Strawberry Music Player ======================= README Strawberry is a audio player and music collection organiser. It was forked from Clementine in 2013 with a diffrent goal. It's written in C++ and Qt 5 and runs on Linux. The name is inspired by the band Strawbs. Features: * Play and organize music * Edit tags on music files * Album cover art from Lastfm, Musicbrainz, Discogs and Amazon * Native desktop notifications * Playlists in multiple formats * Transfer music to iPod, iPhone, MTP or mass-storage USB player * Support for multiple backends You can obtain and view the sourcecode on github at: It has so far been tested on Linux and cross compiled for Windows. I have not had a chance to test it on Mac OS X since I don't have a mac. Requirements ------------ To build Strawberry from source you need the following installed on your system: * glib2, glib2-devel, git, cmake, make, gcc and gcc-c++ * protobuf and development packages * boost development headers * The following Qt5 components are required with additional development packages: - Qt5Core, Qt5Widgets, Qt5Network, Qt5Sql, Qt5Xml, Qt5OpenGL, Qt5Concurrent, Qt5Test, 5X11Extras, Qt5WebKit, Qt5WebKitWidget and Qt5DBus. * ALSA and libasound2 with development files * SQLite3 with development files * libchromaprint with development files * libglu with development files Either GStreamer, Xine or VLC engine is required, but only GStreamer is fully implemented so far. You should also install the gstreamer plugins: gstreamer-plugins-base, gstreamer-plugins-good and gstreamer-plugins-bad * The Qt5 specific LastFM library and development files are required for fetching album covers from LastFM. * To enable CD support for playing audio cd's you need libcdio. * If you want MTP support you need libmtp. * If you need iPod Classic support you need libgpod. Compiling from source --------------------- Get the code: git clone Compile and install: mkdir strawberry-build cd strawberry-build cmake ../strawberry make -j8 sudo make install (dont change to the source directory, if you created the build directory inside the source directory type: cmake .. instead).