/* * Strawberry Music Player * This file was part of Clementine. * Copyright 2010, David Sansome * Copyright 2018-2021, Jonas Kvinge * * Strawberry is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Strawberry is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Strawberry. If not, see . * */ #include "config.h" #include #ifdef HAVE_LIBGPOD # include # include #endif #ifdef HAVE_LIBMTP # include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "core/logging.h" #include "core/messagehandler.h" #include "core/iconloader.h" #include "engine/enginebase.h" #include "timeconstants.h" #include "utilities.h" #include "song.h" #include "application.h" #include "mpris_common.h" #include "collection/sqlrow.h" #include "tagreadermessages.pb.h" const QStringList Song::kColumns = QStringList() << "title" << "album" << "artist" << "albumartist" << "track" << "disc" << "year" << "originalyear" << "genre" << "compilation" << "composer" << "performer" << "grouping" << "comment" << "lyrics" << "artist_id" << "album_id" << "song_id" << "beginning" << "length" << "bitrate" << "samplerate" << "bitdepth" << "source" << "directory_id" << "url" << "filetype" << "filesize" << "mtime" << "ctime" << "unavailable" << "fingerprint" << "playcount" << "skipcount" << "lastplayed" << "lastseen" << "compilation_detected" << "compilation_on" << "compilation_off" << "compilation_effective" << "art_automatic" << "art_manual" << "effective_albumartist" << "effective_originalyear" << "cue_path" << "rating" ; const QString Song::kColumnSpec = Song::kColumns.join(", "); const QString Song::kBindSpec = Utilities::Prepend(":", Song::kColumns).join(", "); const QString Song::kUpdateSpec = Utilities::Updateify(Song::kColumns).join(", "); const QStringList Song::kFtsColumns = QStringList() << "ftstitle" << "ftsalbum" << "ftsartist" << "ftsalbumartist" << "ftscomposer" << "ftsperformer" << "ftsgrouping" << "ftsgenre" << "ftscomment"; const QString Song::kFtsColumnSpec = Song::kFtsColumns.join(", "); const QString Song::kFtsBindSpec = Utilities::Prepend(":", Song::kFtsColumns).join(", "); const QString Song::kFtsUpdateSpec = Utilities::Updateify(Song::kFtsColumns).join(", "); const QString Song::kManuallyUnsetCover = "(unset)"; const QString Song::kEmbeddedCover = "(embedded)"; const QRegularExpression Song::kAlbumRemoveDisc(" ?-? ((\\(|\\[)?)(Disc|CD) ?([0-9]{1,2})((\\)|\\])?)$", QRegularExpression::CaseInsensitiveOption); const QRegularExpression Song::kAlbumRemoveMisc(" ?-? ((\\(|\\[)?)(Remastered|([0-9]{1,4}) *Remaster|Explicit) ?((\\)|\\])?)$", QRegularExpression::CaseInsensitiveOption); const QRegularExpression Song::kTitleRemoveMisc(" ?-? ((\\(|\\[)?)(Remastered|Remastered Version|([0-9]{1,4}) *Remaster) ?((\\)|\\])?)$", QRegularExpression::CaseInsensitiveOption); const QString Song::kVariousArtists("various artists"); const QStringList Song::kArticles = QStringList() << "the " << "a " << "an "; const QStringList Song::kAcceptedExtensions = QStringList() << "wav" << "flac" << "wv" << "ogg" << "oga" << "opus" << "spx" << "ape" << "mpc" << "mp2" << "mp3" << "m4a" << "mp4" << "aac" << "asf" << "asx" << "wma" << "aif << aiff" << "mka" << "tta" << "dsf" << "dsd" << "cue" << "m3u" << "m3u8" << "pls" << "xspf" << "asxini" << "ac3" << "dts"; struct Song::Private : public QSharedData { explicit Private(Source source = Source_Unknown); bool valid_; int id_; QString title_; QString title_sortable_; QString album_; QString album_sortable_; QString artist_; QString artist_sortable_; QString albumartist_; QString albumartist_sortable_; int track_; int disc_; int year_; int originalyear_; QString genre_; bool compilation_; // From the file tag QString composer_; QString performer_; QString grouping_; QString comment_; QString lyrics_; QString artist_id_; QString album_id_; QString song_id_; qint64 beginning_; qint64 end_; int bitrate_; int samplerate_; int bitdepth_; Source source_; int directory_id_; QString basefilename_; QUrl url_; FileType filetype_; int filesize_; qint64 mtime_; qint64 ctime_; bool unavailable_; QString fingerprint_; int playcount_; int skipcount_; qint64 lastplayed_; qint64 lastseen_; bool compilation_detected_; // From the collection scanner bool compilation_on_; // Set by the user bool compilation_off_; // Set by the user // Filenames to album art for this song. QUrl art_automatic_; // Guessed by CollectionWatcher QUrl art_manual_; // Set by the user - should take priority QString cue_path_; // If the song has a CUE, this contains it's path. double rating_; // Database rating, not read from tags. QUrl stream_url_; // Temporary stream url set by url handler. QImage image_; // Album Cover image set by album cover loader. bool init_from_file_; // Whether this song was loaded from a file using taglib. bool suspicious_tags_; // Whether our encoding guesser thinks these tags might be incorrectly encoded. }; Song::Private::Private(Song::Source source) : valid_(false), id_(-1), track_(-1), disc_(-1), year_(-1), originalyear_(-1), compilation_(false), beginning_(0), end_(-1), bitrate_(-1), samplerate_(-1), bitdepth_(-1), source_(source), directory_id_(-1), filetype_(FileType_Unknown), filesize_(-1), mtime_(-1), ctime_(-1), unavailable_(false), playcount_(0), skipcount_(0), lastplayed_(-1), lastseen_(-1), compilation_detected_(false), compilation_on_(false), compilation_off_(false), rating_(-1), init_from_file_(false), suspicious_tags_(false) {} Song::Song(Song::Source source) : d(new Private(source)) {} Song::Song(const Song &other) = default; Song::~Song() = default; Song &Song::operator=(const Song &other) { d = other.d; return *this; } bool Song::is_valid() const { return d->valid_; } bool Song::is_unavailable() const { return d->unavailable_; } int Song::id() const { return d->id_; } QString Song::artist_id() const { return d->artist_id_.isNull() ? "" : d->artist_id_; } QString Song::album_id() const { return d->album_id_.isNull() ? "" : d->album_id_; } QString Song::song_id() const { return d->song_id_.isNull() ? "" : d->song_id_; } const QString &Song::title() const { return d->title_; } const QString &Song::title_sortable() const { return d->title_sortable_; } const QString &Song::album() const { return d->album_; } const QString &Song::album_sortable() const { return d->album_sortable_; } // This value is useful for singles, which are one-track albums on their own. const QString &Song::effective_album() const { return d->album_.isEmpty() ? d->title_ : d->album_; } const QString &Song::artist() const { return d->artist_; } const QString &Song::artist_sortable() const { return d->artist_sortable_; } const QString &Song::albumartist() const { return d->albumartist_; } const QString &Song::albumartist_sortable() const { return d->albumartist_sortable_; } const QString &Song::effective_albumartist() const { return d->albumartist_.isEmpty() ? d->artist_ : d->albumartist_; } const QString &Song::effective_albumartist_sortable() const { return d->albumartist_.isEmpty() ? d->artist_sortable_ : d->albumartist_sortable_; } const QString &Song::playlist_albumartist() const { return is_compilation() ? d->albumartist_ : effective_albumartist(); } const QString &Song::playlist_albumartist_sortable() const { return is_compilation() ? d->albumartist_sortable_ : effective_albumartist_sortable(); } int Song::track() const { return d->track_; } int Song::disc() const { return d->disc_; } int Song::year() const { return d->year_; } int Song::originalyear() const { return d->originalyear_; } int Song::effective_originalyear() const { return d->originalyear_ < 0 ? d->year_ : d->originalyear_; } const QString &Song::genre() const { return d->genre_; } bool Song::compilation() const { return d->compilation_; } const QString &Song::composer() const { return d->composer_; } const QString &Song::performer() const { return d->performer_; } const QString &Song::grouping() const { return d->grouping_; } const QString &Song::comment() const { return d->comment_; } const QString &Song::lyrics() const { return d->lyrics_; } qint64 Song::beginning_nanosec() const { return d->beginning_; } qint64 Song::end_nanosec() const { return d->end_; } qint64 Song::length_nanosec() const { return d->end_ - d->beginning_; } int Song::bitrate() const { return d->bitrate_; } int Song::samplerate() const { return d->samplerate_; } int Song::bitdepth() const { return d->bitdepth_; } Song::Source Song::source() const { return d->source_; } int Song::directory_id() const { return d->directory_id_; } const QUrl &Song::url() const { return d->url_; } const QString &Song::basefilename() const { return d->basefilename_; } Song::FileType Song::filetype() const { return d->filetype_; } int Song::filesize() const { return d->filesize_; } qint64 Song::mtime() const { return d->mtime_; } qint64 Song::ctime() const { return d->ctime_; } QString Song::fingerprint() const { return d->fingerprint_; } int Song::playcount() const { return d->playcount_; } int Song::skipcount() const { return d->skipcount_; } qint64 Song::lastplayed() const { return d->lastplayed_; } qint64 Song::lastseen() const { return d->lastseen_; } bool Song::compilation_detected() const { return d->compilation_detected_; } bool Song::compilation_off() const { return d->compilation_off_; } bool Song::compilation_on() const { return d->compilation_on_; } const QUrl &Song::art_automatic() const { return d->art_automatic_; } const QUrl &Song::art_manual() const { return d->art_manual_; } bool Song::has_manually_unset_cover() const { return d->art_manual_.path() == kManuallyUnsetCover; } void Song::set_manually_unset_cover() { d->art_manual_ = QUrl::fromLocalFile(kManuallyUnsetCover); } bool Song::has_embedded_cover() const { return d->art_automatic_.path() == kEmbeddedCover; } void Song::set_embedded_cover() { d->art_automatic_ = QUrl::fromLocalFile(kEmbeddedCover); } void Song::clear_art_automatic() { d->art_automatic_.clear(); } void Song::clear_art_manual() { d->art_manual_.clear(); } bool Song::save_embedded_cover_supported(const FileType filetype) { return filetype == FileType_FLAC || filetype == FileType_OggVorbis || filetype == FileType_MPEG || filetype == FileType_MP4; } const QUrl &Song::stream_url() const { return d->stream_url_; } const QUrl &Song::effective_stream_url() const { return !d->stream_url_.isEmpty() && d->stream_url_.isValid() ? d->stream_url_ : d->url_; } const QImage &Song::image() const { return d->image_; } bool Song::init_from_file() const { return d->init_from_file_; } const QString &Song::cue_path() const { return d->cue_path_; } bool Song::has_cue() const { return !d->cue_path_.isEmpty(); } double Song::rating() const { return d->rating_; } bool Song::is_collection_song() const { return d->source_ == Source_Collection; } bool Song::is_metadata_good() const { return !d->url_.isEmpty() && !d->artist_.isEmpty() && !d->title_.isEmpty(); } bool Song::is_stream() const { return is_radio() || d->source_ == Source_Tidal || d->source_ == Source_Subsonic || d->source_ == Source_Qobuz; } bool Song::is_radio() const { return d->source_ == Source_Stream || d->source_ == Source_SomaFM || d->source_ == Source_RadioParadise; } bool Song::is_cdda() const { return d->source_ == Source_CDDA; } bool Song::is_compilation() const { return (d->compilation_ || d->compilation_detected_ || d->compilation_on_) && !d->compilation_off_; } bool Song::stream_url_can_expire() const { return d->source_ == Song::Source_Tidal || d->source_ == Song::Source_Qobuz; } bool Song::art_automatic_is_valid() const { return !d->art_automatic_.isEmpty() && ( (d->art_automatic_.path() == kManuallyUnsetCover) || (d->art_automatic_.path() == kEmbeddedCover) || (d->art_automatic_.isValid() && !d->art_automatic_.isLocalFile()) || (d->art_automatic_.isLocalFile() && QFile::exists(d->art_automatic_.toLocalFile())) || (d->art_automatic_.scheme().isEmpty() && !d->art_automatic_.path().isEmpty() && QFile::exists(d->art_automatic_.path())) ); } bool Song::art_manual_is_valid() const { return !d->art_manual_.isEmpty() && ( (d->art_manual_.path() == kManuallyUnsetCover) || (d->art_manual_.path() == kEmbeddedCover) || (d->art_manual_.isValid() && !d->art_manual_.isLocalFile()) || (d->art_manual_.isLocalFile() && QFile::exists(d->art_manual_.toLocalFile())) || (d->art_manual_.scheme().isEmpty() && !d->art_manual_.path().isEmpty() && QFile::exists(d->art_manual_.path())) ); } bool Song::has_valid_art() const { return art_automatic_is_valid() || art_manual_is_valid(); } void Song::set_id(int id) { d->id_ = id; } void Song::set_valid(bool v) { d->valid_ = v; } void Song::set_artist_id(const QString &v) { d->artist_id_ = v; } void Song::set_album_id(const QString &v) { d->album_id_ = v; } void Song::set_song_id(const QString &v) { d->song_id_ = v; } QString Song::sortable(const QString &v) { QString copy = v.toLower(); for (const auto &i : kArticles) { if (copy.startsWith(i)) { int ilen = i.length(); return copy.right(copy.length() - ilen) + ", " + copy.left(ilen - 1); } } return copy; } void Song::set_title(const QString &v) { d->title_sortable_ = sortable(v); d->title_ = v; } void Song::set_album(const QString &v) { d->album_sortable_ = sortable(v); d->album_ = v; } void Song::set_artist(const QString &v) { d->artist_sortable_ = sortable(v); d->artist_ = v; } void Song::set_albumartist(const QString &v) { d->albumartist_sortable_ = sortable(v); d->albumartist_ = v; } void Song::set_track(int v) { d->track_ = v; } void Song::set_disc(int v) { d->disc_ = v; } void Song::set_year(int v) { d->year_ = v; } void Song::set_originalyear(int v) { d->originalyear_ = v; } void Song::set_genre(const QString &v) { d->genre_ = v; } void Song::set_compilation(bool v) { d->compilation_ = v; } void Song::set_composer(const QString &v) { d->composer_ = v; } void Song::set_performer(const QString &v) { d->performer_ = v; } void Song::set_grouping(const QString &v) { d->grouping_ = v; } void Song::set_comment(const QString &v) { d->comment_ = v; } void Song::set_lyrics(const QString &v) { d->lyrics_ = v; } void Song::set_beginning_nanosec(qint64 v) { d->beginning_ = qMax(0LL, v); } void Song::set_end_nanosec(qint64 v) { d->end_ = v; } void Song::set_length_nanosec(qint64 v) { d->end_ = d->beginning_ + v; } void Song::set_bitrate(int v) { d->bitrate_ = v; } void Song::set_samplerate(int v) { d->samplerate_ = v; } void Song::set_bitdepth(int v) { d->bitdepth_ = v; } void Song::set_source(Source v) { d->source_ = v; } void Song::set_directory_id(int v) { d->directory_id_ = v; } void Song::set_url(const QUrl &v) { d->url_ = v; } void Song::set_basefilename(const QString &v) { d->basefilename_ = v; } void Song::set_filetype(FileType v) { d->filetype_ = v; } void Song::set_filesize(int v) { d->filesize_ = v; } void Song::set_mtime(qint64 v) { d->mtime_ = v; } void Song::set_ctime(qint64 v) { d->ctime_ = v; } void Song::set_unavailable(bool v) { d->unavailable_ = v; } void Song::set_fingerprint(const QString &v) { d->fingerprint_ = v; } void Song::set_playcount(int v) { d->playcount_ = v; } void Song::set_skipcount(int v) { d->skipcount_ = v; } void Song::set_lastplayed(qint64 v) { d->lastplayed_ = v; } void Song::set_lastseen(qint64 v) { d->lastseen_ = v; } void Song::set_compilation_detected(bool v) { d->compilation_detected_ = v; } void Song::set_compilation_on(bool v) { d->compilation_on_ = v; } void Song::set_compilation_off(bool v) { d->compilation_off_ = v; } void Song::set_art_automatic(const QUrl &v) { d->art_automatic_ = v; } void Song::set_art_manual(const QUrl &v) { d->art_manual_ = v; } void Song::set_cue_path(const QString &v) { d->cue_path_ = v; } void Song::set_rating(double v) { d->rating_ = v; } void Song::set_stream_url(const QUrl &v) { d->stream_url_ = v; } void Song::set_image(const QImage &i) { d->image_ = i; } QString Song::JoinSpec(const QString &table) { return Utilities::Prepend(table + ".", kColumns).join(", "); } Song::Source Song::SourceFromURL(const QUrl &url) { if (url.isLocalFile()) return Source_LocalFile; else if (url.scheme() == "cdda") return Source_CDDA; else if (url.scheme() == "tidal") return Source_Tidal; else if (url.scheme() == "subsonic") return Source_Subsonic; else if (url.scheme() == "qobuz") return Source_Qobuz; else if (url.scheme() == "http" || url.scheme() == "https" || url.scheme() == "rtsp") { if (url.host().endsWith("tidal.com", Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { return Source_Tidal; } if (url.host().endsWith("qobuz.com", Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { return Source_Qobuz; } if (url.host().endsWith("somafm.com", Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { return Source_SomaFM; } if (url.host().endsWith("radioparadise.com", Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { return Source_RadioParadise; } return Source_Stream; } else return Source_Unknown; } QString Song::TextForSource(Source source) { switch (source) { case Song::Source_LocalFile: return "file"; case Song::Source_Collection: return "collection"; case Song::Source_CDDA: return "cd"; case Song::Source_Device: return "device"; case Song::Source_Stream: return "stream"; case Song::Source_Tidal: return "tidal"; case Song::Source_Subsonic: return "subsonic"; case Song::Source_Qobuz: return "qobuz"; case Song::Source_SomaFM: return "somafm"; case Song::Source_RadioParadise: return "radioparadise"; case Song::Source_Unknown: return "unknown"; } return "unknown"; } QString Song::DescriptionForSource(Source source) { switch (source) { case Song::Source_LocalFile: return "File"; case Song::Source_Collection: return "Collection"; case Song::Source_CDDA: return "CD"; case Song::Source_Device: return "Device"; case Song::Source_Stream: return "Stream"; case Song::Source_Tidal: return "Tidal"; case Song::Source_Subsonic: return "Subsonic"; case Song::Source_Qobuz: return "Qobuz"; case Song::Source_SomaFM: return "SomaFM"; case Song::Source_RadioParadise: return "Radio Paradise"; case Song::Source_Unknown: return "Unknown"; } return "unknown"; } Song::Source Song::SourceFromText(const QString &source) { if (source.compare("file", Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) return Source_LocalFile; if (source.compare("collection", Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) return Source_Collection; if (source.compare("cd", Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) return Source_CDDA; if (source.compare("device", Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) return Source_Device; if (source.compare("stream", Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) return Source_Stream; if (source.compare("tidal", Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) return Source_Tidal; if (source.compare("subsonic", Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) return Source_Subsonic; if (source.compare("qobuz", Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) return Source_Qobuz; if (source.compare("somafm", Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) return Source_SomaFM; if (source.compare("radioparadise", Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) return Source_RadioParadise; return Source_Unknown; } QIcon Song::IconForSource(Source source) { switch (source) { case Song::Source_LocalFile: return IconLoader::Load("folder-sound"); case Song::Source_Collection: return IconLoader::Load("library-music"); case Song::Source_CDDA: return IconLoader::Load("media-optical"); case Song::Source_Device: return IconLoader::Load("device"); case Song::Source_Stream: return IconLoader::Load("applications-internet"); case Song::Source_Tidal: return IconLoader::Load("tidal"); case Song::Source_Subsonic: return IconLoader::Load("subsonic"); case Song::Source_Qobuz: return IconLoader::Load("qobuz"); case Song::Source_SomaFM: return IconLoader::Load("somafm"); case Song::Source_RadioParadise: return IconLoader::Load("radioparadise"); case Song::Source_Unknown: return IconLoader::Load("edit-delete"); } return IconLoader::Load("edit-delete"); } QString Song::TextForFiletype(FileType filetype) { switch (filetype) { case Song::FileType_WAV: return "Wav"; case Song::FileType_FLAC: return "FLAC"; case Song::FileType_WavPack: return "WavPack"; case Song::FileType_OggFlac: return "Ogg FLAC"; case Song::FileType_OggVorbis: return "Ogg Vorbis"; case Song::FileType_OggOpus: return "Ogg Opus"; case Song::FileType_OggSpeex: return "Ogg Speex"; case Song::FileType_MPEG: return "MP3"; case Song::FileType_MP4: return "MP4 AAC"; case Song::FileType_ASF: return "Windows Media audio"; case Song::FileType_AIFF: return "AIFF"; case Song::FileType_MPC: return "MPC"; case Song::FileType_TrueAudio: return "TrueAudio"; case Song::FileType_DSF: return "DSF"; case Song::FileType_DSDIFF: return "DSDIFF"; case Song::FileType_PCM: return "PCM"; case Song::FileType_APE: return "Monkey's Audio"; case Song::FileType_CDDA: return "CDDA"; case Song::FileType_Stream: return "Stream"; case Song::FileType_Unknown: default: return QObject::tr("Unknown"); } } QString Song::ExtensionForFiletype(FileType filetype) { switch (filetype) { case Song::FileType_WAV: return "wav"; case Song::FileType_FLAC: return "flac"; case Song::FileType_WavPack: return "wv"; case Song::FileType_OggFlac: return "flac"; case Song::FileType_OggVorbis: return "ogg"; case Song::FileType_OggOpus: return "opus"; case Song::FileType_OggSpeex: return "spx"; case Song::FileType_MPEG: return "mp3"; case Song::FileType_MP4: return "mp4"; case Song::FileType_ASF: return "wma"; case Song::FileType_AIFF: return "aiff"; case Song::FileType_MPC: return "mpc"; case Song::FileType_TrueAudio: return "tta"; case Song::FileType_DSF: return "dsf"; case Song::FileType_DSDIFF: return "dsd"; case Song::FileType_APE: return "ape"; case Song::FileType_Unknown: default: return "dat"; } } QIcon Song::IconForFiletype(FileType filetype) { switch (filetype) { case Song::FileType_WAV: return IconLoader::Load("wav"); case Song::FileType_FLAC: return IconLoader::Load("flac"); case Song::FileType_WavPack: return IconLoader::Load("wavpack"); case Song::FileType_OggFlac: return IconLoader::Load("flac"); case Song::FileType_OggVorbis: return IconLoader::Load("vorbis"); case Song::FileType_OggOpus: return IconLoader::Load("opus"); case Song::FileType_OggSpeex: return IconLoader::Load("speex"); case Song::FileType_MPEG: return IconLoader::Load("mp3"); case Song::FileType_MP4: return IconLoader::Load("mp4"); case Song::FileType_ASF: return IconLoader::Load("wma"); case Song::FileType_AIFF: return IconLoader::Load("aiff"); case Song::FileType_MPC: return IconLoader::Load("mpc"); case Song::FileType_TrueAudio: return IconLoader::Load("trueaudio"); case Song::FileType_DSF: return IconLoader::Load("dsf"); case Song::FileType_DSDIFF: return IconLoader::Load("dsd"); case Song::FileType_PCM: return IconLoader::Load("pcm"); case Song::FileType_APE: return IconLoader::Load("ape"); case Song::FileType_CDDA: return IconLoader::Load("cd"); case Song::FileType_Stream: return IconLoader::Load("applications-internet"); case Song::FileType_Unknown: default: return IconLoader::Load("edit-delete"); } } bool Song::IsFileLossless() const { switch (filetype()) { case Song::FileType_WAV: case Song::FileType_FLAC: case Song::FileType_OggFlac: case Song::FileType_WavPack: case Song::FileType_AIFF: case Song::FileType_DSF: case Song::FileType_DSDIFF: case Song::FileType_APE: case Song::FileType_TrueAudio: case Song::FileType_PCM: case Song::FileType_CDDA: return true; default: return false; } } Song::FileType Song::FiletypeByMimetype(const QString &mimetype) { if (mimetype.compare("audio/wav", Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0 || mimetype.compare("audio/x-wav", Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) return Song::FileType_WAV; else if (mimetype.compare("audio/x-flac", Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) return Song::FileType_FLAC; else if (mimetype.compare("audio/x-wavpack", Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) return Song::FileType_WavPack; else if (mimetype.compare("audio/x-vorbis", Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) return Song::FileType_OggVorbis; else if (mimetype.compare("audio/x-opus", Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) return Song::FileType_OggOpus; else if (mimetype.compare("audio/x-speex", Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) return Song::FileType_OggSpeex; // Gstreamer returns audio/mpeg for both MP3 and MP4/AAC. // else if (mimetype.compare("audio/mpeg", Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) return Song::FileType_MPEG; else if (mimetype.compare("audio/aac", Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) return Song::FileType_MP4; else if (mimetype.compare("audio/x-wma", Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) return Song::FileType_ASF; else if (mimetype.compare("audio/aiff", Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0 || mimetype.compare("audio/x-aiff", Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) return Song::FileType_AIFF; else if (mimetype.compare("application/x-project", Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) return Song::FileType_MPC; else if (mimetype.compare("audio/x-dsf", Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) return Song::FileType_DSF; else if (mimetype.compare("audio/x-dsd", Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) return Song::FileType_DSDIFF; else if (mimetype.compare("audio/x-ape", Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0 || mimetype.compare("application/x-ape", Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0 || mimetype.compare("audio/x-ffmpeg-parsed-ape", Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) return Song::FileType_APE; else return Song::FileType_Unknown; } Song::FileType Song::FiletypeByDescription(const QString &text) { if (text.compare("WAV", Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) return Song::FileType_WAV; else if (text.compare("Free Lossless Audio Codec (FLAC)", Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) return Song::FileType_FLAC; else if (text.compare("Wavpack", Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) return Song::FileType_WavPack; else if (text.compare("Vorbis", Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) return Song::FileType_OggVorbis; else if (text.compare("Opus", Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) return Song::FileType_OggOpus; else if (text.compare("Speex", Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) return Song::FileType_OggSpeex; else if (text.compare("MPEG-1 Layer 3 (MP3)", Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) return Song::FileType_MPEG; else if (text.compare("MPEG-4 AAC", Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) return Song::FileType_MP4; else if (text.compare("WMA", Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) return Song::FileType_ASF; else if (text.compare("Audio Interchange File Format", Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) return Song::FileType_AIFF; else if (text.compare("MPC", Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) return Song::FileType_MPC; else if (text.compare("audio/x-dsf", Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) return Song::FileType_DSF; else if (text.compare("audio/x-dsd", Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) return Song::FileType_DSDIFF; else if (text.compare("audio/x-ffmpeg-parsed-ape", Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) return Song::FileType_APE; else return Song::FileType_Unknown; } Song::FileType Song::FiletypeByExtension(const QString &ext) { if (ext.compare("wav", Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0 || ext.compare("wave", Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) return Song::FileType_WAV; else if (ext.compare("flac", Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) return Song::FileType_FLAC; else if (ext.compare("wavpack", Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0 || ext.compare("wv", Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) return Song::FileType_WavPack; else if (ext.compare("ogg", Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0 || ext.compare("oga", Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) return Song::FileType_OggVorbis; else if (ext.compare("opus", Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) return Song::FileType_OggOpus; else if (ext.compare("speex", Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0 || ext.compare("spx", Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) return Song::FileType_OggSpeex; else if (ext.compare("mp3", Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) return Song::FileType_MPEG; else if (ext.compare("mp4", Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0 || ext.compare("m4a", Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0 || ext.compare("aac", Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) return Song::FileType_MP4; else if (ext.compare("asf", Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0 || ext.compare("wma", Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) return Song::FileType_ASF; else if (ext.compare("aiff", Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0 || ext.compare("aif", Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0 || ext.compare("aifc", Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) return Song::FileType_AIFF; else if (ext.compare("mpc", Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0 || ext.compare("mp+", Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0 || ext.compare("mpp", Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) return Song::FileType_MPC; else if (ext.compare("dsf", Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) return Song::FileType_DSF; else if (ext.compare("dsd", Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0 || ext.compare("dff", Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) return Song::FileType_DSDIFF; else if (ext.compare("ape", Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) return Song::FileType_APE; else return Song::FileType_Unknown; } QString Song::ImageCacheDir(const Song::Source source) { switch (source) { case Song::Source_Collection: return QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::AppLocalDataLocation) + "/collectionalbumcovers"; case Song::Source_Subsonic: return QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::AppLocalDataLocation) + "/subsonicalbumcovers"; case Song::Source_Tidal: return QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::AppLocalDataLocation) + "/tidalalbumcovers"; case Song::Source_Qobuz: return QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::AppLocalDataLocation) + "/qobuzalbumcovers"; case Song::Source_Device: return QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::AppLocalDataLocation) + "/devicealbumcovers"; case Song::Source_LocalFile: case Song::Source_CDDA: case Song::Source_Stream: case Song::Source_SomaFM: case Song::Source_RadioParadise: case Song::Source_Unknown: return QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::AppLocalDataLocation) + "/albumcovers"; } return QString(); } int Song::CompareSongsName(const Song &song1, const Song &song2) { return song1.PrettyTitleWithArtist().localeAwareCompare(song2.PrettyTitleWithArtist()) < 0; } void Song::SortSongsListAlphabetically(SongList *songs) { Q_ASSERT(songs); std::sort(songs->begin(), songs->end(), CompareSongsName); } void Song::Init(const QString &title, const QString &artist, const QString &album, qint64 length_nanosec) { d->valid_ = true; set_title(title); set_artist(artist); set_album(album); set_length_nanosec(length_nanosec); } void Song::Init(const QString &title, const QString &artist, const QString &album, qint64 beginning, qint64 end) { d->valid_ = true; set_title(title); set_artist(artist); set_album(album); d->beginning_ = beginning; d->end_ = end; } void Song::InitFromProtobuf(const spb::tagreader::SongMetadata &pb) { if (d->source_ == Source_Unknown) d->source_ = Source_LocalFile; d->init_from_file_ = true; d->valid_ = pb.valid(); set_title(QStringFromStdString(pb.title())); set_album(QStringFromStdString(pb.album())); set_artist(QStringFromStdString(pb.artist())); set_albumartist(QStringFromStdString(pb.albumartist())); d->track_ = pb.track(); d->disc_ = pb.disc(); d->year_ = pb.year(); d->originalyear_ = pb.originalyear(); d->genre_ = QStringFromStdString(pb.genre()); d->compilation_ = pb.compilation(); d->composer_ = QStringFromStdString(pb.composer()); d->performer_ = QStringFromStdString(pb.performer()); d->grouping_ = QStringFromStdString(pb.grouping()); d->comment_ = QStringFromStdString(pb.comment()); d->lyrics_ = QStringFromStdString(pb.lyrics()); set_length_nanosec(pb.length_nanosec()); d->bitrate_ = pb.bitrate(); d->samplerate_ = pb.samplerate(); d->bitdepth_ = pb.bitdepth(); set_url(QUrl::fromEncoded(QByteArray(pb.url().data(), pb.url().size()))); d->basefilename_ = QStringFromStdString(pb.basefilename()); d->filetype_ = static_cast(pb.filetype()); d->filesize_ = pb.filesize(); d->mtime_ = pb.mtime(); d->ctime_ = pb.ctime(); d->skipcount_ = pb.skipcount(); d->lastplayed_ = pb.lastplayed(); d->lastseen_ = pb.lastseen(); d->suspicious_tags_ = pb.suspicious_tags(); if (pb.has_playcount()) { d->playcount_ = pb.playcount(); } if (pb.has_art_automatic()) { QByteArray art_automatic(pb.art_automatic().data(), pb.art_automatic().size()); if (!art_automatic.isEmpty()) set_art_automatic(QUrl::fromLocalFile(art_automatic)); } InitArtManual(); } void Song::ToProtobuf(spb::tagreader::SongMetadata *pb) const { const QByteArray url(d->url_.toEncoded()); const QByteArray art_automatic(d->art_automatic_.toEncoded()); pb->set_valid(d->valid_); pb->set_title(DataCommaSizeFromQString(d->title_)); pb->set_album(DataCommaSizeFromQString(d->album_)); pb->set_artist(DataCommaSizeFromQString(d->artist_)); pb->set_albumartist(DataCommaSizeFromQString(d->albumartist_)); pb->set_composer(DataCommaSizeFromQString(d->composer_)); pb->set_performer(DataCommaSizeFromQString(d->performer_)); pb->set_grouping(DataCommaSizeFromQString(d->grouping_)); pb->set_lyrics(DataCommaSizeFromQString(d->lyrics_)); pb->set_track(d->track_); pb->set_disc(d->disc_); pb->set_year(d->year_); pb->set_originalyear(d->originalyear_); pb->set_genre(DataCommaSizeFromQString(d->genre_)); pb->set_comment(DataCommaSizeFromQString(d->comment_)); pb->set_compilation(d->compilation_); pb->set_playcount(d->playcount_); pb->set_skipcount(d->skipcount_); pb->set_lastplayed(d->lastplayed_); pb->set_lastseen(d->lastseen_); pb->set_length_nanosec(length_nanosec()); pb->set_bitrate(d->bitrate_); pb->set_samplerate(d->samplerate_); pb->set_bitdepth(d->bitdepth_); pb->set_url(url.constData(), url.size()); pb->set_basefilename(DataCommaSizeFromQString(d->basefilename_)); pb->set_mtime(d->mtime_); pb->set_ctime(d->ctime_); pb->set_filesize(d->filesize_); pb->set_suspicious_tags(d->suspicious_tags_); pb->set_art_automatic(art_automatic.constData(), art_automatic.size()); pb->set_filetype(static_cast(d->filetype_)); } #define tostr(n) (q.value(n).isNull() ? QString() : q.value(n).toString()) #define toint(n) (q.value(n).isNull() ? -1 : q.value(n).toInt()) #define tolonglong(n) (q.value(n).isNull() ? -1 : q.value(n).toLongLong()) #define todouble(n) (q.value(n).isNull() ? -1 : q.value(n).toDouble()) void Song::InitFromQuery(const SqlRow &q, bool reliable_metadata, int col) { //qLog(Debug) << "Song::kColumns.size():" << Song::kColumns.size() << "q.columns_.size():" << q.columns_.size() << "col:" << col; int x = col; d->id_ = toint(col); for (int i = 0 ; i < Song::kColumns.size(); i++) { x++; if (x >= q.columns_.size()) { qLog(Error) << "Skipping" << Song::kColumns.value(i); break; } //qLog(Debug) << "Index:" << i << x << Song::kColumns.value(i) << q.value(x).toString(); if (Song::kColumns.value(i) == "title") { set_title(tostr(x)); } else if (Song::kColumns.value(i) == "album") { set_album(tostr(x)); } else if (Song::kColumns.value(i) == "artist") { set_artist(tostr(x)); } else if (Song::kColumns.value(i) == "albumartist") { set_albumartist(tostr(x)); } else if (Song::kColumns.value(i) == "track") { d->track_ = toint(x); } else if (Song::kColumns.value(i) == "disc") { d->disc_ = toint(x); } else if (Song::kColumns.value(i) == "year") { d->year_ = toint(x); } else if (Song::kColumns.value(i) == "originalyear") { d->originalyear_ = toint(x); } else if (Song::kColumns.value(i) == "genre") { d->genre_ = tostr(x); } else if (Song::kColumns.value(i) == "compilation") { d->compilation_ = q.value(x).toBool(); } else if (Song::kColumns.value(i) == "composer") { d->composer_ = tostr(x); } else if (Song::kColumns.value(i) == "performer") { d->performer_ = tostr(x); } else if (Song::kColumns.value(i) == "grouping") { d->grouping_ = tostr(x); } else if (Song::kColumns.value(i) == "comment") { d->comment_ = tostr(x); } else if (Song::kColumns.value(i) == "lyrics") { d->lyrics_ = tostr(x); } else if (Song::kColumns.value(i) == "artist_id") { d->artist_id_ = tostr(x); } else if (Song::kColumns.value(i) == "album_id") { d->album_id_ = tostr(x); } else if (Song::kColumns.value(i) == "song_id") { d->song_id_ = tostr(x); } else if (Song::kColumns.value(i) == "beginning") { d->beginning_ = q.value(x).isNull() ? 0 : q.value(x).toLongLong(); } else if (Song::kColumns.value(i) == "length") { set_length_nanosec(tolonglong(x)); } else if (Song::kColumns.value(i) == "bitrate") { d->bitrate_ = toint(x); } else if (Song::kColumns.value(i) == "samplerate") { d->samplerate_ = toint(x); } else if (Song::kColumns.value(i) == "bitdepth") { d->bitdepth_ = toint(x); } else if (Song::kColumns.value(i) == "source") { d->source_ = Source(q.value(x).toInt()); } else if (Song::kColumns.value(i) == "directory_id") { d->directory_id_ = toint(x); } else if (Song::kColumns.value(i) == "url") { set_url(QUrl::fromEncoded(tostr(x).toUtf8())); d->basefilename_ = QFileInfo(d->url_.toLocalFile()).fileName(); } else if (Song::kColumns.value(i) == "filetype") { d->filetype_ = FileType(q.value(x).toInt()); } else if (Song::kColumns.value(i) == "filesize") { d->filesize_ = toint(x); } else if (Song::kColumns.value(i) == "mtime") { d->mtime_ = tolonglong(x); } else if (Song::kColumns.value(i) == "ctime") { d->ctime_ = tolonglong(x); } else if (Song::kColumns.value(i) == "unavailable") { d->unavailable_ = q.value(x).toBool(); } else if (Song::kColumns.value(i) == "fingerprint") { d->fingerprint_ = tostr(x); } else if (Song::kColumns.value(i) == "playcount") { d->playcount_ = q.value(x).isNull() ? 0 : q.value(x).toInt(); } else if (Song::kColumns.value(i) == "skipcount") { d->skipcount_ = q.value(x).isNull() ? 0 : q.value(x).toInt(); } else if (Song::kColumns.value(i) == "lastplayed") { d->lastplayed_ = tolonglong(x); } else if (Song::kColumns.value(i) == "lastseen") { d->lastseen_ = tolonglong(x); } else if (Song::kColumns.value(i) == "compilation_detected") { d->compilation_detected_ = q.value(x).toBool(); } else if (Song::kColumns.value(i) == "compilation_on") { d->compilation_on_ = q.value(x).toBool(); } else if (Song::kColumns.value(i) == "compilation_off") { d->compilation_off_ = q.value(x).toBool(); } else if (Song::kColumns.value(i) == "compilation_effective") { } else if (Song::kColumns.value(i) == "art_automatic") { QString art_automatic = tostr(x); if (art_automatic.contains(QRegularExpression("..+:.*"))) { set_art_automatic(QUrl::fromEncoded(art_automatic.toUtf8())); } else { set_art_automatic(QUrl::fromLocalFile(art_automatic)); } } else if (Song::kColumns.value(i) == "art_manual") { QString art_manual = tostr(x); if (art_manual.contains(QRegularExpression("..+:.*"))) { set_art_manual(QUrl::fromEncoded(art_manual.toUtf8())); } else { set_art_manual(QUrl::fromLocalFile(art_manual)); } } else if (Song::kColumns.value(i) == "effective_albumartist") { } else if (Song::kColumns.value(i) == "effective_originalyear") { } else if (Song::kColumns.value(i) == "cue_path") { d->cue_path_ = tostr(x); } else if (Song::kColumns.value(i) == "rating") { d->rating_ = todouble(x); } else { qLog(Error) << "Forgot to handle" << Song::kColumns.value(i); } } d->valid_ = true; d->init_from_file_ = reliable_metadata; InitArtManual(); #undef tostr #undef toint #undef tolonglong #undef todouble } void Song::InitFromFilePartial(const QString &filename, const QFileInfo &fileinfo) { set_url(QUrl::fromLocalFile(filename)); d->valid_ = true; d->source_ = Source_LocalFile; d->filetype_ = FiletypeByExtension(fileinfo.suffix()); d->basefilename_ = fileinfo.fileName(); d->title_ = fileinfo.fileName(); if (d->art_manual_.isEmpty()) InitArtManual(); } void Song::InitArtManual() { QString album = effective_album(); album.remove(Song::kAlbumRemoveDisc); // If we don't have an art, check if we have one in the cache if (d->art_manual_.isEmpty() && d->art_automatic_.isEmpty() && !effective_albumartist().isEmpty() && !album.isEmpty()) { QString filename(Utilities::Sha1CoverHash(effective_albumartist(), album).toHex() + ".jpg"); QString path(ImageCacheDir(d->source_) + "/" + filename); if (QFile::exists(path)) { d->art_manual_ = QUrl::fromLocalFile(path); } } } void Song::InitArtAutomatic() { if (d->source_ == Source_LocalFile && d->url_.isLocalFile() && d->art_automatic_.isEmpty()) { // Pick the first image file in the album directory. QFileInfo file(d->url_.toLocalFile()); QDir dir(file.path()); QStringList files = dir.entryList(QStringList() << "*.jpg" << "*.png" << "*.gif" << "*.jpeg", QDir::Files|QDir::Readable, QDir::Name); if (files.count() > 0) { d->art_automatic_ = QUrl::fromLocalFile(file.path() + QDir::separator() + files.first()); } } } #ifdef HAVE_LIBGPOD void Song::InitFromItdb(Itdb_Track *track, const QString &prefix) { d->valid_ = true; set_title(QString::fromUtf8(track->title)); set_album(QString::fromUtf8(track->album)); set_artist(QString::fromUtf8(track->artist)); set_albumartist(QString::fromUtf8(track->albumartist)); d->track_ = track->track_nr; d->disc_ = track->cd_nr; d->year_ = track->year; d->genre_ = QString::fromUtf8(track->genre); d->compilation_ = track->compilation == 1; d->composer_ = QString::fromUtf8(track->composer); d->grouping_ = QString::fromUtf8(track->grouping); d->comment_ = QString::fromUtf8(track->comment); set_length_nanosec(track->tracklen * kNsecPerMsec); d->bitrate_ = track->bitrate; d->samplerate_ = track->samplerate; d->bitdepth_ = -1; //track->bitdepth; d->source_ = Source_Device; QString filename = QString::fromLocal8Bit(track->ipod_path); filename.replace(':', '/'); if (prefix.contains("://")) { set_url(QUrl(prefix + filename)); } else { set_url(QUrl::fromLocalFile(prefix + filename)); } d->basefilename_ = QFileInfo(filename).fileName(); d->filetype_ = track->type2 ? FileType_MPEG : FileType_MP4; d->filesize_ = track->size; d->mtime_ = track->time_modified; d->ctime_ = track->time_added; d->playcount_ = track->playcount; d->skipcount_ = track->skipcount; d->lastplayed_ = track->time_played; if (itdb_track_has_thumbnails(track) && !d->artist_.isEmpty() && !d->title_.isEmpty()) { GdkPixbuf *pixbuf = static_cast(itdb_track_get_thumbnail(track, -1, -1)); if (pixbuf) { QString cover_path = ImageCacheDir(Source_Device); QDir dir(cover_path); if (!dir.exists()) dir.mkpath(cover_path); QString cover_file = cover_path + "/" + Utilities::Sha1CoverHash(effective_albumartist(), effective_album()).toHex() + ".jpg"; GError *error = nullptr; if (dir.exists() && gdk_pixbuf_save(pixbuf, cover_file.toUtf8().constData(), "jpeg", &error, nullptr)) { d->art_manual_ = QUrl::fromLocalFile(cover_file); } g_object_unref(pixbuf); } } } void Song::ToItdb(Itdb_Track *track) const { track->title = strdup(d->title_.toUtf8().constData()); track->album = strdup(d->album_.toUtf8().constData()); track->artist = strdup(d->artist_.toUtf8().constData()); track->albumartist = strdup(d->albumartist_.toUtf8().constData()); track->track_nr = d->track_; track->cd_nr = d->disc_; track->year = d->year_; track->genre = strdup(d->genre_.toUtf8().constData()); track->compilation = d->compilation_; track->composer = strdup(d->composer_.toUtf8().constData()); track->grouping = strdup(d->grouping_.toUtf8().constData()); track->comment = strdup(d->comment_.toUtf8().constData()); track->tracklen = length_nanosec() / kNsecPerMsec; track->bitrate = d->bitrate_; track->samplerate = d->samplerate_; track->type1 = (d->filetype_ == FileType_MPEG ? 1 : 0); track->type2 = (d->filetype_ == FileType_MPEG ? 1 : 0); track->mediatype = 1; // Audio track->size = d->filesize_; track->time_modified = d->mtime_; track->time_added = d->ctime_; track->playcount = d->playcount_; track->skipcount = d->skipcount_; track->time_played = d->lastplayed_; } #endif #ifdef HAVE_LIBMTP void Song::InitFromMTP(const LIBMTP_track_t *track, const QString &host) { d->valid_ = true; d->source_ = Source_Device; set_title(QString::fromUtf8(track->title)); set_artist(QString::fromUtf8(track->artist)); set_album(QString::fromUtf8(track->album)); d->genre_ = QString::fromUtf8(track->genre); d->composer_ = QString::fromUtf8(track->composer); d->track_ = track->tracknumber; d->url_ = QUrl(QString("mtp://%1/%2").arg(host, QString::number(track->item_id))); d->basefilename_ = QString::number(track->item_id); d->filesize_ = track->filesize; d->mtime_ = track->modificationdate; d->ctime_ = track->modificationdate; set_length_nanosec(track->duration * kNsecPerMsec); d->samplerate_ = track->samplerate; d->bitdepth_ = 0; d->bitrate_ = track->bitrate; d->playcount_ = track->usecount; switch (track->filetype) { case LIBMTP_FILETYPE_WAV: d->filetype_ = FileType_WAV; break; case LIBMTP_FILETYPE_MP3: d->filetype_ = FileType_MPEG; break; case LIBMTP_FILETYPE_WMA: d->filetype_ = FileType_ASF; break; case LIBMTP_FILETYPE_OGG: d->filetype_ = FileType_OggVorbis; break; case LIBMTP_FILETYPE_MP4: d->filetype_ = FileType_MP4; break; case LIBMTP_FILETYPE_AAC: d->filetype_ = FileType_MP4; break; case LIBMTP_FILETYPE_FLAC: d->filetype_ = FileType_OggFlac; break; case LIBMTP_FILETYPE_MP2: d->filetype_ = FileType_MPEG; break; case LIBMTP_FILETYPE_M4A: d->filetype_ = FileType_MP4; break; default: d->filetype_ = FileType_Unknown; d->valid_ = false; break; } } void Song::ToMTP(LIBMTP_track_t *track) const { track->item_id = 0; track->parent_id = 0; track->storage_id = 0; track->title = strdup(d->title_.toUtf8().constData()); track->artist = strdup(effective_albumartist().toUtf8().constData()); track->album = strdup(d->album_.toUtf8().constData()); track->genre = strdup(d->genre_.toUtf8().constData()); track->date = nullptr; track->tracknumber = d->track_; if (d->composer_.isEmpty()) track->composer = nullptr; else track->composer = strdup(d->composer_.toUtf8().constData()); track->filename = strdup(d->basefilename_.toUtf8().constData()); track->filesize = d->filesize_; track->modificationdate = d->mtime_; track->duration = length_nanosec() / kNsecPerMsec; track->bitrate = d->bitrate_; track->bitratetype = 0; track->samplerate = d->samplerate_; track->nochannels = 0; track->wavecodec = 0; track->usecount = d->playcount_; switch (d->filetype_) { case FileType_ASF: track->filetype = LIBMTP_FILETYPE_ASF; break; case FileType_MP4: track->filetype = LIBMTP_FILETYPE_MP4; break; case FileType_MPEG: track->filetype = LIBMTP_FILETYPE_MP3; break; case FileType_FLAC: case FileType_OggFlac: track->filetype = LIBMTP_FILETYPE_FLAC; break; case FileType_OggSpeex: case FileType_OggVorbis: track->filetype = LIBMTP_FILETYPE_OGG; break; case FileType_WAV: track->filetype = LIBMTP_FILETYPE_WAV; break; default: track->filetype = LIBMTP_FILETYPE_UNDEF_AUDIO; break; } } #endif bool Song::MergeFromSimpleMetaBundle(const Engine::SimpleMetaBundle &bundle) { d->valid_ = true; bool minor = true; if (d->init_from_file_ || is_collection_song() || d->url_.isLocalFile()) { // This Song was already loaded using taglib. Our tags are probably better than the engine's. if (title() != bundle.title && title().isEmpty() && !bundle.title.isEmpty()) { set_title(bundle.title); minor = false; } if (artist() != bundle.artist && artist().isEmpty() && !bundle.artist.isEmpty()) { set_artist(bundle.artist); minor = false; } if (album() != bundle.album && album().isEmpty() && !bundle.album.isEmpty()) { set_album(bundle.album); minor = false; } if (comment().isEmpty() && !bundle.comment.isEmpty()) set_comment(bundle.comment); if (genre().isEmpty() && !bundle.genre.isEmpty()) set_genre(bundle.genre); if (lyrics().isEmpty() && !bundle.lyrics.isEmpty()) set_lyrics(bundle.lyrics); } else { if (title() != bundle.title && !bundle.title.isEmpty()) { set_title(bundle.title); minor = false; } if (artist() != bundle.artist && !bundle.artist.isEmpty()) { set_artist(bundle.artist); minor = false; } if (album() != bundle.album && !bundle.album.isEmpty()) { set_album(bundle.album); minor = false; } if (!bundle.comment.isEmpty()) set_comment(bundle.comment); if (!bundle.genre.isEmpty()) set_genre(bundle.genre); if (!bundle.lyrics.isEmpty()) set_lyrics(bundle.lyrics); } if (bundle.length > 0) set_length_nanosec(bundle.length); if (bundle.year > 0) d->year_ = bundle.year; if (bundle.track > 0) d->track_ = bundle.track; if (bundle.filetype != FileType_Unknown) d->filetype_ = bundle.filetype; if (bundle.samplerate > 0) d->samplerate_ = bundle.samplerate; if (bundle.bitdepth > 0) d->bitdepth_ = bundle.bitdepth; if (bundle.bitrate > 0) d->bitrate_ = bundle.bitrate; return minor; } void Song::BindToQuery(QSqlQuery *query) const { #define strval(x) ((x).isNull() ? "" : (x)) #define intval(x) ((x) <= 0 ? -1 : (x)) #define notnullintval(x) ((x) == -1 ? QVariant() : (x)) // Remember to bind these in the same order as kBindSpec query->bindValue(":title", strval(d->title_)); query->bindValue(":album", strval(d->album_)); query->bindValue(":artist", strval(d->artist_)); query->bindValue(":albumartist", strval(d->albumartist_)); query->bindValue(":track", intval(d->track_)); query->bindValue(":disc", intval(d->disc_)); query->bindValue(":year", intval(d->year_)); query->bindValue(":originalyear", intval(d->originalyear_)); query->bindValue(":genre", strval(d->genre_)); query->bindValue(":compilation", d->compilation_ ? 1 : 0); query->bindValue(":composer", strval(d->composer_)); query->bindValue(":performer", strval(d->performer_)); query->bindValue(":grouping", strval(d->grouping_)); query->bindValue(":comment", strval(d->comment_)); query->bindValue(":lyrics", strval(d->lyrics_)); query->bindValue(":artist_id", strval(d->artist_id_)); query->bindValue(":album_id", strval(d->album_id_)); query->bindValue(":song_id", strval(d->song_id_)); query->bindValue(":beginning", d->beginning_); query->bindValue(":length", intval(length_nanosec())); query->bindValue(":bitrate", intval(d->bitrate_)); query->bindValue(":samplerate", intval(d->samplerate_)); query->bindValue(":bitdepth", intval(d->bitdepth_)); query->bindValue(":source", d->source_); query->bindValue(":directory_id", notnullintval(d->directory_id_)); query->bindValue(":url", d->url_.toString(QUrl::FullyEncoded)); query->bindValue(":filetype", d->filetype_); query->bindValue(":filesize", notnullintval(d->filesize_)); query->bindValue(":mtime", notnullintval(d->mtime_)); query->bindValue(":ctime", notnullintval(d->ctime_)); query->bindValue(":unavailable", d->unavailable_ ? 1 : 0); query->bindValue(":fingerprint", strval(d->fingerprint_)); query->bindValue(":playcount", d->playcount_); query->bindValue(":skipcount", d->skipcount_); query->bindValue(":lastplayed", intval(d->lastplayed_)); query->bindValue(":lastseen", intval(d->lastseen_)); query->bindValue(":compilation_detected", d->compilation_detected_ ? 1 : 0); query->bindValue(":compilation_on", d->compilation_on_ ? 1 : 0); query->bindValue(":compilation_off", d->compilation_off_ ? 1 : 0); query->bindValue(":compilation_effective", is_compilation() ? 1 : 0); query->bindValue(":art_automatic", d->art_automatic_.isValid() ? d->art_automatic_.toString(QUrl::FullyEncoded) : ""); query->bindValue(":art_manual", d->art_manual_.isValid() ? d->art_manual_.toString(QUrl::FullyEncoded) : ""); query->bindValue(":effective_albumartist", strval(this->effective_albumartist())); query->bindValue(":effective_originalyear", intval(this->effective_originalyear())); query->bindValue(":cue_path", d->cue_path_); query->bindValue(":rating", intval(d->rating_)); #undef intval #undef notnullintval #undef strval } void Song::BindToFtsQuery(QSqlQuery *query) const { query->bindValue(":ftstitle", d->title_); query->bindValue(":ftsalbum", d->album_); query->bindValue(":ftsartist", d->artist_); query->bindValue(":ftsalbumartist", d->albumartist_); query->bindValue(":ftscomposer", d->composer_); query->bindValue(":ftsperformer", d->performer_); query->bindValue(":ftsgrouping", d->grouping_); query->bindValue(":ftsgenre", d->genre_); query->bindValue(":ftscomment", d->comment_); } QString Song::PrettyTitle() const { QString title(d->title_); if (title.isEmpty()) title = d->basefilename_; if (title.isEmpty()) title = d->url_.toString(); return title; } QString Song::PrettyTitleWithArtist() const { QString title(PrettyTitle()); if (!d->artist_.isEmpty()) title = d->artist_ + " - " + title; return title; } QString Song::PrettyLength() const { if (length_nanosec() == -1) return QString(); return Utilities::PrettyTimeNanosec(length_nanosec()); } QString Song::PrettyYear() const { if (d->year_ == -1) return QString(); return QString::number(d->year_); } QString Song::PrettyOriginalYear() const { if (effective_originalyear() == -1) return QString(); return QString::number(effective_originalyear()); } QString Song::TitleWithCompilationArtist() const { QString title(d->title_); if (title.isEmpty()) title = d->basefilename_; if (is_compilation() && !d->artist_.isEmpty() && !d->artist_.contains("various", Qt::CaseInsensitive)) title = d->artist_ + " - " + title; return title; } QString Song::SampleRateBitDepthToText() const { if (d->samplerate_ == -1) return QString(""); if (d->bitdepth_ == -1) return QString("%1 hz").arg(d->samplerate_); return QString("%1 hz / %2 bit").arg(d->samplerate_).arg(d->bitdepth_); } QString Song::PrettyRating() const { double rating = d->rating_; if (rating == -1.0F) return "0"; return QString::number(static_cast(rating * 100)); } bool Song::IsMetadataEqual(const Song &other) const { return d->title_ == other.d->title_ && d->album_ == other.d->album_ && d->artist_ == other.d->artist_ && d->albumartist_ == other.d->albumartist_ && d->track_ == other.d->track_ && d->disc_ == other.d->disc_ && d->year_ == other.d->year_ && d->originalyear_ == other.d->originalyear_ && d->genre_ == other.d->genre_ && d->compilation_ == other.d->compilation_ && d->composer_ == other.d->composer_ && d->performer_ == other.d->performer_ && d->grouping_ == other.d->grouping_ && d->comment_ == other.d->comment_ && d->lyrics_ == other.d->lyrics_ && d->artist_id_ == other.d->artist_id_ && d->album_id_ == other.d->album_id_ && d->song_id_ == other.d->song_id_ && d->beginning_ == other.d->beginning_ && length_nanosec() == other.length_nanosec() && d->bitrate_ == other.d->bitrate_ && d->samplerate_ == other.d->samplerate_ && d->bitdepth_ == other.d->bitdepth_ && d->cue_path_ == other.d->cue_path_; } bool Song::IsMetadataAndMoreEqual(const Song &other) const { return IsMetadataEqual(other) && d->fingerprint_ == other.d->fingerprint_ && d->art_automatic_ == other.d->art_automatic_ && d->art_manual_ == other.d->art_manual_; } bool Song::IsEditable() const { return d->valid_ && !d->url_.isEmpty() && (d->url_.isLocalFile() || d->source_ == Source_Stream) && !has_cue(); } bool Song::operator==(const Song &other) const { return source() == other.source() && url() == other.url() && beginning_nanosec() == other.beginning_nanosec(); } bool Song::operator!=(const Song &other) const { return source() != other.source() || url() != other.url() || beginning_nanosec() != other.beginning_nanosec(); } #if QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(6, 0, 0) size_t qHash(const Song &song) { #else uint qHash(const Song &song) { #endif // Should compare the same fields as operator== return qHash(song.url().toString()) ^ qHash(song.beginning_nanosec()); } bool Song::IsSimilar(const Song &other) const { return title().compare(other.title(), Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0 && artist().compare(other.artist(), Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0 && album().compare(other.album(), Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0; } size_t HashSimilar(const Song &song) { // Should compare the same fields as function IsSimilar return qHash(song.title().toLower()) ^ qHash(song.artist().toLower()) ^ qHash(song.album().toLower()); } bool Song::IsOnSameAlbum(const Song &other) const { if (is_compilation() != other.is_compilation()) return false; if (has_cue() && other.has_cue() && cue_path() == other.cue_path()) return true; if (is_compilation() && album() == other.album()) return true; return effective_album() == other.effective_album() && effective_albumartist() == other.effective_albumartist(); } QString Song::AlbumKey() const { return QString("%1|%2|%3").arg(is_compilation() ? "_compilation" : effective_albumartist(), has_cue() ? cue_path() : "", effective_album()); } void Song::ToXesam(QVariantMap *map) const { using mpris::AddMetadata; using mpris::AddMetadataAsList; using mpris::AsMPRISDateTimeType; AddMetadata("xesam:url", effective_stream_url().toString(), map); AddMetadata("xesam:title", PrettyTitle(), map); AddMetadataAsList("xesam:artist", artist(), map); AddMetadata("xesam:album", album(), map); AddMetadataAsList("xesam:albumArtist", albumartist(), map); AddMetadata("mpris:length", length_nanosec() / kNsecPerUsec, map); AddMetadata("xesam:trackNumber", track(), map); AddMetadataAsList("xesam:genre", genre(), map); AddMetadata("xesam:discNumber", disc(), map); AddMetadataAsList("xesam:comment", comment(), map); AddMetadata("xesam:contentCreated", AsMPRISDateTimeType(ctime()), map); AddMetadata("xesam:lastUsed", AsMPRISDateTimeType(lastplayed()), map); AddMetadataAsList("xesam:composer", composer(), map); AddMetadata("xesam:useCount", playcount(), map); } void Song::MergeUserSetData(const Song &other) { set_playcount(other.playcount()); set_skipcount(other.skipcount()); set_lastplayed(other.lastplayed()); set_art_manual(other.art_manual()); set_compilation_on(other.compilation_on()); set_compilation_off(other.compilation_off()); set_rating(other.rating()); }