-14 11:14:24 +08:00
2020-04-18 12:48:02 +08:00
case 'setSpeed':
await _audioPlayer.setSpeed(argument);
2020-04-25 21:50:27 +08:00
2020-03-14 11:14:24 +08:00
2020-07-22 17:34:32 +08:00
Future<void> _setState({
AudioProcessingState processingState,
Duration position,
Duration bufferedPosition,
}) async {
2020-03-14 11:14:24 +08:00
if (position == null) {
2020-07-22 17:34:32 +08:00
position = _audioPlayer.playbackEvent.position;
2020-04-24 12:19:56 +08:00
2020-07-22 17:34:32 +08:00
await AudioServiceBackground.setState(
controls: getControls(),
2020-03-14 11:14:24 +08:00
systemActions: [MediaAction.seekTo],
2020-07-22 17:34:32 +08:00
processingState ?? AudioServiceBackground.state.processingState,
playing: _playing,
2020-03-14 11:14:24 +08:00
position: position,
2020-07-22 17:34:32 +08:00
bufferedPosition: bufferedPosition ?? position,
speed: _audioPlayer.speed,
2020-03-14 11:14:24 +08:00
2020-02-25 17:57:12 +08:00
2020-07-22 17:34:32 +08:00
List<MediaControl> getControls() {
2020-03-14 11:14:24 +08:00
if (_playing) {
2020-07-25 01:17:47 +08:00
return [pauseControl, forward, skipToNextControl, stopControl];
2020-03-14 11:14:24 +08:00
} else {
2020-07-25 01:17:47 +08:00
return [playControl, forward, skipToNextControl, stopControl];
2020-03-14 11:14:24 +08:00
2020-02-25 17:57:12 +08:00