/* * Strawberry Music Player * This file was part of Clementine. * Copyright 2010, David Sansome * Copyright 2018-2021, Jonas Kvinge * * Strawberry is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Strawberry is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Strawberry. If not, see . * */ #include "config.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "core/logging.h" #include "core/utilities.h" #include "core/imageutils.h" #include "core/networkaccessmanager.h" #include "core/networktimeouts.h" #include "albumcoverfetcher.h" #include "albumcoverfetchersearch.h" #include "coverprovider.h" #include "coverproviders.h" #include "albumcoverimageresult.h" const int AlbumCoverFetcherSearch::kSearchTimeoutMs = 20000; const int AlbumCoverFetcherSearch::kImageLoadTimeoutMs = 6000; const int AlbumCoverFetcherSearch::kTargetSize = 500; const float AlbumCoverFetcherSearch::kGoodScore = 4.0; AlbumCoverFetcherSearch::AlbumCoverFetcherSearch(const CoverSearchRequest &request, NetworkAccessManager *network, QObject *parent) : QObject(parent), request_(request), image_load_timeout_(new NetworkTimeouts(kImageLoadTimeoutMs, this)), network_(network), cancel_requested_(false) { // We will terminate the search after kSearchTimeoutMs milliseconds if we are not able to find all of the results before that point in time QTimer::singleShot(kSearchTimeoutMs, this, &AlbumCoverFetcherSearch::TerminateSearch); } AlbumCoverFetcherSearch::~AlbumCoverFetcherSearch() { pending_requests_.clear(); Cancel(); } void AlbumCoverFetcherSearch::TerminateSearch() { QList ids = pending_requests_.keys(); for (const int id : ids) { pending_requests_.take(id)->CancelSearch(id); } AllProvidersFinished(); } void AlbumCoverFetcherSearch::Start(CoverProviders *cover_providers) { // Ignore Radio Paradise "commercial" break. if (request_.artist.compare("commercial-free", Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0 && request_.title.compare("listener-supported", Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) { TerminateSearch(); return; } QList cover_providers_sorted = cover_providers->List(); std::stable_sort(cover_providers_sorted.begin(), cover_providers_sorted.end(), ProviderCompareOrder); for (CoverProvider *provider : cover_providers_sorted) { if (!provider->is_enabled()) continue; // Skip any provider that requires authentication but is not authenticated. if (provider->AuthenticationRequired() && !provider->IsAuthenticated()) { continue; } // Skip provider if it does not have batch set and we are doing a batch - "Fetch Missing Covers". if (!provider->batch() && request_.batch) { continue; } // If artist and album is missing, check if we can still use this provider by searching using title. if (!provider->allow_missing_album() && request_.album.isEmpty() && !request_.title.isEmpty()) { continue; } QObject::connect(provider, &CoverProvider::SearchResults, this, QOverload::of(&AlbumCoverFetcherSearch::ProviderSearchResults)); QObject::connect(provider, &CoverProvider::SearchFinished, this, &AlbumCoverFetcherSearch::ProviderSearchFinished); const int id = cover_providers->NextId(); const bool success = provider->StartSearch(request_.artist, request_.album, request_.title, id); if (success) { pending_requests_[id] = provider; statistics_.network_requests_made_++; } } // End this search before it even began if there are no providers... if (pending_requests_.isEmpty()) { TerminateSearch(); } } void AlbumCoverFetcherSearch::ProviderSearchResults(const int id, const CoverProviderSearchResults &results) { if (!pending_requests_.contains(id)) return; CoverProvider *provider = pending_requests_[id]; ProviderSearchResults(provider, results); } void AlbumCoverFetcherSearch::ProviderSearchResults(CoverProvider *provider, const CoverProviderSearchResults &results) { CoverProviderSearchResults results_copy(results); for (int i = 0; i < results_copy.count(); ++i) { results_copy[i].provider = provider->name(); results_copy[i].score_provider = provider->quality(); const QString &request_artist = request_.artist; const QString &request_album = request_.album; const QString &result_artist = results_copy[i].artist; const QString &result_album = results_copy[i].album; if (result_artist.compare(request_artist, Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) { results_copy[i].score_match += 0.5; } if (result_album.compare(request_album, Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) { results_copy[i].score_match += 0.5; } if (result_artist.compare(request_artist, Qt::CaseInsensitive) != 0 && result_album.compare(request_album, Qt::CaseInsensitive) != 0) { results_copy[i].score_match -= 1.5; } if (request_album.isEmpty() && result_artist.compare(request_artist, Qt::CaseInsensitive) != 0) { results_copy[i].score_match -= 1; } // Decrease score if the search was based on artist and song title, and the resulting album is a compilation or live album. // This is done since we can't match the album titles, and we want to prevent compilation or live albums from being picked before studio albums for streams. // TODO: Make these regular expressions. if (request_album.isEmpty() && ( result_album.contains("hits", Qt::CaseInsensitive) || result_album.contains("greatest", Qt::CaseInsensitive) || result_album.contains("best", Qt::CaseInsensitive) || result_album.contains("collection", Qt::CaseInsensitive) || result_album.contains("classics", Qt::CaseInsensitive) || result_album.contains("singles", Qt::CaseInsensitive) || result_album.contains("bootleg", Qt::CaseInsensitive) || result_album.contains("live", Qt::CaseInsensitive) || result_album.contains("concert", Qt::CaseInsensitive) || result_album.contains("essential", Qt::CaseInsensitive) || result_album.contains("ultimate", Qt::CaseInsensitive) || result_album.contains("karaoke", Qt::CaseInsensitive) || result_album.contains("mixtape", Qt::CaseInsensitive) || result_album.contains("country rock", Qt::CaseInsensitive) || result_album.contains("indie folk", Qt::CaseInsensitive) || result_album.contains("soft rock", Qt::CaseInsensitive) || result_album.contains("folk music", Qt::CaseInsensitive) || result_album.contains("60's rock", Qt::CaseInsensitive) || result_album.contains("60's romance", Qt::CaseInsensitive) || result_album.contains("60s music", Qt::CaseInsensitive) || result_album.contains("late 60s", Qt::CaseInsensitive) || result_album.contains("the 60s", Qt::CaseInsensitive) || result_album.contains("folk and blues", Qt::CaseInsensitive) || result_album.contains("60 from the 60's", Qt::CaseInsensitive) || result_album.contains("classic psychedelic", Qt::CaseInsensitive) || result_album.contains("playlist: acoustic", Qt::CaseInsensitive) || result_album.contains("90's rnb playlist", Qt::CaseInsensitive) || result_album.contains("rock 80s", Qt::CaseInsensitive) || result_album.contains("classic 80s", Qt::CaseInsensitive) || result_album.contains("rock anthems", Qt::CaseInsensitive) || result_album.contains("rock songs", Qt::CaseInsensitive) || result_album.contains("rock 2019", Qt::CaseInsensitive) || result_album.contains("guitar anthems", Qt::CaseInsensitive) || result_album.contains("driving anthems", Qt::CaseInsensitive) || result_album.contains("traffic jam jams", Qt::CaseInsensitive) || result_album.contains("perfect background music", Qt::CaseInsensitive) || result_album.contains("70's gold", Qt::CaseInsensitive) || result_album.contains("rockfluence", Qt::CaseInsensitive) || result_album.contains("acoustic dinner accompaniment", Qt::CaseInsensitive) || result_album.contains("complete studio albums", Qt::CaseInsensitive) || result_album.contains("mellow rock", Qt::CaseInsensitive) )) { results_copy[i].score_match -= 1; } else if (request_album.isEmpty() && result_album.contains("soundtrack", Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { results_copy[i].score_match -= 0.5; } // Set the initial image quality score based on the size returned by the API, this is recalculated when the image is received. results_copy[i].score_quality += ScoreImage(results_copy[i].image_size); } // Add results from the current provider to our pool results_.append(results_copy); statistics_.total_images_by_provider_[provider->name()]++; } void AlbumCoverFetcherSearch::ProviderSearchFinished(const int id, const CoverProviderSearchResults &results) { if (!pending_requests_.contains(id)) return; CoverProvider *provider = pending_requests_.take(id); ProviderSearchResults(provider, results); // Do we have more providers left? if (!pending_requests_.isEmpty()) { return; } AllProvidersFinished(); } void AlbumCoverFetcherSearch::AllProvidersFinished() { if (cancel_requested_) { return; } // If we only wanted to do the search then we're done if (request_.search) { emit SearchFinished(request_.id, results_); return; } // No results? if (results_.isEmpty()) { statistics_.missing_images_++; emit AlbumCoverFetched(request_.id, AlbumCoverImageResult()); return; } // Now we have to load some images and figure out which one is the best. // We'll sort the list of results by current score, then load the first 3 images from each category and use some heuristics for additional score. // If no images are good enough we'll keep loading more images until we find one that is or we run out of results. std::stable_sort(results_.begin(), results_.end(), CoverProviderSearchResultCompareScore); FetchMoreImages(); } void AlbumCoverFetcherSearch::FetchMoreImages() { int i = 0; while (!results_.isEmpty()) { ++i; CoverProviderSearchResult result = results_.takeFirst(); qLog(Debug) << "Loading" << result.artist << result.album << result.image_url << "from" << result.provider << "with current score" << result.score(); QNetworkRequest req(result.image_url); #if QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(5, 9, 0) req.setAttribute(QNetworkRequest::RedirectPolicyAttribute, QNetworkRequest::NoLessSafeRedirectPolicy); #else req.setAttribute(QNetworkRequest::FollowRedirectsAttribute, true); #endif QNetworkReply *image_reply = network_->get(req); QObject::connect(image_reply, &QNetworkReply::finished, this, [this, image_reply]() { ProviderCoverFetchFinished(image_reply); }); pending_image_loads_[image_reply] = result; image_load_timeout_->AddReply(image_reply); ++statistics_.network_requests_made_; if (i >= 3) break; } if (pending_image_loads_.isEmpty()) { // There were no more results? Time to give up. SendBestImage(); } } void AlbumCoverFetcherSearch::ProviderCoverFetchFinished(QNetworkReply *reply) { QObject::disconnect(reply, nullptr, this, nullptr); reply->deleteLater(); if (!pending_image_loads_.contains(reply)) return; CoverProviderSearchResult result = pending_image_loads_.take(reply); statistics_.bytes_transferred_ += reply->bytesAvailable(); if (cancel_requested_) return; if (reply->error() != QNetworkReply::NoError) { qLog(Error) << "Error requesting" << reply->url() << reply->errorString(); } else if (reply->attribute(QNetworkRequest::HttpStatusCodeAttribute).toInt() != 200) { qLog(Error) << "Error requesting" << reply->url() << "received HTTP code" << reply->attribute(QNetworkRequest::HttpStatusCodeAttribute).toInt(); } else { QString mimetype = reply->header(QNetworkRequest::ContentTypeHeader).toString(); if (mimetype.contains(';')) { mimetype = mimetype.left(mimetype.indexOf(';')); } if (ImageUtils::SupportedImageMimeTypes().contains(mimetype, Qt::CaseInsensitive) || ImageUtils::SupportedImageFormats().contains(mimetype, Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { QByteArray image_data = reply->readAll(); QString mime_type = Utilities::MimeTypeFromData(image_data); QImage image; if (image.loadFromData(image_data)) { if (result.image_size != QSize(0, 0) && result.image_size != image.size()) { qLog(Debug) << "API size for image" << result.image_size << "for" << reply->url() << "from" << result.provider << "did not match retrieved size" << image.size(); } result.image_size = image.size(); result.score_quality = ScoreImage(image.size()); candidate_images_.insert(result.score(), CandidateImage(result, AlbumCoverImageResult(result.image_url, mime_type, image_data, image))); qLog(Debug) << reply->url() << "from" << result.provider << "scored" << result.score(); } else { qLog(Error) << "Error decoding image data from" << reply->url(); } } else { qLog(Error) << "Unsupported mimetype for image reader:" << mimetype << "from" << reply->url(); } } if (pending_image_loads_.isEmpty()) { // We've fetched everything we wanted to fetch for now, check if we have an image that's good enough. float best_score = 0.0; if (!candidate_images_.isEmpty()) { QList scores = candidate_images_.keys(); best_score = scores.last(); qLog(Debug) << "Best image so far has a score of" << best_score; } if (best_score >= kGoodScore) { SendBestImage(); } else { FetchMoreImages(); } } } float AlbumCoverFetcherSearch::ScoreImage(const QSize size) { if (size.width() == 0 || size.height() == 0) return 0.0; // A 500x500px image scores 1.0, bigger scores higher const float size_score = std::sqrt(static_cast(size.width() * size.height())) / kTargetSize; // A 1:1 image scores 1.0, anything else scores less const float aspect_score = static_cast(1.0) - static_cast(std::max(size.width(), size.height()) - std::min(size.width(), size.height())) / static_cast(std::max(size.height(), size.width())); return size_score + aspect_score; } void AlbumCoverFetcherSearch::SendBestImage() { AlbumCoverImageResult result; if (!candidate_images_.isEmpty()) { QList candidate_images = candidate_images_.values(); const CandidateImage best_image = candidate_images.back(); result = best_image.album_cover; qLog(Info) << "Using" << best_image.result.image_url << "from" << best_image.result.provider << "with score" << best_image.result.score(); statistics_.chosen_images_by_provider_[best_image.result.provider]++; statistics_.chosen_images_++; statistics_.chosen_width_ += result.image.width(); statistics_.chosen_height_ += result.image.height(); } else { statistics_.missing_images_++; } emit AlbumCoverFetched(request_.id, result); } void AlbumCoverFetcherSearch::Cancel() { cancel_requested_ = true; if (!pending_requests_.isEmpty()) { TerminateSearch(); } else if (!pending_image_loads_.isEmpty()) { QList replies = pending_image_loads_.keys(); for (QNetworkReply *reply : replies) { QObject::disconnect(reply, &QNetworkReply::finished, this, nullptr); reply->abort(); reply->deleteLater(); } pending_image_loads_.clear(); } } bool AlbumCoverFetcherSearch::ProviderCompareOrder(CoverProvider *a, CoverProvider *b) { return a->order() < b->order(); } bool AlbumCoverFetcherSearch::CoverProviderSearchResultCompareScore(const CoverProviderSearchResult &a, const CoverProviderSearchResult &b) { return a.score() > b.score(); } bool AlbumCoverFetcherSearch::CoverProviderSearchResultCompareNumber(const CoverProviderSearchResult &a, const CoverProviderSearchResult &b) { return a.number < b.number; }