/* * Strawberry Music Player * This file was part of Clementine. * Copyright 2016, Valeriy Malov * * Strawberry is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Strawberry is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Strawberry. If not, see . * */ #include "config.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "core/logging.h" #include "core/utilities.h" #include "udisks2lister.h" constexpr char Udisks2Lister::udisks2_service_[]; Udisks2Lister::Udisks2Lister() {} Udisks2Lister::~Udisks2Lister() {} QStringList Udisks2Lister::DeviceUniqueIDs() { QReadLocker locker(&device_data_lock_); return device_data_.keys(); } QVariantList Udisks2Lister::DeviceIcons(const QString &id) { Q_UNUSED(id); return QVariantList(); } QString Udisks2Lister::DeviceManufacturer(const QString &id) { QReadLocker locker(&device_data_lock_); if (!device_data_.contains(id)) return ""; return device_data_[id].vendor; } QString Udisks2Lister::DeviceModel(const QString &id) { QReadLocker locker(&device_data_lock_); if (!device_data_.contains(id)) return ""; return device_data_[id].model; } quint64 Udisks2Lister::DeviceCapacity(const QString &id) { QReadLocker locker(&device_data_lock_); if (!device_data_.contains(id)) return 0; return device_data_[id].capacity; } quint64 Udisks2Lister::DeviceFreeSpace(const QString &id) { QReadLocker locker(&device_data_lock_); if (!device_data_.contains(id)) return 0; return device_data_[id].free_space; } QVariantMap Udisks2Lister::DeviceHardwareInfo(const QString &id) { QReadLocker locker(&device_data_lock_); if (!device_data_.contains(id)) return QVariantMap(); QVariantMap result; const auto &data = device_data_[id]; result[QT_TR_NOOP("D-Bus path")] = data.dbus_path; result[QT_TR_NOOP("Serial number")] = data.serial; result[QT_TR_NOOP("Mount points")] = data.mount_paths.join(", "); result[QT_TR_NOOP("Partition label")] = data.label; result[QT_TR_NOOP("UUID")] = data.uuid; return result; } QString Udisks2Lister::MakeFriendlyName(const QString &id) { QReadLocker locker(&device_data_lock_); if (!device_data_.contains(id)) return ""; return device_data_[id].friendly_name; } QList Udisks2Lister::MakeDeviceUrls(const QString &id) { QReadLocker locker(&device_data_lock_); QList ret; if (!device_data_.contains(id)) return ret; // Special case for Apple if (id.contains("iPod")) { ret << MakeUrlFromLocalPath(device_data_[id].mount_paths.at(0)); } else { ret << QUrl::fromLocalFile(device_data_[id].mount_paths.at(0)); } return ret; } void Udisks2Lister::UnmountDevice(const QString &id) { QReadLocker locker(&device_data_lock_); if (!device_data_.contains(id)) return; OrgFreedesktopUDisks2FilesystemInterface filesystem(udisks2_service_, device_data_[id].dbus_path, QDBusConnection::systemBus()); if (filesystem.isValid()) { auto unmount_result = filesystem.Unmount(QVariantMap()); unmount_result.waitForFinished(); if (unmount_result.isError()) { qLog(Warning) << "Failed to unmount " << id << ": " << unmount_result.error(); return; } OrgFreedesktopUDisks2DriveInterface drive(udisks2_service_, device_data_[id].dbus_drive_path, QDBusConnection::systemBus()); if (drive.isValid()) { auto eject_result = drive.Eject(QVariantMap()); eject_result.waitForFinished(); if (eject_result.isError()) qLog(Warning) << "Failed to eject " << id << ": " << eject_result.error(); } device_data_.remove(id); DeviceRemoved(id); } } void Udisks2Lister::UpdateDeviceFreeSpace(const QString &id) { QWriteLocker locker(&device_data_lock_); device_data_[id].free_space = Utilities::FileSystemFreeSpace(device_data_[id].mount_paths.at(0)); emit DeviceChanged(id); } bool Udisks2Lister::Init() { udisks2_interface_.reset(new OrgFreedesktopDBusObjectManagerInterface(udisks2_service_, "/org/freedesktop/UDisks2", QDBusConnection::systemBus())); QDBusPendingReply reply = udisks2_interface_->GetManagedObjects(); reply.waitForFinished(); if (!reply.isValid()) { qLog(Warning) << "Error enumerating udisks2 devices:" << reply.error().name() << reply.error().message(); udisks2_interface_.reset(); return false; } for (const QDBusObjectPath &path : reply.value().keys()) { auto partition_data = ReadPartitionData(path); if (!partition_data.dbus_path.isEmpty()) { QWriteLocker locker(&device_data_lock_); device_data_[partition_data.unique_id()] = partition_data; } } for (const auto &id : device_data_.keys()) { emit DeviceAdded(id); } connect(udisks2_interface_.get(), SIGNAL(InterfacesAdded(QDBusObjectPath, InterfacesAndProperties)), SLOT(DBusInterfaceAdded(QDBusObjectPath, InterfacesAndProperties))); connect(udisks2_interface_.get(), SIGNAL(InterfacesRemoved(QDBusObjectPath, QStringList)), SLOT(DBusInterfaceRemoved(QDBusObjectPath, QStringList))); return true; } void Udisks2Lister::DBusInterfaceAdded(const QDBusObjectPath &path, const InterfacesAndProperties &interfaces) { for (auto interface = interfaces.constBegin(); interface != interfaces.constEnd(); ++interface) { if (interface.key() != "org.freedesktop.UDisks2.Job") continue; std::shared_ptr job = std::make_shared(udisks2_service_, path.path(), QDBusConnection::systemBus()); if (!job->isValid()) continue; bool is_mount_job = false; if (job->operation() == "filesystem-mount") { is_mount_job = true; } else if (job->operation() == "filesystem-unmount") { is_mount_job = false; } else { continue; } auto mounted_partitions = job->objects(); if (mounted_partitions.isEmpty()) { qLog(Warning) << "Empty Udisks2 mount/umount job " << path.path(); continue; } { QMutexLocker locker(&jobs_lock_); qLog(Debug) << "Adding pending job | DBus Path = " << job->path() << " | IsMountJob = " << is_mount_job << " | First partition = " << mounted_partitions.at(0).path(); mounting_jobs_[path].dbus_interface = job; mounting_jobs_[path].is_mount = is_mount_job; mounting_jobs_[path].mounted_partitions = mounted_partitions; connect(job.get(), SIGNAL(Completed(bool, const QString&)), SLOT(JobCompleted(bool, const QString&))); } } } void Udisks2Lister::DBusInterfaceRemoved(const QDBusObjectPath &path, const QStringList &ifaces) { Q_UNUSED(ifaces); if (!isPendingJob(path)) RemoveDevice(path); } bool Udisks2Lister::isPendingJob(const QDBusObjectPath &job_path) { QMutexLocker locker(&jobs_lock_); if (!mounting_jobs_.contains(job_path)) return false; mounting_jobs_.remove(job_path); return true; } void Udisks2Lister::RemoveDevice(const QDBusObjectPath &device_path) { QWriteLocker locker(&device_data_lock_); QString id; for (const auto &data : device_data_) { if (data.dbus_path == device_path.path()) { id = data.unique_id(); break; } } if (id.isEmpty()) return; qLog(Debug) << "UDisks2 device removed: " << device_path.path(); device_data_.remove(id); DeviceRemoved(id); } QList Udisks2Lister::GetMountedPartitionsFromDBusArgument(const QDBusArgument &input) { QList result; input.beginArray(); while (!input.atEnd()) { QDBusObjectPath extractedPath; input >> extractedPath; result.push_back(extractedPath); } input.endArray(); return result; } void Udisks2Lister::JobCompleted(bool success, const QString &message) { Q_UNUSED(message); auto job = qobject_cast(sender()); QDBusObjectPath jobPath(job->path()); if (!job->isValid() || !success || !mounting_jobs_.contains(jobPath)) return; qLog(Debug) << "Pending Job Completed | Path = " << job->path() << " | Mount? = " << mounting_jobs_[jobPath].is_mount << " | Success = " << success; for (const auto &mounted_object : mounting_jobs_[jobPath].mounted_partitions) { auto partition_data = ReadPartitionData(mounted_object); if (partition_data.dbus_path.isEmpty()) continue; mounting_jobs_[jobPath].is_mount ? HandleFinishedMountJob(partition_data) : HandleFinishedUnmountJob(partition_data, mounted_object); } } void Udisks2Lister::HandleFinishedMountJob(const Udisks2Lister::PartitionData &partition_data) { qLog(Debug) << "UDisks2 mount job finished: Drive = " << partition_data.dbus_drive_path << " | Partition = " << partition_data.dbus_path; QWriteLocker locker(&device_data_lock_); device_data_[partition_data.unique_id()] = partition_data; DeviceAdded(partition_data.unique_id()); } void Udisks2Lister::HandleFinishedUnmountJob(const Udisks2Lister::PartitionData &partition_data, const QDBusObjectPath &mounted_object) { QWriteLocker locker(&device_data_lock_); QString id; for (auto &data : device_data_) { if (data.mount_paths.contains(mounted_object.path())) { qLog(Debug) << "UDisks2 umount job finished, found corresponding device: Drive = " << data.dbus_drive_path << " | Partition = " << data.dbus_path; data.mount_paths.removeOne(mounted_object.path()); if (data.mount_paths.empty()) id = data.unique_id(); break; } } if (!id.isEmpty()) { qLog(Debug) << "Partition " << partition_data.dbus_path << " has no more mount points, removing it from device list"; device_data_.remove(id); DeviceRemoved(id); } } Udisks2Lister::PartitionData Udisks2Lister::ReadPartitionData(const QDBusObjectPath &path) { PartitionData result; OrgFreedesktopUDisks2FilesystemInterface filesystem(udisks2_service_, path.path(), QDBusConnection::systemBus()); OrgFreedesktopUDisks2BlockInterface block(udisks2_service_, path.path(), QDBusConnection::systemBus()); if (filesystem.isValid() && block.isValid() && !filesystem.mountPoints().empty()) { OrgFreedesktopUDisks2DriveInterface drive(udisks2_service_, block.drive().path(), QDBusConnection::systemBus()); if (drive.isValid() && drive.mediaRemovable()) { result.dbus_path = path.path(); result.dbus_drive_path = block.drive().path(); result.serial = drive.serial(); result.vendor = drive.vendor(); result.model = drive.model(); result.label = block.idLabel(); result.uuid = block.idUUID(); result.capacity = drive.size(); if (!result.label.isEmpty()) result.friendly_name = result.label; else result.friendly_name = result.model + " " + result.uuid; for (const auto &path : filesystem.mountPoints()) result.mount_paths.push_back(path); result.free_space = Utilities::FileSystemFreeSpace(result.mount_paths.at(0)); } } return result; } QString Udisks2Lister::PartitionData::unique_id() const { return QString("Udisks2/%1/%2/%3/%4/%5") .arg(serial, vendor, model) .arg(capacity) .arg(uuid); } Udisks2Lister::Udisks2Job::Udisks2Job() : is_mount(true) {} Udisks2Lister::PartitionData::PartitionData() : capacity(0), free_space(0) {}