BehaviourSettingsPage 0 0 572 915 Behavior Show system tray icon true Keep running in the background when the window is closed false Resume playback on start false Show playing widget Scroll over icon to change track false On startup Remember from &last time true Show the main window Hide the main window Show the main window maximized Show the main window minimized Language Use the system default You will need to restart Strawberry if you change the language. Using the menu to add a song will... 0 Never start playing Play if there is nothing already playing Always start playing Pressing "Previous" in player will... 0 Jump to previous song right away Restart song, then jump to previous if pressed again Double clicking a song will... 0 Append to the playlist Replace the playlist Open in new playlist Add to the queue 1 Never start playing Play if there is nothing already playing Always start playing Double clicking a song in the playlist will... 0 Change the currently playing song Add to the queue Seeking using a keyboard shortcut or mouse wheel Time step s 1 60 10 Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Qt::Vertical 20 5 checkbox_showtrayicon checkbox_keeprunning checkbox_resumeplayback checkbox_playingwidget checkbox_scrolltrayicon radiobutton_remember radiobutton_show radiobutton_hide radiobutton_show_maximized radiobutton_show_minimized combobox_language combobox_menuplaymode combobox_previousmode combobox_doubleclickaddmode combobox_doubleclickplaymode combobox_doubleclickplaylistaddmode spinbox_seekstepsec