
415 lines
15 KiB

* Strawberry Music Player
* This file was part of Clementine.
* Copyright 2010, David Sansome <>
* Copyright 2018-2024, Jonas Kvinge <>
* Strawberry is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Strawberry is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with Strawberry. If not, see <>.
#ifndef PLAYLIST_H
#define PLAYLIST_H
#include "config.h"
#include <QtGlobal>
#include <QObject>
#include <QAbstractItemModel>
#include <QAbstractListModel>
#include <QPersistentModelIndex>
#include <QFuture>
#include <QList>
#include <QMap>
#include <QMultiMap>
#include <QMetaType>
#include <QVariant>
#include <QString>
#include <QStringList>
#include <QUrl>
#include <QColor>
#include <QRgb>
#include "core/shared_ptr.h"
#include "core/song.h"
#include "core/tagreaderclient.h"
#include "covermanager/albumcoverloaderresult.h"
#include "playlistitem.h"
#include "playlistsequence.h"
#include "smartplaylists/playlistgenerator_fwd.h"
#include <streaming/streamingservice.h>
class QMimeData;
class QUndoStack;
class QTimer;
class CollectionBackend;
class PlaylistBackend;
class PlaylistFilter;
class Queue;
class TaskManager;
class RadioService;
namespace PlaylistUndoCommands {
class InsertItems;
class MoveItems;
class ReOrderItems;
class RemoveItems;
class ShuffleItems;
class SortItems;
} // namespace PlaylistUndoCommands
using ColumnAlignmentMap = QMap<int, Qt::Alignment>;
class Playlist : public QAbstractListModel {
friend class PlaylistUndoCommands::InsertItems;
friend class PlaylistUndoCommands::RemoveItems;
friend class PlaylistUndoCommands::MoveItems;
friend class PlaylistUndoCommands::ReOrderItems;
explicit Playlist(SharedPtr<PlaylistBackend> playlist_backend, SharedPtr<TaskManager> task_manager, SharedPtr<CollectionBackend> collection_backend, const int id, const QString &special_type = QString(), const bool favorite = false, QObject *parent = nullptr);
~Playlist() override;
void SkipTracks(const QModelIndexList &source_indexes);
// Always add new columns to the end of this enum - the values are persisted
enum class Column {
Title = 0,
using Columns = QList<Column>;
static constexpr int ColumnCount = static_cast<int>(Column::ColumnCount);
enum Role {
Role_IsCurrent = Qt::UserRole + 1,
enum class AutoScroll {
static const char *kSettingsGroup;
static const char *kCddaMimeType;
static const char *kRowsMimetype;
static const char *kPlayNowMimetype;
static const int kUndoStackSize;
static const int kUndoItemLimit;
static bool CompareItems(const Column column, const Qt::SortOrder order, PlaylistItemPtr a, PlaylistItemPtr b);
static QString column_name(const Column column);
static QString abbreviated_column_name(const Column column);
static bool column_is_editable(const Column column);
static bool set_column_value(Song &song, Column column, const QVariant &value);
// Persistence
void Restore();
void ScheduleSaveAsync();
// Accessors
PlaylistFilter *filter() const;
Queue *queue() const { return queue_; }
int id() const { return id_; }
const QString &ui_path() const { return ui_path_; }
void set_ui_path(const QString &path) { ui_path_ = path; }
bool is_favorite() const { return favorite_; }
void set_favorite(const bool favorite) { favorite_ = favorite; }
int current_row() const;
int last_played_row() const;
void reset_last_played() { last_played_item_index_ = QPersistentModelIndex(); }
void reset_played_indexes() { played_indexes_.clear(); }
int next_row(const bool ignore_repeat_track = false);
int previous_row(const bool ignore_repeat_track = false);
QModelIndex current_index() const;
bool stop_after_current() const;
bool is_dynamic() const { return static_cast<bool>(dynamic_playlist_); }
int dynamic_history_length() const;
QString special_type() const { return special_type_; }
void set_special_type(const QString &v) { special_type_ = v; }
const PlaylistItemPtr &item_at(const int index) const { return items_[index]; }
bool has_item_at(const int index) const { return index >= 0 && index < rowCount(); }
PlaylistItemPtr current_item() const;
PlaylistItem::Options current_item_options() const;
Song current_item_metadata() const;
PlaylistItemPtrList collection_items_by_id(const int id) const;
SongList GetAllSongs() const;
PlaylistItemPtrList GetAllItems() const;
quint64 GetTotalLength() const; // in seconds
void set_sequence(PlaylistSequence *v);
PlaylistSequence *sequence() const { return playlist_sequence_; }
PlaylistSequence::ShuffleMode ShuffleMode() const { return playlist_sequence_ && !is_dynamic() ? playlist_sequence_->shuffle_mode() : PlaylistSequence::ShuffleMode::Off; }
PlaylistSequence::RepeatMode RepeatMode() const { return playlist_sequence_ && !is_dynamic() ? playlist_sequence_->repeat_mode() : PlaylistSequence::RepeatMode::Off; }
QUndoStack *undo_stack() const { return undo_stack_; }
bool scrobbled() const { return scrobbled_; }
void set_scrobbled(const bool state) { scrobbled_ = state; }
qint64 scrobble_point_nanosec() const { return scrobble_point_; }
void UpdateScrobblePoint(const qint64 seek_point_nanosec = 0);
// Changing the playlist
void InsertItems(const PlaylistItemPtrList &itemsIn, const int pos = -1, const bool play_now = false, const bool enqueue = false, const bool enqueue_next = false);
void InsertCollectionItems(const SongList &songs, const int pos = -1, const bool play_now = false, const bool enqueue = false, const bool enqueue_next = false);
void InsertSongs(const SongList &songs, const int pos = -1, const bool play_now = false, const bool enqueue = false, const bool enqueue_next = false);
void InsertSongsOrCollectionItems(const SongList &songs, const int pos = -1, const bool play_now = false, const bool enqueue = false, const bool enqueue_next = false);
void InsertSmartPlaylist(PlaylistGeneratorPtr gen, const int pos = -1, const bool play_now = false, const bool enqueue = false, const bool enqueue_next = false);
void InsertStreamingItems(StreamingServicePtr service, const SongList &songs, const int pos = -1, const bool play_now = false, const bool enqueue = false, const bool enqueue_next = false);
void InsertRadioItems(const SongList &songs, const int pos = -1, const bool play_now = false, const bool enqueue = false, const bool enqueue_next = false);
void ReshuffleIndices();
// If this playlist contains the current item, this method will apply the "valid" flag on it.
// If the "valid" flag is false, the song will be greyed out. Otherwise, the grey color will be undone.
// If the song is a local file, and it's valid but non-existent or invalid but exists, the
// song will be reloaded to even out the situation because obviously something has changed.
// This returns true if this playlist had current item when the method was invoked.
bool ApplyValidityOnCurrentSong(const QUrl &url, bool valid);
// Grays out and reloads all deleted songs in all playlists. Also, "ungreys" those songs which were once deleted but now got restored somehow.
void InvalidateDeletedSongs();
// Removes from the playlist all local files that don't exist anymore.
void RemoveDeletedSongs();
void StopAfter(const int row);
void ReloadItems(const QList<int> &rows);
void ReloadItemsBlocking(const QList<int> &rows);
void InformOfCurrentSongChange(const bool minor);
// Just emits the dataChanged() signal so the mood column is repainted.
void MoodbarUpdated(const QModelIndex &idx);
// QAbstractListModel
int rowCount(const QModelIndex& = QModelIndex()) const override { return items_.count(); }
int columnCount(const QModelIndex& = QModelIndex()) const override { return static_cast<int>(ColumnCount); }
QVariant data(const QModelIndex &idx, const int role = Qt::DisplayRole) const override;
bool setData(const QModelIndex &idx, const QVariant &value, const int role) override;
QVariant headerData(const int section, const Qt::Orientation orientation, const int role = Qt::DisplayRole) const override;
Qt::ItemFlags flags(const QModelIndex &idx) const override;
QStringList mimeTypes() const override;
Qt::DropActions supportedDropActions() const override;
QMimeData *mimeData(const QModelIndexList &indexes) const override;
bool dropMimeData(const QMimeData *data, Qt::DropAction action, const int row, const int column, const QModelIndex &parent) override;
void sort(const int column_number, const Qt::SortOrder order) override;
bool removeRows(const int row, const int count, const QModelIndex &parent = QModelIndex()) override;
static Columns ChangedColumns(const Song &metadata1, const Song &metadata2);
static bool MinorMetadataChange(const Song &old_metadata, const Song &new_metadata);
void UpdateItemMetadata(PlaylistItemPtr item, const Song &new_metadata, const bool temporary);
void UpdateItemMetadata(const int row, PlaylistItemPtr item, const Song &new_metadata, const bool temporary);
void ItemChanged(const int row, const Columns &columns);
// Changes rating of a song to the given value asynchronously
void RateSong(const QModelIndex &idx, const float rating);
void RateSongs(const QModelIndexList &index_list, const float rating);
void set_auto_sort(const bool auto_sort) { auto_sort_ = auto_sort; }
void ItemReload(const QPersistentModelIndex &idx, const Song &old_metadata, const bool metadata_edit);
public Q_SLOTS:
void set_current_row(const int i, const Playlist::AutoScroll autoscroll = Playlist::AutoScroll::Maybe, const bool is_stopping = false, const bool force_inform = false);
void Paused();
void Playing();
void Stopped();
void IgnoreSorting(const bool value) { ignore_sorting_ = value; }
void ClearStreamMetadata();
void UpdateItems(SongList songs);
void Clear();
void RemoveDuplicateSongs();
void RemoveUnavailableSongs();
void Shuffle();
void ShuffleModeChanged(const PlaylistSequence::ShuffleMode);
void SetColumnAlignment(const ColumnAlignmentMap &alignment);
void InsertUrls(const QList<QUrl> &urls, const int pos = -1, const bool play_now = false, const bool enqueue = false, const bool enqueue_next = false);
// Removes items with given indices from the playlist. This operation is not undoable.
void RemoveItemsWithoutUndo(const QList<int> &indicesIn);
void ExpandDynamicPlaylist();
void RepopulateDynamicPlaylist();
void TurnOffDynamicPlaylist();
void AlbumCoverLoaded(const Song &song, const AlbumCoverLoaderResult &result);
void RestoreFinished();
void PlaylistLoaded();
void CurrentSongChanged(const Song &metadata);
void CurrentSongMetadataChanged(const Song &metadata);
void EditingFinished(const int playlist_id, const QModelIndex idx);
void PlayRequested(const QModelIndex idx, const Playlist::AutoScroll autoscroll);
void MaybeAutoscroll(const Playlist::AutoScroll autoscroll);
// Signals that the underlying list of items was changed, meaning that something was added to it, removed from it or the ordering changed.
void PlaylistChanged();
void DynamicModeChanged(bool dynamic);
void Error(QString message);
// Signals that the queue has changed, meaning that the remaining queued items should update their position.
void QueueChanged();
void SetCurrentIsPaused(const bool paused);
int NextVirtualIndex(int i, const bool ignore_repeat_track) const;
int PreviousVirtualIndex(int i, const bool ignore_repeat_track) const;
bool FilterContainsVirtualIndex(const int i) const;
template<typename T>
void InsertSongItems(const SongList &songs, const int pos, const bool play_now, const bool enqueue, const bool enqueue_next = false);
// Modify the playlist without changing the undo stack. These are used by our friends in PlaylistUndoCommands
void InsertItemsWithoutUndo(const PlaylistItemPtrList &items, const int pos, const bool enqueue = false, const bool enqueue_next = false);
PlaylistItemPtrList RemoveItemsWithoutUndo(const int row, const int count);
void MoveItemsWithoutUndo(const QList<int> &source_rows, int pos);
void MoveItemWithoutUndo(const int source, const int dest);
void MoveItemsWithoutUndo(int start, const QList<int> &dest_rows);
void ReOrderWithoutUndo(const PlaylistItemPtrList &new_items);
void RemoveItemsNotInQueue();
// Removes rows with given indices from this playlist.
bool removeRows(QList<int> &rows);
void TurnOnDynamicPlaylist(PlaylistGeneratorPtr gen);
void InsertDynamicItems(const int count);
private Q_SLOTS:
void TracksAboutToBeDequeued(const QModelIndex&, const int begin, const int end);
void TracksDequeued();
void TracksEnqueued(const QModelIndex&, const int begin, const int end);
void QueueLayoutChanged();
void SongSaveComplete(TagReaderReply *reply, const QPersistentModelIndex &idx, const Song &old_metadata);
void ItemReloadComplete(const QPersistentModelIndex &idx, const Song &old_metadata, const bool metadata_edit);
void ItemsLoaded();
void ScheduleSave();
void Save();
bool is_loading_;
PlaylistFilter *filter_;
Queue *queue_;
QTimer *timer_save_;
QList<QModelIndex> temp_dequeue_change_indexes_;
SharedPtr<PlaylistBackend> backend_;
SharedPtr<TaskManager> task_manager_;
SharedPtr<CollectionBackend> collection_backend_;
int id_;
QString ui_path_;
bool favorite_;
PlaylistItemPtrList items_;
// Contains the indices into items_ in the order that they will be played.
QList<int> virtual_items_;
QList<QPersistentModelIndex> played_indexes_;
// A map of collection ID to playlist item - for fast lookups when collection items change.
QMultiMap<int, PlaylistItemPtr> collection_items_by_id_;
QPersistentModelIndex current_item_index_;
QPersistentModelIndex last_played_item_index_;
QPersistentModelIndex stop_after_;
bool current_is_paused_;
int current_virtual_index_;
PlaylistSequence *playlist_sequence_;
// Hack to stop QTreeView::setModel sorting the playlist
bool ignore_sorting_;
QUndoStack *undo_stack_;
ColumnAlignmentMap column_alignments_;
QString special_type_;
// Cancel async restore if songs are already replaced
bool cancel_restore_;
bool scrobbled_;
qint64 scrobble_point_;
PlaylistGeneratorPtr dynamic_playlist_;
bool auto_sort_;
Column sort_column_;
Qt::SortOrder sort_order_;
#endif // PLAYLIST_H