/************************************************************************** copyright : (C) 2007,2011 by Lukáš Lalinský email : lalinsky@gmail.com **************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version * * 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA * * 02110-1301 USA * * * * Alternatively, this file is available under the Mozilla Public * * License Version 1.1. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ * ***************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include "mp4atom.h" #include "mp4tag.h" #include "id3v1genres.h" using namespace Strawberry_TagLib::TagLib; class MP4::Tag::TagPrivate { public: TagPrivate() : file(0), atoms(0) {} Strawberry_TagLib::TagLib::File *file; Atoms *atoms; ItemMap items; }; MP4::Tag::Tag() : d(new TagPrivate()) { } MP4::Tag::Tag(Strawberry_TagLib::TagLib::File *file, MP4::Atoms *atoms) : d(new TagPrivate()) { d->file = file; d->atoms = atoms; MP4::Atom *ilst = atoms->find("moov", "udta", "meta", "ilst"); if(!ilst) { //debug("Atom moov.udta.meta.ilst not found."); return; } for(AtomList::ConstIterator it = ilst->children.begin(); it != ilst->children.end(); ++it) { MP4::Atom *atom = *it; file->seek(atom->offset + 8); if(atom->name == "----") { parseFreeForm(atom); } else if(atom->name == "trkn" || atom->name == "disk") { parseIntPair(atom); } else if(atom->name == "cpil" || atom->name == "pgap" || atom->name == "pcst" || atom->name == "hdvd" || atom->name == "shwm") { parseBool(atom); } else if(atom->name == "tmpo" || atom->name == "rate" || atom->name == "\251mvi" || atom->name == "\251mvc") { parseInt(atom); } else if(atom->name == "tvsn" || atom->name == "tves" || atom->name == "cnID" || atom->name == "sfID" || atom->name == "atID" || atom->name == "geID" || atom->name == "cmID") { parseUInt(atom); } else if(atom->name == "plID") { parseLongLong(atom); } else if(atom->name == "stik" || atom->name == "rtng" || atom->name == "akID") { parseByte(atom); } else if(atom->name == "gnre") { parseGnre(atom); } else if(atom->name == "covr") { parseCovr(atom); } else if(atom->name == "purl" || atom->name == "egid") { parseText(atom, -1); } else { parseText(atom); } } } MP4::Tag::~Tag() { delete d; } MP4::AtomDataList MP4::Tag::parseData2(const MP4::Atom *atom, int expectedFlags, bool freeForm) { AtomDataList result; ByteVector data = d->file->readBlock(atom->length - 8); int i = 0; unsigned int pos = 0; while(pos < data.size()) { const int length = static_cast(data.toUInt(pos)); if(length < 12) { debug("MP4: Too short atom"); return result; } const ByteVector name = data.mid(pos + 4, 4); const int flags = static_cast(data.toUInt(pos + 8)); if(freeForm && i < 2) { if(i == 0 && name != "mean") { debug("MP4: Unexpected atom \"" + name + "\", expecting \"mean\""); return result; } else if(i == 1 && name != "name") { debug("MP4: Unexpected atom \"" + name + "\", expecting \"name\""); return result; } result.append(AtomData(AtomDataType(flags), data.mid(pos + 12, length - 12))); } else { if(name != "data") { debug("MP4: Unexpected atom \"" + name + "\", expecting \"data\""); return result; } if(expectedFlags == -1 || flags == expectedFlags) { result.append(AtomData(AtomDataType(flags), data.mid(pos + 16, length - 16))); } } pos += length; i++; } return result; } ByteVectorList MP4::Tag::parseData(const MP4::Atom *atom, int expectedFlags, bool freeForm) { AtomDataList data = parseData2(atom, expectedFlags, freeForm); ByteVectorList result; for(AtomDataList::ConstIterator it = data.begin(); it != data.end(); ++it) { result.append(it->data); } return result; } void MP4::Tag::parseInt(const MP4::Atom *atom) { ByteVectorList data = parseData(atom); if(!data.isEmpty()) { addItem(atom->name, (int)data[0].toShort()); } } void MP4::Tag::parseUInt(const MP4::Atom *atom) { ByteVectorList data = parseData(atom); if(!data.isEmpty()) { addItem(atom->name, data[0].toUInt()); } } void MP4::Tag::parseLongLong(const MP4::Atom *atom) { ByteVectorList data = parseData(atom); if(!data.isEmpty()) { addItem(atom->name, data[0].toLongLong()); } } void MP4::Tag::parseByte(const MP4::Atom *atom) { ByteVectorList data = parseData(atom); if(!data.isEmpty()) { addItem(atom->name, static_cast(data[0].at(0))); } } void MP4::Tag::parseGnre(const MP4::Atom *atom) { ByteVectorList data = parseData(atom); if(!data.isEmpty()) { int idx = (int)data[0].toShort(); if(idx > 0) { addItem("\251gen", StringList(ID3v1::genre(idx - 1))); } } } void MP4::Tag::parseIntPair(const MP4::Atom *atom) { ByteVectorList data = parseData(atom); if(!data.isEmpty()) { const int a = data[0].toShort(2U); const int b = data[0].toShort(4U); addItem(atom->name, MP4::Item(a, b)); } } void MP4::Tag::parseBool(const MP4::Atom *atom) { ByteVectorList data = parseData(atom); if(!data.isEmpty()) { bool value = data[0].size() ? data[0][0] != '\0' : false; addItem(atom->name, value); } } void MP4::Tag::parseText(const MP4::Atom *atom, int expectedFlags) { ByteVectorList data = parseData(atom, expectedFlags); if(!data.isEmpty()) { StringList value; for(ByteVectorList::ConstIterator it = data.begin(); it != data.end(); ++it) { value.append(String(*it, String::UTF8)); } addItem(atom->name, value); } } void MP4::Tag::parseFreeForm(const MP4::Atom *atom) { AtomDataList data = parseData2(atom, -1, true); if(data.size() > 2) { AtomDataList::ConstIterator itBegin = data.begin(); String name = "----:"; name += String((itBegin++)->data, String::UTF8); // data[0].data name += ':'; name += String((itBegin++)->data, String::UTF8); // data[1].data AtomDataType type = itBegin->type; // data[2].type for(AtomDataList::ConstIterator it = itBegin; it != data.end(); ++it) { if(it->type != type) { debug("MP4: We currently don't support values with multiple types"); break; } } if(type == TypeUTF8) { StringList value; for(AtomDataList::ConstIterator it = itBegin; it != data.end(); ++it) { value.append(String(it->data, String::UTF8)); } Item item(value); item.setAtomDataType(type); addItem(name, item); } else { ByteVectorList value; for(AtomDataList::ConstIterator it = itBegin; it != data.end(); ++it) { value.append(it->data); } Item item(value); item.setAtomDataType(type); addItem(name, item); } } } void MP4::Tag::parseCovr(const MP4::Atom *atom) { MP4::CoverArtList value; ByteVector data = d->file->readBlock(atom->length - 8); unsigned int pos = 0; while(pos < data.size()) { const int length = static_cast(data.toUInt(pos)); if(length < 12) { debug("MP4: Too short atom"); break;; } const ByteVector name = data.mid(pos + 4, 4); const int flags = static_cast(data.toUInt(pos + 8)); if(name != "data") { debug("MP4: Unexpected atom \"" + name + "\", expecting \"data\""); break; } if(flags == TypeJPEG || flags == TypePNG || flags == TypeBMP || flags == TypeGIF || flags == TypeImplicit) { value.append(MP4::CoverArt(MP4::CoverArt::Format(flags), data.mid(pos + 16, length - 16))); } else { debug("MP4: Unknown covr format " + String::number(flags)); } pos += length; } if(!value.isEmpty()) addItem(atom->name, value); } ByteVector MP4::Tag::padIlst(const ByteVector &data, int length) const { if(length == -1) { length = ((data.size() + 1023) & ~1023) - data.size(); } return renderAtom("free", ByteVector(length, '\1')); } ByteVector MP4::Tag::renderAtom(const ByteVector &name, const ByteVector &data) const { return ByteVector::fromUInt(data.size() + 8) + name + data; } ByteVector MP4::Tag::renderData(const ByteVector &name, int flags, const ByteVectorList &data) const { ByteVector result; for(ByteVectorList::ConstIterator it = data.begin(); it != data.end(); ++it) { result.append(renderAtom("data", ByteVector::fromUInt(flags) + ByteVector(4, '\0') + *it)); } return renderAtom(name, result); } ByteVector MP4::Tag::renderBool(const ByteVector &name, const MP4::Item &item) const { ByteVectorList data; data.append(ByteVector(1, item.toBool() ? '\1' : '\0')); return renderData(name, TypeInteger, data); } ByteVector MP4::Tag::renderInt(const ByteVector &name, const MP4::Item &item) const { ByteVectorList data; data.append(ByteVector::fromShort(item.toInt())); return renderData(name, TypeInteger, data); } ByteVector MP4::Tag::renderUInt(const ByteVector &name, const MP4::Item &item) const { ByteVectorList data; data.append(ByteVector::fromUInt(item.toUInt())); return renderData(name, TypeInteger, data); } ByteVector MP4::Tag::renderLongLong(const ByteVector &name, const MP4::Item &item) const { ByteVectorList data; data.append(ByteVector::fromLongLong(item.toLongLong())); return renderData(name, TypeInteger, data); } ByteVector MP4::Tag::renderByte(const ByteVector &name, const MP4::Item &item) const { ByteVectorList data; data.append(ByteVector(1, item.toByte())); return renderData(name, TypeInteger, data); } ByteVector MP4::Tag::renderIntPair(const ByteVector &name, const MP4::Item &item) const { ByteVectorList data; data.append(ByteVector(2, '\0') + ByteVector::fromShort(item.toIntPair().first) + ByteVector::fromShort(item.toIntPair().second) + ByteVector(2, '\0')); return renderData(name, TypeImplicit, data); } ByteVector MP4::Tag::renderIntPairNoTrailing(const ByteVector &name, const MP4::Item &item) const { ByteVectorList data; data.append(ByteVector(2, '\0') + ByteVector::fromShort(item.toIntPair().first) + ByteVector::fromShort(item.toIntPair().second)); return renderData(name, TypeImplicit, data); } ByteVector MP4::Tag::renderText(const ByteVector &name, const MP4::Item &item, int flags) const { ByteVectorList data; StringList value = item.toStringList(); for(StringList::ConstIterator it = value.begin(); it != value.end(); ++it) { data.append(it->data(String::UTF8)); } return renderData(name, flags, data); } ByteVector MP4::Tag::renderCovr(const ByteVector &name, const MP4::Item &item) const { ByteVector data; MP4::CoverArtList value = item.toCoverArtList(); for(MP4::CoverArtList::ConstIterator it = value.begin(); it != value.end(); ++it) { data.append(renderAtom("data", ByteVector::fromUInt(it->format()) + ByteVector(4, '\0') + it->data())); } return renderAtom(name, data); } ByteVector MP4::Tag::renderFreeForm(const String &name, const MP4::Item &item) const { StringList header = StringList::split(name, ":"); if(header.size() != 3) { debug("MP4: Invalid free-form item name \"" + name + "\""); return ByteVector(); } ByteVector data; data.append(renderAtom("mean", ByteVector::fromUInt(0) + header[1].data(String::UTF8))); data.append(renderAtom("name", ByteVector::fromUInt(0) + header[2].data(String::UTF8))); AtomDataType type = item.atomDataType(); if(type == TypeUndefined) { if(!item.toStringList().isEmpty()) { type = TypeUTF8; } else { type = TypeImplicit; } } if(type == TypeUTF8) { StringList value = item.toStringList(); for(StringList::ConstIterator it = value.begin(); it != value.end(); ++it) { data.append(renderAtom("data", ByteVector::fromUInt(type) + ByteVector(4, '\0') + it->data(String::UTF8))); } } else { ByteVectorList value = item.toByteVectorList(); for(ByteVectorList::ConstIterator it = value.begin(); it != value.end(); ++it) { data.append(renderAtom("data", ByteVector::fromUInt(type) + ByteVector(4, '\0') + *it)); } } return renderAtom("----", data); } bool MP4::Tag::save() { ByteVector data; for(MP4::ItemMap::ConstIterator it = d->items.begin(); it != d->items.end(); ++it) { const String name = it->first; if(name.startsWith("----")) { data.append(renderFreeForm(name, it->second)); } else if(name == "trkn") { data.append(renderIntPair(name.data(String::Latin1), it->second)); } else if(name == "disk") { data.append(renderIntPairNoTrailing(name.data(String::Latin1), it->second)); } else if(name == "cpil" || name == "pgap" || name == "pcst" || name == "hdvd" || name == "shwm") { data.append(renderBool(name.data(String::Latin1), it->second)); } else if(name == "tmpo" || name == "rate" || name == "\251mvi" || name == "\251mvc") { data.append(renderInt(name.data(String::Latin1), it->second)); } else if(name == "tvsn" || name == "tves" || name == "cnID" || name == "sfID" || name == "atID" || name == "geID" || name == "cmID") { data.append(renderUInt(name.data(String::Latin1), it->second)); } else if(name == "plID") { data.append(renderLongLong(name.data(String::Latin1), it->second)); } else if(name == "stik" || name == "rtng" || name == "akID") { data.append(renderByte(name.data(String::Latin1), it->second)); } else if(name == "covr") { data.append(renderCovr(name.data(String::Latin1), it->second)); } else if(name == "purl" || name == "egid") { data.append(renderText(name.data(String::Latin1), it->second, TypeImplicit)); } else if(name.size() == 4){ data.append(renderText(name.data(String::Latin1), it->second)); } else { debug("MP4: Unknown item name \"" + name + "\""); } } data = renderAtom("ilst", data); AtomList path = d->atoms->path("moov", "udta", "meta", "ilst"); if(path.size() == 4) { saveExisting(data, path); } else { saveNew(data); } return true; } void MP4::Tag::updateParents(const AtomList &path, long delta, int ignore) { if(static_cast(path.size()) <= ignore) return; AtomList::ConstIterator itEnd = path.end(); std::advance(itEnd, 0 - ignore); for(AtomList::ConstIterator it = path.begin(); it != itEnd; ++it) { d->file->seek((*it)->offset); long size = d->file->readBlock(4).toUInt(); // 64-bit if (size == 1) { d->file->seek(4, File::Current); // Skip name long long longSize = d->file->readBlock(8).toLongLong(); // Seek the offset of the 64-bit size d->file->seek((*it)->offset + 8); d->file->writeBlock(ByteVector::fromLongLong(longSize + delta)); } // 32-bit else { d->file->seek((*it)->offset); d->file->writeBlock(ByteVector::fromUInt(size + delta)); } } } void MP4::Tag::updateOffsets(long delta, long offset) { MP4::Atom *moov = d->atoms->find("moov"); if(moov) { MP4::AtomList stco = moov->findall("stco", true); for(MP4::AtomList::ConstIterator it = stco.begin(); it != stco.end(); ++it) { MP4::Atom *atom = *it; if(atom->offset > offset) { atom->offset += delta; } d->file->seek(atom->offset + 12); ByteVector data = d->file->readBlock(atom->length - 12); unsigned int count = data.toUInt(); d->file->seek(atom->offset + 16); unsigned int pos = 4; while(count--) { long o = static_cast(data.toUInt(pos)); if(o > offset) { o += delta; } d->file->writeBlock(ByteVector::fromUInt(o)); pos += 4; } } MP4::AtomList co64 = moov->findall("co64", true); for(MP4::AtomList::ConstIterator it = co64.begin(); it != co64.end(); ++it) { MP4::Atom *atom = *it; if(atom->offset > offset) { atom->offset += delta; } d->file->seek(atom->offset + 12); ByteVector data = d->file->readBlock(atom->length - 12); unsigned int count = data.toUInt(); d->file->seek(atom->offset + 16); unsigned int pos = 4; while(count--) { long long o = data.toLongLong(pos); if(o > offset) { o += delta; } d->file->writeBlock(ByteVector::fromLongLong(o)); pos += 8; } } } MP4::Atom *moof = d->atoms->find("moof"); if(moof) { MP4::AtomList tfhd = moof->findall("tfhd", true); for(MP4::AtomList::ConstIterator it = tfhd.begin(); it != tfhd.end(); ++it) { MP4::Atom *atom = *it; if(atom->offset > offset) { atom->offset += delta; } d->file->seek(atom->offset + 9); ByteVector data = d->file->readBlock(atom->length - 9); const unsigned int flags = data.toUInt(0, 3, true); if(flags & 1) { long long o = data.toLongLong(7U); if(o > offset) { o += delta; } d->file->seek(atom->offset + 16); d->file->writeBlock(ByteVector::fromLongLong(o)); } } } } void MP4::Tag::saveNew(ByteVector data) { data = renderAtom("meta", ByteVector(4, '\0') + renderAtom("hdlr", ByteVector(8, '\0') + ByteVector("mdirappl") + ByteVector(9, '\0')) + data + padIlst(data)); AtomList path = d->atoms->path("moov", "udta"); if(path.size() != 2) { path = d->atoms->path("moov"); data = renderAtom("udta", data); } long offset = path.back()->offset + 8; d->file->insert(data, offset, 0); updateParents(path, data.size()); updateOffsets(data.size(), offset); // Insert the newly created atoms into the tree to keep it up-to-date. d->file->seek(offset); path.back()->children.prepend(new Atom(d->file)); } void MP4::Tag::saveExisting(ByteVector data, const AtomList &path) { AtomList::ConstIterator it = path.end(); MP4::Atom *ilst = *(--it); long offset = ilst->offset; long length = ilst->length; MP4::Atom *meta = *(--it); AtomList::ConstIterator index = meta->children.find(ilst); // check if there is an atom before 'ilst', and possibly use it as padding if(index != meta->children.begin()) { AtomList::ConstIterator prevIndex = index; prevIndex--; MP4::Atom *prev = *prevIndex; if(prev->name == "free") { offset = prev->offset; length += prev->length; } } // check if there is an atom after 'ilst', and possibly use it as padding AtomList::ConstIterator nextIndex = index; nextIndex++; if(nextIndex != meta->children.end()) { MP4::Atom *next = *nextIndex; if(next->name == "free") { length += next->length; } } long delta = data.size() - length; if(delta > 0 || (delta < 0 && delta > -8)) { data.append(padIlst(data)); delta = data.size() - length; } else if(delta < 0) { data.append(padIlst(data, -delta - 8)); delta = 0; } d->file->insert(data, offset, length); if(delta) { updateParents(path, delta, 1); updateOffsets(delta, offset); } } String MP4::Tag::title() const { if(d->items.contains("\251nam")) return d->items["\251nam"].toStringList().toString(", "); return String(); } String MP4::Tag::artist() const { if(d->items.contains("\251ART")) return d->items["\251ART"].toStringList().toString(", "); return String(); } String MP4::Tag::album() const { if(d->items.contains("\251alb")) return d->items["\251alb"].toStringList().toString(", "); return String(); } String MP4::Tag::comment() const { if(d->items.contains("\251cmt")) return d->items["\251cmt"].toStringList().toString(", "); return String(); } String MP4::Tag::genre() const { if(d->items.contains("\251gen")) return d->items["\251gen"].toStringList().toString(", "); return String(); } unsigned int MP4::Tag::year() const { if(d->items.contains("\251day")) return d->items["\251day"].toStringList().toString().toInt(); return 0; } unsigned int MP4::Tag::track() const { if(d->items.contains("trkn")) return d->items["trkn"].toIntPair().first; return 0; } void MP4::Tag::setTitle(const String &value) { d->items["\251nam"] = StringList(value); } void MP4::Tag::setArtist(const String &value) { d->items["\251ART"] = StringList(value); } void MP4::Tag::setAlbum(const String &value) { d->items["\251alb"] = StringList(value); } void MP4::Tag::setComment(const String &value) { d->items["\251cmt"] = StringList(value); } void MP4::Tag::setGenre(const String &value) { d->items["\251gen"] = StringList(value); } void MP4::Tag::setYear(unsigned int value) { d->items["\251day"] = StringList(String::number(value)); } void MP4::Tag::setTrack(unsigned int value) { d->items["trkn"] = MP4::Item(value, 0); } bool MP4::Tag::isEmpty() const { return d->items.isEmpty(); } MP4::ItemMap &MP4::Tag::itemListMap() { return d->items; } const MP4::ItemMap &MP4::Tag::itemMap() const { return d->items; } MP4::Item MP4::Tag::item(const String &key) const { return d->items[key]; } void MP4::Tag::setItem(const String &key, const Item &value) { d->items[key] = value; } void MP4::Tag::removeItem(const String &key) { d->items.erase(key); } bool MP4::Tag::contains(const String &key) const { return d->items.contains(key); } namespace { const char *keyTranslation[][2] = { { "\251nam", "TITLE" }, { "\251ART", "ARTIST" }, { "\251alb", "ALBUM" }, { "\251cmt", "COMMENT" }, { "\251gen", "GENRE" }, { "\251day", "DATE" }, { "\251wrt", "COMPOSER" }, { "\251grp", "GROUPING" }, { "aART", "ALBUMARTIST" }, { "trkn", "TRACKNUMBER" }, { "disk", "DISCNUMBER" }, { "cpil", "COMPILATION" }, { "tmpo", "BPM" }, { "cprt", "COPYRIGHT" }, { "\251lyr", "LYRICS" }, { "\251too", "ENCODEDBY" }, { "soal", "ALBUMSORT" }, { "soaa", "ALBUMARTISTSORT" }, { "soar", "ARTISTSORT" }, { "sonm", "TITLESORT" }, { "soco", "COMPOSERSORT" }, { "sosn", "SHOWSORT" }, { "shwm", "SHOWWORKMOVEMENT" }, { "\251wrk", "WORK" }, { "\251mvn", "MOVEMENTNAME" }, { "\251mvi", "MOVEMENTNUMBER" }, { "\251mvc", "MOVEMENTCOUNT" }, { "----:com.apple.iTunes:MusicBrainz Track Id", "MUSICBRAINZ_TRACKID" }, { "----:com.apple.iTunes:MusicBrainz Artist Id", "MUSICBRAINZ_ARTISTID" }, { "----:com.apple.iTunes:MusicBrainz Album Id", "MUSICBRAINZ_ALBUMID" }, { "----:com.apple.iTunes:MusicBrainz Album Artist Id", "MUSICBRAINZ_ALBUMARTISTID" }, { "----:com.apple.iTunes:MusicBrainz Release Group Id", "MUSICBRAINZ_RELEASEGROUPID" }, { "----:com.apple.iTunes:MusicBrainz Work Id", "MUSICBRAINZ_WORKID" }, { "----:com.apple.iTunes:ASIN", "ASIN" }, { "----:com.apple.iTunes:LABEL", "LABEL" }, { "----:com.apple.iTunes:LYRICIST", "LYRICIST" }, { "----:com.apple.iTunes:CONDUCTOR", "CONDUCTOR" }, { "----:com.apple.iTunes:REMIXER", "REMIXER" }, { "----:com.apple.iTunes:ENGINEER", "ENGINEER" }, { "----:com.apple.iTunes:PRODUCER", "PRODUCER" }, { "----:com.apple.iTunes:DJMIXER", "DJMIXER" }, { "----:com.apple.iTunes:MIXER", "MIXER" }, { "----:com.apple.iTunes:SUBTITLE", "SUBTITLE" }, { "----:com.apple.iTunes:DISCSUBTITLE", "DISCSUBTITLE" }, { "----:com.apple.iTunes:MOOD", "MOOD" }, { "----:com.apple.iTunes:ISRC", "ISRC" }, { "----:com.apple.iTunes:CATALOGNUMBER", "CATALOGNUMBER" }, { "----:com.apple.iTunes:BARCODE", "BARCODE" }, { "----:com.apple.iTunes:SCRIPT", "SCRIPT" }, { "----:com.apple.iTunes:LANGUAGE", "LANGUAGE" }, { "----:com.apple.iTunes:LICENSE", "LICENSE" }, { "----:com.apple.iTunes:MEDIA", "MEDIA" }, }; const size_t keyTranslationSize = sizeof(keyTranslation) / sizeof(keyTranslation[0]); String translateKey(const String &key) { for(size_t i = 0; i < keyTranslationSize; ++i) { if(key == keyTranslation[i][0]) return keyTranslation[i][1]; } return String(); } } PropertyMap MP4::Tag::properties() const { PropertyMap props; for(MP4::ItemMap::ConstIterator it = d->items.begin(); it != d->items.end(); ++it) { const String key = translateKey(it->first); if(!key.isEmpty()) { if(key == "TRACKNUMBER" || key == "DISCNUMBER") { MP4::Item::IntPair ip = it->second.toIntPair(); String value = String::number(ip.first); if(ip.second) { value += "/" + String::number(ip.second); } props[key] = value; } else if(key == "BPM" || key == "MOVEMENTNUMBER" || key == "MOVEMENTCOUNT") { props[key] = String::number(it->second.toInt()); } else if(key == "COMPILATION" || key == "SHOWWORKMOVEMENT") { props[key] = String::number(it->second.toBool()); } else { props[key] = it->second.toStringList(); } } else { props.unsupportedData().append(it->first); } } return props; } void MP4::Tag::removeUnsupportedProperties(const StringList &props) { for(StringList::ConstIterator it = props.begin(); it != props.end(); ++it) d->items.erase(*it); } PropertyMap MP4::Tag::setProperties(const PropertyMap &props) { static Map reverseKeyMap; if(reverseKeyMap.isEmpty()) { int numKeys = sizeof(keyTranslation) / sizeof(keyTranslation[0]); for(int i = 0; i < numKeys; i++) { reverseKeyMap[keyTranslation[i][1]] = keyTranslation[i][0]; } } PropertyMap origProps = properties(); for(PropertyMap::ConstIterator it = origProps.begin(); it != origProps.end(); ++it) { if(!props.contains(it->first) || props[it->first].isEmpty()) { d->items.erase(reverseKeyMap[it->first]); } } PropertyMap ignoredProps; for(PropertyMap::ConstIterator it = props.begin(); it != props.end(); ++it) { if(reverseKeyMap.contains(it->first)) { String name = reverseKeyMap[it->first]; if((it->first == "TRACKNUMBER" || it->first == "DISCNUMBER") && !it->second.isEmpty()) { StringList parts = StringList::split(it->second.front(), "/"); if(!parts.isEmpty()) { int first = parts[0].toInt(); int second = 0; if(parts.size() > 1) { second = parts[1].toInt(); } d->items[name] = MP4::Item(first, second); } } else if((it->first == "BPM" || it->first == "MOVEMENTNUMBER" || it->first == "MOVEMENTCOUNT") && !it->second.isEmpty()) { int value = it->second.front().toInt(); d->items[name] = MP4::Item(value); } else if((it->first == "COMPILATION" || it->first == "SHOWWORKMOVEMENT") && !it->second.isEmpty()) { bool value = (it->second.front().toInt() != 0); d->items[name] = MP4::Item(value); } else { d->items[name] = it->second; } } else { ignoredProps.insert(it->first, it->second); } } return ignoredProps; } void MP4::Tag::addItem(const String &name, const Item &value) { if(!d->items.contains(name)) { d->items.insert(name, value); } else { debug("MP4: Ignoring duplicate atom \"" + name + "\""); } }