Remove use of C-style casts
This commit is contained in:
@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ void Analyzer::Base::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e) {
// convert to mono here - our built in analyzers need mono, but the engines provide interleaved pcm
for (uint x = 0; static_cast<int>(x) < fht_->size(); ++x) {
lastscope_[x] = double(thescope[i] + thescope[i + 1]) / (2 * (1 << 15));
lastscope_[x] = static_cast<float>(thescope[i] + thescope[i + 1]) / (2 * (1U << 15U));
i += 2;
@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ void Analyzer::Base::demo(QPainter &p) {
if (t < 201) {
Scope s(32);
const double dt = double(t) / 200;
const double dt = static_cast<double>(t) / 200;
for (uint i = 0; i < s.size(); ++i) {
s[i] = dt * (sin(M_PI + (i * M_PI) / s.size()) + 1.0);
@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ void BlockAnalyzer::determineStep() {
// the fall time of 30 is too slow on framerates above 50fps
const double fallTime = static_cast<double>(timeout() < 20 ? 20 * rows_ : 30 * rows_);
step_ = double(rows_ * timeout()) / fallTime;
step_ = static_cast<double>(rows_ * timeout()) / fallTime;
@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ void BoomAnalyzer::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *e) {
bands_ = qMin(static_cast<int>(static_cast<double>(width() + 1) / (kColumnWidth + 1)) + 1, kMaxBandCount);
F_ = double(HEIGHT) / (log10(256) * double(1.1) /*<- max. amplitude*/);
F_ = static_cast<double>(HEIGHT) / (log10(256) * static_cast<double>(1.1) /*<- max. amplitude*/);
barPixmap_ = QPixmap(kColumnWidth - 2, HEIGHT);
canvas_ = QPixmap(size());
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
#include <QVector>
#include <QtMath>
FHT::FHT(uint n) : num_((n < 3) ? 0 : 1 << n), exp2_((n < 3) ? int(-1) : int(n)) {
FHT::FHT(uint n) : num_((n < 3) ? 0 : 1 << n), exp2_((n < 3) ? static_cast<int>(-1) : static_cast<int>(n)) {
if (n > 3) {
@ -853,7 +853,7 @@ void CollectionBackend::MarkSongsUnavailable(const SongList &songs, const bool u
QSqlDatabase db(db_->Connect());
SqlQuery remove(db);
remove.prepare(QString("UPDATE %1 SET unavailable = %2 WHERE ROWID = :id").arg(songs_table_).arg(int(unavailable)));
remove.prepare(QString("UPDATE %1 SET unavailable = %2 WHERE ROWID = :id").arg(songs_table_).arg(static_cast<int>(unavailable)));
ScopedTransaction transaction(&db);
for (const Song &song : songs) {
@ -1394,7 +1394,7 @@ bool CollectionBackend::UpdateCompilations(const QSqlDatabase &db, SongList &del
// Update the song
SqlQuery q(db);
q.prepare(QString("UPDATE %1 SET compilation_detected = :compilation_detected, compilation_effective = ((compilation OR :compilation_detected OR compilation_on) AND NOT compilation_off) + 0 WHERE (url = :url1 OR url = :url2 OR url = :url3 OR url = :url4) AND unavailable = 0").arg(songs_table_));
q.BindValue(":compilation_detected", int(compilation_detected));
q.BindValue(":compilation_detected", static_cast<int>(compilation_detected));
q.BindValue(":url1", url);
q.BindValue(":url2", url.toString());
q.BindValue(":url3", url.toString(QUrl::FullyEncoded));
@ -176,9 +176,9 @@ void CollectionFilterWidget::Init(CollectionModel *model) {
if (s.contains(group_by_version())) version = s.value(group_by_version(), 0).toInt();
if (version == 1) {
CollectionModel::GroupBy(s.value(group_by(1), int(CollectionModel::GroupBy_AlbumArtist)).toInt()),
CollectionModel::GroupBy(s.value(group_by(2), int(CollectionModel::GroupBy_AlbumDisc)).toInt()),
CollectionModel::GroupBy(s.value(group_by(3), int(CollectionModel::GroupBy_None)).toInt())));
CollectionModel::GroupBy(s.value(group_by(1), static_cast<int>(CollectionModel::GroupBy_AlbumArtist)).toInt()),
CollectionModel::GroupBy(s.value(group_by(2), static_cast<int>(CollectionModel::GroupBy_AlbumDisc)).toInt()),
CollectionModel::GroupBy(s.value(group_by(3), static_cast<int>(CollectionModel::GroupBy_None)).toInt())));
else {
model_->SetGroupBy(CollectionModel::Grouping(CollectionModel::GroupBy_AlbumArtist, CollectionModel::GroupBy_AlbumDisc, CollectionModel::GroupBy_None));
@ -374,9 +374,9 @@ void CollectionFilterWidget::GroupingChanged(const CollectionModel::Grouping g)
QSettings s;
s.setValue(group_by_version(), 1);
s.setValue(group_by(1), int(g[0]));
s.setValue(group_by(2), int(g[1]));
s.setValue(group_by(3), int(g[2]));
s.setValue(group_by(1), static_cast<int>(g[0]));
s.setValue(group_by(2), static_cast<int>(g[1]));
s.setValue(group_by(3), static_cast<int>(g[2]));
@ -1370,7 +1370,7 @@ void MainWindow::TrackSkipped(PlaylistItemPtr item) {
Song song = item->Metadata();
const qint64 position = app_->player()->engine()->position_nanosec();
const qint64 length = app_->player()->engine()->length_nanosec();
const float percentage = (length == 0 ? 1 : float(position) / length);
const float percentage = (length == 0 ? 1 : static_cast<float>(position) / static_cast<float>(length));
const qint64 seconds_left = (length - position) / kNsecPerSec;
const qint64 seconds_total = length / kNsecPerSec;
@ -1630,7 +1630,7 @@ void MainWindow::Seeked(const qint64 microseconds) {
const qint64 position = microseconds / kUsecPerSec;
const qint64 length = app_->player()->GetCurrentItem()->Metadata().length_nanosec() / kNsecPerSec;
tray_icon_->SetProgress(static_cast<int>(double(position) / length * 100));
tray_icon_->SetProgress(static_cast<int>(static_cast<double>(position) / length * 100));
@ -1641,10 +1641,10 @@ void MainWindow::UpdateTrackPosition() {
const qint64 length = (item->Metadata().length_nanosec() / kNsecPerSec);
if (length <= 0) return;
const int position = std::floor(float(app_->player()->engine()->position_nanosec()) / kNsecPerSec + 0.5);
const int position = std::floor(static_cast<float>(app_->player()->engine()->position_nanosec()) / kNsecPerSec + 0.5);
// Update the tray icon every 10 seconds
if (position % 10 == 0) tray_icon_->SetProgress(static_cast<int>(double(position) / length * 100));
if (position % 10 == 0) tray_icon_->SetProgress(static_cast<int>(static_cast<double>(position) / length * 100));
// Send Scrobble
if (app_->scrobbler()->IsEnabled() && item->Metadata().is_metadata_good()) {
@ -1664,7 +1664,7 @@ void MainWindow::UpdateTrackSliderPosition() {
PlaylistItemPtr item(app_->player()->GetCurrentItem());
const int slider_position = std::floor(float(app_->player()->engine()->position_nanosec()) / kNsecPerMsec);
const int slider_position = std::floor(static_cast<float>(app_->player()->engine()->position_nanosec()) / kNsecPerMsec);
const int slider_length = static_cast<int>(app_->player()->engine()->length_nanosec() / kNsecPerMsec);
// Update the slider
@ -369,7 +369,7 @@ QPixmap StyleHelper::disabledSideBarIcon(const QPixmap &enabledicon) {
auto scanLine = reinterpret_cast<QRgb*>(im.scanLine(y));
for (int x=0; x<im.width(); ++x) {
QRgb pixel = *scanLine;
char intensity = char(qGray(pixel));
char intensity = static_cast<char>(qGray(pixel));
*scanLine = qRgba(intensity, intensity, intensity, qAlpha(pixel));
@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ QPixmap SystemTrayIcon::CreateIcon(const QPixmap &icon, const QPixmap &grey_icon
if (trayicon_progress_) {
// The angle of the line that's used to cover the icon.
// Centered on rect.topLeft()
double angle = double(100 - song_progress_) / 100.0 * M_PI_2;
double angle = static_cast<double>(100 - song_progress_) / 100.0 * M_PI_2;
double length = sqrt(pow(rect.width(), 2.0) + pow(rect.height(), 2.0));
QPolygon mask;
@ -191,13 +191,13 @@ QString PrettySize(const quint64 bytes) {
ret = QString::number(bytes) + " bytes";
else if (bytes <= 1000 * 1000) {
ret = QString::asprintf("%.1f KB", float(bytes) / 1000);
ret = QString::asprintf("%.1f KB", static_cast<float>(bytes) / 1000);
else if (bytes <= 1000 * 1000 * 1000) {
ret = QString::asprintf("%.1f MB", float(bytes) / (1000 * 1000));
ret = QString::asprintf("%.1f MB", static_cast<float>(bytes) / (1000 * 1000));
else {
ret = QString::asprintf("%.1f GB", float(bytes) / (1000 * 1000 * 1000));
ret = QString::asprintf("%.1f GB", static_cast<float>(bytes) / (1000 * 1000 * 1000));
return ret;
@ -482,8 +482,8 @@ QByteArray Hmac(const QByteArray &key, const QByteArray &data, const QCryptograp
const int kBlockSize = 64; // bytes
Q_ASSERT(key.length() <= kBlockSize);
QByteArray inner_padding(kBlockSize, char(0x36));
QByteArray outer_padding(kBlockSize, char(0x5c));
QByteArray inner_padding(kBlockSize, static_cast<char>(0x36));
QByteArray outer_padding(kBlockSize, static_cast<char>(0x5c));
for (int i = 0; i < key.length(); ++i) {
inner_padding[i] = inner_padding[i] ^ key[i];
@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ ITaskbarList3 *Windows7ThumbBar::CreateTaskbarList() {
static const GUID CLSID_ITaskbarList = { 0x56FDF344,0xFD6D,0x11d0,{0x95,0x8A,0x00,0x60,0x97,0xC9,0xA0,0x90}};
// Create the taskbar list
HRESULT hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_ITaskbarList, nullptr, CLSCTX_ALL, IID_ITaskbarList3, (void**)&taskbar_list);
HRESULT hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_ITaskbarList, nullptr, CLSCTX_ALL, IID_ITaskbarList3, reinterpret_cast<void**>(&taskbar_list));
if (hr != S_OK) {
qLog(Warning) << "Error creating the ITaskbarList3 interface" << Qt::hex << DWORD (hr);
return nullptr;
@ -377,10 +377,10 @@ float AlbumCoverFetcherSearch::ScoreImage(const QSize size) {
if (size.width() == 0 || size.height() == 0) return 0.0;
// A 500x500px image scores 1.0, bigger scores higher
const float size_score = std::sqrt(float(size.width() * size.height())) / kTargetSize;
const float size_score = std::sqrt(static_cast<float>(size.width() * size.height())) / kTargetSize;
// A 1:1 image scores 1.0, anything else scores less
const float aspect_score = float(1.0) - float(std::max(size.width(), size.height()) - std::min(size.width(), size.height())) / float(std::max(size.height(), size.width()));
const float aspect_score = static_cast<float>(1.0) - static_cast<float>(std::max(size.width(), size.height()) - std::min(size.width(), size.height())) / static_cast<float>(std::max(size.height(), size.width()));
return size_score + aspect_score;
@ -440,7 +440,7 @@ void DiscogsCoverProvider::HandleReleaseReply(QNetworkReply *reply, const quint6
int width = obj_image["width"].toInt();
int height = obj_image["height"].toInt();
if (width < 300 || height < 300) continue;
const float aspect_score = float(1.0) - float(std::max(width, height) - std::min(width, height)) / float(std::max(height, width));
const float aspect_score = static_cast<float>(1.0) - static_cast<float>(std::max(width, height) - std::min(width, height)) / static_cast<float>(std::max(height, width));
if (aspect_score < 0.85) continue;
CoverProviderSearchResult result;
result.artist = artist;
@ -856,7 +856,7 @@ void DeviceManager::TasksChanged() {
DeviceInfo *info = IndexToItem(idx);
if (task.progress_max) {
info->task_percentage_ = static_cast<int>(float(task.progress) / task.progress_max * 100);
info->task_percentage_ = static_cast<int>(static_cast<float>(task.progress) / static_cast<float>(task.progress_max) * 100);
else {
info->task_percentage_ = 0;
@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ bool MtpDevice::StartCopy(QList<Song::FileType> *supported_types) {
static int ProgressCallback(uint64_t const sent, uint64_t const total, void const *const data) {
const MusicStorage::CopyJob *job = reinterpret_cast<const MusicStorage::CopyJob*>(data);
job->progress_(float(sent) / total);
job->progress_(static_cast<float>(sent) / total);
return 0;
@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ DeleteConfirmationDialog::DeleteConfirmationDialog(const QStringList &files, QWi
if (screen) {
max_width = static_cast<int>(screen->geometry().size().width() / 0.5);
max_height = static_cast<int>(float(screen->geometry().size().height()) / float(1.5));
max_height = static_cast<int>(static_cast<float>(screen->geometry().size().height()) / static_cast<float>(1.5));
int min_width = std::min(list->sizeHintForColumn(0) + 100, max_width);
int min_height = std::min((list->sizeHintForRow(0) * list->count()) + 160, max_height);
@ -384,7 +384,7 @@ bool GstEnginePipeline::InitAudioBin() {
g_object_set(G_OBJECT(rgvolume), "album-mode", rg_mode_, nullptr);
g_object_set(G_OBJECT(rgvolume), "pre-amp", rg_preamp_, nullptr);
g_object_set(G_OBJECT(rgvolume), "fallback-gain", rg_fallbackgain_, nullptr);
g_object_set(G_OBJECT(rglimiter), "enabled", int(rg_compression_), nullptr);
g_object_set(G_OBJECT(rglimiter), "enabled", static_cast<int>(rg_compression_), nullptr);
@ -671,7 +671,7 @@ GstPadProbeReturn GstEnginePipeline::HandoffCallback(GstPad *pad, GstPadProbeInf
int16_t *d = static_cast<int16_t*>(g_malloc(buf16_size));
memset(d, 0, buf16_size);
for (int i = 0; i < (samples * channels); ++i) {
float sample_float = (s[i] * float(32768.0));
float sample_float = (s[i] * static_cast<float>(32768.0));
d[i] = static_cast<int16_t>(sample_float);
gst_buffer_unmap(buf, &map_info);
@ -1173,7 +1173,7 @@ void GstEnginePipeline::SetVolumeModifier(const qreal mod) {
void GstEnginePipeline::UpdateVolume() {
if (!volume_) return;
double vol = double(volume_percent_) * double(0.01) * volume_modifier_;
double vol = static_cast<double>(volume_percent_) * static_cast<double>(0.01) * volume_modifier_;
g_object_set(G_OBJECT(volume_), "volume", vol, nullptr);
@ -1207,7 +1207,7 @@ void GstEnginePipeline::UpdateEqualizer() {
// Update band gains
for (int i = 0; i < kEqBandCount; ++i) {
float gain = eq_enabled_ ? eq_band_gains_[i] : float(0.0);
float gain = eq_enabled_ ? eq_band_gains_[i] : static_cast<float>(0.0);
if (gain < 0) {
gain *= 0.24;
@ -1224,7 +1224,7 @@ void GstEnginePipeline::UpdateEqualizer() {
// Update preamp
float preamp = 1.0;
if (eq_enabled_) preamp = float(eq_preamp_ + 100) * float(0.01); // To scale from 0.0 to 2.0
if (eq_enabled_) preamp = static_cast<float>(eq_preamp_ + 100) * static_cast<float>(0.01); // To scale from 0.0 to 2.0
g_object_set(G_OBJECT(equalizer_preamp_), "volume", preamp, nullptr);
@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ QList<DeviceFinder::Device> MMDeviceFinder::ListDevices() {
IMMDeviceEnumerator *enumerator = nullptr;
HRESULT hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_MMDeviceEnumerator, nullptr, CLSCTX_ALL, IID_IMMDeviceEnumerator, (void**)&enumerator);
HRESULT hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_MMDeviceEnumerator, nullptr, CLSCTX_ALL, IID_IMMDeviceEnumerator, reinterpret_cast<void**>(&enumerator));
if (hr == S_OK) {
IMMDeviceCollection *collection = nullptr;
hr = enumerator->EnumAudioEndpoints(eRender, DEVICE_STATE_ACTIVE, &collection);
@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ void VLCEngine::Seek(const quint64 offset_nanosec) {
uint len = length();
if (len == 0) return;
float pos = float(offset) / len;
float pos = static_cast<float>(offset) / len;
libvlc_media_player_set_position(player_, pos);
@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ EqualizerSlider::~EqualizerSlider() {
void EqualizerSlider::OnValueChanged(int value) {
// Converting % to dB as per GstEnginePipeline::UpdateEqualizer():
float gain = (static_cast<int>(value) < 0) ? static_cast<float>(value) * float(0.24) : float(value) * float(0.12);
float gain = (static_cast<int>(value) < 0) ? static_cast<float>(value) * static_cast<float>(0.24) : static_cast<float>(value) * static_cast<float>(0.12);
ui_->gain->setText(tr("%1 dB").arg(gain)); // Gain [dB]
emit ValueChanged(value);
@ -225,7 +225,7 @@ void InternetSearchView::ReloadSettings() {
// Internet search settings
search_type_ = InternetSearchView::SearchType(s.value("type", int(InternetSearchView::SearchType_Artists)).toInt());
search_type_ = InternetSearchView::SearchType(s.value("type", static_cast<int>(InternetSearchView::SearchType_Artists)).toInt());
switch (search_type_) {
case InternetSearchView::SearchType_Artists:
@ -241,9 +241,9 @@ void InternetSearchView::ReloadSettings() {
int group_by_version = s.value("search_group_by_version", 0).toInt();
if (group_by_version == 1 && s.contains("search_group_by1") && s.contains("search_group_by2") && s.contains("search_group_by3")) {
CollectionModel::GroupBy(s.value("search_group_by1", int(CollectionModel::GroupBy_AlbumArtist)).toInt()),
CollectionModel::GroupBy(s.value("search_group_by2", int(CollectionModel::GroupBy_AlbumDisc)).toInt()),
CollectionModel::GroupBy(s.value("search_group_by3", int(CollectionModel::GroupBy_None)).toInt())));
CollectionModel::GroupBy(s.value("search_group_by1", static_cast<int>(CollectionModel::GroupBy_AlbumArtist)).toInt()),
CollectionModel::GroupBy(s.value("search_group_by2", static_cast<int>(CollectionModel::GroupBy_AlbumDisc)).toInt()),
CollectionModel::GroupBy(s.value("search_group_by3", static_cast<int>(CollectionModel::GroupBy_None)).toInt())));
else {
SetGroupBy(CollectionModel::Grouping(CollectionModel::GroupBy(CollectionModel::GroupBy_AlbumArtist), CollectionModel::GroupBy(CollectionModel::GroupBy_AlbumDisc), CollectionModel::GroupBy(CollectionModel::GroupBy_None)));
@ -713,9 +713,9 @@ void InternetSearchView::SetGroupBy(const CollectionModel::Grouping g) {
QSettings s;
s.setValue("search_group_by_version", 1);
s.setValue("search_group_by1", int(g.first));
s.setValue("search_group_by2", int(g.second));
s.setValue("search_group_by3", int(g.third));
s.setValue("search_group_by1", static_cast<int>(g.first));
s.setValue("search_group_by2", static_cast<int>(g.second));
s.setValue("search_group_by3", static_cast<int>(g.third));
// Make sure the correct action is checked.
@ -752,7 +752,7 @@ void InternetSearchView::SetSearchType(const InternetSearchView::SearchType type
QSettings s;
s.setValue("type", int(search_type_));
s.setValue("type", static_cast<int>(search_type_));
@ -187,9 +187,9 @@ QByteArray MoodbarBuilder::Finish(int width) {
const int n = end - start;
*(data++) = char(rgb.r / n);
*(data++) = char(rgb.g / n);
*(data++) = char(rgb.b / n);
*(data++) = static_cast<char>(rgb.r / n);
*(data++) = static_cast<char>(rgb.g / n);
*(data++) = static_cast<char>(rgb.b / n);
return ret;
@ -77,9 +77,9 @@ ColorVector MoodbarRenderer::Colors(const QByteArray &data, const MoodbarStyle s
// Read the colors, keeping track of some histograms
for (int i = 0; i < samples; ++i) {
QColor color;
colors << color;
@ -141,12 +141,12 @@ void MoodbarRenderer::Render(const ColorVector &colors, QPainter *p, const QRect
screen_colors[x].getHsv(&h, &s, &v);
for (int y = 0; y <= rect.height() / 2; ++y) {
float coeff = float(y) / float(rect.height() / 2); // NOLINT(bugprone-integer-division)
float coeff = static_cast<float>(y) / static_cast<float>(rect.height() / 2); // NOLINT(bugprone-integer-division)
float coeff2 = 1.0F - ((1.0F - coeff) * (1.0F - coeff));
coeff = 1.0F - (1.0F - coeff) / 2.0F;
coeff2 = 1.F - (1.F - coeff2) / 2.0F;
p->setPen(QColor::fromHsv(h, qBound(0, int(float(s) * coeff), 255), qBound(0, int(255.F - (255.F - float(v)) * coeff2), 255)));
p->setPen(QColor::fromHsv(h, qBound(0, static_cast<int>(static_cast<float>(s) * coeff), 255), qBound(0, static_cast<int>(255.F - (255.F - static_cast<float>(v)) * coeff2), 255)));
p->drawPoint(rect.left() + x, + y);
p->drawPoint(rect.left() + x, + rect.height() - 1 - y);
@ -315,7 +315,7 @@ Song::FileType Organize::CheckTranscode(Song::FileType original_type) const {
void Organize::SetSongProgress(float progress, bool transcoded) {
const int max = transcoded ? 50 : 100;
current_copy_progress_ = (transcoded ? 50 : 0) + qBound(0, static_cast<int>(progress * float(max)), max - 1);
current_copy_progress_ = (transcoded ? 50 : 0) + qBound(0, static_cast<int>(progress * static_cast<float>(max)), max - 1);
@ -259,8 +259,8 @@ void OrganizeDialog::AdjustSize() {
int max_width = 0;
int max_height = 0;
if (screen) {
max_width = static_cast<int>(float(screen->geometry().size().width()) / float(0.5));
max_height = static_cast<int>(float(screen->geometry().size().height()) / float(1.5));
max_width = static_cast<int>(static_cast<float>(screen->geometry().size().width()) / static_cast<float>(0.5));
max_height = static_cast<int>(static_cast<float>(screen->geometry().size().height()) / static_cast<float>(1.5));
int min_width = 0;
@ -68,8 +68,8 @@ QDBusArgument &operator<<(QDBusArgument &arg, const QImage &image) {
QImage i(scaled.size(), scaled.format());
for (int y = 0; y < i.height(); ++y) {
QRgb *p = (QRgb*)scaled.scanLine(y);
QRgb *q = (QRgb*)i.scanLine(y);
QRgb *p = reinterpret_cast<QRgb*>(scaled.scanLine(y));
QRgb *q = reinterpret_cast<QRgb*>(i.scanLine(y));
QRgb *end = p + scaled.width();
while (p < end) {
*q = qRgba(qGreen(*p), qBlue(*p), qAlpha(*p), qRed(*p));
@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ void QueuedItemDelegate::paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionViewItem &op
if (ok && queue_pos != -1) {
float opacity = static_cast<float>(kQueueOpacitySteps - qMin(kQueueOpacitySteps, queue_pos));
opacity /= kQueueOpacitySteps;
opacity *= float(1.0) - float(kQueueOpacityLowerBound);
opacity *= static_cast<float>(1.0) - static_cast<float>(kQueueOpacityLowerBound);
opacity += kQueueOpacityLowerBound;
DrawBox(painter, option.rect, option.font, QString::number(queue_pos + 1), kQueueBoxLength, opacity);
@ -541,7 +541,7 @@ QString RatingItemDelegate::displayText(const QVariant &value, const QLocale&) c
if (value.isNull() || value.toDouble() <= 0) return QString();
// Round to the nearest 0.5
const double rating = double(lround(value.toDouble() * RatingPainter::kStarCount * 2)) / 2;
const double rating = static_cast<double>(lround(value.toDouble() * RatingPainter::kStarCount * 2)) / 2;
return QString::number(rating, 'f', 1);
@ -475,7 +475,7 @@ QList<QPixmap> PlaylistView::LoadBarPixmap(const QString &filename) {
QImage step(image.copy());
p.setOpacity(0.4 - 0.6 * sin(float(i) / kGlowIntensitySteps * (M_PI / 2)));
p.setOpacity(0.4 - 0.6 * sin(static_cast<float>(i) / kGlowIntensitySteps * (M_PI / 2)));
p.fillRect(step.rect(), Qt::white);
ret << QPixmap::fromImage(step);
@ -466,8 +466,8 @@ void BackendSettingsPage::Save() {
s.setValue("rgenabled", ui_->checkbox_replaygain->isChecked());
s.setValue("rgmode", ui_->combobox_replaygainmode->currentIndex());
s.setValue("rgpreamp", double(ui_->stickyslider_replaygainpreamp->value()) / 10 - 60);
s.setValue("rgfallbackgain", double(ui_->stickyslider_replaygainfallbackgain->value()) / 10 - 60);
s.setValue("rgpreamp", static_cast<double>(ui_->stickyslider_replaygainpreamp->value()) / 10 - 60);
s.setValue("rgfallbackgain", static_cast<double>(ui_->stickyslider_replaygainfallbackgain->value()) / 10 - 60);
s.setValue("rgcompression", ui_->checkbox_replaygaincompression->isChecked());
s.setValue("FadeoutEnabled", ui_->checkbox_fadeout_stop->isChecked());
@ -626,7 +626,7 @@ void BackendSettingsPage::DeviceStringChanged() {
void BackendSettingsPage::RgPreampChanged(const int value) {
double db = double(value) / 10 - 60;
double db = static_cast<double>(value) / 10 - 60;
QString db_str = QString::asprintf("%+.1f dB", db);
@ -634,7 +634,7 @@ void BackendSettingsPage::RgPreampChanged(const int value) {
void BackendSettingsPage::RgFallbackGainChanged(const int value) {
double db = double(value) / 10 - 60;
double db = static_cast<double>(value) / 10 - 60;
QString db_str = QString::asprintf("%+.1f dB", db);
@ -249,7 +249,7 @@ void BehaviourSettingsPage::Save() {
if (ui_->radiobutton_hide->isChecked()) behaviour = Startup_Hide;
if (ui_->radiobutton_show_maximized->isChecked()) behaviour = Startup_ShowMaximized;
if (ui_->radiobutton_show_minimized->isChecked()) behaviour = Startup_ShowMinimized;
s.setValue("startupbehaviour", int(behaviour));
s.setValue("startupbehaviour", static_cast<int>(behaviour));
s.setValue("language", language_map_.contains(ui_->combobox_language->currentText()) ? language_map_[ui_->combobox_language->currentText()] : QString());
@ -252,12 +252,12 @@ void CollectionSettingsPage::Save() {
if (ui_->radiobutton_save_albumcover_cache->isChecked()) save_cover_type = SaveCoverType_Cache;
else if (ui_->radiobutton_save_albumcover_albumdir->isChecked()) save_cover_type = SaveCoverType_Album;
else if (ui_->radiobutton_save_albumcover_embedded->isChecked()) save_cover_type = SaveCoverType_Embedded;
s.setValue("save_cover_type", int(save_cover_type));
s.setValue("save_cover_type", static_cast<int>(save_cover_type));
SaveCoverFilename save_cover_filename = SaveCoverFilename_Hash;
if (ui_->radiobutton_cover_hash->isChecked()) save_cover_filename = SaveCoverFilename_Hash;
else if (ui_->radiobutton_cover_pattern->isChecked()) save_cover_filename = SaveCoverFilename_Pattern;
s.setValue("save_cover_filename", int(save_cover_filename));
s.setValue("save_cover_filename", static_cast<int>(save_cover_filename));
s.setValue("cover_pattern", ui_->lineedit_cover_pattern->text());
s.setValue("cover_overwrite", ui_->checkbox_cover_overwrite->isChecked());
@ -225,7 +225,7 @@ void NotificationsSettingsPage::Save() {
else if (ui_->notifications_pretty->isChecked()) osd_behaviour = OSDBase::Pretty;
s.setValue("Behaviour", int(osd_behaviour));
s.setValue("Behaviour", static_cast<int>(osd_behaviour));
s.setValue("Timeout", ui_->notifications_duration->value() * 1000);
s.setValue("ShowOnVolumeChange", ui_->notifications_volume->isChecked());
s.setValue("ShowOnPlayModeChange", ui_->notifications_play_mode->isChecked());
@ -313,7 +313,7 @@ void SmartPlaylistSearchTermWidget::set_overlay_opacity(float opacity) {
float SmartPlaylistSearchTermWidget::overlay_opacity() const {
return overlay_ ? overlay_->opacity() : float(0.0);
return overlay_ ? overlay_->opacity() : static_cast<float>(0.0);
void SmartPlaylistSearchTermWidget::SetTerm(const SmartPlaylistSearchTerm &term) {
@ -296,7 +296,7 @@ void TranscodeDialog::UpdateProgress() {
QMap<QString, float> current_jobs = transcoder_->GetProgress();
QList<float> values = current_jobs.values();
for (const float value : values) {
progress += qBound(0, int(value * 100), 99);
progress += qBound(0, static_cast<int>(value * 100), 99);
@ -552,7 +552,7 @@ QMap<QString, float> Transcoder::GetProgress() const {
gst_element_query_position(state->pipeline_, GST_FORMAT_TIME, &position);
gst_element_query_duration(state->pipeline_, GST_FORMAT_TIME, &duration);
ret[state->job_.input] = float(position) / duration;
ret[state->job_.input] = static_cast<float>(position) / duration;
return ret;
@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ void TranscoderOptionsMP3::Save() {
void TranscoderOptionsMP3::QualitySliderChanged(int value) {
ui_->quality_spinbox->setValue(float(value) / 100);
ui_->quality_spinbox->setValue(static_cast<float>(value) / 100);
void TranscoderOptionsMP3::QualitySpinboxChanged(double value) {
@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ void TranscoderOptionsVorbis::Save() {
GET_BITRATE(max_bitrate, ui_->max_bitrate_slider);
s.setValue("quality", double(ui_->quality_slider->value()) / 10);
s.setValue("quality", static_cast<double>(ui_->quality_slider->value()) / 10);
s.setValue("managed", ui_->managed->isChecked());
s.setValue("bitrate", bitrate);
s.setValue("min-bitrate", min_bitrate);
@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ void FreeSpaceBar::DrawBar(QPainter *p, const QRect r) {
p->setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing, true);
QRect bar_rect(r);
bar_rect.setWidth(static_cast<int>(float(bar_rect.width()) * (float(total_ - free_) / total_)));
bar_rect.setWidth(static_cast<int>(static_cast<float>(bar_rect.width()) * (static_cast<float>(total_ - free_) / static_cast<float>(total_))));
QLinearGradient background_gradient(r.topLeft(), r.bottomLeft());
background_gradient.setColorAt(0, kColorBg1);
@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ void FreeSpaceBar::DrawBar(QPainter *p, const QRect r) {
if (additional_ > 0) {
QRect additional_rect(bar_rect);
additional_rect.setWidth(static_cast<int>(float(r.width()) * (float(qMin(free_, additional_)) / total_) + 1));
additional_rect.setWidth(static_cast<int>(static_cast<float>(r.width()) * (static_cast<float>(qMin(free_, additional_)) / total_) + 1));
QLinearGradient additional_gradient(additional_rect.topLeft(), additional_rect.bottomLeft());
additional_gradient.setColorAt(0, kColorAdd1);
@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ void MultiLoadingIndicator::UpdateText() {
task_text[0] = task_text[0].toLower();
if (task.progress_max > 0) {
int percentage = static_cast<int>(float(task.progress) / task.progress_max * 100);
int percentage = static_cast<int>(static_cast<float>(task.progress) / task.progress_max * 100);
task_text += QString(" %1%").arg(percentage);
@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ RatingPainter::RatingPainter() {
// Generate the 10 states, better to do it now than on the fly
for (int i = 0; i < kStarCount * 2 + 1; ++i) {
const double rating = double(i) / double(2.0);
const double rating = static_cast<double>(i) / static_cast<double>(2.0);
// Clear the pixmap
stars_[i] = QPixmap(kStarSize * kStarCount, kStarSize);
@ -86,14 +86,14 @@ QRect RatingPainter::Contents(const QRect rect) {
double RatingPainter::RatingForPos(const QPoint pos, const QRect rect) {
const QRect contents = Contents(rect);
const double raw = double(pos.x() - contents.left()) / contents.width();
const double raw = static_cast<double>(pos.x() - contents.left()) / contents.width();
// Check if the position was to the right or left of the rectangle.
if (raw < 0) return 0;
if (raw > 1) return 1;
// Round to the nearest 0.1
return double(lround(raw * kStarCount * 2)) / (kStarCount * 2);
return static_cast<double>(lround(raw * kStarCount * 2)) / (kStarCount * 2);
@ -328,7 +328,7 @@ void VolumeSlider::paintEvent(QPaintEvent*) {
QPainter p(this);
const int padding = 7;
const int offset = int(double((width() - 2 * padding) * value()) / maximum());
const int offset = static_cast<int>(static_cast<double>((width() - 2 * padding) * value()) / maximum());
// If theme changed since last paintEvent, redraw the volume pixmap with new theme colors
if (previous_theme_text_color_ != palette().color(QPalette::WindowText)) {
Reference in New Issue
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