find_program(LSB_RELEASE_EXEC lsb_release) find_program(RPMBUILD_EXEC rpmbuild) if (LSB_RELEASE_EXEC AND RPMBUILD_EXEC) execute_process(COMMAND /bin/sh "-c" "${LSB_RELEASE_EXEC} -is | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' | cut -d' ' -f1" OUTPUT_VARIABLE DIST_NAME OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE ) execute_process(COMMAND /bin/sh "-c" "${LSB_RELEASE_EXEC} -ds | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' | sed 's/\"//g' | cut -d' ' -f2" OUTPUT_VARIABLE DIST_RELEASE OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE ) execute_process(COMMAND /bin/sh "-c" "${LSB_RELEASE_EXEC} -ds | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' | sed 's/\"//g' | sed 's/\\.//g' | cut -d' ' -f3" OUTPUT_VARIABLE DIST_VERSION OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE ) if (DIST_NAME) message(STATUS "Distro Name: ${DIST_NAME}") if (DIST_RELEASE) message(STATUS "Distro Release: ${DIST_RELEASE}") endif() if (DIST_VERSION) message(STATUS "Distro Version: ${DIST_VERSION}") endif() set(RPM_ARCH x86_64 CACHE STRING "Architecture of the rpm file") set(RPMBUILD_DIR ~/rpmbuild CACHE STRING "Rpmbuild directory, for the rpm target") if (${DIST_NAME} STREQUAL "opensuse") if (DIST_RELEASE) if (${DIST_RELEASE} STREQUAL "leap") if (DIST_VERSION) set(RPM_DISTRO "lp${DIST_VERSION}" CACHE STRING "Suffix of the rpm file") else() set(RPM_DISTRO ${DIST_RELEASE} CACHE STRING "Suffix of the rpm file") endif() elseif (${DIST_RELEASE} STREQUAL "tumbleweed") set(RPM_DISTRO ${DIST_RELEASE} CACHE STRING "Suffix of the rpm file") else () set(RPM_DISTRO ${DIST_NAME} CACHE STRING "Suffix of the rpm file") endif() else() set(RPM_DISTRO ${DIST_NAME} CACHE STRING "Suffix of the rpm file") endif() add_custom_target(rpm COMMAND ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/dist/scripts/ COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy strawberry-${STRAWBERRY_VERSION_PACKAGE}.tar.xz ${RPMBUILD_DIR}/SOURCES/ COMMAND ${RPMBUILD_EXEC} -bs ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/dist/opensuse/strawberry.spec COMMAND ${RPMBUILD_EXEC} -bb ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/dist/opensuse/strawberry.spec ) elseif (${DIST_NAME} STREQUAL "fedora") if (DIST_VERSION) set(RPM_DISTRO "fc${DIST_VERSION}" CACHE STRING "Suffix of the rpm file") else () set(RPM_DISTRO ${DIST_NAME} CACHE STRING "Suffix of the rpm file") endif() add_custom_target(rpm COMMAND ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/dist/scripts/ COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy strawberry-${STRAWBERRY_VERSION_PACKAGE}.tar.xz ${RPMBUILD_DIR}/SOURCES/ COMMAND rpmbuild -bs ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/dist/fedora/strawberry.spec COMMAND rpmbuild -bb ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/dist/fedora/strawberry.spec ) else() set(RPM_DISTRO ${DIST_NAME} CACHE STRING "Suffix of the rpm file") endif() message(STATUS "RPM Suffix: ${RPM_DISTRO}") endif() endif()