/* * Strawberry Music Player * This file was part of Clementine. * Copyright 2010, David Sansome * Copyright 2018-2019, Jonas Kvinge * * Strawberry is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Strawberry is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Strawberry. If not, see . * */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "core/logging.h" #include "core/utilities.h" #include "core/taskmanager.h" #include "core/musicstorage.h" #include "core/tagreaderclient.h" #include "core/song.h" #include "organise.h" #ifdef HAVE_GSTREAMER # include "transcoder/transcoder.h" #endif class OrganiseFormat; using std::placeholders::_1; const int Organise::kBatchSize = 10; #ifdef HAVE_GSTREAMER const int Organise::kTranscodeProgressInterval = 500; #endif Organise::Organise(TaskManager *task_manager, std::shared_ptr destination, const OrganiseFormat &format, bool copy, bool overwrite, bool mark_as_listened, bool albumcover, const NewSongInfoList &songs_info, bool eject_after, const QString &playlist) : thread_(nullptr), task_manager_(task_manager), #ifdef HAVE_GSTREAMER transcoder_(new Transcoder(this)), #endif destination_(destination), format_(format), copy_(copy), overwrite_(overwrite), mark_as_listened_(mark_as_listened), albumcover_(albumcover), eject_after_(eject_after), task_count_(songs_info.count()), playlist_(playlist), tasks_complete_(0), started_(false), task_id_(0), current_copy_progress_(0){ original_thread_ = thread(); for (const NewSongInfo &song_info : songs_info) { tasks_pending_ << Task(song_info); } } Organise::~Organise() { if (thread_) { thread_->quit(); thread_->deleteLater(); } } void Organise::Start() { if (thread_) return; task_id_ = task_manager_->StartTask(tr("Organising files")); task_manager_->SetTaskBlocksCollectionScans(true); thread_ = new QThread; connect(thread_, SIGNAL(started()), SLOT(ProcessSomeFiles())); #ifdef HAVE_GSTREAMER connect(transcoder_, SIGNAL(JobComplete(QString, QString, bool)), SLOT(FileTranscoded(QString, QString, bool))); connect(transcoder_, SIGNAL(LogLine(QString)), SLOT(LogLine(QString))); #endif moveToThread(thread_); thread_->start(); } void Organise::ProcessSomeFiles() { if (!started_) { if (!destination_->StartCopy(&supported_filetypes_)) { // Failed to start - mark everything as failed :( for (const Task &task : tasks_pending_) files_with_errors_ << task.song_info_.song_.url().toLocalFile(); tasks_pending_.clear(); } started_ = true; } // None left? if (tasks_pending_.isEmpty()) { #ifdef HAVE_GSTREAMER if (!tasks_transcoding_.isEmpty()) { // Just wait - FileTranscoded will start us off again in a little while qLog(Debug) << "Waiting for transcoding jobs"; transcode_progress_timer_.start(kTranscodeProgressInterval, this); return; } #endif UpdateProgress(); destination_->FinishCopy(files_with_errors_.isEmpty()); if (eject_after_) destination_->Eject(); task_manager_->SetTaskFinished(task_id_); emit Finished(files_with_errors_, log_); // Move back to the original thread so deleteLater() can get called in the main thread's event loop moveToThread(original_thread_); deleteLater(); // Stop this thread thread_->quit(); return; } // We process files in batches so we can be cancelled part-way through. for (int i = 0; i < kBatchSize; ++i) { SetSongProgress(0); if (tasks_pending_.isEmpty()) break; Task task = tasks_pending_.takeFirst(); qLog(Info) << "Processing" << task.song_info_.song_.url().toLocalFile(); // Use a Song instead of a tag reader Song song = task.song_info_.song_; if (!song.is_valid()) continue; // Get embedded album cover QImage cover = TagReaderClient::Instance()->LoadEmbeddedArtBlocking(task.song_info_.song_.url().toLocalFile()); if (!cover.isNull()) song.set_image(cover); #ifdef HAVE_GSTREAMER // Maybe this file is one that's been transcoded already? if (!task.transcoded_filename_.isEmpty()) { qLog(Debug) << "This file has already been transcoded"; // Set the new filetype on the song so the formatter gets it right song.set_filetype(task.new_filetype_); // Fiddle the filename extension as well to match the new type song.set_url(QUrl::fromLocalFile(Utilities::FiddleFileExtension(song.basefilename(), task.new_extension_))); song.set_basefilename(Utilities::FiddleFileExtension(song.basefilename(), task.new_extension_)); // Have to set this to the size of the new file or else funny stuff happens song.set_filesize(QFileInfo(task.transcoded_filename_).size()); } else { // Figure out if we need to transcode it Song::FileType dest_type = CheckTranscode(song.filetype()); if (dest_type != Song::FileType_Unknown) { // Get the preset TranscoderPreset preset = Transcoder::PresetForFileType(dest_type); qLog(Debug) << "Transcoding with" << preset.name_; task.transcoded_filename_ = transcoder_->GetFile(task.song_info_.song_.url().toLocalFile(), preset); task.new_extension_ = preset.extension_; task.new_filetype_ = dest_type; tasks_transcoding_[task.song_info_.song_.url().toLocalFile()] = task; qLog(Debug) << "Transcoding to" << task.transcoded_filename_; // Start the transcoding - this will happen in the background and FileTranscoded() will get called when it's done. // At that point the task will get re-added to the pending queue with the new filename. transcoder_->AddJob(task.song_info_.song_.url().toLocalFile(), preset, task.transcoded_filename_); transcoder_->Start(); continue; } } #endif MusicStorage::CopyJob job; job.source_ = task.transcoded_filename_.isEmpty() ? task.song_info_.song_.url().toLocalFile() : task.transcoded_filename_; job.destination_ = task.song_info_.new_filename_; job.metadata_ = song; job.overwrite_ = overwrite_; job.mark_as_listened_ = mark_as_listened_; job.albumcover_ = albumcover_; job.remove_original_ = !copy_; job.playlist_ = playlist_; if (task.song_info_.song_.art_manual_is_valid() && task.song_info_.song_.art_manual().path() != Song::kManuallyUnsetCover) { if (task.song_info_.song_.art_manual().isLocalFile() && QFile::exists(task.song_info_.song_.art_manual().toLocalFile())) { job.cover_source_ = task.song_info_.song_.art_manual().toLocalFile(); } else if (task.song_info_.song_.art_manual().scheme().isEmpty() && QFile::exists(task.song_info_.song_.art_manual().path())) { job.cover_source_ = task.song_info_.song_.art_manual().path(); } } else if (task.song_info_.song_.art_automatic_is_valid() && task.song_info_.song_.art_automatic().path() != Song::kEmbeddedCover) { if (task.song_info_.song_.art_automatic().isLocalFile() && QFile::exists(task.song_info_.song_.art_automatic().toLocalFile())) { job.cover_source_ = task.song_info_.song_.art_automatic().toLocalFile(); } else if (task.song_info_.song_.art_automatic().scheme().isEmpty() && QFile::exists(task.song_info_.song_.art_automatic().path())) { job.cover_source_ = task.song_info_.song_.art_automatic().path(); } } if (!job.cover_source_.isEmpty()) { job.cover_dest_ = QFileInfo(job.destination_).path() + "/" + QFileInfo(job.cover_source_).fileName(); } job.progress_ = std::bind(&Organise::SetSongProgress, this, _1, !task.transcoded_filename_.isEmpty()); if (!destination_->CopyToStorage(job)) { files_with_errors_ << task.song_info_.song_.basefilename(); } else { if (job.remove_original_) { // Notify other aspects of system that song has been invalidated QString root = destination_->LocalPath(); QFileInfo new_file = QFileInfo(root + "/" + task.song_info_.new_filename_); emit SongPathChanged(song, new_file); } if (job.mark_as_listened_) { emit FileCopied(job.metadata_.id()); } } // Clean up the temporary transcoded file if (!task.transcoded_filename_.isEmpty()) QFile::remove(task.transcoded_filename_); tasks_complete_++; } SetSongProgress(0); QTimer::singleShot(0, this, SLOT(ProcessSomeFiles())); } #ifdef HAVE_GSTREAMER Song::FileType Organise::CheckTranscode(Song::FileType original_type) const { if (original_type == Song::FileType_Stream) return Song::FileType_Unknown; const MusicStorage::TranscodeMode mode = destination_->GetTranscodeMode(); const Song::FileType format = destination_->GetTranscodeFormat(); switch (mode) { case MusicStorage::Transcode_Never: return Song::FileType_Unknown; case MusicStorage::Transcode_Always: if (original_type == format) return Song::FileType_Unknown; return format; case MusicStorage::Transcode_Unsupported: if (supported_filetypes_.isEmpty() || supported_filetypes_.contains(original_type)) return Song::FileType_Unknown; if (format != Song::FileType_Unknown) return format; // The user hasn't visited the device properties page yet to set a preferred format for the device, so we have to pick the best available one. return Transcoder::PickBestFormat(supported_filetypes_); } return Song::FileType_Unknown; } #endif void Organise::SetSongProgress(float progress, bool transcoded) { const int max = transcoded ? 50 : 100; current_copy_progress_ = (transcoded ? 50 : 0) + qBound(0, static_cast(progress * max), max - 1); UpdateProgress(); } void Organise::UpdateProgress() { const int total = task_count_ * 100; #ifdef HAVE_GSTREAMER // Update transcoding progress QMap transcode_progress = transcoder_->GetProgress(); for (const QString &filename : transcode_progress.keys()) { if (!tasks_transcoding_.contains(filename)) continue; tasks_transcoding_[filename].transcode_progress_ = transcode_progress[filename]; } #endif // Count the progress of all tasks that are in the queue. // Files that need transcoding total 50 for the transcode and 50 for the copy, files that only need to be copied total 100. int progress = tasks_complete_ * 100; for (const Task &task : tasks_pending_) { progress += qBound(0, static_cast(task.transcode_progress_ * 50), 50); } #ifdef HAVE_GSTREAMER for (const Task &task : tasks_transcoding_.values()) { progress += qBound(0, static_cast(task.transcode_progress_ * 50), 50); } #endif // Add the progress of the track that's currently copying progress += current_copy_progress_; task_manager_->SetTaskProgress(task_id_, progress, total); } void Organise::FileTranscoded(const QString &input, const QString &output, bool success) { Q_UNUSED(output); qLog(Info) << "File finished" << input << success; transcode_progress_timer_.stop(); Task task = tasks_transcoding_.take(input); if (!success) { files_with_errors_ << input; } else { tasks_pending_ << task; } QTimer::singleShot(0, this, SLOT(ProcessSomeFiles())); } void Organise::timerEvent(QTimerEvent *e) { QObject::timerEvent(e); #ifdef HAVE_GSTREAMER if (e->timerId() == transcode_progress_timer_.timerId()) { UpdateProgress(); } #endif } void Organise::LogLine(const QString message) { QString date(QDateTime::currentDateTime().toString(Qt::TextDate)); log_.append(QString("%1: %2").arg(date, message)); }