/* Strawberry Music Player This file was part of Amarok. Copyright 2003-2005, Max Howell Copyright 2005, Mark Kretschmann Copyright 2009-2010, David Sansome Copyright 2010, 2014, John Maguire Strawberry is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Strawberry is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Strawberry. If not, see . */ #include "blockanalyzer.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "analyzerbase.h" #include "fht.h" const int BlockAnalyzer::kHeight = 2; const int BlockAnalyzer::kWidth = 4; const int BlockAnalyzer::kMinRows = 3; // arbitrary const int BlockAnalyzer::kMinColumns = 32; // arbitrary const int BlockAnalyzer::kMaxColumns = 256; // must be 2**n const int BlockAnalyzer::kFadeSize = 90; const char *BlockAnalyzer::kName = QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("AnalyzerContainer", "Block analyzer"); BlockAnalyzer::BlockAnalyzer(QWidget *parent) : AnalyzerBase(parent, 9), columns_(0), rows_(0), y_(0), barpixmap_(1, 1), topbarpixmap_(kWidth, kHeight), scope_(kMinColumns), store_(1 << 8, 0), fade_bars_(kFadeSize), fade_pos_(1 << 8, 50), fade_intensity_(1 << 8, 32), step_(0) { setMinimumSize(kMinColumns * (kWidth + 1) - 1, kMinRows * (kHeight + 1) - 1); //-1 is padding, no drawing takes place there setMaximumWidth(kMaxColumns * (kWidth + 1) - 1); // mxcl says null pixmaps cause crashes, so let's play it safe std::fill(fade_bars_.begin(), fade_bars_.end(), QPixmap(1, 1)); } void BlockAnalyzer::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *e) { QWidget::resizeEvent(e); background_ = QPixmap(size()); canvas_ = QPixmap(size()); const int oldRows = rows_; // all is explained in analyze().. // +1 to counter -1 in maxSizes, trust me we need this! columns_ = qMin(static_cast(static_cast(width() + 1) / (kWidth + 1)) + 1, kMaxColumns); rows_ = static_cast(static_cast(height() + 1) / (kHeight + 1)); // this is the y-offset for drawing from the top of the widget y_ = (height() - (rows_ * (kHeight + 1)) + 2) / 2; scope_.resize(columns_); if (rows_ != oldRows) { barpixmap_ = QPixmap(kWidth, rows_ * (kHeight + 1)); std::fill(fade_bars_.begin(), fade_bars_.end(), QPixmap(kWidth, rows_ * (kHeight + 1))); yscale_.resize(rows_ + 1); const int PRE = 1, PRO = 1; // PRE and PRO allow us to restrict the range somewhat for (int z = 0; z < rows_; ++z) { yscale_[z] = 1 - (log10(PRE + z) / log10(PRE + rows_ + PRO)); } yscale_[rows_] = 0; determineStep(); paletteChange(palette()); } drawBackground(); } void BlockAnalyzer::determineStep() { // falltime is dependent on rowcount due to our digital resolution (ie we have boxes/blocks of pixels) // I calculated the value 30 based on some trial and error // the fall time of 30 is too slow on framerates above 50fps const double fallTime = static_cast(timeout() < 20 ? 20 * rows_ : 30 * rows_); step_ = static_cast(rows_ * timeout()) / fallTime; } void BlockAnalyzer::framerateChanged() { determineStep(); } void BlockAnalyzer::transform(Scope &s) { for (uint x = 0; x < s.size(); ++x) s[x] *= 2; fht_->spectrum(s.data()); fht_->scale(s.data(), 1.0F / 20); // the second half is pretty dull, so only show it if the user has a large analyzer by setting to scope_.size() if large we prevent interpolation of large analyzers, this is good! s.resize(scope_.size() <= kMaxColumns / 2 ? kMaxColumns / 2 : scope_.size()); } void BlockAnalyzer::analyze(QPainter &p, const Scope &s, bool new_frame) { // y = 2 3 2 1 0 2 // . . . . # . // . . . # # . // # . # # # # // # # # # # # // // visual aid for how this analyzer works. // y represents the number of blanks // y starts from the top and increases in units of blocks // yscale_ looks similar to: { 0.7, 0.5, 0.25, 0.15, 0.1, 0 } // if it contains 6 elements there are 5 rows in the analyzer if (!new_frame) { p.drawPixmap(0, 0, canvas_); return; } QPainter canvas_painter(&canvas_); interpolate(s, scope_); // Paint the background canvas_painter.drawPixmap(0, 0, background_); for (int x = 0, y = 0; x < static_cast(scope_.size()); ++x) { // determine y for (y = 0; scope_[x] < yscale_[y]; ++y); // This is opposite to what you'd think, higher than y means the bar is lower than y (physically) if (static_cast(y) > store_[x]) { y = static_cast(store_[x] += step_); } else { store_[x] = y; } // If y is lower than fade_pos_, then the bar has exceeded the height of the fadeout // if the fadeout is quite faded now, then display the new one if (y <= fade_pos_[x] /*|| fade_intensity_[x] < kFadeSize / 3*/) { fade_pos_[x] = y; fade_intensity_[x] = kFadeSize; } if (fade_intensity_[x] > 0) { const int offset = --fade_intensity_[x]; const int y2 = y_ + (fade_pos_[x] * (kHeight + 1)); canvas_painter.drawPixmap(x * (kWidth + 1), y2, fade_bars_[offset], 0, 0, kWidth, height() - y2); } if (fade_intensity_[x] == 0) fade_pos_[x] = rows_; // REMEMBER: y is a number from 0 to rows_, 0 means all blocks are glowing, rows_ means none are canvas_painter.drawPixmap(x * (kWidth + 1), y * (kHeight + 1) + y_, *bar(), 0, y * (kHeight + 1), bar()->width(), bar()->height()); } for (int x = 0; x < store_.size(); ++x) { canvas_painter.drawPixmap(x * (kWidth + 1), static_cast(store_[x]) * (kHeight + 1) + y_, topbarpixmap_); } p.drawPixmap(0, 0, canvas_); } static inline void adjustToLimits(const int b, int &f, int &amount) { // with a range of 0-255 and maximum adjustment of amount, maximise the difference between f and b if (b < f) { if (b > 255 - f) { amount -= f; f = 0; } else { amount -= (255 - f); f = 255; } } else { if (f > 255 - b) { amount -= f; f = 0; } else { amount -= (255 - f); f = 255; } } } /** * Clever contrast function * * It will try to adjust the foreground color such that it contrasts well with *the background * It won't modify the hue of fg unless absolutely necessary * @return the adjusted form of fg */ QColor ensureContrast(const QColor &bg, const QColor &fg, int amount = 150); QColor ensureContrast(const QColor &bg, const QColor &fg, int amount) { class OutputOnExit { public: explicit OutputOnExit(const QColor &color) : c(color) {} ~OutputOnExit() { int h = 0, s = 0, v = 0; c.getHsv(&h, &s, &v); } private: const QColor &c; Q_DISABLE_COPY(OutputOnExit) }; OutputOnExit allocateOnTheStack(fg); int bh = 0, bs = 0, bv = 0; int fh = 0, fs = 0, fv = 0; bg.getHsv(&bh, &bs, &bv); fg.getHsv(&fh, &fs, &fv); int dv = abs(bv - fv); // value is the best measure of contrast // if there is enough difference in value already, return fg unchanged if (dv > static_cast(amount)) return fg; int ds = abs(bs - fs); // saturation is good enough too. But not as good. TODO adapt this a little if (ds > static_cast(amount)) return fg; int dh = abs(bh - fh); if (dh > 120) { // a third of the colour wheel automatically guarantees contrast // but only if the values are high enough and saturations significant enough // to allow the colours to be visible and not be shades of grey or black // check the saturation for the two colours is sufficient that hue alone can // provide sufficient contrast if (ds > amount / 2 && (bs > 125 && fs > 125)) { return fg; } else if (dv > amount / 2 && (bv > 125 && fv > 125)) { return fg; } } if (fs < 50 && ds < 40) { // low saturation on a low saturation is sad const int tmp = 50 - fs; fs = 50; if (static_cast(amount) > tmp) { amount -= tmp; } else { amount = 0; } } // test that there is available value to honor our contrast requirement if (255 - dv < amount) { // we have to modify the value and saturation of fg // adjustToLimits( bv, fv, amount ); // see if we need to adjust the saturation if (amount > 0) adjustToLimits(bs, fs, amount); // see if we need to adjust the hue if (static_cast(amount) > 0) fh += static_cast(amount); // cycles around; return QColor::fromHsv(fh, fs, fv); } if (fv > bv && bv > static_cast(amount)) { return QColor::fromHsv(fh, fs, bv - static_cast(amount)); } if (fv < bv && fv > static_cast(amount)) { return QColor::fromHsv(fh, fs, fv - amount); } if (fv > bv && (255 - fv > static_cast(amount))) { return QColor::fromHsv(fh, fs, fv + amount); } if (fv < bv && (255 - bv > static_cast(amount))) { return QColor::fromHsv(fh, fs, bv + amount); } return Qt::blue; } void BlockAnalyzer::paletteChange(const QPalette&) { const QColor bg = palette().color(QPalette::Window); const QColor fg = ensureContrast(bg, palette().color(QPalette::Highlight)); topbarpixmap_.fill(fg); const double dr = 15 * static_cast(bg.red() - fg.red()) / (rows_ * 16); const double dg = 15 * static_cast(bg.green() - fg.green()) / (rows_ * 16); const double db = 15 * static_cast(bg.blue() - fg.blue()) / (rows_ * 16); const int r = fg.red(), g = fg.green(), b = fg.blue(); bar()->fill(bg); QPainter p(bar()); for (int y = 0; y < rows_; ++y) { // graduate the fg color p.fillRect(0, y * (kHeight + 1), kWidth, kHeight, QColor(r + static_cast(dr * y), g + static_cast(dg * y), b + static_cast(db * y))); } { const QColor bg2 = palette().color(QPalette::Window).darker(112); // make a complimentary fadebar colour // TODO dark is not always correct, dumbo! int h = 0, s = 0, v = 0; palette().color(QPalette::Window).darker(150).getHsv(&h, &s, &v); const QColor fg2(QColor::fromHsv(h + 120, s, v)); const double dr2 = fg2.red() - bg2.red(); const double dg2 = fg2.green() - bg2.green(); const double db2 = fg2.blue() - bg2.blue(); const int r2 = bg2.red(), g2 = bg2.green(), b2 = bg2.blue(); // Precalculate all fade-bar pixmaps for (int y = 0; y < kFadeSize; ++y) { fade_bars_[y].fill(palette().color(QPalette::Window)); QPainter f(&fade_bars_[y]); for (int z = 0; z < rows_; ++z) { const double Y = 1.0 - (log10(kFadeSize - y) / log10(kFadeSize)); f.fillRect(0, z * (kHeight + 1), kWidth, kHeight, QColor(r2 + static_cast(dr2 * Y), g2 + static_cast(dg2 * Y), b2 + static_cast(db2 * Y))); } } } drawBackground(); } void BlockAnalyzer::drawBackground() { if (background_.isNull()) { return; } const QColor bg = palette().color(QPalette::Window); const QColor bgdark = bg.darker(112); background_.fill(bg); QPainter p(&background_); if (!p.paintEngine()) return; for (int x = 0; x < columns_; ++x) { for (int y = 0; y < rows_; ++y) { p.fillRect(x * (kWidth + 1), y * (kHeight + 1) + y_, kWidth, kHeight, bgdark); } } }