2021-06-22 14:04:42 +02:00

150 lines
4.3 KiB

* Strawberry Music Player
* This file was part of Clementine.
* Copyright 2010, David Sansome <me@davidsansome.com>
* Strawberry is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Strawberry is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with Strawberry. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "config.h"
#include <QString>
#include <QStringList>
#include <QDataStream>
#include "search.h"
#include "core/logging.h"
#include "core/song.h"
#include "smartplaylistsearch.h"
SmartPlaylistSearch::SmartPlaylistSearch() : search_type_(Type_And), sort_type_(Sort_Random), sort_field_(SmartPlaylistSearchTerm::Field_Title), limit_(-1), first_item_(0) { Reset(); }
SmartPlaylistSearch::SmartPlaylistSearch(const SearchType type, const TermList &terms, const SortType sort_type, const SmartPlaylistSearchTerm::Field sort_field, const int limit)
: search_type_(type),
first_item_(0) {}
void SmartPlaylistSearch::Reset() {
search_type_ = Type_And;
sort_type_ = Sort_Random;
sort_field_ = SmartPlaylistSearchTerm::Field_Title;
limit_ = -1;
first_item_ = 0;
QString SmartPlaylistSearch::ToSql(const QString &songs_table) const {
QString sql = "SELECT ROWID," + Song::kColumnSpec + " FROM " + songs_table;
// Add search terms
QStringList where_clauses;
QStringList term_where_clauses;
for (const SmartPlaylistSearchTerm &term : terms_) {
term_where_clauses << term.ToSql();
if (!terms_.isEmpty() && search_type_ != Type_All) {
QString boolean_op = search_type_ == Type_And ? " AND " : " OR ";
where_clauses << "(" + term_where_clauses.join(boolean_op) + ")";
// Restrict the IDs of songs if we're making a dynamic playlist
if (!id_not_in_.isEmpty()) {
QString numbers;
for (int id : id_not_in_) {
numbers += (numbers.isEmpty() ? "" : ",") + QString::number(id);
where_clauses << "(ROWID NOT IN (" + numbers + "))";
// We never want to include songs that have been deleted,
// but are still kept in the database in case the directory containing them has just been unmounted.
where_clauses << "unavailable = 0";
if (!where_clauses.isEmpty()) {
sql += " WHERE " + where_clauses.join(" AND ");
// Add sort by
if (sort_type_ == Sort_Random) {
sql += " ORDER BY random()";
else {
sql += " ORDER BY " + SmartPlaylistSearchTerm::FieldColumnName(sort_field_) + (sort_type_ == Sort_FieldAsc ? " ASC" : " DESC");
// Add limit
if (first_item_ > 0) {
sql += QString(" LIMIT %1 OFFSET %2").arg(limit_).arg(first_item_);
else if (limit_ != -1) {
sql += " LIMIT " + QString::number(limit_);
//qLog(Debug) << sql;
return sql;
bool SmartPlaylistSearch::is_valid() const {
if (search_type_ == Type_All) return true;
return !terms_.isEmpty();
bool SmartPlaylistSearch::operator==(const SmartPlaylistSearch &other) const {
return search_type_ == other.search_type_ &&
terms_ == other.terms_ &&
sort_type_ == other.sort_type_ &&
sort_field_ == other.sort_field_ &&
limit_ == other.limit_;
QDataStream &operator<<(QDataStream &s, const SmartPlaylistSearch &search) {
s << search.terms_;
s << quint8(search.sort_type_);
s << quint8(search.sort_field_);
s << qint32(search.limit_);
s << quint8(search.search_type_);
return s;
QDataStream &operator>>(QDataStream &s, SmartPlaylistSearch &search) {
quint8 sort_type = 0, sort_field = 0, search_type = 0;
qint32 limit = 0;
s >> search.terms_ >> sort_type >> sort_field >> limit >> search_type;
search.sort_type_ = SmartPlaylistSearch::SortType(sort_type);
search.sort_field_ = SmartPlaylistSearchTerm::Field(sort_field);
search.limit_ = limit;
search.search_type_ = SmartPlaylistSearch::SearchType(search_type);
return s;