/* This file is part of KDSingleApplication. SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2019-2023 Klarälvdalens Datakonsult AB, a KDAB Group company SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT Contact KDAB at for commercial licensing options. */ #include "kdsingleapplication_localsocket_p.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef Q_OS_UNIX // for ::getuid() # include # include #endif #ifdef Q_OS_WIN # include #endif namespace { static constexpr auto LOCALSOCKET_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT = std::chrono::seconds(5); static constexpr char LOCALSOCKET_PROTOCOL_VERSION = 2; } // namespace #ifdef __GNUC__ #pragma GCC diagnostic push #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wmissing-declarations" #endif Q_LOGGING_CATEGORY(kdsaLocalSocket, "kdsingleapplication.localsocket", QtWarningMsg) #ifdef __GNUC__ #pragma GCC diagnostic pop #endif KDSingleApplicationLocalSocket::KDSingleApplicationLocalSocket(const QString &name, QObject *parent) : QObject(parent) { #if defined(Q_OS_UNIX) /* cppcheck-suppress useInitializationList */ m_socketName = QStringLiteral("kdsingleapp-%1-%2") .arg(::getuid()) .arg(name); #elif defined(Q_OS_WIN) // I'm not sure of a "global session identifier" on Windows; are // multiple logins from the same user a possibility? For now, following this: // https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/desktop/devnotes/getting-the-session-id-of-the-current-process DWORD sessionId; BOOL haveSessionId = ProcessIdToSessionId(GetCurrentProcessId(), &sessionId); m_socketName = QString::fromUtf8("kdsingleapp-%1-%2") .arg(haveSessionId ? sessionId : 0) .arg(name); #else #error "KDSingleApplication has not been ported to this platform" #endif const QString lockFilePath = QDir::tempPath() + QLatin1Char('/') + m_socketName + QLatin1String(".lock"); qCDebug(kdsaLocalSocket) << "Socket name is" << m_socketName; qCDebug(kdsaLocalSocket) << "Lock file path is" << lockFilePath; std::unique_ptr lockFile(new QLockFile(lockFilePath)); lockFile->setStaleLockTime(0); if (!lockFile->tryLock()) { // someone else has the lock => we're secondary qCDebug(kdsaLocalSocket) << "Secondary instance"; return; } qCDebug(kdsaLocalSocket) << "Primary instance"; std::unique_ptr server = std::make_unique(); if (!server->listen(m_socketName)) { // maybe the primary crashed, leaving a stale socket; delete it and try again QLocalServer::removeServer(m_socketName); if (!server->listen(m_socketName)) { // TODO: better error handling. qWarning("KDSingleApplication: unable to make the primary instance listen on %ls: %ls", qUtf16Printable(m_socketName), qUtf16Printable(server->errorString())); return; } } connect(server.get(), &QLocalServer::newConnection, this, &KDSingleApplicationLocalSocket::handleNewConnection); m_lockFile = std::move(lockFile); m_localServer = std::move(server); } KDSingleApplicationLocalSocket::~KDSingleApplicationLocalSocket() = default; bool KDSingleApplicationLocalSocket::isPrimaryInstance() const { return m_localServer != nullptr; } bool KDSingleApplicationLocalSocket::sendMessage(const QByteArray &message, int timeout) { Q_ASSERT(!isPrimaryInstance()); QLocalSocket socket; qCDebug(kdsaLocalSocket) << "Preparing to send message" << message << "with timeout" << timeout; QDeadlineTimer deadline(timeout); // There is an inherent race here with the setup of the server side. // Even if the socket lock is held by the server, the server may not // be listening yet. So this connection may fail; keep retrying // until we hit the timeout. do { socket.connectToServer(m_socketName); if (socket.waitForConnected(static_cast(deadline.remainingTime()))) break; } while (!deadline.hasExpired()); qCDebug(kdsaLocalSocket) << "Socket state:" << socket.state() << "Timer remaining" << deadline.remainingTime() << "Expired?" << deadline.hasExpired(); if (deadline.hasExpired()) { qCWarning(kdsaLocalSocket) << "Connection timed out"; return false; } socket.write(&LOCALSOCKET_PROTOCOL_VERSION, 1); { QByteArray encodedMessage; QDataStream ds(&encodedMessage, QIODevice::WriteOnly); ds << message; socket.write(encodedMessage); } qCDebug(kdsaLocalSocket) << "Wrote message in the socket" << "Timer remaining" << deadline.remainingTime() << "Expired?" << deadline.hasExpired(); // There is no acknowledgement mechanism here. // Should there be one? while (socket.bytesToWrite() > 0) { if (!socket.waitForBytesWritten(static_cast(deadline.remainingTime()))) { qCWarning(kdsaLocalSocket) << "Message to primary timed out"; return false; } } qCDebug(kdsaLocalSocket) << "Bytes written, now disconnecting" << "Timer remaining" << deadline.remainingTime() << "Expired?" << deadline.hasExpired(); socket.disconnectFromServer(); if (socket.state() == QLocalSocket::UnconnectedState) { qCDebug(kdsaLocalSocket) << "Disconnected -- success!"; return true; } if (!socket.waitForDisconnected(static_cast(deadline.remainingTime()))) { qCWarning(kdsaLocalSocket) << "Disconnection from primary timed out"; return false; } qCDebug(kdsaLocalSocket) << "Disconnected -- success!"; return true; } void KDSingleApplicationLocalSocket::handleNewConnection() { Q_ASSERT(m_localServer); QLocalSocket *socket = nullptr; while ((socket = m_localServer->nextPendingConnection())) { qCDebug(kdsaLocalSocket) << "Got new connection on" << m_socketName << "state" << socket->state(); Connection c(socket); socket = c.socket.get(); c.readDataConnection = QObjectConnectionHolder( connect(socket, &QLocalSocket::readyRead, this, &KDSingleApplicationLocalSocket::readDataFromSecondary)); c.secondaryDisconnectedConnection = QObjectConnectionHolder( connect(socket, &QLocalSocket::disconnected, this, &KDSingleApplicationLocalSocket::secondaryDisconnected)); c.abortConnection = QObjectConnectionHolder( connect(c.timeoutTimer.get(), &QTimer::timeout, this, &KDSingleApplicationLocalSocket::abortConnectionToSecondary)); m_clients.push_back(std::move(c)); // Note that by the time we get here, the socket could've already been closed, // and no signals emitted (hello, Windows!). Read what's already in the socket. if (readDataFromSecondarySocket(socket)) return; if (socket->state() == QLocalSocket::UnconnectedState) secondarySocketDisconnected(socket); } } template static auto findConnectionBySocket(Container &container, QLocalSocket *socket) { auto i = std::find_if(container.begin(), container.end(), [socket](const auto &c) { return c.socket.get() == socket; }); Q_ASSERT(i != container.end()); return i; } template static auto findConnectionByTimer(Container &container, QTimer *timer) { auto i = std::find_if(container.begin(), container.end(), [timer](const auto &c) { return c.timeoutTimer.get() == timer; }); Q_ASSERT(i != container.end()); return i; } void KDSingleApplicationLocalSocket::readDataFromSecondary() { QLocalSocket *socket = static_cast(sender()); readDataFromSecondarySocket(socket); } bool KDSingleApplicationLocalSocket::readDataFromSecondarySocket(QLocalSocket *socket) { auto i = findConnectionBySocket(m_clients, socket); Connection &c = *i; c.readData.append(socket->readAll()); qCDebug(kdsaLocalSocket) << "Got more data from a secondary. Data read so far:" << c.readData; const QByteArray &data = c.readData; if (data.size() >= 1) { if (data[0] != LOCALSOCKET_PROTOCOL_VERSION) { qCDebug(kdsaLocalSocket) << "Got an invalid protocol version"; m_clients.erase(i); return true; } } QDataStream ds(data); ds.skipRawData(1); ds.startTransaction(); QByteArray message; ds >> message; if (ds.commitTransaction()) { qCDebug(kdsaLocalSocket) << "Got a complete message:" << message; Q_EMIT messageReceived(message); m_clients.erase(i); return true; } return false; } void KDSingleApplicationLocalSocket::secondaryDisconnected() { QLocalSocket *socket = static_cast(sender()); secondarySocketDisconnected(socket); } void KDSingleApplicationLocalSocket::secondarySocketDisconnected(QLocalSocket *socket) { auto i = findConnectionBySocket(m_clients, socket); Connection c = std::move(*i); m_clients.erase(i); qCDebug(kdsaLocalSocket) << "Secondary disconnected. Data read:" << c.readData; } void KDSingleApplicationLocalSocket::abortConnectionToSecondary() { QTimer *timer = static_cast(sender()); auto i = findConnectionByTimer(m_clients, timer); Connection c = std::move(*i); m_clients.erase(i); qCDebug(kdsaLocalSocket) << "Secondary timed out. Data read:" << c.readData; } KDSingleApplicationLocalSocket::Connection::Connection(QLocalSocket *_socket) : socket(_socket) , timeoutTimer(new QTimer) { timeoutTimer->start(LOCALSOCKET_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT); }