PlaylistSettingsPage 0 0 516 851 Playlist Warn me when closing a playlist tab Continue to the next item in the playlist if a song is unavailable Grey out unavailable songs in playlists on playback Grey out unavailable songs in playlists on startup Using the menu to add a song will... 0 Never start playing Play if there is nothing already playing Always start playing Pressing "Previous" in player will... 0 Jump to previous song right away Restart song, then jump to previous if pressed again Double clicking a song will... 0 Append to the playlist Replace the playlist Open in new playlist Add to the queue 1 Never start playing Play if there is nothing already playing Always start playing Double clicking a song in the playlist will... 0 Change the currently playing song Add to the queue When saving a playlist, file paths should be A&utomatic true Absolu&te Re&lative As&k when saving Qt::Vertical QSizePolicy::Fixed 20 10 Metadata If activated, clicking a selected song in the playlist view will let you edit the tag value directly Enable song metadata inline edition with click Write metadata when saving playlists true Qt::Vertical 20 5