QobuzSettingsPage 0 0 472 697 Qobuz Enable Qobuz support is not official and requires an API app ID and secret from a registered application to work. We can't help you getting these. true 10 0 0 Authentication 150 0 App ID Username Password QLineEdit::Password App Secret Login Preferences Audio format Search delay ms 0 10000 50 1500 Artists search limit 1 100 50 Albums search limit 1 1000 50 Songs search limit 1 1000 50 Download album covers Base64 encoded secret Qt::Vertical 20 30 Qt::Horizontal 40 20 64 64 64 64 :/icons/64x64/qobuz.png LoginStateWidget QWidget
enable app_id app_secret username password button_login format searchdelay artistssearchlimit albumssearchlimit songssearchlimit checkbox_download_album_covers