/* * Strawberry Music Player * This file was part of Clementine. * Copyright 2010, David Sansome * * Strawberry is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Strawberry is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Strawberry. If not, see . * */ #include "config.h" #ifdef HAVE_LIBGPOD # include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "devicelister.h" #include "core/logging.h" DeviceLister::DeviceLister() : thread_(nullptr), next_mount_request_id_(0) {} DeviceLister::~DeviceLister() { if (thread_) { thread_->quit(); thread_->wait(1000); thread_->deleteLater(); } } void DeviceLister::Start() { thread_ = new QThread; connect(thread_, SIGNAL(started()), SLOT(ThreadStarted())); moveToThread(thread_); thread_->start(); } void DeviceLister::ThreadStarted() { Init(); } namespace { #ifdef HAVE_LIBGPOD QString GetIpodColour(Itdb_IpodModel model) { switch (model) { case ITDB_IPOD_MODEL_MINI_GREEN: case ITDB_IPOD_MODEL_NANO_GREEN: case ITDB_IPOD_MODEL_SHUFFLE_GREEN: return "green"; case ITDB_IPOD_MODEL_MINI_BLUE: case ITDB_IPOD_MODEL_NANO_BLUE: case ITDB_IPOD_MODEL_SHUFFLE_BLUE: return "blue"; case ITDB_IPOD_MODEL_MINI_PINK: case ITDB_IPOD_MODEL_NANO_PINK: case ITDB_IPOD_MODEL_SHUFFLE_PINK: return "pink"; case ITDB_IPOD_MODEL_MINI_GOLD: return "gold"; case ITDB_IPOD_MODEL_NANO_WHITE: case ITDB_IPOD_MODEL_VIDEO_WHITE: return "white"; case ITDB_IPOD_MODEL_NANO_SILVER: case ITDB_IPOD_MODEL_CLASSIC_SILVER: return "silver"; case ITDB_IPOD_MODEL_NANO_RED: case ITDB_IPOD_MODEL_SHUFFLE_RED: return "red"; case ITDB_IPOD_MODEL_NANO_YELLOW: return "yellow"; case ITDB_IPOD_MODEL_NANO_PURPLE: case ITDB_IPOD_MODEL_SHUFFLE_PURPLE: return "purple"; case ITDB_IPOD_MODEL_NANO_ORANGE: case ITDB_IPOD_MODEL_SHUFFLE_ORANGE: return "orange"; case ITDB_IPOD_MODEL_NANO_BLACK: case ITDB_IPOD_MODEL_VIDEO_BLACK: case ITDB_IPOD_MODEL_CLASSIC_BLACK: return "black"; default: return QString(); } } QString GetIpodModel(Itdb_IpodModel model) { switch (model) { case ITDB_IPOD_MODEL_MINI: case ITDB_IPOD_MODEL_MINI_BLUE: case ITDB_IPOD_MODEL_MINI_PINK: case ITDB_IPOD_MODEL_MINI_GREEN: case ITDB_IPOD_MODEL_MINI_GOLD: return "mini"; case ITDB_IPOD_MODEL_NANO_WHITE: case ITDB_IPOD_MODEL_NANO_BLACK: case ITDB_IPOD_MODEL_NANO_SILVER: case ITDB_IPOD_MODEL_NANO_BLUE: case ITDB_IPOD_MODEL_NANO_GREEN: case ITDB_IPOD_MODEL_NANO_PINK: case ITDB_IPOD_MODEL_NANO_RED: case ITDB_IPOD_MODEL_NANO_YELLOW: case ITDB_IPOD_MODEL_NANO_PURPLE: case ITDB_IPOD_MODEL_NANO_ORANGE: return "nano"; case ITDB_IPOD_MODEL_SHUFFLE: case ITDB_IPOD_MODEL_SHUFFLE_SILVER: case ITDB_IPOD_MODEL_SHUFFLE_PINK: case ITDB_IPOD_MODEL_SHUFFLE_BLUE: case ITDB_IPOD_MODEL_SHUFFLE_GREEN: case ITDB_IPOD_MODEL_SHUFFLE_ORANGE: case ITDB_IPOD_MODEL_SHUFFLE_RED: return "shuffle"; case ITDB_IPOD_MODEL_COLOR: case ITDB_IPOD_MODEL_REGULAR: case ITDB_IPOD_MODEL_CLASSIC_SILVER: case ITDB_IPOD_MODEL_CLASSIC_BLACK: return "standard"; case ITDB_IPOD_MODEL_COLOR_U2: case ITDB_IPOD_MODEL_REGULAR_U2: return "U2"; default: return QString(); } } #endif } QUrl DeviceLister::MakeUrlFromLocalPath(const QString &path) const { if (IsIpod(path)) { QUrl ret; ret.setScheme("ipod"); ret.setPath(QDir::fromNativeSeparators(path)); return ret; } return QUrl::fromLocalFile(path); } bool DeviceLister::IsIpod(const QString &path) const { return QFile::exists(path + "/iTunes_Control") || QFile::exists(path + "/iPod_Control") || QFile::exists(path + "/iTunes/iTunes_Control"); } QStringList DeviceLister::GuessIconForPath(const QString &path) { QStringList ret; #ifdef HAVE_LIBGPOD if (IsIpod(path)) { Itdb_Device* device = itdb_device_new(); itdb_device_set_mountpoint(device, path.toLocal8Bit().constData()); const Itdb_IpodInfo* info = itdb_device_get_ipod_info(device); QString colour = GetIpodColour(info->ipod_model); QString model = GetIpodModel(info->ipod_model); itdb_device_free(device); if (!colour.isEmpty()) { QString colour_icon = "multimedia-player-ipod-%1-%2"; ret << colour_icon.arg(model, colour); } if (!model.isEmpty()) { QString model_icon = "multimedia-player-ipod-%1"; ret << model_icon.arg(model); } } #endif return ret; } QStringList DeviceLister::GuessIconForModel(const QString &vendor, const QString &model) { QStringList ret; if (vendor.startsWith("Google") && model.contains("Nexus")) { ret << "phone-google-nexus-one"; } return ret; } int DeviceLister::MountDevice(const QString &id) { const int ret = next_mount_request_id_++; emit DeviceMounted(id, ret, true); return ret; }