/* * Strawberry Music Player * Copyright 2018, Jonas Kvinge * * Strawberry is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Strawberry is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Strawberry. If not, see . * */ #include "config.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include "core/logging.h" #include "lyricsfetcher.h" #include "lyricsfetchersearch.h" #include "lyricsprovider.h" #include "lyricsproviders.h" const int LyricsFetcherSearch::kSearchTimeoutMs = 3000; const int LyricsFetcherSearch::kGoodLyricsLength = 60; const float LyricsFetcherSearch::kHighScore = 2.5; LyricsFetcherSearch::LyricsFetcherSearch(const LyricsSearchRequest &request, QObject *parent) : QObject(parent), request_(request), cancel_requested_(false) { QTimer::singleShot(kSearchTimeoutMs, this, SLOT(TerminateSearch())); } void LyricsFetcherSearch::TerminateSearch() { for (int id : pending_requests_.keys()) { pending_requests_.take(id)->CancelSearch(id); } AllProvidersFinished(); } void LyricsFetcherSearch::Start(LyricsProviders *lyrics_providers) { // Ignore Radio Paradise "commercial" break. if (request_.artist.toLower() == "commercial-free" && request_.title.toLower() == "listener-supported") { TerminateSearch(); return; } QList lyrics_providers_sorted = lyrics_providers->List(); std::stable_sort(lyrics_providers_sorted.begin(), lyrics_providers_sorted.end(), ProviderCompareOrder); for (LyricsProvider *provider : lyrics_providers_sorted) { if (!provider->is_enabled() || !provider->IsAuthenticated()) continue; connect(provider, SIGNAL(SearchFinished(quint64, LyricsSearchResults)), SLOT(ProviderSearchFinished(quint64, LyricsSearchResults))); const int id = lyrics_providers->NextId(); const bool success = provider->StartSearch(request_.artist, request_.album, request_.title, id); if (success) pending_requests_[id] = provider; } if (pending_requests_.isEmpty()) TerminateSearch(); } void LyricsFetcherSearch::ProviderSearchFinished(const quint64 id, const LyricsSearchResults &results) { if (!pending_requests_.contains(id)) return; LyricsProvider *provider = pending_requests_.take(id); LyricsSearchResults results_copy(results); float higest_score = 0.0; for (int i = 0 ; i < results_copy.count() ; ++i) { results_copy[i].provider = provider->name(); results_copy[i].score = 0.0; if (results_copy[i].artist.toLower() == request_.artist.toLower()) { results_copy[i].score += 0.5; } if (results_copy[i].album.toLower() == request_.album.toLower()) { results_copy[i].score += 0.5; } if (results_copy[i].title.toLower() == request_.title.toLower()) { results_copy[i].score += 0.5; } if (results_copy[i].artist.toLower() != request_.artist.toLower() && results_copy[i].title.toLower() != request_.title.toLower()) { results_copy[i].score -= 1.5; } if (results_copy[i].lyrics.length() > kGoodLyricsLength) results_copy[i].score += 1.0; if (results_copy[i].score > higest_score) higest_score = results_copy[i].score; } results_.append(results_copy); std::stable_sort(results_.begin(), results_.end(), LyricsSearchResultCompareScore); if (!pending_requests_.isEmpty()) { if (!results_.isEmpty() && higest_score >= kHighScore) { // Highest score, no need to wait for other providers. qLog(Debug) << "Got lyrics with high score from" << results_.last().provider << "for" << request_.artist << request_.title << "score" << results_.last().score << "finishing search."; TerminateSearch(); } else { return; } return; } AllProvidersFinished(); } void LyricsFetcherSearch::AllProvidersFinished() { if (cancel_requested_) return; if (!results_.isEmpty()) { qLog(Debug) << "Using lyrics from" << results_.last().provider << "for" << request_.artist << request_.title << "with score" << results_.last().score; emit LyricsFetched(request_.id, results_.last().provider, results_.last().lyrics); } emit SearchFinished(request_.id, results_); } void LyricsFetcherSearch::Cancel() { cancel_requested_ = true; if (!pending_requests_.isEmpty()) { TerminateSearch(); } } bool LyricsFetcherSearch::ProviderCompareOrder(LyricsProvider *a, LyricsProvider *b) { return a->order() < b->order(); } bool LyricsFetcherSearch::LyricsSearchResultCompareScore(const LyricsSearchResult &a, const LyricsSearchResult &b) { return a.score < b.score; }