/* * Strawberry Music Player * Copyright 2018, Jonas Kvinge * * Strawberry is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Strawberry is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Strawberry. If not, see . * */ #include "config.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "core/application.h" #include "core/closure.h" #include "core/network.h" #include "core/song.h" #include "core/timeconstants.h" #include "core/logging.h" #include "internet/localredirectserver.h" #include "settings/settingsdialog.h" #include "settings/scrobblersettingspage.h" #include "audioscrobbler.h" #include "scrobblerservices.h" #include "scrobblingapi20.h" #include "scrobblercache.h" #include "scrobblercacheitem.h" const char *ScrobblingAPI20::kApiKey = "211990b4c96782c05d1536e7219eb56e"; const char *ScrobblingAPI20::kSecret = "80fd738f49596e9709b1bf9319c444a8"; const char *ScrobblingAPI20::kRedirectUrl = "https://oauth.strawberrymusicplayer.org"; const int ScrobblingAPI20::kScrobblesPerRequest = 50; ScrobblingAPI20::ScrobblingAPI20(const QString &name, const QString &settings_group, const QString &auth_url, const QString &api_url, const bool batch, Application *app, QObject *parent) : ScrobblerService(name, app, parent), name_(name), settings_group_(settings_group), auth_url_(auth_url), api_url_(api_url), batch_(batch), app_(app), enabled_(false), subscriber_(false), submitted_(false) {} ScrobblingAPI20::~ScrobblingAPI20() {} void ScrobblingAPI20::ReloadSettings() { QSettings s; s.beginGroup(settings_group_); enabled_ = s.value("enabled", false).toBool(); https_ = s.value("https", false).toBool(); s.endGroup(); s.beginGroup(ScrobblerSettingsPage::kSettingsGroup); prefer_albumartist_ = s.value("albumartist", false).toBool(); s.endGroup(); } void ScrobblingAPI20::LoadSession() { QSettings s; s.beginGroup(settings_group_); subscriber_ = s.value("subscriber", false).toBool(); username_ = s.value("username").toString(); session_key_ = s.value("session_key").toString(); s.endGroup(); } void ScrobblingAPI20::Logout() { subscriber_ = false; username_.clear(); session_key_.clear(); QSettings settings; settings.beginGroup(settings_group_); settings.remove("subscriber"); settings.remove("username"); settings.remove("session_key"); settings.endGroup(); } void ScrobblingAPI20::Authenticate(const bool https) { LocalRedirectServer *server = new LocalRedirectServer(https, this); if (!server->Listen()) { AuthError(server->error()); delete server; return; } NewClosure(server, SIGNAL(Finished()), this, &ScrobblingAPI20::RedirectArrived, server); QUrlQuery redirect_url_query; const QString port = QString::number(server->url().port()); redirect_url_query.addQueryItem("port", port); if (https) redirect_url_query.addQueryItem("https", QString("1")); QUrl redirect_url(kRedirectUrl); redirect_url.setQuery(redirect_url_query); QUrlQuery url_query; url_query.addQueryItem("api_key", kApiKey); url_query.addQueryItem("cb", redirect_url.toString()); QUrl url(auth_url_); url.setQuery(url_query); QMessageBox messagebox(QMessageBox::Information, tr("%1 Scrobbler Authentication").arg(name_), tr("Open URL in web browser?
Press \"Save\" to copy the URL to clipboard and manually open it in a web browser.").arg(url.toString()), QMessageBox::Open|QMessageBox::Save|QMessageBox::Cancel); messagebox.setTextFormat(Qt::RichText); int result = messagebox.exec(); switch (result) { case QMessageBox::Open:{ bool openurl_result = QDesktopServices::openUrl(url); if (openurl_result) { break; } QMessageBox messagebox_error(QMessageBox::Warning, tr("%1 Scrobbler Authentication").arg(name_), tr("Could not open URL. Please open this URL in your browser:
%1").arg(url.toString()), QMessageBox::Ok); messagebox_error.setTextFormat(Qt::RichText); messagebox_error.exec(); } // fallthrough case QMessageBox::Save: QApplication::clipboard()->setText(url.toString()); break; case QMessageBox::Cancel: server->close(); server->deleteLater(); emit AuthenticationComplete(false); break; default: break; } } void ScrobblingAPI20::RedirectArrived(LocalRedirectServer *server) { server->deleteLater(); if (!server->error().isEmpty()) { AuthError(server->error()); return; } QUrl url = server->request_url(); if (!url.isValid()) { AuthError(tr("Received invalid reply from web browser. Try the HTTPS option, or use another browser like Chromium or Chrome.")); return; } QUrlQuery url_query(url); QString token = url_query.queryItemValue("token").toUtf8(); if (token.isEmpty()) { AuthError(tr("Invalid reply from web browser. Missing token.")); return; } RequestSession(token); } void ScrobblingAPI20::RequestSession(QString token) { QUrl session_url(api_url_); QUrlQuery session_url_query; session_url_query.addQueryItem("api_key", kApiKey); session_url_query.addQueryItem("method", "auth.getSession"); session_url_query.addQueryItem("token", token); QString data_to_sign; for (QPair param : session_url_query.queryItems()) { data_to_sign += param.first + param.second; } data_to_sign += kSecret; QByteArray const digest = QCryptographicHash::hash(data_to_sign.toUtf8(), QCryptographicHash::Md5); QString signature = QString::fromLatin1(digest.toHex()).rightJustified(32, '0').toLower(); session_url_query.addQueryItem("api_sig", signature); session_url_query.addQueryItem(QUrl::toPercentEncoding("format"), QUrl::toPercentEncoding("json")); session_url.setQuery(session_url_query); QNetworkRequest req(session_url); #if (QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(5, 6, 0)) req.setAttribute(QNetworkRequest::FollowRedirectsAttribute, true); #endif QNetworkReply *reply = network()->get(req); NewClosure(reply, SIGNAL(finished()), this, SLOT(AuthenticateReplyFinished(QNetworkReply*)), reply); } void ScrobblingAPI20::AuthenticateReplyFinished(QNetworkReply *reply) { reply->deleteLater(); QByteArray data; if (reply->error() == QNetworkReply::NoError && reply->attribute(QNetworkRequest::HttpStatusCodeAttribute).toInt() == 200) { data = reply->readAll(); } else { if (reply->error() < 200) { // This is a network error, there is nothing more to do. AuthError(QString("%1 (%2)").arg(reply->errorString()).arg(reply->error())); } else { // See if there is Json data containing "error" and "message" - then use that instead. data = reply->readAll(); QString error; QJsonParseError json_error; QJsonDocument json_doc = QJsonDocument::fromJson(data, &json_error); if (json_error.error == QJsonParseError::NoError && !json_doc.isNull() && !json_doc.isEmpty() && json_doc.isObject()) { QJsonObject json_obj = json_doc.object(); if (json_obj.contains("error") && json_obj.contains("message")) { int code = json_obj["error"].toInt(); QString message = json_obj["message"].toString(); error = "Error: " + QString::number(code) + ": " + message; } else { error = QString("%1 (%2)").arg(reply->errorString()).arg(reply->error()); } } if (error.isEmpty()) { if (reply->error() != QNetworkReply::NoError) { error = QString("%1 (%2)").arg(reply->errorString()).arg(reply->error()); } else { error = QString("Received HTTP code %1").arg(reply->attribute(QNetworkRequest::HttpStatusCodeAttribute).toInt()); } } AuthError(error); } return; } QJsonObject json_obj = ExtractJsonObj(data); if (json_obj.isEmpty()) { AuthError("Json document from server was empty."); return; } if (json_obj.contains("error") && json_obj.contains("message")) { int error = json_obj["error"].toInt(); QString message = json_obj["message"].toString(); QString failure_reason = "Error: " + QString::number(error) + ": " + message; AuthError(failure_reason); return; } if (!json_obj.contains("session")) { AuthError("Json reply from server is missing session."); return; } QJsonValue json_session = json_obj["session"]; if (!json_session.isObject()) { AuthError("Json session is not an object."); return; } json_obj = json_session.toObject(); if (json_obj.isEmpty()) { AuthError("Json session object is empty."); return; } if (!json_obj.contains("subscriber") || !json_obj.contains("name") || !json_obj.contains("key")) { AuthError("Json session object is missing values."); return; } subscriber_ = json_obj["subscriber"].toBool(); username_ = json_obj["name"].toString(); session_key_ = json_obj["key"].toString(); QSettings s; s.beginGroup(settings_group_); s.setValue("subscriber", subscriber_); s.setValue("username", username_); s.setValue("session_key", session_key_); s.endGroup(); emit AuthenticationComplete(true); DoSubmit(); } QNetworkReply *ScrobblingAPI20::CreateRequest(const ParamList &request_params) { ParamList params = ParamList() << Param("api_key", kApiKey) << Param("sk", session_key_) << Param("lang", QLocale().name().left(2).toLower()) << request_params; std::sort(params.begin(), params.end()); QUrlQuery url_query; QString data_to_sign; for (const Param ¶m : params) { EncodedParam encoded_param(QUrl::toPercentEncoding(param.first), QUrl::toPercentEncoding(param.second)); url_query.addQueryItem(encoded_param.first, encoded_param.second); data_to_sign += param.first + param.second; } data_to_sign += kSecret; QByteArray const digest = QCryptographicHash::hash(data_to_sign.toUtf8(), QCryptographicHash::Md5); QString signature = QString::fromLatin1(digest.toHex()).rightJustified(32, '0').toLower(); url_query.addQueryItem("api_sig", QUrl::toPercentEncoding(signature)); url_query.addQueryItem("format", QUrl::toPercentEncoding("json")); QUrl url(api_url_); QNetworkRequest req(url); #if (QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(5, 6, 0)) req.setAttribute(QNetworkRequest::FollowRedirectsAttribute, true); #endif req.setHeader(QNetworkRequest::ContentTypeHeader, "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); QByteArray query = url_query.toString(QUrl::FullyEncoded).toUtf8(); QNetworkReply *reply = network()->post(req, query); //qLog(Debug) << name_ << "Sending request" << query; return reply; } QByteArray ScrobblingAPI20::GetReplyData(QNetworkReply *reply) { QByteArray data; if (reply->error() == QNetworkReply::NoError && reply->attribute(QNetworkRequest::HttpStatusCodeAttribute).toInt() == 200) { data = reply->readAll(); } else { if (reply->error() != QNetworkReply::NoError && reply->error() < 200) { // This is a network error, there is nothing more to do. Error(QString("%1 (%2)").arg(reply->errorString()).arg(reply->error())); } else { QString error; // See if there is Json data containing "error" and "message" - then use that instead. data = reply->readAll(); QJsonParseError json_error; QJsonDocument json_doc = QJsonDocument::fromJson(data, &json_error); int error_code = -1; if (json_error.error == QJsonParseError::NoError && !json_doc.isNull() && !json_doc.isEmpty() && json_doc.isObject()) { QJsonObject json_obj = json_doc.object(); if (json_obj.contains("error") && json_obj.contains("message")) { error_code = json_obj["error"].toInt(); QString error_message = json_obj["message"].toString(); error = QString("%1 (%2)").arg(error_message).arg(error_code); } } if (error.isEmpty()) { if (reply->error() != QNetworkReply::NoError) { error = QString("%1 (%2)").arg(reply->errorString()).arg(reply->error()); } else { error = QString("Received HTTP code %1").arg(reply->attribute(QNetworkRequest::HttpStatusCodeAttribute).toInt()); } } if (reply->error() == QNetworkReply::ContentAccessDenied || reply->error() == QNetworkReply::ContentOperationNotPermittedError || reply->error() == QNetworkReply::AuthenticationRequiredError || error_code == ScrobbleErrorCode::InvalidSessionKey || error_code == ScrobbleErrorCode::AuthenticationFailed ){ // Session is probably expired Logout(); } Error(error); } return QByteArray(); } return data; } void ScrobblingAPI20::UpdateNowPlaying(const Song &song) { song_playing_ = song; timestamp_ = QDateTime::currentDateTime().toTime_t(); if (!IsAuthenticated() || !song.is_metadata_good() || app_->scrobbler()->IsOffline()) return; QString album = song.album(); album = album.remove(Song::kAlbumRemoveDisc); album = album.remove(Song::kAlbumRemoveMisc); ParamList params = ParamList() << Param("method", "track.updateNowPlaying") << Param("artist", prefer_albumartist_ ? song.effective_albumartist() : song.artist()) << Param("track", song.title()) << Param("album", album); if (!prefer_albumartist_ && !song.albumartist().isEmpty()) params << Param("albumArtist", song.albumartist()); QNetworkReply *reply = CreateRequest(params); NewClosure(reply, SIGNAL(finished()), this, SLOT(UpdateNowPlayingRequestFinished(QNetworkReply*)), reply); } void ScrobblingAPI20::UpdateNowPlayingRequestFinished(QNetworkReply *reply) { reply->deleteLater(); QByteArray data = GetReplyData(reply); if (data.isEmpty()) { return; } QJsonObject json_obj = ExtractJsonObj(data); if (json_obj.isEmpty()) { return; } if (json_obj.contains("error") && json_obj.contains("message")) { int error_code = json_obj["error"].toInt(); QString error_message = json_obj["message"].toString(); QString error_reason = QString("%1 (%2)").arg(error_message).arg(error_code); Error(error_reason); return; } if (!json_obj.contains("nowplaying")) { Error("Json reply from server is missing nowplaying.", json_obj); return; } } void ScrobblingAPI20::ClearPlaying() { song_playing_ = Song(); } void ScrobblingAPI20::Scrobble(const Song &song) { if (song.id() != song_playing_.id() || song.url() != song_playing_.url() || !song.is_metadata_good()) return; cache()->Add(song, timestamp_); if (app_->scrobbler()->IsOffline()) return; if (!IsAuthenticated()) { emit ErrorMessage(tr("Scrobbler %1 is not authenticated!").arg(name_)); return; } if (!submitted_) { submitted_ = true; if (!batch_ || app_->scrobbler()->SubmitDelay() <= 0) { Submit(); } else { qint64 msec = (app_->scrobbler()->SubmitDelay() * 60 * kMsecPerSec); DoAfter(this, SLOT(Submit()), msec); } } } void ScrobblingAPI20::DoSubmit() { if (!submitted_ && cache()->Count() > 0) { submitted_ = true; qint64 msec = 30000ll; if (app_->scrobbler()->SubmitDelay() != 0) msec = (app_->scrobbler()->SubmitDelay() * 60 * kMsecPerSec); DoAfter(this, SLOT(Submit()), msec); } } void ScrobblingAPI20::Submit() { submitted_ = false; if (!IsEnabled() || !IsAuthenticated() || app_->scrobbler()->IsOffline()) return; qLog(Debug) << name_ << "Submitting scrobbles."; ParamList params = ParamList() << Param("method", "track.scrobble"); int i(0); QList list; for (ScrobblerCacheItem *item : cache()->List()) { if (item->sent_) continue; item->sent_ = true; if (!batch_) { SendSingleScrobble(item); continue; } i++; list << item->timestamp_; params << Param(QString("%1[%2]").arg("artist").arg(i), prefer_albumartist_ ? item->effective_albumartist() : item->artist_); params << Param(QString("%1[%2]").arg("album").arg(i), item->album_); params << Param(QString("%1[%2]").arg("track").arg(i), item->song_); params << Param(QString("%1[%2]").arg("timestamp").arg(i), QString::number(item->timestamp_)); params << Param(QString("%1[%2]").arg("duration").arg(i), QString::number(item->duration_ / kNsecPerSec)); if (!prefer_albumartist_ && !item->albumartist_.isEmpty()) params << Param(QString("%1[%2]").arg("albumArtist").arg(i), item->albumartist_); if (item->track_ > 0) params << Param(QString("%1[%2]").arg(i).arg("trackNumber"), QString::number(item->track_)); if (i >= kScrobblesPerRequest) break; } if (!batch_ || i <= 0) return; QNetworkReply *reply = CreateRequest(params); NewClosure(reply, SIGNAL(finished()), this, SLOT(ScrobbleRequestFinished(QNetworkReply*, QList)), reply, list); } void ScrobblingAPI20::ScrobbleRequestFinished(QNetworkReply *reply, QList list) { reply->deleteLater(); QByteArray data = GetReplyData(reply); if (data.isEmpty()) { cache()->ClearSent(list); DoSubmit(); return; } QJsonObject json_obj = ExtractJsonObj(data); if (json_obj.isEmpty()) { cache()->ClearSent(list); DoSubmit(); return; } if (json_obj.contains("error") && json_obj.contains("message")) { int error_code = json_obj["error"].toInt(); QString error_message = json_obj["message"].toString(); QString error_reason = QString("%1 (%2)").arg(error_message).arg(error_code); Error(error_reason); cache()->ClearSent(list); DoSubmit(); return; } if (!json_obj.contains("scrobbles")) { Error("Json reply from server is missing scrobbles.", json_obj); cache()->ClearSent(list); DoSubmit(); return; } cache()->Flush(list); QJsonValue json_scrobbles = json_obj["scrobbles"]; if (!json_scrobbles.isObject()) { Error("Json scrobbles is not an object.", json_obj); DoSubmit(); return; } json_obj = json_scrobbles.toObject(); if (json_obj.isEmpty()) { Error("Json scrobbles object is empty.", json_scrobbles); DoSubmit(); return; } if (!json_obj.contains("@attr") || !json_obj.contains("scrobble")) { Error("Json scrobbles object is missing values.", json_obj); DoSubmit(); return; } QJsonValue json_attr = json_obj["@attr"]; if (!json_attr.isObject()) { Error("Json scrobbles attr is not an object.", json_attr); DoSubmit(); return; } QJsonObject json_obj_attr = json_attr.toObject(); if (json_obj_attr.isEmpty()) { Error("Json scrobbles attr is empty.", json_attr); DoSubmit(); return; } if (!json_obj_attr.contains("accepted") || !json_obj_attr.contains("ignored")) { Error("Json scrobbles attr is missing values.", json_obj_attr); DoSubmit(); return; } int accepted = json_obj_attr["accepted"].toInt(); int ignored = json_obj_attr["ignored"].toInt(); qLog(Debug) << name_ << "Scrobbles accepted:" << accepted << "ignored:" << ignored; QJsonValue json_scrobble = json_obj["scrobble"]; if (!json_scrobble.isArray()) { Error("Json scrobbles scrobble is not array.", json_scrobble); DoSubmit(); return; } QJsonArray json_array_scrobble = json_scrobble.toArray(); if (json_array_scrobble.isEmpty()) { Error("Json scrobbles scrobble array is empty.", json_scrobble); DoSubmit(); return; } for (const QJsonValue &value : json_array_scrobble) { if (!value.isObject()) { Error("Json scrobbles scrobble array value is not an object.", value); continue; } QJsonObject json_track = value.toObject(); if (json_track.isEmpty()) { continue; } if (!json_track.contains("artist") || !json_track.contains("album") || !json_track.contains("albumArtist") || !json_track.contains("track") || !json_track.contains("timestamp") || !json_track.contains("ignoredMessage") ) { Error("Json scrobbles scrobble is missing values.", json_track); continue; } QJsonValue json_value_artist = json_track["artist"]; QJsonValue json_value_album = json_track["album"]; QJsonValue json_value_song = json_track["track"]; QJsonValue json_value_ignoredmessage = json_track["ignoredMessage"]; //quint64 timestamp = json_track["timestamp"].toVariant().toULongLong(); if (!json_value_artist.isObject() || !json_value_album.isObject() || !json_value_song.isObject() || !json_value_ignoredmessage.isObject()) { Error("Json scrobbles scrobble values are not objects.", json_track); continue; } QJsonObject json_obj_artist = json_value_artist.toObject(); QJsonObject json_obj_album = json_value_album.toObject(); QJsonObject json_obj_song = json_value_song.toObject(); QJsonObject json_obj_ignoredmessage = json_value_ignoredmessage.toObject(); if (json_obj_artist.isEmpty() || json_obj_album.isEmpty() || json_obj_song.isEmpty() || json_obj_ignoredmessage.isEmpty()) { Error("Json scrobbles scrobble values objects are empty.", json_track); continue; } if (!json_obj_artist.contains("#text") || !json_obj_album.contains("#text") || !json_obj_song.contains("#text")) { // Just ignore this, as Last.fm seem to return 1 ignored scrobble for a blank song for each request (no idea why). continue; } QString artist = json_obj_artist["#text"].toString(); QString album = json_obj_album["#text"].toString(); QString song = json_obj_song["#text"].toString(); bool ignoredmessage = json_obj_ignoredmessage["code"].toVariant().toBool(); QString ignoredmessage_text = json_obj_ignoredmessage["#text"].toString(); if (ignoredmessage) { Error(QString("Scrobble for \"%1\" ignored: %2").arg(song).arg(ignoredmessage_text)); } else { qLog(Debug) << name_ << "Scrobble for" << song << "accepted"; } } DoSubmit(); } void ScrobblingAPI20::SendSingleScrobble(ScrobblerCacheItem *item) { ParamList params = ParamList() << Param("method", "track.scrobble") << Param("artist", prefer_albumartist_ ? item->effective_albumartist() : item->artist_) << Param("album", item->album_) << Param("track", item->song_) << Param("timestamp", QString::number(item->timestamp_)) << Param("duration", QString::number(item->duration_ / kNsecPerSec)); if (!prefer_albumartist_ && !item->albumartist_.isEmpty()) params << Param("albumArtist", item->albumartist_); if (item->track_ > 0) params << Param("trackNumber", QString::number(item->track_)); QNetworkReply *reply = CreateRequest(params); NewClosure(reply, SIGNAL(finished()), this, SLOT(SingleScrobbleRequestFinished(QNetworkReply*, quint64)), reply, item->timestamp_); } void ScrobblingAPI20::SingleScrobbleRequestFinished(QNetworkReply *reply, quint64 timestamp) { reply->deleteLater(); ScrobblerCacheItem *item = cache()->Get(timestamp); if (!item) { Error(QString("Received reply for non-existing cache entry %1.").arg(timestamp)); return; } QByteArray data = GetReplyData(reply); if (data.isEmpty()) { item->sent_ = false; return; } QJsonObject json_obj = ExtractJsonObj(data); if (json_obj.isEmpty()) { item->sent_ = false; return; } if (json_obj.contains("error") && json_obj.contains("message")) { int error_code = json_obj["error"].toInt(); QString error_message = json_obj["message"].toString(); QString error_reason = QString("%1 (%2)").arg(error_message).arg(error_code); Error(error_reason); item->sent_ = false; return; } if (!json_obj.contains("scrobbles")) { Error("Json reply from server is missing scrobbles.", json_obj); item->sent_ = false; return; } cache()->Remove(timestamp); item = nullptr; QJsonValue json_scrobbles = json_obj["scrobbles"]; if (!json_scrobbles.isObject()) { Error("Json scrobbles is not an object.", json_obj); return; } json_obj = json_scrobbles.toObject(); if (json_obj.isEmpty()) { Error("Json scrobbles object is empty.", json_scrobbles); return; } if (!json_obj.contains("@attr") || !json_obj.contains("scrobble")) { Error("Json scrobbles object is missing values.", json_obj); return; } QJsonValue json_attr = json_obj["@attr"]; if (!json_attr.isObject()) { Error("Json scrobbles attr is not an object.", json_attr); return; } QJsonObject json_obj_attr = json_attr.toObject(); if (json_obj_attr.isEmpty()) { Error("Json scrobbles attr is empty.", json_attr); return; } QJsonValue json_scrobble = json_obj["scrobble"]; if (!json_scrobble.isObject()) { Error("Json scrobbles scrobble is not an object.", json_scrobble); return; } QJsonObject json_obj_scrobble = json_scrobble.toObject(); if (json_obj_scrobble.isEmpty()) { Error("Json scrobbles scrobble is empty.", json_scrobble); return; } if (!json_obj_attr.contains("accepted") || !json_obj_attr.contains("ignored")) { Error("Json scrobbles attr is missing values.", json_obj_attr); return; } if (!json_obj_scrobble.contains("artist") || !json_obj_scrobble.contains("album") || !json_obj_scrobble.contains("albumArtist") || !json_obj_scrobble.contains("track") || !json_obj_scrobble.contains("timestamp")) { Error("Json scrobbles scrobble is missing values.", json_obj_scrobble); return; } QJsonValue json_value_artist = json_obj_scrobble["artist"]; QJsonValue json_value_album = json_obj_scrobble["album"]; QJsonValue json_value_song = json_obj_scrobble["track"]; if (!json_value_artist.isObject() || !json_value_album.isObject() || !json_value_song.isObject()) { Error("Json scrobbles scrobble values are not objects.", json_obj_scrobble); return; } QJsonObject json_obj_artist = json_value_artist.toObject(); QJsonObject json_obj_album = json_value_album.toObject(); QJsonObject json_obj_song = json_value_song.toObject(); if (json_obj_artist.isEmpty() || json_obj_album.isEmpty() || json_obj_song.isEmpty()) { Error("Json scrobbles scrobble values objects are empty.", json_obj_scrobble); return; } if (!json_obj_artist.contains("#text") || !json_obj_album.contains("#text") || !json_obj_song.contains("#text")) { Error("Json scrobbles scrobble values objects are missing #text.", json_obj_artist); return; } QString artist = json_obj_artist["#text"].toString(); QString album = json_obj_album["#text"].toString(); QString song = json_obj_song["#text"].toString(); int accepted = json_obj_attr["accepted"].toVariant().toInt(); if (accepted == 1) { qLog(Debug) << name_ << "Scrobble for" << song << "accepted"; } else { Error(QString("Scrobble for \"%1\" not accepted").arg(song)); } } void ScrobblingAPI20::Love() { if (!song_playing_.is_valid() || !song_playing_.is_metadata_good()) return; if (!IsAuthenticated()) app_->scrobbler()->ShowConfig(); qLog(Debug) << name_ << "Sending love for song" << song_playing_.artist() << song_playing_.album() << song_playing_.title(); ParamList params = ParamList() << Param("method", "track.love") << Param("artist", song_playing_.artist()) << Param("track", song_playing_.title()) << Param("album", song_playing_.album()); if (!song_playing_.albumartist().isEmpty()) params << Param("albumArtist", song_playing_.albumartist()); QNetworkReply *reply = CreateRequest(params); NewClosure(reply, SIGNAL(finished()), this, SLOT(LoveRequestFinished(QNetworkReply*)), reply); } void ScrobblingAPI20::LoveRequestFinished(QNetworkReply *reply) { reply->deleteLater(); QByteArray data = GetReplyData(reply); if (data.isEmpty()) { return; } QJsonObject json_obj = ExtractJsonObj(data, true); if (json_obj.isEmpty()) { return; } if (json_obj.contains("error")) { QJsonValue json_value = json_obj["error"]; if (!json_value.isObject()) { Error("Error is not on object."); return; } QJsonObject json_obj_error = json_value.toObject(); if (json_obj_error.isEmpty()) { Error("Received empty json error object.", json_obj); return; } if (json_obj_error.contains("code") && json_obj_error.contains("#text")) { int code = json_obj_error["code"].toInt(); QString text = json_obj_error["#text"].toString(); QString error_reason = QString("%1 (%2)").arg(text).arg(code); Error(error_reason); return; } } if (json_obj.contains("lfm")) { QJsonValue json_value = json_obj["lfm"]; if (json_value.isObject()) { QJsonObject json_obj_lfm = json_value.toObject(); if (json_obj_lfm.contains("status")) { QString status = json_obj_lfm["status"].toString(); qLog(Debug) << name_ << "Received love status:" << status; return; } } } qLog(Debug) << name_ << json_obj; } void ScrobblingAPI20::AuthError(QString error) { emit AuthenticationComplete(false, error); } void ScrobblingAPI20::Error(QString error, QVariant debug) { qLog(Error) << name_ << error; if (debug.isValid()) qLog(Debug) << debug; } QString ScrobblingAPI20::ErrorString(ScrobbleErrorCode error) const { switch (error) { case ScrobbleErrorCode::InvalidService: return QString("Invalid service - This service does not exist"); case ScrobbleErrorCode::InvalidMethod: return QString("Invalid Method - No method with that name in this package"); case ScrobbleErrorCode::AuthenticationFailed: return QString("Authentication Failed - You do not have permissions to access the service"); case ScrobbleErrorCode::InvalidFormat: return QString("Invalid format - This service doesn't exist in that format"); case ScrobbleErrorCode::InvalidParameters: return QString("Invalid parameters - Your request is missing a required parameter"); case ScrobbleErrorCode::InvalidResourceSpecified: return QString("Invalid resource specified"); case ScrobbleErrorCode::OperationFailed: return QString("Operation failed - Something else went wrong"); case ScrobbleErrorCode::InvalidSessionKey: return QString("Invalid session key - Please re-authenticate"); case ScrobbleErrorCode::InvalidApiKey: return QString("Invalid API key - You must be granted a valid key by last.fm"); case ScrobbleErrorCode::ServiceOffline: return QString("Service Offline - This service is temporarily offline. Try again later."); case ScrobbleErrorCode::InvalidMethodSignature: return QString("Invalid method signature supplied"); case ScrobbleErrorCode::TempError: return QString("There was a temporary error processing your request. Please try again"); case ScrobbleErrorCode::SuspendedAPIKey: return QString("Suspended API key - Access for your account has been suspended, please contact Last.fm"); case ScrobbleErrorCode::RateLimitExceeded: return QString("Rate limit exceeded - Your IP has made too many requests in a short period"); default: return QString("Unknown error"); } }