BackendSettingsPage 0 0 596 720 Backend Audio output 90 0 Engine false Qt::Horizontal 90 0 Output false Qt::Horizontal 90 0 Device false false 90 0 160 16777215 0 0 0 0 Qt::Horizontal 90 0 ALSA plugin false 0 20 hw false 0 20 plughw Qt::Horizontal Buffer QFormLayout::AllNonFixedFieldsGrow Buffer duration ms 60000 100 &Minimum buffer fill 1 50 33 Qt::Horizontal 1 true Replay Gain true Use Replay Gain metadata if it is available false 0 0 0 0 Replay Gain mode Radio (equal loudness for all tracks) Album (ideal loudness for all tracks) Pre-amp 300 150 Qt::Horizontal 150 Apply compression to prevent clipping Changing mono playback preference will be effective for the next playing songs Mono playback false false 0 70 64 64 false 0 70 16777215 64 Qt::AlignLeading|Qt::AlignLeft|Qt::AlignVCenter true Qt::Vertical StickySlider QSlider
LineEdit QWidget
checkbox_replaygain toggled(bool) widget_replaygain setEnabled(bool) 89 259 143 285