include(CheckLibraryExists) include(CheckTypeSize) include(CheckCXXSourceCompiles) # Check if the size of numeric types are suitable. check_type_size("short" SIZEOF_SHORT) if(NOT ${SIZEOF_SHORT} EQUAL 2) message(FATAL_ERROR "TagLib requires that short is 16-bit wide.") endif() check_type_size("int" SIZEOF_INT) if(NOT ${SIZEOF_INT} EQUAL 4) message(FATAL_ERROR "TagLib requires that int is 32-bit wide.") endif() check_type_size("long long" SIZEOF_LONGLONG) if(NOT ${SIZEOF_LONGLONG} EQUAL 8) message(FATAL_ERROR "TagLib requires that long long is 64-bit wide.") endif() check_type_size("wchar_t" SIZEOF_WCHAR_T) if(${SIZEOF_WCHAR_T} LESS 2) message(FATAL_ERROR "TagLib requires that wchar_t is sufficient to store a UTF-16 char.") endif() check_type_size("float" SIZEOF_FLOAT) if(NOT ${SIZEOF_FLOAT} EQUAL 4) message(FATAL_ERROR "TagLib requires that float is 32-bit wide.") endif() check_type_size("double" SIZEOF_DOUBLE) if(NOT ${SIZEOF_DOUBLE} EQUAL 8) message(FATAL_ERROR "TagLib requires that double is 64-bit wide.") endif() # Determine which kind of atomic operations your compiler supports. check_cxx_source_compiles(" #include <atomic> int main() { std::atomic_int x(1); ++x; --x; return 0; } " HAVE_STD_ATOMIC) if(NOT HAVE_STD_ATOMIC) check_cxx_source_compiles(" int main() { volatile int x; __sync_add_and_fetch(&x, 1); int y = __sync_sub_and_fetch(&x, 1); return 0; } " HAVE_GCC_ATOMIC) if(NOT HAVE_GCC_ATOMIC) check_cxx_source_compiles(" #include <libkern/OSAtomic.h> int main() { volatile int32_t x; OSAtomicIncrement32Barrier(&x); int32_t y = OSAtomicDecrement32Barrier(&x); return 0; } " HAVE_MAC_ATOMIC) if(NOT HAVE_MAC_ATOMIC) check_cxx_source_compiles(" #include <windows.h> int main() { volatile LONG x; InterlockedIncrement(&x); LONG y = InterlockedDecrement(&x); return 0; } " HAVE_WIN_ATOMIC) if(NOT HAVE_WIN_ATOMIC) check_cxx_source_compiles(" #include <ia64intrin.h> int main() { volatile int x; __sync_add_and_fetch(&x, 1); int y = __sync_sub_and_fetch(&x, 1); return 0; } " HAVE_IA64_ATOMIC) endif() endif() endif() endif() # Determine which kind of byte swap functions your compiler supports. check_cxx_source_compiles(" int main() { __builtin_bswap16(0); __builtin_bswap32(0); __builtin_bswap64(0); return 0; } " HAVE_GCC_BYTESWAP) if(NOT HAVE_GCC_BYTESWAP) check_cxx_source_compiles(" #include <byteswap.h> int main() { __bswap_16(0); __bswap_32(0); __bswap_64(0); return 0; } " HAVE_GLIBC_BYTESWAP) if(NOT HAVE_GLIBC_BYTESWAP) check_cxx_source_compiles(" #include <stdlib.h> int main() { _byteswap_ushort(0); _byteswap_ulong(0); _byteswap_uint64(0); return 0; } " HAVE_MSC_BYTESWAP) if(NOT HAVE_MSC_BYTESWAP) check_cxx_source_compiles(" #include <libkern/OSByteOrder.h> int main() { OSSwapInt16(0); OSSwapInt32(0); OSSwapInt64(0); return 0; } " HAVE_MAC_BYTESWAP) if(NOT HAVE_MAC_BYTESWAP) check_cxx_source_compiles(" #include <sys/endian.h> int main() { swap16(0); swap32(0); swap64(0); return 0; } " HAVE_OPENBSD_BYTESWAP) endif() endif() endif() endif() # Determine whether your compiler supports some safer version of vsprintf. check_cxx_source_compiles(" #include <cstdio> #include <cstdarg> int main() { char buf[20]; va_list args; vsnprintf(buf, 20, \"%d\", args); return 0; } " HAVE_VSNPRINTF) if(NOT HAVE_VSNPRINTF) check_cxx_source_compiles(" #include <cstdio> #include <cstdarg> int main() { char buf[20]; va_list args; vsprintf_s(buf, \"%d\", args); return 0; } " HAVE_VSPRINTF_S) endif() # Determine whether your compiler supports ISO _strdup. check_cxx_source_compiles(" #include <cstring> int main() { _strdup(0); return 0; } " HAVE_ISO_STRDUP) # Determine whether zlib is installed. if(NOT ZLIB_SOURCE) find_package(ZLIB) if(ZLIB_FOUND) set(HAVE_ZLIB 1) else() set(HAVE_ZLIB 0) endif() endif() # Determine whether CppUnit is installed. if(BUILD_TESTS AND NOT BUILD_SHARED_LIBS) find_package(CppUnit) if(NOT CppUnit_FOUND) message(STATUS "CppUnit not found, disabling tests.") set(BUILD_TESTS OFF) endif() endif() # Detect WinRT mode if(CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME STREQUAL "WindowsStore") set(PLATFORM WINRT 1) endif()