/* * Strawberry Music Player * This file was part of Clementine. * Copyright 2010, David Sansome * Copyright 2018-2021, Jonas Kvinge * * Strawberry is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Strawberry is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Strawberry. If not, see . * */ #include "config.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "core/database.h" #include "core/sqlquery.h" #include "core/scopedtransaction.h" #include "devicedatabasebackend.h" const int DeviceDatabaseBackend::kDeviceSchemaVersion = 3; DeviceDatabaseBackend::DeviceDatabaseBackend(QObject *parent) : QObject(parent), db_(nullptr), original_thread_(nullptr) { original_thread_ = thread(); } void DeviceDatabaseBackend::Init(Database *db) { db_ = db; } void DeviceDatabaseBackend::Close() { if (db_) { QMutexLocker l(db_->Mutex()); db_->Close(); } } void DeviceDatabaseBackend::ExitAsync() { QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this, "Exit", Qt::QueuedConnection); } void DeviceDatabaseBackend::Exit() { Q_ASSERT(QThread::currentThread() == thread()); Close(); moveToThread(original_thread_); emit ExitFinished(); } DeviceDatabaseBackend::DeviceList DeviceDatabaseBackend::GetAllDevices() { DeviceList ret; DeviceList old_devices; { QMutexLocker l(db_->Mutex()); QSqlDatabase db(db_->Connect()); SqlQuery q(db); q.prepare("SELECT ROWID, unique_id, friendly_name, size, icon, schema_version, transcode_mode, transcode_format FROM devices"); if (!q.Exec()) { db_->ReportErrors(q); return ret; } while (q.next()) { Device dev; dev.id_ = q.value(0).toInt(); dev.unique_id_ = q.value(1).toString(); dev.friendly_name_ = q.value(2).toString(); dev.size_ = q.value(3).toLongLong(); dev.icon_name_ = q.value(4).toString(); int schema_version = q.value(5).toInt(); dev.transcode_mode_ = MusicStorage::TranscodeMode(q.value(6).toInt()); dev.transcode_format_ = Song::FileType(q.value(7).toInt()); if (schema_version < kDeviceSchemaVersion) { // Device is using old schema, drop it. old_devices << dev; } else { ret << dev; } } } for (const Device &dev : old_devices) { RemoveDevice(dev.id_); } Close(); return ret; } int DeviceDatabaseBackend::AddDevice(const Device &device) { QMutexLocker l(db_->Mutex()); QSqlDatabase db(db_->Connect()); ScopedTransaction t(&db); // Insert the device into the devices table SqlQuery q(db); q.prepare("INSERT INTO devices (unique_id, friendly_name, size, icon, transcode_mode, transcode_format) VALUES (:unique_id, :friendly_name, :size, :icon, :transcode_mode, :transcode_format)"); q.BindValue(":unique_id", device.unique_id_); q.BindValue(":friendly_name", device.friendly_name_); q.BindValue(":size", device.size_); q.BindValue(":icon", device.icon_name_); q.BindValue(":transcode_mode", device.transcode_mode_); q.BindValue(":transcode_format", device.transcode_format_); if (!q.Exec()) { db_->ReportErrors(q); return -1; } int id = q.lastInsertId().toInt(); // Create the songs tables for the device QString filename(":/schema/device-schema.sql"); QFile schema_file(filename); if (!schema_file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { qFatal("Couldn't open schema file %s: %s", filename.toUtf8().constData(), schema_file.errorString().toUtf8().constData()); } QString schema = QString::fromUtf8(schema_file.readAll()); schema.replace("%deviceid", QString::number(id)); db_->ExecSchemaCommands(db, schema, 0, true); t.Commit(); return id; } void DeviceDatabaseBackend::RemoveDevice(const int id) { QMutexLocker l(db_->Mutex()); QSqlDatabase db(db_->Connect()); ScopedTransaction t(&db); // Remove the device from the devices table SqlQuery q(db); q.prepare("DELETE FROM devices WHERE ROWID=:id"); q.BindValue(":id", id); if (!q.Exec()) { db_->ReportErrors(q); return; } // Remove the songs tables for the device db.exec(QString("DROP TABLE device_%1_songs").arg(id)); db.exec(QString("DROP TABLE device_%1_fts").arg(id)); db.exec(QString("DROP TABLE device_%1_directories").arg(id)); db.exec(QString("DROP TABLE device_%1_subdirectories").arg(id)); t.Commit(); } void DeviceDatabaseBackend::SetDeviceOptions(const int id, const QString &friendly_name, const QString &icon_name, const MusicStorage::TranscodeMode mode, const Song::FileType format) { QMutexLocker l(db_->Mutex()); QSqlDatabase db(db_->Connect()); SqlQuery q(db); q.prepare( "UPDATE devices" " SET friendly_name=:friendly_name," " icon=:icon_name," " transcode_mode=:transcode_mode," " transcode_format=:transcode_format" " WHERE ROWID=:id"); q.BindValue(":friendly_name", friendly_name); q.BindValue(":icon_name", icon_name); q.BindValue(":transcode_mode", mode); q.BindValue(":transcode_format", format); q.BindValue(":id", id); if (!q.Exec()) { db_->ReportErrors(q); } }