/* * Strawberry Music Player * This file was part of Clementine. * Copyright 2010, David Sansome * Copyright 2019-2021, Jonas Kvinge * * Strawberry is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Strawberry is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Strawberry. If not, see . * */ #include "config.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_X11EXTRAS # include #elif defined(HAVE_X11) && defined(HAVE_QPA_QPLATFORMNATIVEINTERFACE_H) # include #endif #include "osdpretty.h" #include "ui_osdpretty.h" #ifdef Q_OS_WIN # include #endif #ifdef Q_OS_WIN # include "utilities/winutils.h" #endif using namespace std::chrono_literals; const char *OSDPretty::kSettingsGroup = "OSDPretty"; const int OSDPretty::kDropShadowSize = 13; const int OSDPretty::kBorderRadius = 10; const int OSDPretty::kMaxIconSize = 100; const int OSDPretty::kSnapProximity = 20; const QRgb OSDPretty::kPresetBlue = qRgb(102, 150, 227); const QRgb OSDPretty::kPresetRed = qRgb(202, 22, 16); OSDPretty::OSDPretty(Mode mode, QWidget *parent) : QWidget(parent), ui_(new Ui_OSDPretty), mode_(mode), background_color_(kPresetBlue), background_opacity_(0.85), popup_screen_(nullptr), disable_duration_(false), timeout_(new QTimer(this)), fading_enabled_(false), fader_(new QTimeLine(300, this)), toggle_mode_(false) { Qt::WindowFlags flags = Qt::FramelessWindowHint | Qt::WindowStaysOnTopHint | Qt::X11BypassWindowManagerHint; setWindowFlags(flags); setAttribute(Qt::WA_TranslucentBackground, true); setAttribute(Qt::WA_X11NetWmWindowTypeNotification, true); setAttribute(Qt::WA_ShowWithoutActivating, true); ui_->setupUi(this); #ifdef Q_OS_WIN // Don't show the window in the taskbar. Qt::ToolTip does this too, but it adds an extra ugly shadow. int ex_style = GetWindowLong(reinterpret_cast(winId()), GWL_EXSTYLE); ex_style |= WS_EX_NOACTIVATE; SetWindowLong(reinterpret_cast(winId()), GWL_EXSTYLE, ex_style); #endif // Mode settings switch (mode_) { case Mode::Popup: setCursor(QCursor(Qt::ArrowCursor)); break; case Mode::Draggable: setCursor(QCursor(Qt::OpenHandCursor)); break; } // Timeout timeout_->setSingleShot(true); timeout_->setInterval(5s); QObject::connect(timeout_, &QTimer::timeout, this, &OSDPretty::hide); ui_->icon->setMaximumSize(kMaxIconSize, kMaxIconSize); // Fader QObject::connect(fader_, &QTimeLine::valueChanged, this, &OSDPretty::FaderValueChanged); QObject::connect(fader_, &QTimeLine::finished, this, &OSDPretty::FaderFinished); // Load the show edges and corners QImage shadow_edge(":/pictures/osd_shadow_edge.png"); QImage shadow_corner(":/pictures/osd_shadow_corner.png"); for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { QTransform rotation = QTransform().rotate(90 * i); shadow_edge_[i] = QPixmap::fromImage(shadow_edge.transformed(rotation)); shadow_corner_[i] = QPixmap::fromImage(shadow_corner.transformed(rotation)); } background_ = QPixmap(":/pictures/osd_background.png"); // Set the margins to allow for the drop shadow QBoxLayout *l = qobject_cast(layout()); QMargins margin = l->contentsMargins(); margin.setTop(margin.top() + kDropShadowSize); margin.setBottom(margin.bottom() + kDropShadowSize); margin.setLeft(margin.left() + kDropShadowSize); margin.setRight(margin.right() + kDropShadowSize); l->setContentsMargins(margin); QObject::connect(qApp, &QApplication::screenAdded, this, &OSDPretty::ScreenAdded); QObject::connect(qApp, &QApplication::screenRemoved, this, &OSDPretty::ScreenRemoved); } OSDPretty::~OSDPretty() { delete ui_; } void OSDPretty::showEvent(QShowEvent *e) { screens_.clear(); for (QScreen *screen : QGuiApplication::screens()) { screens_.insert(screen->name(), screen); } // Get current screen resolution QScreen *screen = current_screen(); if (screen) { QRect resolution = screen->availableGeometry(); // Leave 200 px for icon ui_->summary->setMaximumWidth(resolution.width() - 200); ui_->message->setMaximumWidth(resolution.width() - 200); // Set maximum size for the OSD, a little margin here too setMaximumSize(resolution.width() - 100, resolution.height() - 100); } setWindowOpacity(fading_enabled_ ? 0.0 : 1.0); QWidget::showEvent(e); Load(); Reposition(); if (fading_enabled_) { fader_->setDirection(QTimeLine::Forward); fader_->start(); // Timeout will be started in FaderFinished } else if (mode_ == Mode::Popup) { if (!disable_duration()) { timeout_->start(); } // Ensures it is above when showing the preview raise(); } } void OSDPretty::ScreenAdded(QScreen *screen) { screens_.insert(screen->name(), screen); } void OSDPretty::ScreenRemoved(QScreen *screen) { if (screens_.contains(screen->name())) screens_.remove(screen->name()); if (screen == popup_screen_) popup_screen_ = current_screen(); } bool OSDPretty::IsTransparencyAvailable() { #ifdef HAVE_X11EXTRAS return QX11Info::isCompositingManagerRunning(); #elif defined(HAVE_X11) && defined(HAVE_QPA_QPLATFORMNATIVEINTERFACE_H) if (qApp) { QPlatformNativeInterface *native = QGuiApplication::platformNativeInterface(); QScreen *screen = popup_screen_ == nullptr ? QGuiApplication::primaryScreen() : popup_screen_; if (native && screen) { return native->nativeResourceForScreen(QByteArray("compositingEnabled"), screen); } } #endif return true; } void OSDPretty::Load() { QSettings s; s.beginGroup(kSettingsGroup); foreground_color_ = QColor(s.value("foreground_color", 0).toInt()); background_color_ = QColor(s.value("background_color", kPresetBlue).toInt()); background_opacity_ = s.value("background_opacity", 0.85).toFloat(); font_.fromString(s.value("font", "Verdana,9,-1,5,50,0,0,0,0,0").toString()); disable_duration_ = s.value("disable_duration", false).toBool(); #ifdef Q_OS_WIN fading_enabled_ = s.value("fading", true).toBool(); #else fading_enabled_ = s.value("fading", false).toBool(); #endif if (s.contains("popup_screen")) { popup_screen_name_ = s.value("popup_screen").toString(); if (screens_.contains(popup_screen_name_)) { popup_screen_ = screens_[popup_screen_name_]; } else { popup_screen_ = current_screen(); if (current_screen()) popup_screen_name_ = current_screen()->name(); else popup_screen_name_.clear(); } } else { popup_screen_ = current_screen(); if (current_screen()) popup_screen_name_ = current_screen()->name(); } if (s.contains("popup_pos")) { popup_pos_ = s.value("popup_pos").toPoint(); } else { if (popup_screen_) { QRect geometry = popup_screen_->availableGeometry(); popup_pos_.setX(geometry.width() - width()); popup_pos_.setY(0); } else { popup_pos_.setX(0); popup_pos_.setY(0); } } set_font(font()); set_foreground_color(foreground_color()); s.endGroup(); } void OSDPretty::ReloadSettings() { Load(); if (isVisible()) update(); } QRect OSDPretty::BoxBorder() const { return rect().adjusted(kDropShadowSize, kDropShadowSize, -kDropShadowSize, -kDropShadowSize); } void OSDPretty::paintEvent(QPaintEvent*) { QPainter p(this); p.setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing); QRect box(BoxBorder()); // Shadow corners const int kShadowCornerSize = kDropShadowSize + kBorderRadius; p.drawPixmap(0, 0, shadow_corner_[0]); p.drawPixmap(width() - kShadowCornerSize, 0, shadow_corner_[1]); p.drawPixmap(width() - kShadowCornerSize, height() - kShadowCornerSize, shadow_corner_[2]); p.drawPixmap(0, height() - kShadowCornerSize, shadow_corner_[3]); // Shadow edges p.drawTiledPixmap(kShadowCornerSize, 0, width() - kShadowCornerSize * 2, kDropShadowSize, shadow_edge_[0]); p.drawTiledPixmap(width() - kDropShadowSize, kShadowCornerSize, kDropShadowSize, height() - kShadowCornerSize * 2, shadow_edge_[1]); p.drawTiledPixmap(kShadowCornerSize, height() - kDropShadowSize, width() - kShadowCornerSize * 2, kDropShadowSize, shadow_edge_[2]); p.drawTiledPixmap(0, kShadowCornerSize, kDropShadowSize, height() - kShadowCornerSize * 2, shadow_edge_[3]); // Box background p.setBrush(background_color_); p.setPen(QPen()); p.setOpacity(background_opacity_); p.drawRoundedRect(box, kBorderRadius, kBorderRadius); // Background pattern QPainterPath background_path; background_path.addRoundedRect(box, kBorderRadius, kBorderRadius); p.setClipPath(background_path); p.setOpacity(1.0); p.drawPixmap(box.right() - background_.width(), box.bottom() - background_.height(), background_); p.setClipping(false); // Gradient overlay QLinearGradient gradient(0, 0, 0, height()); gradient.setColorAt(0, QColor(255, 255, 255, 130)); gradient.setColorAt(1, QColor(255, 255, 255, 50)); p.setBrush(gradient); p.drawRoundedRect(box, kBorderRadius, kBorderRadius); // Box border p.setBrush(QBrush()); p.setPen(QPen(background_color_.darker(150), 2)); p.drawRoundedRect(box, kBorderRadius, kBorderRadius); } void OSDPretty::SetMessage(const QString &summary, const QString &message, const QImage &image) { if (!image.isNull()) { QImage scaled_image = image.scaled(kMaxIconSize, kMaxIconSize, Qt::KeepAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation); ui_->icon->setPixmap(QPixmap::fromImage(scaled_image)); ui_->icon->show(); } else { ui_->icon->hide(); } ui_->summary->setText(summary); ui_->message->setText(message); if (isVisible()) Reposition(); } // Set the desired message and then show the OSD void OSDPretty::ShowMessage(const QString &summary, const QString &message, const QImage &image) { SetMessage(summary, message, image); if (isVisible() && mode_ == Mode::Popup) { // The OSD is already visible, toggle or restart the timer if (toggle_mode()) { set_toggle_mode(false); // If timeout is disabled, timer hadn't been started if (!disable_duration()) { timeout_->stop(); } hide(); } else { if (!disable_duration()) { timeout_->start(); // Restart the timer } } } else { if (toggle_mode()) { set_toggle_mode(false); } // The OSD is not visible, show it show(); } } void OSDPretty::setVisible(bool visible) { if (!visible && fading_enabled_ && fader_->direction() == QTimeLine::Forward) { fader_->setDirection(QTimeLine::Backward); fader_->start(); } else { QWidget::setVisible(visible); } } void OSDPretty::FaderFinished() { if (fader_->direction() == QTimeLine::Backward) { hide(); } else if (mode_ == Mode::Popup && !disable_duration()) { timeout_->start(); } } void OSDPretty::FaderValueChanged(const qreal value) { setWindowOpacity(value); } void OSDPretty::Reposition() { // Make the OSD the proper size layout()->activate(); resize(sizeHint()); // Work out where to place the OSD. -1 for x or y means "on the right or bottom edge". if (popup_screen_) { QRect geometry = popup_screen_->availableGeometry(); int x = popup_pos_.x() < 0 ? geometry.right() - width() : geometry.left() + popup_pos_.x(); int y = popup_pos_.y() < 0 ? geometry.bottom() - height() : geometry.top() + popup_pos_.y(); #ifndef Q_OS_WIN x = qBound(0, x, geometry.right() - width()); y = qBound(0, y, geometry.bottom() - height()); #endif move(x, y); } // Create a mask for the actual area of the OSD QBitmap mask(size()); mask.clear(); QPainter p(&mask); p.setBrush(Qt::color1); p.drawRoundedRect(BoxBorder().adjusted(-1, -1, 0, 0), kBorderRadius, kBorderRadius); p.end(); // If there's no compositing window manager running then we have to set an XShape mask. if (IsTransparencyAvailable()) clearMask(); else { setMask(mask); } // On windows, enable blurbehind on the masked area #ifdef Q_OS_WIN Utilities::enableBlurBehindWindow(windowHandle(), QRegion(mask)); #endif } #if QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(6, 0, 0) void OSDPretty::enterEvent(QEnterEvent*) { #else void OSDPretty::enterEvent(QEvent*) { #endif if (mode_ == Mode::Popup) { setWindowOpacity(0.25); } } void OSDPretty::leaveEvent(QEvent*) { setWindowOpacity(1.0); } void OSDPretty::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *e) { if (mode_ == Mode::Popup) { hide(); } else { original_window_pos_ = pos(); #if (QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(6, 0, 0)) drag_start_pos_ = e->globalPosition().toPoint(); #else drag_start_pos_ = e->globalPos(); #endif } } void OSDPretty::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *e) { if (mode_ == Mode::Draggable) { #if (QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(6, 0, 0)) QPoint delta = e->globalPosition().toPoint() - drag_start_pos_; #else QPoint delta = e->globalPos() - drag_start_pos_; #endif QPoint new_pos = original_window_pos_ + delta; // Keep it to the bounds of the desktop #if (QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(6, 0, 0)) QScreen *screen = current_screen(e->globalPosition().toPoint()); #else QScreen *screen = current_screen(e->globalPos()); #endif if (!screen) return; QRect geometry = screen->availableGeometry(); new_pos.setX(qBound(geometry.left(), new_pos.x(), geometry.right() - width())); new_pos.setY(qBound(geometry.top(), new_pos.y(), geometry.bottom() - height())); // Snap to center int snap_x = geometry.center().x() - width() / 2; if (new_pos.x() > snap_x - kSnapProximity && new_pos.x() < snap_x + kSnapProximity) { new_pos.setX(snap_x); } move(new_pos); popup_screen_ = screen; popup_screen_name_ = screen->name(); } } void OSDPretty::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *) { if (current_screen() && mode_ == Mode::Draggable) { popup_screen_ = current_screen(); popup_screen_name_ = current_screen()->name(); popup_pos_ = current_pos(); emit PositionChanged(); } } QScreen *OSDPretty::current_screen(const QPoint pos) const { QScreen *screen(nullptr); #if (QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(5, 10, 0)) screen = QGuiApplication::screenAt(pos); #else Q_UNUSED(pos) if (window() && window()->windowHandle()) screen = window()->windowHandle()->screen(); #endif if (!screen) screen = QGuiApplication::primaryScreen(); return screen; } QScreen *OSDPretty::current_screen() const { return current_screen(pos()); } QPoint OSDPretty::current_pos() const { if (current_screen()) { QRect geometry = current_screen()->availableGeometry(); int x = pos().x() >= geometry.right() - width() ? -1 : pos().x() - geometry.left(); int y = pos().y() >= geometry.bottom() - height() ? -1 : pos().y() - geometry.top(); return QPoint(x, y); } return QPoint(0, 0); } void OSDPretty::set_background_color(const QRgb color) { background_color_ = color; if (isVisible()) update(); } void OSDPretty::set_background_opacity(const qreal opacity) { background_opacity_ = opacity; if (isVisible()) update(); } void OSDPretty::set_foreground_color(const QRgb color) { foreground_color_ = QColor(color); QPalette p; p.setColor(QPalette::WindowText, foreground_color_); ui_->summary->setPalette(p); ui_->message->setPalette(p); } void OSDPretty::set_popup_duration(const int msec) { timeout_->setInterval(msec); } void OSDPretty::set_font(const QFont &font) { font_ = font; // Update the UI ui_->summary->setFont(font); ui_->message->setFont(font); // Now adjust OSD size so everything fits ui_->verticalLayout->activate(); resize(sizeHint()); // Update the position after font change Reposition(); }