/* Strawberry Music Player This file was part of Clementine. Copyright 2004, Max Howell Copyright 2009-2010, David Sansome Copyright 2010, 2014, John Maguire Copyright 2014-2015, Mark Furneaux Copyright 2014, Krzysztof Sobiecki Strawberry is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Strawberry is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Strawberry. If not, see . */ #include "boomanalyzer.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "engine/engine_fwd.h" #include "engine/enginebase.h" #include "fht.h" #include "analyzerbase.h" using Analyzer::Scope; const int BoomAnalyzer::kColumnWidth = 4; const int BoomAnalyzer::kMaxBandCount = 256; const int BoomAnalyzer::kMinBandCount = 32; const char* BoomAnalyzer::kName = QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("AnalyzerContainer", "Boom analyzer"); BoomAnalyzer::BoomAnalyzer(QWidget* parent) : Analyzer::Base(parent, 9), bands_(0), scope_(kMinBandCount), fg_(palette().color(QPalette::Highlight)), K_barHeight_(1.271) // 1.471 , F_peakSpeed_(1.103) // 1.122 , F_(1.0), bar_height_(kMaxBandCount, 0), peak_height_(kMaxBandCount, 0), peak_speed_(kMaxBandCount, 0.01), barPixmap_(kColumnWidth, 50) { setMinimumWidth(kMinBandCount * (kColumnWidth + 1) - 1); setMaximumWidth(kMaxBandCount * (kColumnWidth + 1) - 1); } void BoomAnalyzer::changeK_barHeight(int newValue) { K_barHeight_ = static_cast(newValue) / 1000; } void BoomAnalyzer::changeF_peakSpeed(int newValue) { F_peakSpeed_ = static_cast(newValue) / 1000; } void BoomAnalyzer::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent* e) { QWidget::resizeEvent(e); const uint HEIGHT = height() - 2; const double h = 1.2 / HEIGHT; bands_ = qMin(static_cast(static_cast(width() + 1) / (kColumnWidth + 1)) + 1, kMaxBandCount); scope_.resize(bands_); F_ = double(HEIGHT) / (log10(256) * double(1.1) /*<- max. amplitude*/); barPixmap_ = QPixmap(kColumnWidth - 2, HEIGHT); canvas_ = QPixmap(size()); canvas_.fill(palette().color(QPalette::Window)); QPainter p(&barPixmap_); for (uint y = 0; y < HEIGHT; ++y) { const double F = static_cast(y) * h; p.setPen(QColor(qMax(0, 255 - static_cast(229.0 * F)), qMax(0, 255 - static_cast(229.0 * F)), qMax(0, 255 - static_cast(191.0 * F)))); p.drawLine(0, y, kColumnWidth - 2, y); } } void BoomAnalyzer::transform(Scope& s) { fht_->spectrum(s.data()); fht_->scale(s.data(), 1.0 / 50); s.resize(scope_.size() <= static_cast(kMaxBandCount) / 2 ? kMaxBandCount / 2 : scope_.size()); } void BoomAnalyzer::analyze(QPainter& p, const Scope& scope, bool new_frame) { if (!new_frame || engine_->state() == Engine::Paused) { p.drawPixmap(0, 0, canvas_); return; } double h = 0.0; const uint MAX_HEIGHT = height() - 1; QPainter canvas_painter(&canvas_); canvas_.fill(palette().color(QPalette::Window)); Analyzer::interpolate(scope, scope_); for (int i = 0, x = 0, y = 0; i < bands_; ++i, x += kColumnWidth + 1) { h = log10(scope_[i] * 256.0) * F_; if (h > MAX_HEIGHT) h = MAX_HEIGHT; if (h > bar_height_[i]) { bar_height_[i] = h; if (h > peak_height_[i]) { peak_height_[i] = h; peak_speed_[i] = 0.01; } else { goto peak_handling; } } else { if (bar_height_[i] > 0.0) { bar_height_[i] -= K_barHeight_; // 1.4 if (bar_height_[i] < 0.0) bar_height_[i] = 0.0; } peak_handling: if (peak_height_[i] > 0.0) { peak_height_[i] -= peak_speed_[i]; peak_speed_[i] *= F_peakSpeed_; // 1.12 if (peak_height_[i] < bar_height_[i]) peak_height_[i] = bar_height_[i]; if (peak_height_[i] < 0.0) peak_height_[i] = 0.0; } } y = height() - static_cast(bar_height_[i]); canvas_painter.drawPixmap(x + 1, y, barPixmap_, 0, y, -1, -1); canvas_painter.setPen(fg_); if (bar_height_[i] > 0) canvas_painter.drawRect(x, y, kColumnWidth - 1, height() - y - 1); y = height() - static_cast(peak_height_[i]); canvas_painter.setPen(palette().color(QPalette::Midlight)); canvas_painter.drawLine(x, y, x + kColumnWidth - 1, y); } p.drawPixmap(0, 0, canvas_); }