
291 lines
12 KiB

** Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd.
** Contact:
** This file is part of the tools applications of the Qt Toolkit.
** Commercial License Usage
** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms
** and conditions see For further
** information use the contact form at
** GNU General Public License Usage
** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
** General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software
** Foundation with exceptions as appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL3-EXCEPT
** included in the packaging of this file. Please review the following
** information to ensure the GNU General Public License requirements will
** be met:
#include <QCoreApplication>
#include <QDir>
#include <QLibraryInfo>
#include "shared.h"
int main(int argc, char **argv)
QCoreApplication app(argc, argv);
QString appBundlePath;
if (argc > 1)
appBundlePath = QString::fromLocal8Bit(argv[1]);
if (argc < 2 || appBundlePath.startsWith("-")) {
qDebug() << "Usage: macdeployqt app-bundle [options]";
qDebug() << "";
qDebug() << "Options:";
qDebug() << " -verbose=<0-3> : 0 = no output, 1 = error/warning (default), 2 = normal, 3 = debug";
qDebug() << " -no-plugins : Skip plugin deployment";
qDebug() << " -dmg : Create a .dmg disk image";
qDebug() << " -no-strip : Don't run 'strip' on the binaries";
qDebug() << " -use-debug-libs : Deploy with debug versions of frameworks and plugins (implies -no-strip)";
qDebug() << " -executable=<path> : Let the given executable use the deployed frameworks too";
qDebug() << " -qmldir=<path> : Scan for QML imports in the given path";
qDebug() << " -qmlimport=<path> : Add the given path to the QML module search locations";
qDebug() << " -always-overwrite : Copy files even if the target file exists";
qDebug() << " -codesign=<ident> : Run codesign with the given identity on all executables";
qDebug() << " -hardened-runtime : Enable Hardened Runtime when code signing";
qDebug() << " -timestamp : Include a secure timestamp when code signing (requires internet connection)";
qDebug() << " -sign-for-notarization=<ident>: Activate the necessary options for notarization (requires internet connection)";
qDebug() << " -appstore-compliant : Skip deployment of components that use private API";
qDebug() << " -libpath=<path> : Add the given path to the library search path";
qDebug() << " -fs=<filesystem> : Set the filesystem used for the .dmg disk image (defaults to HFS+)";
qDebug() << "";
qDebug() << "macdeployqt takes an application bundle as input and makes it";
qDebug() << "self-contained by copying in the Qt frameworks and plugins that";
qDebug() << "the application uses.";
qDebug() << "";
qDebug() << "Plugins related to a framework are copied in with the";
qDebug() << "framework. The accessibility, image formats, and text codec";
qDebug() << "plugins are always copied, unless \"-no-plugins\" is specified.";
qDebug() << "";
qDebug() << "Qt plugins may use private API and will cause the app to be";
qDebug() << "rejected from the Mac App store. MacDeployQt will print a warning";
qDebug() << "when known incompatible plugins are deployed. Use -appstore-compliant ";
qDebug() << "to skip these plugins. Currently two SQL plugins are known to";
qDebug() << "be incompatible: qsqlodbc and qsqlpsql.";
qDebug() << "";
qDebug() << "See the \"Deploying Applications on OS X\" topic in the";
qDebug() << "documentation for more information about deployment on OS X.";
return 1;
appBundlePath = QDir::cleanPath(appBundlePath);
if (QDir().exists(appBundlePath) == false) {
qDebug() << "Error: Could not find app bundle" << appBundlePath;
return 1;
bool plugins = true;
bool dmg = false;
QByteArray filesystem("HFS+");
bool useDebugLibs = false;
extern bool runStripEnabled;
extern bool alwaysOwerwriteEnabled;
extern QStringList librarySearchPath;
QStringList additionalExecutables;
bool qmldirArgumentUsed = false;
QStringList qmlDirs;
QStringList qmlImportPaths;
extern bool runCodesign;
extern QString codesignIdentiy;
extern bool hardenedRuntime;
extern bool appstoreCompliant;
extern bool deployFramework;
extern bool secureTimestamp;
for (int i = 2; i < argc; ++i) {
QByteArray argument = QByteArray(argv[i]);
if (argument == QByteArray("-no-plugins")) {
LogDebug() << "Argument found:" << argument;
plugins = false;
} else if (argument == QByteArray("-dmg")) {
LogDebug() << "Argument found:" << argument;
dmg = true;
} else if (argument == QByteArray("-no-strip")) {
LogDebug() << "Argument found:" << argument;
runStripEnabled = false;
} else if (argument == QByteArray("-use-debug-libs")) {
LogDebug() << "Argument found:" << argument;
useDebugLibs = true;
runStripEnabled = false;
} else if (argument.startsWith(QByteArray("-verbose"))) {
LogDebug() << "Argument found:" << argument;
int index = argument.indexOf("=");
bool ok = false;
int number = argument.mid(index+1).toInt(&ok);
if (!ok)
LogError() << "Could not parse verbose level";
logLevel = number;
} else if (argument.startsWith(QByteArray("-executable"))) {
LogDebug() << "Argument found:" << argument;
int index = argument.indexOf('=');
if (index == -1)
LogError() << "Missing executable path";
additionalExecutables << argument.mid(index+1);
} else if (argument.startsWith(QByteArray("-qmldir"))) {
LogDebug() << "Argument found:" << argument;
qmldirArgumentUsed = true;
int index = argument.indexOf('=');
if (index == -1)
LogError() << "Missing qml directory path";
qmlDirs << argument.mid(index+1);
} else if (argument.startsWith(QByteArray("-qmlimport"))) {
LogDebug() << "Argument found:" << argument;
int index = argument.indexOf('=');
if (index == -1)
LogError() << "Missing qml import path";
qmlImportPaths << argument.mid(index+1);
} else if (argument.startsWith(QByteArray("-libpath"))) {
LogDebug() << "Argument found:" << argument;
int index = argument.indexOf('=');
if (index == -1)
LogError() << "Missing library search path";
librarySearchPath << argument.mid(index+1);
} else if (argument == QByteArray("-always-overwrite")) {
LogDebug() << "Argument found:" << argument;
alwaysOwerwriteEnabled = true;
} else if (argument.startsWith(QByteArray("-codesign"))) {
LogDebug() << "Argument found:" << argument;
int index = argument.indexOf("=");
if (index < 0 || index >= argument.size()) {
LogError() << "Missing code signing identity";
} else {
runCodesign = true;
codesignIdentiy = argument.mid(index+1);
} else if (argument.startsWith(QByteArray("-sign-for-notarization"))) {
LogDebug() << "Argument found:" << argument;
int index = argument.indexOf("=");
if (index < 0 || index >= argument.size()) {
LogError() << "Missing code signing identity";
} else {
runCodesign = true;
hardenedRuntime = true;
secureTimestamp = true;
codesignIdentiy = argument.mid(index+1);
} else if (argument.startsWith(QByteArray("-hardened-runtime"))) {
LogDebug() << "Argument found:" << argument;
hardenedRuntime = true;
} else if (argument.startsWith(QByteArray("-timestamp"))) {
LogDebug() << "Argument found:" << argument;
secureTimestamp = true;
} else if (argument == QByteArray("-appstore-compliant")) {
LogDebug() << "Argument found:" << argument;
appstoreCompliant = true;
// Undocumented option, may not work as intended
} else if (argument == QByteArray("-deploy-framework")) {
LogDebug() << "Argument found:" << argument;
deployFramework = true;
} else if (argument.startsWith(QByteArray("-fs"))) {
LogDebug() << "Argument found:" << argument;
int index = argument.indexOf('=');
if (index == -1)
LogError() << "Missing filesystem type";
filesystem = argument.mid(index+1);
} else if (argument.startsWith("-")) {
LogError() << "Unknown argument" << argument << "\n";
return 1;
DeploymentInfo deploymentInfo = deployQtFrameworks(appBundlePath, additionalExecutables, useDebugLibs);
if (deploymentInfo.isDebug)
useDebugLibs = true;
if (deployFramework && deploymentInfo.isFramework)
// Convenience: Look for .qml files in the current directory if no -qmldir specified.
if (qmlDirs.isEmpty()) {
QDir dir;
if (!dir.entryList(QStringList() << QStringLiteral("*.qml")).isEmpty()) {
qmlDirs += QStringLiteral(".");
if (!qmlDirs.isEmpty()) {
bool ok = deployQmlImports(appBundlePath, deploymentInfo, qmlDirs, qmlImportPaths);
if (!ok && qmldirArgumentUsed)
return 1; // exit if the user explicitly asked for qml import deployment
// Update deploymentInfo.deployedFrameworks - the QML imports
// may have brought in extra frameworks as dependencies.
deploymentInfo.deployedFrameworks += findAppFrameworkNames(appBundlePath);
deploymentInfo.deployedFrameworks =
// Handle plugins
if (plugins) {
// Set the plugins search directory
deploymentInfo.pluginPath = QLibraryInfo::path(QLibraryInfo::PluginsPath);
deploymentInfo.pluginPath = QLibraryInfo::location(QLibraryInfo::PluginsPath);
// Sanity checks
if (deploymentInfo.pluginPath.isEmpty()) {
LogError() << "Missing Qt plugins path\n";
return 1;
if (!QDir(deploymentInfo.pluginPath).exists()) {
LogError() << "Plugins path does not exist" << deploymentInfo.pluginPath << "\n";
return 1;
// Deploy plugins
if (!deploymentInfo.pluginPath.isEmpty()) {
deployPlugins(appBundlePath, deploymentInfo, useDebugLibs);
if (runStripEnabled)
if (!FinalCheck(appBundlePath)) {
return 1;
if (runCodesign)
codesign(codesignIdentiy, appBundlePath);
if (dmg) {
createDiskImage(appBundlePath, filesystem);
return 0;