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copyright : (C) 2004 by Allan Sandfeld Jensen
email :
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version *
* 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation. *
* *
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but *
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
* Lesser General Public License for more details. *
* *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public *
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software *
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA *
* 02110-1301 USA *
* *
* Alternatively, this file is available under the Mozilla Public *
* License Version 1.1. You may obtain a copy of the License at *
* *
#include "tag.h"
#include "tbytevector.h"
#include "tmap.h"
#include "tstring.h"
#include "taglib_export.h"
#include "apeitem.h"
namespace Strawberry_TagLib {
namespace TagLib {
class File;
//! An implementation of the APE tagging format
namespace APE {
class Footer;
* A mapping between a list of item names, or keys, and the associated item.
* \see APE::Tag::itemListMap()
typedef Map<String, Item> ItemListMap;
//! An APE tag implementation
class TAGLIB_EXPORT Tag : public Strawberry_TagLib::TagLib::Tag {
* Create an APE tag with default values.
explicit Tag();
* Create an APE tag and parse the data in \a file with APE footer at
* \a tagOffset.
explicit Tag(Strawberry_TagLib::TagLib::File *file, long long footerLocation);
* Destroys this Tag instance.
~Tag() override;
* Renders the in memory values to a ByteVector suitable for writing to the file.
ByteVector render() const;
* Returns the string "APETAGEX" suitable for usage in locating the tag in a file.
static ByteVector fileIdentifier();
// Reimplementations.
String title() const override;
String artist() const override;
String album() const override;
String comment() const override;
String genre() const override;
unsigned int year() const override;
unsigned int track() const override;
* @brief pictures
* According to :
* @return
PictureMap pictures() const override;
void setTitle(const String &s) override;
void setArtist(const String &s) override;
void setAlbum(const String &s) override;
void setComment(const String &s) override;
void setGenre(const String &s) override;
void setYear(unsigned int i) override;
void setTrack(unsigned int i) override;
void setPictures(const PictureMap &l) override;
* Implements the unified tag dictionary interface -- export function.
* APE tags are perfectly compatible with the dictionary interface because they
* support both arbitrary tag names and multiple values.
* Currently only APE items of type *Text* are handled by the dictionary interface; all *Binary*
* and *Locator* items will be put into the unsupportedData list and can be
* deleted on request using removeUnsupportedProperties().
* The same happens to Text items if their key is invalid for PropertyMap (which should actually never happen).
* The only conversion done by this export function is to rename the APE tags
* respectively, in order to be compliant with the names used in other formats.
PropertyMap properties() const override;
void removeUnsupportedProperties(const StringList &properties) override;
* Implements the unified tag dictionary interface -- import function.
* The same comments as for the export function apply; additionally note that the APE tag
* specification requires keys to have between 2 and 16 printable ASCII characters
* with the exception of the fixed strings "ID3", "TAG", "OGGS", and "MP+".
PropertyMap setProperties(const PropertyMap &) override;
* Check if the given String is a valid APE tag key.
static bool checkKey(const String &);
* Returns a pointer to the tag's footer.
Footer *footer() const;
* Returns a reference to the item list map.
* This is an ItemListMap of all of the items in the tag.
* This is the most powerful structure for accessing the items of the tag.
* APE tags are case-insensitive, all keys in this map have been converted
* to upper case.
* \warning You should not modify this data structure directly, instead
* use setItem() and removeItem().
const ItemListMap &itemListMap() const;
* Removes the \a key item from the tag
void removeItem(const String &key);
* Adds to the text item specified by \a key the data \a value.
* If \a replace is true, then all of the other values on the same key will be removed first.
* If a binary item exists for \a key it will be removed first.
void addValue(const String &key, const String &value, bool replace = true);
* Set the binary data for the key specified by \a item to \a value
* This will convert the item to type \a Binary if it isn't already and all of the other values on the same key will be removed.
void setData(const String &key, const ByteVector &value);
* Sets the \a key item to the value of \a item. If an item with the \a key is already present, it will be replaced.
void setItem(const String &key, const Item &item);
* Returns true if the tag does not contain any data.
bool isEmpty() const override;
* Reads from the file specified in the constructor.
void read();
* Parses the body of the tag in \a data.
void parse(const ByteVector &data);
Tag(const Tag &);
Tag &operator=(const Tag &);
class TagPrivate;
TagPrivate *d;
} // namespace APE
} // namespace TagLib
} // namespace Strawberry_TagLib