/* * Strawberry Music Player * This file was part of Clementine. * Copyright 2010, David Sansome * Copyright 2019, Jonas Kvinge * * Strawberry is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Strawberry is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Strawberry. If not, see . * */ #include "config.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "core/network.h" #include "core/song.h" #include "core/tagreaderclient.h" #include "core/utilities.h" #include "settings/collectionsettingspage.h" #include "organize/organizeformat.h" #include "albumcoverloader.h" #include "albumcoverloaderoptions.h" #include "albumcoverloaderresult.h" AlbumCoverLoader::AlbumCoverLoader(QObject *parent) : QObject(parent), stop_requested_(false), next_id_(1), network_(new NetworkAccessManager(this)), cover_album_dir_(false), cover_filename_(CollectionSettingsPage::SaveCover_Hash), cover_overwrite_(false), cover_lowercase_(true), cover_replace_spaces_(true), original_thread_(nullptr) { original_thread_ = thread(); ReloadSettings(); } void AlbumCoverLoader::ExitAsync() { stop_requested_ = true; metaObject()->invokeMethod(this, "Exit", Qt::QueuedConnection); } void AlbumCoverLoader::Exit() { assert(QThread::currentThread() == thread()); moveToThread(original_thread_); emit ExitFinished(); } void AlbumCoverLoader::ReloadSettings() { QSettings s; s.beginGroup(CollectionSettingsPage::kSettingsGroup); cover_album_dir_ = s.value("cover_album_dir", false).toBool(); cover_filename_ = CollectionSettingsPage::SaveCover(s.value("cover_filename", CollectionSettingsPage::SaveCover_Hash).toInt()); cover_pattern_ = s.value("cover_pattern", "%albumartist-%album").toString(); cover_overwrite_ = s.value("cover_overwrite", false).toBool(); cover_lowercase_ = s.value("cover_lowercase", false).toBool(); cover_replace_spaces_ = s.value("cover_replace_spaces", false).toBool(); s.endGroup(); } QString AlbumCoverLoader::AlbumCoverFilename(QString artist, QString album, const QString &extension) { artist.remove('/'); album.remove('/'); QString filename = artist + "-" + album; filename = Utilities::UnicodeToAscii(filename.toLower()); filename = filename.replace(' ', '-'); filename = filename.replace("--", "-"); filename = filename.remove(OrganizeFormat::kInvalidFatCharacters); filename = filename.simplified(); if (!extension.isEmpty()) { filename.append('.'); filename.append(extension); } return filename; } QString AlbumCoverLoader::CoverFilePath(const Song &song, const QString &album_dir, const QUrl &cover_url, const QString &extension) { return CoverFilePath(song.source(), song.effective_albumartist(), song.album(), song.album_id(), album_dir, cover_url, extension); } QString AlbumCoverLoader::CoverFilePath(const Song::Source source, const QString &artist, QString album, const QString &album_id, const QString &album_dir, const QUrl &cover_url, const QString &extension) { album.remove(Song::kAlbumRemoveDisc); QString path; if (source == Song::Source_Collection && cover_album_dir_ && !album_dir.isEmpty()) { path = album_dir; } else { path = Song::ImageCacheDir(source); } if (path.right(1) == QDir::separator() || path.right(1) == "/") { path.chop(1); } QDir dir; if (!dir.mkpath(path)) { qLog(Error) << "Unable to create directory" << path; path = QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::TempLocation); } QString filename; if (source == Song::Source_Collection && cover_album_dir_ && cover_filename_ == CollectionSettingsPage::SaveCover_Pattern && !cover_pattern_.isEmpty()) { filename = CoverFilenameFromVariable(artist, album); filename.remove(OrganizeFormat::kInvalidFatCharacters); if (cover_lowercase_) filename = filename.toLower(); if (cover_replace_spaces_) filename.replace(QRegularExpression("\\s"), "-"); if (!extension.isEmpty()) { filename.append('.'); filename.append(extension); } } else { filename = CoverFilenameFromSource(source, cover_url, artist, album, album_id, extension); } QString filepath(path + "/" + filename); return filepath; } QString AlbumCoverLoader::CoverFilenameFromSource(const Song::Source source, const QUrl &cover_url, const QString &artist, const QString &album, const QString &album_id, const QString &extension) { QString filename; switch (source) { case Song::Source_Tidal: if (!album_id.isEmpty()) { filename = album_id + "-" + cover_url.fileName(); break; } // fallthrough case Song::Source_Subsonic: case Song::Source_Qobuz: if (!album_id.isEmpty()) { filename = album_id; break; } // fallthrough case Song::Source_Collection: case Song::Source_LocalFile: case Song::Source_CDDA: case Song::Source_Device: case Song::Source_Stream: case Song::Source_Unknown: filename = Utilities::Sha1CoverHash(artist, album).toHex(); break; } if (!extension.isEmpty()) { filename.append('.'); filename.append(extension); } return filename; } QString AlbumCoverLoader::CoverFilenameFromVariable(const QString &artist, const QString &album, const QString &extension) { QString filename(cover_pattern_); filename.replace("%albumartist", artist); filename.replace("%artist", artist); filename.replace("%album", album); if (!extension.isEmpty()) { filename.append('.'); filename.append(extension); } return filename; } void AlbumCoverLoader::CancelTask(const quint64 id) { QMutexLocker l(&mutex_); for (QQueue::iterator it = tasks_.begin(); it != tasks_.end(); ++it) { if (it->id == id) { tasks_.erase(it); break; } } } void AlbumCoverLoader::CancelTasks(const QSet &ids) { QMutexLocker l(&mutex_); for (QQueue::iterator it = tasks_.begin(); it != tasks_.end();) { if (ids.contains(it->id)) { it = tasks_.erase(it); } else { ++it; } } } quint64 AlbumCoverLoader::LoadImageAsync(const AlbumCoverLoaderOptions& options, const Song &song) { return LoadImageAsync(options, song.art_automatic(), song.art_manual(), song.url(), song, song.image()); } quint64 AlbumCoverLoader::LoadImageAsync(const AlbumCoverLoaderOptions &options, const QUrl &art_automatic, const QUrl &art_manual, const QUrl &song_url, const Song song, const QImage &embedded_image) { Task task; task.options = options; task.song = song; task.song_url = song_url; task.art_manual = art_manual; task.art_automatic = art_automatic; task.art_updated = false; task.embedded_image = embedded_image; task.type = AlbumCoverLoaderResult::Type_None; task.state = State_Manual; { QMutexLocker l(&mutex_); task.id = next_id_++; tasks_.enqueue(task); } metaObject()->invokeMethod(this, "ProcessTasks", Qt::QueuedConnection); return task.id; } void AlbumCoverLoader::ProcessTasks() { while (!stop_requested_) { // Get the next task Task task; { QMutexLocker l(&mutex_); if (tasks_.isEmpty()) return; task = tasks_.dequeue(); } ProcessTask(&task); } } void AlbumCoverLoader::ProcessTask(Task *task) { TryLoadResult result = TryLoadImage(task); if (result.started_async) { // The image is being loaded from a remote URL, we'll carry on later when it's done return; } if (result.loaded_success) { QPair images = ScaleAndPad(task->options, result.image); emit AlbumCoverLoaded(task->id, AlbumCoverLoaderResult(result.type, result.cover_url, result.image, images.first, images.second, task->art_updated)); return; } NextState(task); } void AlbumCoverLoader::NextState(Task *task) { if (task->state == State_Manual) { // Try the automatic one next task->state = State_Automatic; ProcessTask(task); } else { // Give up emit AlbumCoverLoaded(task->id, AlbumCoverLoaderResult(AlbumCoverLoaderResult::Type_None, QUrl(), task->options.default_output_image_, task->options.default_output_image_, task->options.default_thumbnail_image_, task->art_updated)); } } AlbumCoverLoader::TryLoadResult AlbumCoverLoader::TryLoadImage(Task *task) { // An image embedded in the song itself takes priority if (!task->embedded_image.isNull()) { QPair images = ScaleAndPad(task->options, task->embedded_image); return TryLoadResult(false, true, AlbumCoverLoaderResult::Type_Embedded, QUrl(), images.first); } // Use cached album cover if possible. if (task->state == State_Manual && !task->song.art_manual_is_valid() && task->art_manual.isEmpty() && task->song.source() != Song::Source_Collection && !task->options.scale_output_image_ && !task->options.pad_output_image_) { task->song.InitArtManual(); if (task->song.art_manual_is_valid() && task->art_manual != task->song.art_manual()) { task->art_manual = task->song.art_manual(); task->art_updated = true; } } AlbumCoverLoaderResult::Type type(AlbumCoverLoaderResult::Type_None); QUrl cover_url; switch (task->state) { case State_None: case State_Automatic: type = AlbumCoverLoaderResult::Type_Automatic; cover_url = task->art_automatic; break; case State_Manual: type = AlbumCoverLoaderResult::Type_Manual; cover_url = task->art_manual; break; } task->type = type; if (!cover_url.isEmpty() && !cover_url.path().isEmpty()) { if (cover_url.path() == Song::kManuallyUnsetCover) { return TryLoadResult(false, true, AlbumCoverLoaderResult::Type_ManuallyUnset, cover_url, task->options.default_output_image_); } else if (cover_url.path() == Song::kEmbeddedCover && task->song_url.isLocalFile()) { const QImage taglib_image = TagReaderClient::Instance()->LoadEmbeddedArtBlocking(task->song_url.toLocalFile()); if (!taglib_image.isNull()) { return TryLoadResult(false, true, AlbumCoverLoaderResult::Type_Embedded, cover_url, ScaleAndPad(task->options, taglib_image).first); } } else if (cover_url.isLocalFile()) { QImage image(cover_url.toLocalFile()); return TryLoadResult(false, !image.isNull(), type, cover_url, image.isNull() ? task->options.default_output_image_ : image); } else if (cover_url.scheme().isEmpty()) { // Assume a local file with no scheme. QImage image(cover_url.path()); return TryLoadResult(false, !image.isNull(), type, cover_url, image.isNull() ? task->options.default_output_image_ : image); } else if (network_->supportedSchemes().contains(cover_url.scheme())) { // Remote URL qLog(Debug) << "Loading remote cover from" << cover_url; QNetworkRequest request(cover_url); #if QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(5, 9, 0) request.setAttribute(QNetworkRequest::RedirectPolicyAttribute, QNetworkRequest::NoLessSafeRedirectPolicy); #else request.setAttribute(QNetworkRequest::FollowRedirectsAttribute, true); #endif QNetworkReply *reply = network_->get(request); connect(reply, &QNetworkReply::finished, [=] { RemoteFetchFinished(reply, cover_url); }); remote_tasks_.insert(reply, *task); return TryLoadResult(true, false, type, cover_url, QImage()); } } return TryLoadResult(false, false, AlbumCoverLoaderResult::Type_None, cover_url, task->options.default_output_image_); } void AlbumCoverLoader::RemoteFetchFinished(QNetworkReply *reply, const QUrl &cover_url) { reply->deleteLater(); if (!remote_tasks_.contains(reply)) return; Task task = remote_tasks_.take(reply); // Handle redirects. QVariant redirect = reply->attribute(QNetworkRequest::RedirectionTargetAttribute); if (redirect.isValid()) { if (++task.redirects > kMaxRedirects) { return; // Give up. } QNetworkRequest request = reply->request(); #if QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(5, 9, 0) request.setAttribute(QNetworkRequest::RedirectPolicyAttribute, QNetworkRequest::NoLessSafeRedirectPolicy); #else request.setAttribute(QNetworkRequest::FollowRedirectsAttribute, true); #endif request.setUrl(redirect.toUrl()); QNetworkReply *redirected_reply = network_->get(request); connect(redirected_reply, &QNetworkReply::finished, [=] { RemoteFetchFinished(redirected_reply, redirect.toUrl()); }); remote_tasks_.insert(redirected_reply, task); return; } if (reply->error() == QNetworkReply::NoError) { // Try to load the image QImage image; if (image.load(reply, nullptr)) { QPair images = ScaleAndPad(task.options, image); emit AlbumCoverLoaded(task.id, AlbumCoverLoaderResult(task.type, cover_url, image, images.first, images.second, task.art_updated)); return; } else { qLog(Error) << "Unable to load album cover image" << cover_url; } } else { qLog(Error) << "Unable to get album cover" << cover_url << reply->error() << reply->errorString(); } NextState(&task); } QPair AlbumCoverLoader::ScaleAndPad(const AlbumCoverLoaderOptions &options, const QImage &image) { if (image.isNull()) return qMakePair(image, image); // Scale the image down QImage image_scaled; if (options.scale_output_image_) { image_scaled = image.scaled(QSize(options.desired_height_, options.desired_height_), Qt::KeepAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation); } else { image_scaled = image; } // Pad the image to height x height if (options.pad_output_image_) { QImage image_padded(options.desired_height_, options.desired_height_, QImage::Format_ARGB32); image_padded.fill(0); QPainter p(&image_padded); p.drawImage((options.desired_height_ - image_scaled.width()) / 2, (options.desired_height_ - image_scaled.height()) / 2, image_scaled); p.end(); image_scaled = image_padded; } // Create thumbnail QImage image_thumbnail; if (options.create_thumbnail_) { if (options.pad_thumbnail_image_) { image_thumbnail = image.scaled(options.thumbnail_size_, Qt::KeepAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation); QImage image_padded(options.thumbnail_size_, QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied); image_padded.fill(0); QPainter p(&image_padded); p.drawImage((image_padded.width() - image_thumbnail.width()) / 2, (image_padded.height() - image_thumbnail.height()) / 2, image_thumbnail); p.end(); image_thumbnail = image_padded; } else { image_thumbnail = image.scaledToHeight(options.thumbnail_size_.height(), Qt::SmoothTransformation); } } return qMakePair(image_scaled, image_thumbnail); } QPixmap AlbumCoverLoader::TryLoadPixmap(const QUrl &art_automatic, const QUrl &art_manual, const QUrl &url) { QPixmap ret; if (!art_manual.path().isEmpty()) { if (art_manual.path() == Song::kManuallyUnsetCover) return ret; else if (art_manual.isLocalFile()) { ret.load(art_manual.toLocalFile()); } else if (art_manual.scheme().isEmpty()) { ret.load(art_manual.path()); } } if (ret.isNull() && !art_automatic.path().isEmpty()) { if (art_automatic.path() == Song::kEmbeddedCover && !url.isEmpty() && url.isLocalFile()) { ret = QPixmap::fromImage(TagReaderClient::Instance()->LoadEmbeddedArtBlocking(url.toLocalFile())); } else if (art_automatic.isLocalFile()) { ret.load(art_automatic.toLocalFile()); } else if (art_automatic.scheme().isEmpty()) { ret.load(art_automatic.path()); } } return ret; }