
935 lines
27 KiB

* Strawberry Music Player
* This file was part of Clementine.
* Copyright 2010, David Sansome <>
* Copyright 2018-2021, Jonas Kvinge <>
* Strawberry is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Strawberry is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with Strawberry. If not, see <>.
#include "config.h"
#include <functional>
#include <memory>
#include <QtGlobal>
#include <QApplication>
#include <QObject>
#include <QMetaObject>
#include <QThread>
#include <QtConcurrent>
#include <QAbstractItemModel>
#include <QDir>
#include <QList>
#include <QVariant>
#include <QString>
#include <QStringList>
#include <QUrl>
#include <QPixmap>
#include <QPainter>
#include <QMessageBox>
#include <QPushButton>
#include "devicemanager.h"
#include "core/logging.h"
#include "core/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "core/shared_ptr.h"
#include "core/application.h"
#include "core/database.h"
#include "core/iconloader.h"
#include "core/musicstorage.h"
#include "core/taskmanager.h"
#include "core/simpletreemodel.h"
#include "utilities/strutils.h"
#include "filesystemdevice.h"
#include "connecteddevice.h"
#include "devicelister.h"
#include "devicedatabasebackend.h"
#include "devicestatefiltermodel.h"
#include "deviceinfo.h"
#if defined(HAVE_AUDIOCD) && defined(HAVE_GSTREAMER)
# include "cddalister.h"
# include "cddadevice.h"
#ifdef HAVE_DBUS
# ifdef HAVE_UDISKS2
# include "udisks2lister.h"
# endif
# include "mtpdevice.h"
#if defined(Q_OS_MACOS) and defined(HAVE_LIBMTP)
# include "macosdevicelister.h"
# include "gpoddevice.h"
#ifdef HAVE_GIO
# include "giolister.h" // Needs to be last because of #undef signals.
using std::make_unique;
const int DeviceManager::kDeviceIconSize = 32;
const int DeviceManager::kDeviceIconOverlaySize = 16;
DeviceManager::DeviceManager(Application *app, QObject *parent)
: SimpleTreeModel<DeviceInfo>(new DeviceInfo(this), parent),
not_connected_overlay_(IconLoader::Load("edit-delete")) {
QObject::connect(&*app_->task_manager(), &TaskManager::TasksChanged, this, &DeviceManager::TasksChanged);
// Create the backend in the database thread
backend_ = make_unique<DeviceDatabaseBackend>();
QObject::connect(this, &DeviceManager::DeviceCreatedFromDB, this, &DeviceManager::AddDeviceFromDB);
// This reads from the database and contents on the database mutex, which can be very slow on startup.
(void)QtConcurrent::run(&thread_pool_, &DeviceManager::LoadAllDevices, this);
(void)QtConcurrent::run(&thread_pool_, this, &DeviceManager::LoadAllDevices);
// This proxy model only shows connected devices
connected_devices_model_ = new DeviceStateFilterModel(this);
// CD devices are detected via the DiskArbitration framework instead on MacOs.
#if defined(HAVE_AUDIOCD) && defined(HAVE_GSTREAMER) && !defined(Q_OS_MACOS)
AddLister(new CddaLister);
#if defined(HAVE_DBUS) && defined(HAVE_UDISKS2)
AddLister(new Udisks2Lister);
#ifdef HAVE_GIO
AddLister(new GioLister);
#if defined(Q_OS_MACOS) and defined(HAVE_LIBMTP)
AddLister(new MacOsDeviceLister);
#if defined(HAVE_AUDIOCD) && defined(HAVE_GSTREAMER)
DeviceManager::~DeviceManager() {
for (DeviceLister *lister : listers_) {
delete lister;
delete root_;
root_ = nullptr;
void DeviceManager::Exit() {
void DeviceManager::CloseDevices() {
for (DeviceInfo *info : devices_) {
if (!info->device_) continue;
if (wait_for_exit_.contains(&*info->device_)) continue;
wait_for_exit_ << &*info->device_;
QObject::connect(&*info->device_, &ConnectedDevice::destroyed, this, &DeviceManager::DeviceDestroyed);
if (wait_for_exit_.isEmpty()) CloseListers();
void DeviceManager::CloseListers() {
for (DeviceLister *lister : listers_) {
if (wait_for_exit_.contains(lister)) continue;
wait_for_exit_ << lister;
QObject::connect(lister, &DeviceLister::ExitFinished, this, &DeviceManager::ListerClosed);
if (wait_for_exit_.isEmpty()) CloseBackend();
void DeviceManager::CloseBackend() {
if (!backend_ || wait_for_exit_.contains(&*backend_)) return;
wait_for_exit_ << &*backend_;
QObject::connect(&*backend_, &DeviceDatabaseBackend::ExitFinished, this, &DeviceManager::BackendClosed);
void DeviceManager::BackendClosed() {
QObject *obj = sender();
QObject::disconnect(obj, nullptr, this, nullptr);
qLog(Debug) << obj << "successfully closed.";
if (wait_for_exit_.isEmpty()) emit ExitFinished();
void DeviceManager::ListerClosed() {
DeviceLister *lister = qobject_cast<DeviceLister*>(sender());
if (!lister) return;
QObject::disconnect(lister, nullptr, this, nullptr);
qLog(Debug) << lister << "successfully closed.";
if (wait_for_exit_.isEmpty()) CloseBackend();
void DeviceManager::DeviceDestroyed() {
ConnectedDevice *device = static_cast<ConnectedDevice*>(sender());
if (!wait_for_exit_.contains(device) || !backend_) return;
if (wait_for_exit_.isEmpty()) CloseListers();
void DeviceManager::LoadAllDevices() {
Q_ASSERT(QThread::currentThread() != qApp->thread());
DeviceDatabaseBackend::DeviceList devices = backend_->GetAllDevices();
for (const DeviceDatabaseBackend::Device &device : devices) {
DeviceInfo *info = new DeviceInfo(DeviceInfo::Type_Device, root_);
emit DeviceCreatedFromDB(info);
// This is done in a concurrent thread so close the unique DB connection.
void DeviceManager::AddDeviceFromDB(DeviceInfo *info) {
QStringList icon_names = info->icon_name_.split(',');
QVariantList icons;
for (const QString &icon_name : icon_names) {
icons << icon_name;
info->LoadIcon(icons, info->friendly_name_);
DeviceInfo *existing = FindEquivalentDevice(info);
if (existing) {
qLog(Info) << "Found existing device: " << info->friendly_name_;
existing->icon_name_ = info->icon_name_;
existing->icon_ = info->icon_;
QModelIndex idx = ItemToIndex(existing);
if (idx.isValid()) emit dataChanged(idx, idx);
else {
qLog(Info) << "Device added from database: " << info->friendly_name_;
beginInsertRows(ItemToIndex(root_), static_cast<int>(devices_.count()), static_cast<int>(devices_.count()));
devices_ << info;
QVariant DeviceManager::data(const QModelIndex &idx, int role) const {
if (!idx.isValid() || idx.column() != 0) return QVariant();
DeviceInfo *info = IndexToItem(idx);
if (!info) return QVariant();
switch (role) {
case Qt::DisplayRole: {
QString text;
if (!info->friendly_name_.isEmpty()) {
text = info->friendly_name_;
else if (info->BestBackend()) {
text = info->BestBackend()->unique_id_;
if (info->size_ > 0) {
text = text + QString(" (%1)").arg(Utilities::PrettySize(info->size_));
if (info->device_) info->device_->Refresh();
return text;
case Qt::DecorationRole: {
QPixmap pixmap = info->icon_.pixmap(kDeviceIconSize);
if (info->backends_.isEmpty() || !info->BestBackend() || !info->BestBackend()->lister_) {
// Disconnected but remembered
QPainter p(&pixmap);
p.drawPixmap(kDeviceIconSize - kDeviceIconOverlaySize, kDeviceIconSize - kDeviceIconOverlaySize, not_connected_overlay_.pixmap(kDeviceIconOverlaySize));
return pixmap;
case Role_FriendlyName:
return info->friendly_name_;
case Role_UniqueId:
if (!info->BestBackend()) return QString();
return info->BestBackend()->unique_id_;
case Role_IconName:
return info->icon_name_;
case Role_Capacity:
case MusicStorage::Role_Capacity:
return info->size_;
case Role_FreeSpace:
case MusicStorage::Role_FreeSpace:
return ((info->BestBackend() && info->BestBackend()->lister_) ? info->BestBackend()->lister_->DeviceFreeSpace(info->BestBackend()->unique_id_) : QVariant());
case Role_State:
if (info->device_) return State_Connected;
if (info->BestBackend() && info->BestBackend()->lister_) {
if (info->BestBackend()->lister_->DeviceNeedsMount(info->BestBackend()->unique_id_)) return State_NotMounted;
return State_NotConnected;
return State_Remembered;
case Role_UpdatingPercentage:
if (info->task_percentage_ == -1) return QVariant();
return info->task_percentage_;
case MusicStorage::Role_Storage:
if (!info->device_ && info->database_id_ != -1) {
if (!info->device_) return QVariant();
return QVariant::fromValue<SharedPtr<MusicStorage>>(info->device_);
case MusicStorage::Role_StorageForceConnect:
if (!info->BestBackend()) return QVariant();
if (!info->device_) {
if (info->database_id_ == -1 && !info->BestBackend()->lister_->DeviceNeedsMount(info->BestBackend()->unique_id_)) {
if (info->BestBackend()->lister_->AskForScan(info->BestBackend()->unique_id_)) {
ScopedPtr<QMessageBox> dialog(new QMessageBox(QMessageBox::Information, tr("Connect device"), tr("This is the first time you have connected this device. Strawberry will now scan the device to find music files - this may take some time."), QMessageBox::Cancel));
QPushButton *pushbutton = dialog->addButton(tr("Connect device"), QMessageBox::AcceptRole);
if (dialog->clickedButton() != pushbutton) return QVariant();
if (!info->device_) return QVariant();
return QVariant::fromValue<SharedPtr<MusicStorage>>(info->device_);
case Role_MountPath: {
if (!info->device_) return QVariant();
QString ret = info->device_->url().path();
#ifdef Q_OS_WIN32
if (ret.startsWith('/')) ret.remove(0, 1);
return QDir::toNativeSeparators(ret);
case Role_TranscodeMode:
return static_cast<int>(info->transcode_mode_);
case Role_TranscodeFormat:
return static_cast<int>(info->transcode_format_);
case Role_SongCount:
if (!info->device_) return QVariant();
return info->device_->song_count();
case Role_CopyMusic:
if (info->BestBackend() && info->BestBackend()->lister_) return info->BestBackend()->lister_->CopyMusic();
else return false;
return QVariant();
void DeviceManager::AddLister(DeviceLister *lister) {
listers_ << lister;
QObject::connect(lister, &DeviceLister::DeviceAdded, this, &DeviceManager::PhysicalDeviceAdded);
QObject::connect(lister, &DeviceLister::DeviceRemoved, this, &DeviceManager::PhysicalDeviceRemoved);
QObject::connect(lister, &DeviceLister::DeviceChanged, this, &DeviceManager::PhysicalDeviceChanged);
DeviceInfo *DeviceManager::FindDeviceById(const QString &id) const {
for (int i = 0; i < devices_.count(); ++i) {
for (const DeviceInfo::Backend &backend : devices_[i]->backends_) {
if (backend.unique_id_ == id) return devices_[i];
return nullptr;
DeviceInfo *DeviceManager::FindDeviceByUrl(const QList<QUrl> &urls) const {
if (urls.isEmpty()) return nullptr;
for (int i = 0; i < devices_.count(); ++i) {
for (const DeviceInfo::Backend &backend : devices_[i]->backends_) {
if (!backend.lister_) continue;
QList<QUrl> device_urls = backend.lister_->MakeDeviceUrls(backend.unique_id_);
for (const QUrl &url : device_urls) {
if (urls.contains(url)) return devices_[i];
return nullptr;
DeviceInfo *DeviceManager::FindEquivalentDevice(DeviceInfo *info) const {
for (const DeviceInfo::Backend &backend : info->backends_) {
DeviceInfo *match = FindDeviceById(backend.unique_id_);
if (match) return match;
return nullptr;
void DeviceManager::PhysicalDeviceAdded(const QString &id) {
DeviceLister *lister = qobject_cast<DeviceLister*>(sender());
if (!lister) return;
qLog(Info) << "Device added:" << id << lister->DeviceUniqueIDs();
// Do we have this device already?
DeviceInfo *info = FindDeviceById(id);
if (info) {
for (int backend_index = 0; backend_index < info->backends_.count(); ++backend_index) {
if (info->backends_[backend_index].unique_id_ == id) {
info->backends_[backend_index].lister_ = lister;
QModelIndex idx = ItemToIndex(info);
if (idx.isValid()) emit dataChanged(idx, idx);
else {
// Check if we have another device with the same URL
info = FindDeviceByUrl(lister->MakeDeviceUrls(id));
if (info) {
// Add this device's lister to the existing device
info->backends_ << DeviceInfo::Backend(lister, id);
// If the user hasn't saved the device in the DB yet then overwrite the device's name and icon etc.
if (info->database_id_ == -1 && info->BestBackend() && info->BestBackend()->lister_ == lister) {
info->friendly_name_ = lister->MakeFriendlyName(id);
info->size_ = lister->DeviceCapacity(id);
info->LoadIcon(lister->DeviceIcons(id), info->friendly_name_);
QModelIndex idx = ItemToIndex(info);
if (idx.isValid()) emit dataChanged(idx, idx);
else {
// It's a completely new device
info = new DeviceInfo(DeviceInfo::Type_Device, root_);
info->backends_ << DeviceInfo::Backend(lister, id);
info->friendly_name_ = lister->MakeFriendlyName(id);
info->size_ = lister->DeviceCapacity(id);
info->LoadIcon(lister->DeviceIcons(id), info->friendly_name_);
beginInsertRows(ItemToIndex(root_), static_cast<int>(devices_.count()), static_cast<int>(devices_.count()));
devices_ << info;
void DeviceManager::PhysicalDeviceRemoved(const QString &id) {
DeviceLister *lister = qobject_cast<DeviceLister*>(sender());
qLog(Info) << "Device removed:" << id;
DeviceInfo *info = FindDeviceById(id);
if (!info) return;
QModelIndex idx = ItemToIndex(info);
if (!idx.isValid()) return;
if (info->database_id_ != -1) {
// Keep the structure around, but just "disconnect" it
for (int backend_index = 0; backend_index < info->backends_.count(); ++backend_index) {
if (info->backends_[backend_index].unique_id_ == id) {
info->backends_[backend_index].lister_ = nullptr;
if (info->device_ && info->device_->lister() == lister) {
if (!info->device_) emit DeviceDisconnected(idx);
emit dataChanged(idx, idx);
else {
// If this was the last lister for the device then remove it from the model
for (int backend_index = 0; backend_index < info->backends_.count(); ++backend_index) {
if (info->backends_[backend_index].unique_id_ == id) {
if (info->backends_.isEmpty()) {
beginRemoveRows(ItemToIndex(root_), idx.row(), idx.row());
void DeviceManager::PhysicalDeviceChanged(const QString &id) {
DeviceLister *lister = qobject_cast<DeviceLister*>(sender());
DeviceInfo *info = FindDeviceById(id);
if (!info) return;
SharedPtr<ConnectedDevice> DeviceManager::Connect(const QModelIndex &idx) {
SharedPtr<ConnectedDevice> ret;
DeviceInfo *info = IndexToItem(idx);
if (!info) return ret;
return Connect(info);
SharedPtr<ConnectedDevice> DeviceManager::Connect(DeviceInfo *info) {
SharedPtr<ConnectedDevice> ret;
if (!info) return ret;
if (info->device_) { // Already connected
return info->device_;
if (!info->BestBackend() || !info->BestBackend()->lister_) { // Not physically connected
return ret;
if (info->BestBackend()->lister_->DeviceNeedsMount(info->BestBackend()->unique_id_)) { // Mount the device
return ret;
bool first_time = (info->database_id_ == -1);
if (first_time) {
// We haven't stored this device in the database before
info->database_id_ = backend_->AddDevice(info->SaveToDb());
// Get the device URLs
QList<QUrl> urls = info->BestBackend()->lister_->MakeDeviceUrls(info->BestBackend()->unique_id_);
if (urls.isEmpty()) return ret;
// Take the first URL that we have a handler for
QUrl device_url;
for (const QUrl &url : urls) {
qLog(Info) << "Connecting" << url;
// Find a device class for this URL's scheme
if (device_classes_.contains(url.scheme())) {
device_url = url;
// If we get here it means that this URL scheme wasn't supported.
// If it was "ipod" or "mtp" then the user compiled out support and the device won't work properly.
if (url.scheme() == "mtp" || url.scheme() == "gphoto2") {
if (QMessageBox::critical(nullptr, tr("This device will not work properly"),
tr("This is an MTP device, but you compiled Strawberry without libmtp support.") + " " +
tr("If you continue, this device will work slowly and songs copied to it may not work."),
QMessageBox::Abort, QMessageBox::Ignore) == QMessageBox::Abort)
return ret;
if (url.scheme() == "ipod") {
if (QMessageBox::critical(nullptr, tr("This device will not work properly"),
tr("This is an iPod, but you compiled Strawberry without libgpod support.") + " " +
tr("If you continue, this device will work slowly and songs copied to it may not work."),
QMessageBox::Abort, QMessageBox::Ignore) == QMessageBox::Abort)
return ret;
if (device_url.isEmpty()) {
// Munge the URL list into a string list
QStringList url_strings;
for (const QUrl &url : urls) {
url_strings << url.toString();
app_->AddError(tr("This type of device is not supported: %1").arg(url_strings.join(", ")));
return ret;
QMetaObject meta_object = device_classes_.value(device_url.scheme());
QObject *instance = meta_object.newInstance(
Q_ARG(QUrl, device_url),
Q_ARG(DeviceLister*, info->BestBackend()->lister_),
Q_ARG(QString, info->BestBackend()->unique_id_),
Q_ARG(SharedPtr<DeviceManager>, app_->device_manager()),
Q_ARG(Application*, app_),
Q_ARG(int, info->database_id_),
Q_ARG(bool, first_time));
if (!ret) {
qLog(Warning) << "Could not create device for" << device_url.toString();
return ret;
bool result = ret->Init();
if (!result) {
qLog(Warning) << "Could not connect to device" << device_url.toString();
return ret;
info->device_ = ret;
QModelIndex idx = ItemToIndex(info);
if (!idx.isValid()) return ret;
emit dataChanged(idx, idx);
QObject::connect(&*info->device_, &ConnectedDevice::TaskStarted, this, &DeviceManager::DeviceTaskStarted);
QObject::connect(&*info->device_, &ConnectedDevice::SongCountUpdated, this, &DeviceManager::DeviceSongCountUpdated);
QObject::connect(&*info->device_, &ConnectedDevice::DeviceConnectFinished, this, &DeviceManager::DeviceConnectFinished);
QObject::connect(&*info->device_, &ConnectedDevice::DeviceCloseFinished, this, &DeviceManager::DeviceCloseFinished);
return ret;
void DeviceManager::DeviceConnectFinished(const QString &id, const bool success) {
DeviceInfo *info = FindDeviceById(id);
if (!info) return;
QModelIndex idx = ItemToIndex(info);
if (!idx.isValid()) return;
if (success) {
emit DeviceConnected(idx);
else {
void DeviceManager::DeviceCloseFinished(const QString &id) {
DeviceInfo *info = FindDeviceById(id);
if (!info) return;
QModelIndex idx = ItemToIndex(info);
if (!idx.isValid()) return;
emit DeviceDisconnected(idx);
emit dataChanged(idx, idx);
if (info->unmount_ && info->BestBackend() && info->BestBackend()->lister_) {
if (info->forget_) {
RemoveFromDB(info, idx);
DeviceInfo *DeviceManager::GetDevice(const QModelIndex &idx) const {
DeviceInfo *info = IndexToItem(idx);
return info;
SharedPtr<ConnectedDevice> DeviceManager::GetConnectedDevice(const QModelIndex &idx) const {
SharedPtr<ConnectedDevice> ret;
DeviceInfo *info = IndexToItem(idx);
if (!info) return ret;
return info->device_;
SharedPtr<ConnectedDevice> DeviceManager::GetConnectedDevice(DeviceInfo *info) const {
SharedPtr<ConnectedDevice> ret;
if (!info) return ret;
return info->device_;
int DeviceManager::GetDatabaseId(const QModelIndex &idx) const {
if (!idx.isValid()) return -1;
DeviceInfo *info = IndexToItem(idx);
if (!info) return -1;
return info->database_id_;
DeviceLister *DeviceManager::GetLister(const QModelIndex &idx) const {
if (!idx.isValid()) return nullptr;
DeviceInfo *info = IndexToItem(idx);
if (!info || !info->BestBackend()) return nullptr;
return info->BestBackend()->lister_;
void DeviceManager::Disconnect(DeviceInfo *info, const QModelIndex &idx) {
void DeviceManager::Forget(const QModelIndex &idx) {
if (!idx.isValid()) return;
DeviceInfo *info = IndexToItem(idx);
if (!info) return;
if (info->database_id_ == -1) return;
if (info->device_) {
info->forget_ = true;
Disconnect(info, idx);
else {
RemoveFromDB(info, idx);
void DeviceManager::RemoveFromDB(DeviceInfo *info, const QModelIndex &idx) {
info->database_id_ = -1;
if (!info->BestBackend() || !info->BestBackend()->lister_) { // It's not attached any more so remove it from the list
beginRemoveRows(ItemToIndex(root_), idx.row(), idx.row());
else { // It's still attached, set the name and icon back to what they were originally
const QString id = info->BestBackend()->unique_id_;
info->friendly_name_ = info->BestBackend()->lister_->MakeFriendlyName(id);
info->LoadIcon(info->BestBackend()->lister_->DeviceIcons(id), info->friendly_name_);
emit dataChanged(idx, idx);
void DeviceManager::SetDeviceOptions(const QModelIndex &idx, const QString &friendly_name, const QString &icon_name, const MusicStorage::TranscodeMode mode, const Song::FileType format) {
if (!idx.isValid()) return;
DeviceInfo *info = IndexToItem(idx);
if (!info) return;
info->friendly_name_ = friendly_name;
info->LoadIcon(QVariantList() << icon_name, friendly_name);
info->transcode_mode_ = mode;
info->transcode_format_ = format;
emit dataChanged(idx, idx);
if (info->database_id_ != -1) {
backend_->SetDeviceOptions(info->database_id_, friendly_name, icon_name, mode, format);
void DeviceManager::DeviceTaskStarted(const int id) {
ConnectedDevice *device = qobject_cast<ConnectedDevice*>(sender());
if (!device) return;
for (int i = 0; i < devices_.count(); ++i) {
DeviceInfo *info = devices_[i];
if (info->device_ && &*info->device_ == device) {
QModelIndex index = ItemToIndex(info);
if (!index.isValid()) continue;
active_tasks_[id] = index;
info->task_percentage_ = 0;
emit dataChanged(index, index);
void DeviceManager::TasksChanged() {
QList<TaskManager::Task> tasks = app_->task_manager()->GetTasks();
QList<QPersistentModelIndex> finished_tasks = active_tasks_.values();
for (const TaskManager::Task &task : tasks) {
if (!active_tasks_.contains( continue;
QPersistentModelIndex idx = active_tasks_[];
if (!idx.isValid()) continue;
DeviceInfo *info = IndexToItem(idx);
if (task.progress_max) {
info->task_percentage_ = static_cast<int>(static_cast<float>(task.progress) / static_cast<float>(task.progress_max) * 100);
else {
info->task_percentage_ = 0;
emit dataChanged(idx, idx);
for (const QPersistentModelIndex &idx : finished_tasks) {
if (!idx.isValid()) continue;
DeviceInfo *info = IndexToItem(idx);
if (!info) continue;
info->task_percentage_ = -1;
emit dataChanged(idx, idx);
void DeviceManager::UnmountAsync(const QModelIndex &idx) {
Q_ASSERT(QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this, "Unmount", Q_ARG(QModelIndex, idx)));
void DeviceManager::Unmount(const QModelIndex &idx) {
if (!idx.isValid()) return;
DeviceInfo *info = IndexToItem(idx);
if (!info) return;
if (info->database_id_ != -1 && !info->device_) return;
if (info->device_) {
info->unmount_ = true;
Disconnect(info, idx);
else if (info->BestBackend() && info->BestBackend()->lister_) {
void DeviceManager::DeviceSongCountUpdated(const int count) {
ConnectedDevice *device = qobject_cast<ConnectedDevice*>(sender());
if (!device) return;
DeviceInfo *info = FindDeviceById(device->unique_id());
if (!info) return;
QModelIndex idx = ItemToIndex(info);
if (!idx.isValid()) return;
emit dataChanged(idx, idx);
QString DeviceManager::DeviceNameByID(const QString &unique_id) {
DeviceInfo *info = FindDeviceById(unique_id);
if (!info) return QString();
QModelIndex idx = ItemToIndex(info);
if (!idx.isValid()) return QString();
return data(idx, DeviceManager::Role_FriendlyName).toString();