/* * Strawberry Music Player * This file was part of Clementine. * Copyright 2010, David Sansome * Copyright 2018-2021, Jonas Kvinge * * Strawberry is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Strawberry is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Strawberry. If not, see . * */ #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import "3rdparty/SPMediaKeyTap/SPMediaKeyTap.h" #include "config.h" #include "platforminterface.h" #include "mac_delegate.h" #include "mac_startup.h" #include "scoped_cftyperef.h" #include "core/logging.h" #include "scoped_nsautorelease_pool.h" #include "globalshortcuts/globalshortcutsmanager.h" #include "globalshortcuts/globalshortcutsbackend-macos.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include QDebug operator<<(QDebug dbg, NSObject *object) { QString ns_format = [[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@", object] UTF8String]; dbg.nospace() << ns_format; return dbg.space(); } // Capture global media keys on Mac (Cocoa only!) // See: http://www.rogueamoeba.com/utm/2007/09/29/apple-keyboard-media-key-event-handling/ @interface MacApplication : NSApplication { PlatformInterface *application_handler_; AppDelegate *delegate_; // shortcut_handler_ only used to temporarily save it AppDelegate does all the heavy-shortcut-lifting GlobalShortcutsBackendMacOS *shortcut_handler_; } - (GlobalShortcutsBackendMacOS*)shortcut_handler; - (void)SetShortcutHandler:(GlobalShortcutsBackendMacOS*)handler; - (PlatformInterface*)application_handler; - (void)SetApplicationHandler:(PlatformInterface*)handler; @end @implementation AppDelegate - (id)init { if ((self = [super init])) { application_handler_ = nil; shortcut_handler_ = nil; dock_menu_ = nil; } return self; } - (id)initWithHandler:(PlatformInterface*)handler { application_handler_ = handler; return self; } - (BOOL) applicationShouldHandleReopen: (NSApplication*)app hasVisibleWindows:(BOOL)flag { Q_UNUSED(app); Q_UNUSED(flag); if (application_handler_) { application_handler_->Activate(); } return YES; } - (void)setDockMenu:(NSMenu*)menu { dock_menu_ = menu; } - (NSMenu*)applicationDockMenu:(NSApplication*)sender { Q_UNUSED(sender); return dock_menu_; } - (void)setShortcutHandler:(GlobalShortcutsBackendMacOS*)backend { shortcut_handler_ = backend; } - (GlobalShortcutsBackendMacOS*)shortcut_handler { return shortcut_handler_; } - (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(NSNotification*)aNotification { Q_UNUSED(aNotification); [[NSAppleEventManager sharedAppleEventManager] setEventHandler:self andSelector:@selector(handleURLEvent:withReplyEvent:) forEventClass:kInternetEventClass andEventID:kAEGetURL]; key_tap_ = [[SPMediaKeyTap alloc] initWithDelegate:self]; if ([SPMediaKeyTap usesGlobalMediaKeyTap]) { if ([key_tap_ startWatchingMediaKeys]) { qLog(Debug) << "Media key monitoring started"; } else { qLog(Warning) << "Failed to start media key monitoring"; } } else { qLog(Warning) << "Media key monitoring disabled"; } } - (BOOL)application:(NSApplication*)app openFile:(NSString*)filename { Q_UNUSED(app); qLog(Debug) << "Wants to open:" << [filename UTF8String]; if (application_handler_->LoadUrl(QString::fromUtf8([filename UTF8String]))) { return YES; } return NO; } - (void)application:(NSApplication*)app openFiles:(NSArray*)filenames { qLog(Debug) << "Wants to open:" << filenames; [filenames enumerateObjectsUsingBlock:^(id object, NSUInteger, BOOL*) { [self application:app openFile:reinterpret_cast(object)]; }]; } - (void)handleURLEvent:(NSAppleEventDescriptor*)theEvent withReplyEvent:(NSAppleEventDescriptor*)replyEvent { #pragma unused(replyEvent) NSString *url = [[theEvent paramDescriptorForKeyword:keyDirectObject] stringValue]; application_handler_->LoadUrl(QString::fromNSString(url)); } - (void) mediaKeyTap: (SPMediaKeyTap*)keyTap receivedMediaKeyEvent:(NSEvent*)event { #pragma unused(keyTap) [self handleMediaEvent:event]; } - (BOOL) handleMediaEvent:(NSEvent*)event { // if it is not a media key event, then ignore if ([event type] == NSEventTypeSystemDefined && [event subtype] == 8) { int keyCode = (([event data1] & 0xFFFF0000) >> 16); int keyFlags = ([event data1] & 0x0000FFFF); int keyIsReleased = (((keyFlags & 0xFF00) >> 8)) == 0xB; if (keyIsReleased) { shortcut_handler_->MacMediaKeyPressed(keyCode); return YES; } } return NO; } - (NSApplicationTerminateReply) applicationShouldTerminate:(NSApplication*) sender { Q_UNUSED(sender); return NSTerminateNow; } - (BOOL) userNotificationCenter: (id)center shouldPresentNotification: (id)notification { Q_UNUSED(center); Q_UNUSED(notification); // Always show notifications, even if Strawberry is in the foreground. return YES; } @end @implementation MacApplication - (id)init { if ((self = [super init])) { [self SetShortcutHandler:nil]; } return self; } - (GlobalShortcutsBackendMacOS*)shortcut_handler { // should be the same as delegate_'s shortcut handler return shortcut_handler_; } - (void)SetShortcutHandler:(GlobalShortcutsBackendMacOS*)handler { shortcut_handler_ = handler; if (delegate_) [delegate_ setShortcutHandler:handler]; } - (PlatformInterface*)application_handler { return application_handler_; } - (void)SetApplicationHandler:(PlatformInterface*)handler { delegate_ = [[AppDelegate alloc] initWithHandler:handler]; // App-shortcut-handler set before delegate is set. // this makes sure the delegate's shortcut_handler is set [delegate_ setShortcutHandler:shortcut_handler_]; [self setDelegate:delegate_]; // FIXME #pragma GCC diagnostic push #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated-declarations" [[NSUserNotificationCenter defaultUserNotificationCenter]setDelegate:delegate_]; #pragma GCC diagnostic pop } - (void)sendEvent:(NSEvent*)event { [delegate_ handleMediaEvent:event]; [super sendEvent:event]; } @end namespace mac { void MacMain() { ScopedNSAutoreleasePool pool; // Creates and sets the magic global variable so QApplication will find it. [MacApplication sharedApplication]; } void SetShortcutHandler(GlobalShortcutsBackendMacOS *handler) { [NSApp SetShortcutHandler:handler]; } void SetApplicationHandler(PlatformInterface *handler) { [NSApp SetApplicationHandler:handler]; } static int MapFunctionKey(int keycode) { switch (keycode) { // Function keys case NSInsertFunctionKey: return Qt::Key_Insert; case NSDeleteFunctionKey: return Qt::Key_Delete; case NSPauseFunctionKey: return Qt::Key_Pause; case NSPrintFunctionKey: return Qt::Key_Print; case NSSysReqFunctionKey: return Qt::Key_SysReq; case NSHomeFunctionKey: return Qt::Key_Home; case NSEndFunctionKey: return Qt::Key_End; case NSLeftArrowFunctionKey: return Qt::Key_Left; case NSUpArrowFunctionKey: return Qt::Key_Up; case NSRightArrowFunctionKey: return Qt::Key_Right; case NSDownArrowFunctionKey: return Qt::Key_Down; case NSPageUpFunctionKey: return Qt::Key_PageUp; case NSPageDownFunctionKey: return Qt::Key_PageDown; case NSScrollLockFunctionKey: return Qt::Key_ScrollLock; case NSF1FunctionKey: return Qt::Key_F1; case NSF2FunctionKey: return Qt::Key_F2; case NSF3FunctionKey: return Qt::Key_F3; case NSF4FunctionKey: return Qt::Key_F4; case NSF5FunctionKey: return Qt::Key_F5; case NSF6FunctionKey: return Qt::Key_F6; case NSF7FunctionKey: return Qt::Key_F7; case NSF8FunctionKey: return Qt::Key_F8; case NSF9FunctionKey: return Qt::Key_F9; case NSF10FunctionKey: return Qt::Key_F10; case NSF11FunctionKey: return Qt::Key_F11; case NSF12FunctionKey: return Qt::Key_F12; case NSF13FunctionKey: return Qt::Key_F13; case NSF14FunctionKey: return Qt::Key_F14; case NSF15FunctionKey: return Qt::Key_F15; case NSF16FunctionKey: return Qt::Key_F16; case NSF17FunctionKey: return Qt::Key_F17; case NSF18FunctionKey: return Qt::Key_F18; case NSF19FunctionKey: return Qt::Key_F19; case NSF20FunctionKey: return Qt::Key_F20; case NSF21FunctionKey: return Qt::Key_F21; case NSF22FunctionKey: return Qt::Key_F22; case NSF23FunctionKey: return Qt::Key_F23; case NSF24FunctionKey: return Qt::Key_F24; case NSF25FunctionKey: return Qt::Key_F25; case NSF26FunctionKey: return Qt::Key_F26; case NSF27FunctionKey: return Qt::Key_F27; case NSF28FunctionKey: return Qt::Key_F28; case NSF29FunctionKey: return Qt::Key_F29; case NSF30FunctionKey: return Qt::Key_F30; case NSF31FunctionKey: return Qt::Key_F31; case NSF32FunctionKey: return Qt::Key_F32; case NSF33FunctionKey: return Qt::Key_F33; case NSF34FunctionKey: return Qt::Key_F34; case NSF35FunctionKey: return Qt::Key_F35; case NSMenuFunctionKey: return Qt::Key_Menu; case NSHelpFunctionKey: return Qt::Key_Help; } return 0; } QKeySequence KeySequenceFromNSEvent(NSEvent *event) { NSString *str = [event charactersIgnoringModifiers]; NSString *upper = [str uppercaseString]; const char *chars = [upper UTF8String]; NSUInteger modifiers = [event modifierFlags]; int key = 0; unsigned char c = chars[0]; switch (c) { case 0x1b: key = Qt::Key_Escape; break; case 0x09: key = Qt::Key_Tab; break; case 0x0d: key = Qt::Key_Return; break; case 0x08: key = Qt::Key_Backspace; break; case 0x03: key = Qt::Key_Enter; break; } if (key == 0) { if (c >= 0x20 && c <= 0x7e) { // ASCII from space to ~ key = c; } else { key = MapFunctionKey([event keyCode]); if (key == 0) { return QKeySequence(); } } } if (modifiers & NSEventModifierFlagShift) { key += Qt::SHIFT; } if (modifiers & NSEventModifierFlagControl) { key += Qt::META; } if (modifiers & NSEventModifierFlagOption) { key += Qt::ALT; } if (modifiers & NSEventModifierFlagCommand) { key += Qt::CTRL; } return QKeySequence(key); } void DumpDictionary(CFDictionaryRef dict) { NSDictionary *d = reinterpret_cast(dict); NSLog(@"%@", d); } // NSWindowCollectionBehaviorFullScreenPrimary static const NSUInteger kFullScreenPrimary = 1 << 7; void EnableFullScreen(const QWidget &main_window) { NSView *view = reinterpret_cast(main_window.winId()); NSWindow *window = [view window]; [window setCollectionBehavior:kFullScreenPrimary]; } } // namespace mac