Remove unused StyleHelper::drawIconWithShadow function

This commit is contained in:
Jonas Kvinge 2020-08-30 21:51:26 +02:00
parent cfd1fe59f3
commit 495c6bc21c
2 changed files with 0 additions and 74 deletions

@ -369,79 +369,6 @@ QPixmap StyleHelper::disabledSideBarIcon(const QPixmap &enabledicon) {
// Draws a cached pixmap with shadow
void StyleHelper::drawIconWithShadow(const QIcon &icon, const QRect &rect, QPainter *p, QIcon::Mode iconMode, int dipRadius, const QColor &color, const QPoint &dipOffset) {
QPixmap cache;
const int devicePixelRatio = p->device()->devicePixelRatio();
QString pixmapName = QString::fromLatin1("icon %0 %1 %2 %3").arg(icon.cacheKey()).arg(iconMode).arg(rect.height()).arg(devicePixelRatio);
if (!QPixmapCache::find(pixmapName, &cache)) {
// High-dpi support: The in parameters (rect, radius, offset) are in
// device-independent pixels. The call to QIcon::pixmap() below might
// return a high-dpi pixmap, which will in that case have a devicePixelRatio
// different than 1. The shadow drawing caluculations are done in device
// pixels.
QWindow *window = dynamic_cast<QWidget*>(p->device())->window()->windowHandle();
QPixmap px = icon.pixmap(window, rect.size(), iconMode);
int radius = dipRadius * devicePixelRatio;
QPoint offset = dipOffset * devicePixelRatio;
cache = QPixmap(px.size() + QSize(radius * 2, radius * 2));
QPainter cachePainter(&cache);
if (iconMode == QIcon::Disabled) {
const bool hasDisabledState = icon.availableSizes().count() == icon.availableSizes(QIcon::Disabled).count();
if (!hasDisabledState)
px = disabledSideBarIcon(icon.pixmap(window, rect.size()));
// Draw shadow
QImage tmp(px.size() + QSize(radius * 2, radius * 2 + 1), QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied);
QPainter tmpPainter(&tmp);
tmpPainter.drawPixmap(QRect(radius, radius, px.width(), px.height()), px);
// blur the alpha channel
QImage blurred(tmp.size(), QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied);
QPainter blurPainter(&blurred);
qt_blurImage(&blurPainter, tmp, radius, false, true);
tmp = blurred;
// blacken the image...
tmpPainter.fillRect(tmp.rect(), color);
tmpPainter.fillRect(tmp.rect(), color);
// draw the blurred drop shadow...
cachePainter.drawImage(QRect(0, 0, cache.rect().width(), cache.rect().height()), tmp);
// Draw the actual pixmap...
cachePainter.drawPixmap(QRect(QPoint(radius, radius) + offset, QSize(px.width(), px.height())), px);
QPixmapCache::insert(pixmapName, cache);
QRect targetRect = cache.rect();
targetRect.setSize(targetRect.size() / cache.devicePixelRatio());
targetRect.moveCenter( - dipOffset);
p->drawPixmap(targetRect, cache);
// Draws a CSS-like border image where the defined borders are not stretched
// Unit for rect, left, top, right and bottom is user pixels
void StyleHelper::drawCornerImage(const QImage &img, QPainter *painter, const QRect &rect, int left, int top, int right, int bottom) {

@ -84,7 +84,6 @@ public:
static bool usePixmapCache() { return true; }
static QPixmap disabledSideBarIcon(const QPixmap &enabledicon);
static void drawIconWithShadow(const QIcon &icon, const QRect &rect, QPainter *p, QIcon::Mode iconMode, int dipRadius = 3, const QColor &color = QColor(0, 0, 0, 130), const QPoint &dipOffset = QPoint(1, -2));
static void drawCornerImage(const QImage &img, QPainter *painter, const QRect &rect, int left = 0, int top = 0, int right = 0, int bottom = 0);
static void tintImage(QImage &img, const QColor &tintColor);