/* * Strawberry Music Player * This file was part of Clementine. * Copyright 2010, David Sansome * Copyright 2019-2021, Jonas Kvinge * * Strawberry is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Strawberry is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Strawberry. If not, see . * */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "core/logging.h" #include "core/settings.h" #include "settingsdialog.h" #include "settingspage.h" SettingsPage::SettingsPage(SettingsDialog *dialog, QWidget *parent) : QWidget(parent), dialog_(dialog), ui_widget_(nullptr), changed_(false) {} void SettingsPage::Init(QWidget *ui_widget) { if (!ui_widget) return; ui_widget_ = ui_widget; changed_ = false; checkboxes_.clear(); radiobuttons_.clear(); comboboxes_.clear(); spinboxes_.clear(); sliders_.clear(); lineedits_.clear(); const QList list = ui_widget_->findChildren(QString(), Qt::FindChildrenRecursively); for (QWidget *w : list) { if (QCheckBox *checkbox = qobject_cast(w)) { checkboxes_ << qMakePair(checkbox, checkbox->checkState()); } else if (QRadioButton *radiobutton = qobject_cast(w)) { radiobuttons_ << qMakePair(radiobutton, radiobutton->isChecked()); } else if (QComboBox *combobox = qobject_cast(w)) { combobox->setFocusPolicy(Qt::StrongFocus); combobox->installEventFilter(this); comboboxes_ << qMakePair(combobox, combobox->currentText()); } else if (QSpinBox *spinbox = qobject_cast(w)) { spinbox->setFocusPolicy(Qt::StrongFocus); spinbox->installEventFilter(this); spinboxes_ << qMakePair(spinbox, spinbox->value()); } else if (QDoubleSpinBox *double_spinbox = qobject_cast(w)) { double_spinbox->setFocusPolicy(Qt::StrongFocus); double_spinbox->installEventFilter(this); double_spinboxes_ << qMakePair(double_spinbox, double_spinbox->value()); } else if (QLineEdit *lineedit = qobject_cast(w)) { lineedits_ << qMakePair(lineedit, lineedit->text()); } else if (QSlider *slider = qobject_cast(w)) { slider->setFocusPolicy(Qt::StrongFocus); slider->installEventFilter(this); sliders_ << qMakePair(slider, slider->value()); } } } void SettingsPage::Accept() { Apply(); } void SettingsPage::Reject() { Cancel(); changed_ = false; } void SettingsPage::Apply() { if (!ui_widget_) { qLog(Error) << windowTitle() << "is not initialized!"; changed_ = true; } for (QPair &checkbox : checkboxes_) { if (checkbox.first->checkState() == checkbox.second) continue; changed_ = true; qLog(Info) << checkbox.first->objectName() << "is changed for" << windowTitle() << "settings."; } for (QPair &radiobutton : radiobuttons_) { if (radiobutton.first->isChecked() == radiobutton.second) continue; changed_ = true; qLog(Info) << radiobutton.first->objectName() << "is changed for" << windowTitle() << "settings."; } for (QPair &combobox : comboboxes_) { if (combobox.first->currentText() == combobox.second) continue; changed_ = true; qLog(Info) << combobox.first->objectName() << "is changed for" << windowTitle() << "settings."; } for (QPair &spinbox : spinboxes_) { if (spinbox.first->value() == spinbox.second) continue; changed_ = true; qLog(Info) << spinbox.first->objectName() << "is changed for" << windowTitle() << "settings."; } for (QPair &double_spinbox : double_spinboxes_) { if (double_spinbox.first->value() == double_spinbox.second) continue; changed_ = true; qLog(Info) << double_spinbox.first->objectName() << "is changed for" << windowTitle() << "settings."; } for (QPair &lineedit : lineedits_) { if (lineedit.first->text() == lineedit.second) continue; changed_ = true; if (lineedit.first->objectName().isEmpty()) continue; qLog(Info) << lineedit.first->objectName() << "is changed for" << windowTitle() << "settings."; } for (QPair &slider : sliders_) { if (slider.first->value() == slider.second) continue; changed_ = true; qLog(Info) << slider.first->objectName() << "is changed for" << windowTitle() << "settings."; } if (changed_) { qLog(Info) << "Saving settings for" << windowTitle(); Save(); Init(ui_widget_); } } void SettingsPage::ComboBoxLoadFromSettings(const Settings &s, QComboBox *combobox, const QString &setting, const QString &default_value) { QString value = s.value(setting, default_value).toString(); int i = combobox->findData(value); if (i == -1) i = combobox->findData(default_value); combobox->setCurrentIndex(i); } void SettingsPage::ComboBoxLoadFromSettings(const Settings &s, QComboBox *combobox, const QString &setting, const int default_value) { int value = s.value(setting, default_value).toInt(); int i = combobox->findData(value); if (i == -1) i = combobox->findData(default_value); combobox->setCurrentIndex(i); } void SettingsPage::ComboBoxLoadFromSettingsByIndex(const Settings &s, QComboBox *combobox, const QString &setting, const int default_value) { if (combobox->count() == 0) return; int i = s.value(setting, default_value).toInt(); if (i <= 0 || i >= combobox->count()) i = 0; combobox->setCurrentIndex(i); } bool SettingsPage::eventFilter(QObject *obj, QEvent *e) { if (e->type() == QEvent::Wheel) { if (QComboBox *combobox = qobject_cast(obj)) { if (!combobox->hasFocus()) { return event(e); } } else if (QSpinBox *spinbox = qobject_cast(obj)) { if (!spinbox->hasFocus()) { return event(e); } } else if (QDoubleSpinBox *double_spinbox = qobject_cast(obj)) { if (!double_spinbox->hasFocus()) { return event(e); } } else if (QSlider *slider = qobject_cast(obj)) { if (!slider->hasFocus()) { return event(e); } } } return false; }