OrganizeDialog 0 0 582 858 Organize Files :/icons/64x64/strawberry.png:/icons/64x64/strawberry.png QLayout::SetMinimumSize QLayout::SetMinimumSize Destination After copying... Keep the original files Delete the original files Naming options QLayout::SetMinimumSize QLayout::SetMinimumSize <p>Tokens start with %, for example: %artist %album %title </p> <p>If you surround sections of text that contain a token with curly-braces, that section will be hidden if the token is empty.</p> QTextEdit::NoWrap false Insert... QToolButton::InstantPopup Remove problematic characters from filenames Restrict to characters allowed on FAT filesystems Restrict characters to ASCII Allow extended ASCII characters Replace spaces with underscores Overwrite existing files Copy album cover artwork Preview QLayout::SetMinimumSize 1 0 QLayout::SetMinimumSize 0 0 0 0 0 QLayout::SetMinimumSize 0 0 0 0 Qt::Horizontal 264 20 Loading... Qt::Horizontal 264 20 Safely remove the device after copying QDialogButtonBox::Cancel|QDialogButtonBox::Ok|QDialogButtonBox::RestoreDefaults FreeSpaceBar QWidget
LineTextEdit QTextEdit
BusyIndicator QWidget
destination aftercopying naming insert remove_non_fat remove_non_ascii allow_ascii_ext replace_spaces overwrite albumcover eject_after preview button_box accepted() OrganizeDialog accept() 257 487 157 274 button_box rejected() OrganizeDialog reject() 325 487 286 274