Fix gapless playback when using url handler

This commit is contained in:
Jonas Kvinge 2019-06-15 19:32:26 +02:00
parent e59c3c6f70
commit a6766f3c99
3 changed files with 91 additions and 71 deletions

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@ -247,59 +247,107 @@ void Player::ReloadSettings() {
void Player::HandleLoadResult(const UrlHandler::LoadResult &result) {
if (loading_async_.contains(result.original_url_)) {
// Might've been an async load, so check we're still on the same item
shared_ptr<PlaylistItem> item = app_->playlist_manager()->active()->current_item();
PlaylistItemPtr item = app_->playlist_manager()->active()->current_item();
if (!item) {
loading_async_ = QUrl();
const bool has_next_row = app_->playlist_manager()->active()->next_row() != -1;
PlaylistItemPtr next_item;
if (has_next_row) {
next_item = app_->playlist_manager()->active()->item_at(app_->playlist_manager()->active()->next_row());
bool is_current(false);
bool is_next(false);
if (result.original_url_ == item->Url()) {
is_current = true;
else if (has_next_row && next_item->Url() == result.original_url_) {
is_next = true;
else {
if (item->Url() != result.original_url_) return;
switch (result.type_) {
case UrlHandler::LoadResult::Error:
loading_async_ = QUrl();
if (is_current) {
emit Error(result.error_);
case UrlHandler::LoadResult::NoMoreTracks:
qLog(Debug) << "URL handler for" << result.original_url_ << "said no more tracks";
loading_async_ = QUrl();
case UrlHandler::LoadResult::NoMoreTracks:
qLog(Debug) << "URL handler for" << result.original_url_ << "said no more tracks" << is_current;
if (is_current) NextItem(stream_change_type_);
case UrlHandler::LoadResult::TrackAvailable: {
qLog(Debug) << "URL handler for" << result.original_url_ << "returned" << result.media_url_;
Song song = item->Metadata();
Song song;
if (is_current) song = item->Metadata();
else if (is_next) song = next_item->Metadata();
bool update(false);
// If there was no filetype in the song's metadata, use the one provided by URL handler, if there is one
// Set the media url in the temporary metadata.
if (
(item->Metadata().filetype() == Song::FileType_Unknown && result.filetype_ != Song::FileType_Unknown)
(result.media_url_ != song.url())
update = true;
// If there was no filetype in the song's metadata, use the one provided by URL handler, if there is one.
if (
(song.filetype() == Song::FileType_Unknown && result.filetype_ != Song::FileType_Unknown)
(item->Metadata().filetype() == Song::FileType_Stream && result.filetype_ != Song::FileType_Stream)
(song.filetype() == Song::FileType_Stream && result.filetype_ != Song::FileType_Stream)
update = true;
// If there was no length info in song's metadata, use the one provided by URL handler, if there is one
if (item->Metadata().length_nanosec() <= 0 && result.length_nanosec_ != -1) {
// If there was no length info in song's metadata, use the one provided by URL handler, if there is one.
if (song.length_nanosec() <= 0 && result.length_nanosec_ != -1) {
update = true;
if (update) {
if (is_current) {
engine_->Play(result.media_url_, result.original_url_, stream_change_type_, item->Metadata().has_cue(), item->Metadata().beginning_nanosec(), item->Metadata().end_nanosec());
else if (is_next) {
if (is_current) {
qLog(Debug) << "Playing song" << item->Metadata().title() << result.media_url_;
engine_->Play(result.media_url_, result.original_url_, stream_change_type_, item->Metadata().has_cue(), item->Metadata().beginning_nanosec(), item->Metadata().end_nanosec());
current_item_ = item;
loading_async_ = QUrl();
else if (is_next) {
qLog(Debug) << "Preloading next song" << next_item->Metadata().title() << result.media_url_;
engine_->StartPreloading(result.media_url_, next_item->Url(), next_item->Metadata().has_cue(), next_item->Metadata().beginning_nanosec(), next_item->Metadata().end_nanosec());
@ -307,7 +355,7 @@ void Player::HandleLoadResult(const UrlHandler::LoadResult &result) {
qLog(Debug) << "URL handler for" << result.original_url_ << "is loading asynchronously";
// We'll get called again later with either NoMoreTracks or TrackAvailable
loading_async_ = result.original_url_;
loading_async_ << result.original_url_;
@ -319,19 +367,6 @@ void Player::NextInternal(Engine::TrackChangeFlags change) {
if (HandleStopAfter()) return;
if (app_->playlist_manager()->active()->current_item()) {
const QUrl url = app_->playlist_manager()->active()->current_item()->Url();
if (url_handlers_.contains(url.scheme())) {
// The next track is already being loaded
if (url == loading_async_) return;
stream_change_type_ = change;
@ -439,16 +474,20 @@ void Player::RestartOrPrevious() {
void Player::Stop(bool stop_after) {
void Player::StopAfterCurrent() {
bool Player::PreviousWouldRestartTrack() const {
// Check if it has been over two seconds since previous button was pressed
return menu_previousmode_ == PreviousBehaviour_Restart && last_pressed_previous_.isValid() && last_pressed_previous_.secsTo(QDateTime::currentDateTime()) >= 2;
@ -529,10 +568,6 @@ void Player::PlayAt(int index, Engine::TrackChangeFlags change, bool reshuffle)
if (current_item_ && change == Engine::Manual && engine_->position_nanosec() != engine_->length_nanosec()) {
emit TrackSkipped(current_item_);
const QUrl &url = current_item_->Url();
if (url_handlers_.contains(url.scheme())) {
if (current_item_ && app_->playlist_manager()->active()->has_item_at(index) && current_item_->Metadata().IsOnSameAlbum(app_->playlist_manager()->active()->item_at(index)->Metadata())) {
@ -547,25 +582,27 @@ void Player::PlayAt(int index, Engine::TrackChangeFlags change, bool reshuffle)
current_item_ = app_->playlist_manager()->active()->current_item();
const QUrl url = current_item_->Url();
const QUrl url = (current_item_->MediaUrl().isValid() ? current_item_->MediaUrl() : current_item_->Url());
if (url_handlers_.contains(url.scheme())) {
// It's already loading
if (url == loading_async_) return;
if (loading_async_.contains(url)) return;
stream_change_type_ = change;
else {
loading_async_ = QUrl();
engine_->Play(current_item_->Url(), current_item_->Url(), change, current_item_->Metadata().has_cue(), current_item_->Metadata().beginning_nanosec(), current_item_->Metadata().end_nanosec());
qLog(Debug) << "Playing song" << current_item_->Metadata().title() << url;
engine_->Play(url, current_item_->Url(), change, current_item_->Metadata().has_cue(), current_item_->Metadata().beginning_nanosec(), current_item_->Metadata().end_nanosec());
if (current_item_->HasTemporaryMetadata())
void Player::CurrentMetadataChanged(const Song &metadata) {
// those things might have changed (especially when a previously invalid song was reloaded) so we push the latest version into Engine
// Those things might have changed (especially when a previously invalid song was reloaded) so we push the latest version into Engine
engine_->RefreshMarkers(metadata.beginning_nanosec(), metadata.end_nanosec());
// Send now playing to scrobble services
@ -668,6 +705,7 @@ void Player::Mute() {
void Player::Pause() { engine_->Pause(); }
void Player::Play() {
switch (GetState()) {
case Engine::Playing:
@ -692,16 +730,6 @@ void Player::TogglePrettyOSD() {
void Player::TrackAboutToEnd() {
// If the current track was from a URL handler then it might have special behaviour to queue up a subsequent track.
// We don't want to preload (and scrobble) the next item in the playlist if it's just going to be stopped again immediately after.
if (app_->playlist_manager()->active()->current_item()) {
const QUrl url = app_->playlist_manager()->active()->current_item()->Url();
if (url_handlers_.contains(url.scheme())) {
const bool has_next_row = app_->playlist_manager()->active()->next_row() != -1;
PlaylistItemPtr next_item;
@ -726,28 +754,27 @@ void Player::TrackAboutToEnd() {
// Crossfade is off, so start preloading the next track so we don't get a gap between songs.
if (!has_next_row || !next_item) return;
QUrl url = next_item->Url();
QUrl url = (next_item->MediaUrl().isValid() ? next_item->MediaUrl() : next_item->Url());
// Get the actual track URL rather than the stream URL.
if (url_handlers_.contains(url.scheme())) {
UrlHandler::LoadResult result = url_handlers_[url.scheme()]->LoadNext(url);
if (loading_async_.contains(url)) return;
UrlHandler::LoadResult result = url_handlers_[url.scheme()]->StartLoading(url);
switch (result.type_) {
case UrlHandler::LoadResult::Error:
loading_async_ = QUrl();
emit Error(result.error_);
case UrlHandler::LoadResult::NoMoreTracks:
case UrlHandler::LoadResult::WillLoadAsynchronously:
loading_async_ = url;
loading_async_ << url;
case UrlHandler::LoadResult::TrackAvailable:
url = result.media_url_;
engine_->StartPreloading(url, next_item->Url(), next_item->Metadata().has_cue(), next_item->Metadata().beginning_nanosec(), next_item->Metadata().end_nanosec());

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@ -232,7 +232,7 @@ class Player : public PlayerInterface {
QMap<QString, UrlHandler*> url_handlers_;
QUrl loading_async_;
QList<QUrl> loading_async_;
int volume_before_mute_;
QDateTime last_pressed_previous_;

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@ -81,13 +81,6 @@ class UrlHandler : public QObject {
// Called by the Player when a song starts loading - gives the handler a chance to do something clever to get a playable track.
virtual LoadResult StartLoading(const QUrl &url) { return LoadResult(url); }
// Called by the player when a song finishes - gives the handler a chance to get another track to play.
virtual LoadResult LoadNext(const QUrl &url) { return LoadResult(url); }
// Functions to be warned when something happen to a track handled by UrlHandler.
virtual void TrackAboutToEnd() {};
virtual void TrackSkipped() {};
void AsyncLoadComplete(const UrlHandler::LoadResult &result);