/* * Strawberry Music Player * This file was part of Clementine. * Copyright 2018, Vikram Ambrose * Copyright 2018, Jonas Kvinge * * Strawberry is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Strawberry is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Strawberry. If not, see . * */ #include "fancytabwidget.h" #include "stylehelper.h" #include "core/logging.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include const QSize FancyTabWidget::IconSize_LargeSidebar = QSize(24, 24); const QSize FancyTabWidget::IconSize_SmallSidebar = QSize(22, 22); const QSize FancyTabWidget::TabSize_LargeSidebar = QSize(70, 47); class FancyTabBar: public QTabBar { private: int mouseHoverTabIndex = -1; QMap labelCache; QMap spacers; public: explicit FancyTabBar(QWidget* parent=0) : QTabBar(parent) { setMouseTracking(true); } QSize sizeHint() const { QSize size(QTabBar::sizeHint()); FancyTabWidget *tabWidget = (FancyTabWidget*) parentWidget(); if (tabWidget->mode() == FancyTabWidget::Mode_Tabs || tabWidget->mode() == FancyTabWidget::Mode_IconOnlyTabs) return size; QSize tabSize(tabSizeHint(0)); size.setWidth(tabSize.width()); int guessHeight = tabSize.height()*count(); if (guessHeight > size.height()) size.setHeight(guessHeight); return size; } int width() { return tabSizeHint(0).width(); } protected: QSize tabSizeHint(int index) const { FancyTabWidget *tabWidget = (FancyTabWidget*) parentWidget(); QSize size = FancyTabWidget::TabSize_LargeSidebar; if(tabWidget->mode() != FancyTabWidget::Mode_LargeSidebar) { size = QTabBar::tabSizeHint(index); } return size; } void leaveEvent(QEvent *event) { mouseHoverTabIndex = -1; update(); } void mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *event) { QPoint pos = event->pos(); mouseHoverTabIndex = tabAt(pos); if (mouseHoverTabIndex > -1) update(); QTabBar::mouseMoveEvent(event); } void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *pe) { FancyTabWidget *tabWidget = (FancyTabWidget*) parentWidget(); bool verticalTextTabs = false; if (tabWidget->mode() == FancyTabWidget::Mode_SmallSidebar) verticalTextTabs = true; // if LargeSidebar, restore spacers if (tabWidget->mode() == FancyTabWidget::Mode_LargeSidebar && spacers.count() > 0) { for (int index : spacers.keys()) { tabWidget->insertTab(index, spacers[index], QIcon(), QString()); tabWidget->setTabEnabled(index, false); } spacers.clear(); } else if (tabWidget->mode() != FancyTabWidget::Mode_LargeSidebar) { // traverse in the opposite order to save indices of spacers for (int i = count() - 1; i >= 0; --i) { // spacers are disabled tabs if (!isTabEnabled(i) && !spacers.contains(i)) { spacers[i] = tabWidget->widget(i); tabWidget->removeTab(i); --i; } } } // Restore any label text that was hidden/cached for the IconOnlyTabs mode if (labelCache.count() > 0 && tabWidget->mode() != FancyTabWidget::Mode_IconOnlyTabs) { for (int i =0; i < count(); i++) { setTabText(i, labelCache[tabWidget->widget(i)]); } labelCache.clear(); } if (tabWidget->mode() != FancyTabWidget::Mode_LargeSidebar && tabWidget->mode() != FancyTabWidget::Mode_SmallSidebar) { // Cache and hide label text for IconOnlyTabs mode if (tabWidget->mode() == FancyTabWidget::Mode_IconOnlyTabs && labelCache.count() == 0) { for(int i =0; i < count(); i++) { labelCache[tabWidget->widget(i)] = tabText(i); setTabText(i, ""); } } QTabBar::paintEvent(pe); return; } QStylePainter p(this); for (int index = 0; index < count(); index++) { const bool selected = tabWidget->currentIndex() == index; QRect tabrect = tabRect(index); QRect selectionRect = tabrect; if (selected) { // Selection highlight p.save(); QLinearGradient grad(selectionRect.topLeft(), selectionRect.topRight()); grad.setColorAt(0, QColor(255, 255, 255, 140)); grad.setColorAt(1, QColor(255, 255, 255, 210)); p.fillRect(selectionRect.adjusted(0,0,0,-1), grad); p.restore(); // shadow lines p.setPen(QColor(0, 0, 0, 110)); p.drawLine(selectionRect.topLeft() + QPoint(1, -1), selectionRect.topRight() - QPoint(0, 1)); p.drawLine(selectionRect.bottomLeft(), selectionRect.bottomRight()); p.setPen(QColor(0, 0, 0, 40)); p.drawLine(selectionRect.topLeft(), selectionRect.bottomLeft()); // highlights p.setPen(QColor(255, 255, 255, 50)); p.drawLine(selectionRect.topLeft() + QPoint(0, -2), selectionRect.topRight() - QPoint(0, 2)); p.drawLine(selectionRect.bottomLeft() + QPoint(0, 1), selectionRect.bottomRight() + QPoint(0, 1)); p.setPen(QColor(255, 255, 255, 40)); p.drawLine(selectionRect.topLeft() + QPoint(0, 0), selectionRect.topRight()); p.drawLine(selectionRect.topRight() + QPoint(0, 1), selectionRect.bottomRight() - QPoint(0, 1)); p.drawLine(selectionRect.bottomLeft() + QPoint(0, -1), selectionRect.bottomRight() - QPoint(0, 1)); } // Mouse hover effect if (!selected && index == mouseHoverTabIndex && isTabEnabled(index)) { p.save(); QLinearGradient grad(selectionRect.topLeft(), selectionRect.topRight()); grad.setColorAt(0, Qt::transparent); grad.setColorAt(0.5, QColor(255, 255, 255, 40)); grad.setColorAt(1, Qt::transparent); p.fillRect(selectionRect, grad); p.setPen(QPen(grad, 1.0)); p.drawLine(selectionRect.topLeft(), selectionRect.topRight()); p.drawLine(selectionRect.bottomRight(), selectionRect.bottomLeft()); p.restore(); } // Label (Icon and Text) { p.save(); QTransform m; int textFlags; Qt::Alignment iconFlags; QRect tabrectText; QRect tabrectLabel; if (verticalTextTabs) { m = QTransform::fromTranslate(tabrect.left(), tabrect.bottom()); m.rotate(-90); textFlags = Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignVCenter ; iconFlags = Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignVCenter; tabrectLabel = QRect(QPoint(0, 0), m.mapRect(tabrect).size()); tabrectText = tabrectLabel; tabrectText.translate(30,0); } else { m = QTransform::fromTranslate(tabrect.left(), tabrect.top()); textFlags = Qt::AlignHCenter | Qt::AlignBottom ; iconFlags = Qt::AlignHCenter | Qt::AlignTop; tabrectLabel = QRect(QPoint(0, 0), m.mapRect(tabrect).size()); tabrectText = tabrectLabel; tabrectText.translate(0,-5); } p.setTransform(m); QFont boldFont(p.font()); boldFont.setPointSizeF(Utils::StyleHelper::sidebarFontSize()); boldFont.setBold(true); p.setFont(boldFont); // Text drop shadow color p.setPen(selected ? QColor(255, 255, 255, 160) : QColor(0, 0, 0, 110) ); p.translate(0, 3); p.drawText(tabrectText, textFlags, tabText(index)); // Text foreground color p.translate(0, -1); p.setPen(selected ? QColor(60, 60, 60) : Utils::StyleHelper::panelTextColor()); p.drawText(tabrectText, textFlags, tabText(index)); // Draw the icon QRect tabrectIcon; const int PADDING = 5; if (verticalTextTabs) { tabrectIcon = tabrectLabel; tabrectIcon.setSize(FancyTabWidget::IconSize_SmallSidebar); tabrectIcon.translate(PADDING,PADDING); } else { tabrectIcon = tabrectLabel; tabrectIcon.setSize(FancyTabWidget::IconSize_LargeSidebar); // Center the icon const int moveRight = (FancyTabWidget::TabSize_LargeSidebar.width() - FancyTabWidget::IconSize_LargeSidebar.width() -1)/2; tabrectIcon.translate(moveRight,PADDING); } tabIcon(index).paint(&p, tabrectIcon, iconFlags); p.restore(); } } } }; // Spacers are just disabled pages void FancyTabWidget::addSpacer() { QWidget *spacer = new QWidget(this); const int index = addTab(spacer, QIcon(), QString()); setTabEnabled(index, false); } void FancyTabWidget::setBackgroundPixmap(const QPixmap& pixmap) { background_pixmap_ = pixmap; update(); } void FancyTabWidget::setCurrentIndex(int index) { if (index >= count()) index = 0; QWidget *currentPage = widget(index); QLayout *layout = currentPage->layout(); if (bottom_widget_) layout->addWidget(bottom_widget_); QTabWidget::setCurrentIndex(index); } void FancyTabWidget::currentTabChanged(int index) { QWidget *currentPage = currentWidget(); QLayout *layout = currentPage->layout(); if (bottom_widget_) layout->addWidget(bottom_widget_); emit CurrentChanged(index); } FancyTabWidget::FancyTabWidget(QWidget* parent) : QTabWidget(parent), menu_(nullptr), mode_(Mode_None), bottom_widget_(nullptr) { FancyTabBar *tabBar = new FancyTabBar(this); setTabBar(tabBar); setTabPosition(QTabWidget::West); setMovable(true); connect(tabBar, SIGNAL(currentChanged(int)), this, SLOT(currentTabChanged(int))); } void FancyTabWidget::loadSettings(const char *kSettingsGroup) { QSettings settings; settings.beginGroup(kSettingsGroup); for (int i = 0 ; i < count() ; i++) { QString k = "tab_" + tabBar()->tabData(i).toString().toLower(); int index = settings.value(k, i).toInt(); if (index >= 0) { tabBar()->moveTab(i, index); } } settings.endGroup(); } void FancyTabWidget::saveSettings(const char *kSettingsGroup) { QSettings settings; settings.beginGroup(kSettingsGroup); for (int i = 0 ; i < count() ; i++) { QString k = "tab_" + tabBar()->tabData(i).toString().toLower(); settings.setValue(k, i); } settings.endGroup(); } void FancyTabWidget::addBottomWidget(QWidget* widget_view) { bottom_widget_ = widget_view; } int FancyTabWidget::addTab(QWidget *widget_view, const QIcon &icon, const QString &label) { return insertTab(count(), widget_view, icon, label); } int FancyTabWidget::insertTab(int index, QWidget *widget_view, const QIcon &icon, const QString &label) { QWidget *page(nullptr); if (tabs_.contains(label)) page = tabs_.value(label); else { page = new QWidget(this); // In order to achieve the same effect as the "Bottom Widget" of the old Nokia based FancyTabWidget a VBoxLayout is used on each page QVBoxLayout *layout = new QVBoxLayout(this); layout->setSpacing(0); layout->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0); layout->addWidget(widget_view); page->setLayout(layout); tabs_.insert(label, page); } for (int i = 0 ; i < count() ; i++) { QString l = tabBar()->tabData(i).toString(); if (l == label) return i; } const int actualIndex = QTabWidget::insertTab(index, page, icon, label); tabBar()->setTabData(actualIndex, QVariant(label)); return actualIndex; } void FancyTabWidget::delTab(const QString &label) { for (int i = 0 ; i < count() ; i++) { QString l = tabBar()->tabData(i).toString(); if (l == label) { removeTab(i); break; } } } void FancyTabWidget::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *pe) { if (mode() != FancyTabWidget::Mode_LargeSidebar && mode() != FancyTabWidget::Mode_SmallSidebar) { QTabWidget::paintEvent(pe); return; } QStylePainter p(this); // The brown color (Ubuntu) you see on the background gradient QColor baseColor = StyleHelper::baseColor(); QRect backgroundRect = rect(); backgroundRect.setWidth(tabBar()->width()); p.fillRect(backgroundRect, baseColor); // Horizontal gradient over the sidebar from transparent to dark Utils::StyleHelper::verticalGradient(&p, backgroundRect, backgroundRect, false); // Draw the translucent png graphics over the gradient fill { if (!background_pixmap_.isNull()) { QRect pixmap_rect(background_pixmap_.rect()); pixmap_rect.moveTo(backgroundRect.topLeft()); while (pixmap_rect.top() < backgroundRect.bottom()) { QRect source_rect(pixmap_rect.intersected(backgroundRect)); source_rect.moveTo(0, 0); p.drawPixmap(pixmap_rect.topLeft(), background_pixmap_,source_rect); pixmap_rect.moveTop(pixmap_rect.bottom() - 10); } } } // Shadow effect of the background { QColor light(255, 255, 255, 80); p.setPen(light); p.drawLine(backgroundRect.topRight() - QPoint(1, 0), backgroundRect.bottomRight() - QPoint(1, 0)); QColor dark(0, 0, 0, 90); p.setPen(dark); p.drawLine(backgroundRect.topLeft(), backgroundRect.bottomLeft()); p.setPen(Utils::StyleHelper::borderColor()); p.drawLine(backgroundRect.topRight(), backgroundRect.bottomRight()); } } void FancyTabWidget::tabBarUpdateGeometry() { tabBar()->updateGeometry(); } void FancyTabWidget::SetMode(FancyTabWidget::Mode mode) { mode_ = mode; if (mode == FancyTabWidget::Mode_Tabs || mode == FancyTabWidget::Mode_IconOnlyTabs) { setTabPosition(QTabWidget::North); } else { setTabPosition(QTabWidget::West); } tabBar()->updateGeometry(); updateGeometry(); // There appears to be a bug in QTabBar which causes tabSizeHint to be ignored thus the need for this second shot repaint QTimer::singleShot(1, this, SLOT(tabBarUpdateGeometry())); emit ModeChanged(mode); } void FancyTabWidget::addMenuItem(QSignalMapper* mapper, QActionGroup* group, const QString& text, Mode mode) { QAction* action = group->addAction(text); action->setCheckable(true); mapper->setMapping(action, mode); connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered()), mapper, SLOT(map())); if (mode == mode_) action->setChecked(true); } void FancyTabWidget::contextMenuEvent(QContextMenuEvent* e) { if (!menu_) { menu_ = new QMenu(this); QSignalMapper* mapper = new QSignalMapper(this); QActionGroup* group = new QActionGroup(this); addMenuItem(mapper, group, tr("Large sidebar"), Mode_LargeSidebar); addMenuItem(mapper, group, tr("Small sidebar"), Mode_SmallSidebar); addMenuItem(mapper, group, tr("Plain sidebar"), Mode_PlainSidebar); addMenuItem(mapper, group, tr("Tabs on top"), Mode_Tabs); addMenuItem(mapper, group, tr("Icons on top"), Mode_IconOnlyTabs); menu_->addActions(group->actions()); connect(mapper, SIGNAL(mapped(int)), SLOT(SetMode(int))); } menu_->popup(e->globalPos()); }