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2020-04-13 19:04:06 +02:00
* Strawberry Music Player
* Copyright 2018, Jonas Kvinge <>
* Strawberry is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Strawberry is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with Strawberry. If not, see <>.
#include "config.h"
#include <memory>
#include <QtGlobal>
#include <QObject>
#include <QPair>
#include <QSet>
#include <QList>
#include <QVariant>
#include <QByteArray>
#include <QString>
#include <QStringList>
#include <QUrl>
#include <QDateTime>
#include <QSslError>
#include "core/song.h"
#include "internet/internetservice.h"
#include "internet/internetsearchview.h"
#include "settings/tidalsettingspage.h"
class QSortFilterProxyModel;
class QNetworkReply;
class QTimer;
class Application;
class NetworkAccessManager;
class TidalUrlHandler;
class TidalRequest;
class TidalFavoriteRequest;
class TidalStreamURLRequest;
class CollectionBackend;
class CollectionModel;
class TidalService : public InternetService {
TidalService(Application *app, QObject *parent);
static const Song::Source kSource;
void Exit();
void ReloadSettings();
void Logout();
int Search(const QString &query, InternetSearchView::SearchType type);
void CancelSearch();
int max_login_attempts() { return kLoginAttempts; }
Application *app() { return app_; }
bool oauth() { return oauth_; }
QString client_id() { return client_id_; }
QString api_token() { return api_token_; }
quint64 user_id() { return user_id_; }
QString country_code() { return country_code_; }
QString username() { return username_; }
QString password() { return password_; }
QString quality() { return quality_; }
int search_delay() { return search_delay_; }
int artistssearchlimit() { return artistssearchlimit_; }
int albumssearchlimit() { return albumssearchlimit_; }
int songssearchlimit() { return songssearchlimit_; }
bool fetchalbums() { return fetchalbums_; }
QString coversize() { return coversize_; }
bool download_album_covers() { return download_album_covers_; }
TidalSettingsPage::StreamUrlMethod stream_url_method() { return stream_url_method_; }
QString access_token() { return access_token_; }
QString session_id() { return session_id_; }
bool authenticated() { return (!access_token_.isEmpty() || !session_id_.isEmpty()); }
bool login_sent() { return login_sent_; }
bool login_attempts() { return login_attempts_; }
void GetStreamURL(const QUrl &url);
CollectionBackend *artists_collection_backend() { return artists_collection_backend_; }
CollectionBackend *albums_collection_backend() { return albums_collection_backend_; }
CollectionBackend *songs_collection_backend() { return songs_collection_backend_; }
CollectionModel *artists_collection_model() { return artists_collection_model_; }
CollectionModel *albums_collection_model() { return albums_collection_model_; }
CollectionModel *songs_collection_model() { return songs_collection_model_; }
QSortFilterProxyModel *artists_collection_sort_model() { return artists_collection_sort_model_; }
QSortFilterProxyModel *albums_collection_sort_model() { return albums_collection_sort_model_; }
QSortFilterProxyModel *songs_collection_sort_model() { return songs_collection_sort_model_; }
enum QueryType {
public slots:
void ShowConfig();
void TryLogin();
void SendLogin(const QString &api_token, const QString &username, const QString &password);
void GetArtists();
void GetAlbums();
void GetSongs();
void ResetArtistsRequest();
void ResetAlbumsRequest();
void ResetSongsRequest();
private slots:
void ExitReceived();
void StartAuthorisation();
void AuthorisationUrlReceived(const QUrl &url);
void HandleLoginSSLErrors(QList<QSslError> ssl_errors);
void AccessTokenRequestFinished(QNetworkReply *reply);
void SendLogin();
void HandleAuthReply(QNetworkReply *reply);
void ResetLoginAttempts();
void StartSearch();
void ArtistsResultsReceived(const int id, const SongList &songs, const QString &error);
void AlbumsResultsReceived(const int id, const SongList &songs, const QString &error);
void SongsResultsReceived(const int id, const SongList &songs, const QString &error);
void SearchResultsReceived(const int id, const SongList &songs, const QString &error);
void ArtistsUpdateStatusReceived(const int id, const QString &text);
void AlbumsUpdateStatusReceived(const int id, const QString &text);
void SongsUpdateStatusReceived(const int id, const QString &text);
void ArtistsProgressSetMaximumReceived(const int id, const int max);
void AlbumsProgressSetMaximumReceived(const int id, const int max);
void SongsProgressSetMaximumReceived(const int id, const int max);
void ArtistsUpdateProgressReceived(const int id, const int progress);
void AlbumsUpdateProgressReceived(const int id, const int progress);
void SongsUpdateProgressReceived(const int id, const int progress);
void HandleStreamURLFinished(const QUrl &original_url, const QUrl &stream_url, const Song::FileType filetype, const int samplerate, const int bit_depth, const qint64 duration, QString error = QString());
typedef QPair<QString, QString> Param;
typedef QList<Param> ParamList;
void SendSearch();
void LoginError(const QString &error = QString(), const QVariant &debug = QVariant());
static const char *kOAuthUrl;
static const char *kOAuthAccessTokenUrl;
static const char *kOAuthRedirectUrl;
static const char *kAuthUrl;
static const int kLoginAttempts;
static const int kTimeResetLoginAttempts;
static const char *kArtistsSongsTable;
static const char *kAlbumsSongsTable;
static const char *kSongsTable;
static const char *kArtistsSongsFtsTable;
static const char *kAlbumsSongsFtsTable;
static const char *kSongsFtsTable;
Application *app_;
NetworkAccessManager *network_;
TidalUrlHandler *url_handler_;
CollectionBackend *artists_collection_backend_;
CollectionBackend *albums_collection_backend_;
CollectionBackend *songs_collection_backend_;
CollectionModel *artists_collection_model_;
CollectionModel *albums_collection_model_;
CollectionModel *songs_collection_model_;
QSortFilterProxyModel *artists_collection_sort_model_;
QSortFilterProxyModel *albums_collection_sort_model_;
QSortFilterProxyModel *songs_collection_sort_model_;
QTimer *timer_search_delay_;
QTimer *timer_login_attempt_;
std::shared_ptr<TidalRequest> artists_request_;
std::shared_ptr<TidalRequest> albums_request_;
std::shared_ptr<TidalRequest> songs_request_;
std::shared_ptr<TidalRequest> search_request_;
TidalFavoriteRequest *favorite_request_;
bool oauth_;
QString client_id_;
QString api_token_;
quint64 user_id_;
QString country_code_;
QString username_;
QString password_;
QString quality_;
int search_delay_;
int artistssearchlimit_;
int albumssearchlimit_;
int songssearchlimit_;
bool fetchalbums_;
QString coversize_;
bool download_album_covers_;
TidalSettingsPage::StreamUrlMethod stream_url_method_;
QString access_token_;
QString refresh_token_;
QString session_id_;
QDateTime expiry_time_;
int pending_search_id_;
int next_pending_search_id_;
QString pending_search_text_;
InternetSearchView::SearchType pending_search_type_;
int search_id_;
QString search_text_;
bool login_sent_;
int login_attempts_;
QString code_verifier_;
QString code_challenge_;
QList<TidalStreamURLRequest*> stream_url_requests_;
QStringList login_errors_;
QList<QObject*> wait_for_exit_;
QList<QNetworkReply*> replies_;
2020-04-13 19:04:06 +02:00