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2018-02-27 18:06:05 +01:00
* Strawberry Music Player
* This file was part of Clementine.
* Copyright 2010, David Sansome <>
* Strawberry is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Strawberry is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with Strawberry. If not, see <>.
2018-08-09 18:39:44 +02:00
2018-02-27 18:06:05 +01:00
#include "config.h"
#include <QtGlobal>
#include <QWidget>
2018-02-27 18:06:05 +01:00
#include <QDialog>
#include <QDir>
#include <QFileInfo>
2018-02-27 18:06:05 +01:00
#include <QList>
#include <QSet>
2018-02-27 18:06:05 +01:00
#include <QMimeData>
#include <QByteArray>
#include <QVariant>
#include <QString>
#include <QStringBuilder>
#include <QRegExp>
#include <QUrl>
#include <QImage>
#include <QImageWriter>
#include <QPixmap>
#include <QIcon>
#include <QRect>
#include <QAction>
#include <QFileDialog>
#include <QLabel>
#include <QDesktopWidget>
#include <QtEvents>
2018-02-27 18:06:05 +01:00
#include "core/utilities.h"
#include "core/song.h"
2018-02-27 18:06:05 +01:00
#include "core/iconloader.h"
#include "core/application.h"
2018-02-27 18:06:05 +01:00
#include "collection/collectionbackend.h"
#include "albumcoverchoicecontroller.h"
#include "albumcoverfetcher.h"
#include "albumcoverloader.h"
#include "albumcoversearcher.h"
#include "coverfromurldialog.h"
#include "currentartloader.h"
2018-02-27 18:06:05 +01:00
const char *AlbumCoverChoiceController::kLoadImageFileFilter = QT_TR_NOOP("Images (*.png *.jpg *.jpeg *.bmp *.gif *.xpm *.pbm *.pgm *.ppm *.xbm)");
const char *AlbumCoverChoiceController::kSaveImageFileFilter = QT_TR_NOOP("Images (*.png *.jpg *.jpeg *.bmp *.xpm *.pbm *.ppm *.xbm)");
const char *AlbumCoverChoiceController::kAllFilesFilter = QT_TR_NOOP("All files (*)");
QSet<QString> *AlbumCoverChoiceController::sImageExtensions = nullptr;
AlbumCoverChoiceController::AlbumCoverChoiceController(QWidget *parent) :
cover_from_url_dialog_(nullptr) {
cover_from_file_ = new QAction(IconLoader::Load("document-open"), tr("Load cover from disk..."), this);
cover_to_file_ = new QAction(IconLoader::Load("document-save"), tr("Save cover to disk..."), this);
cover_from_url_ = new QAction(IconLoader::Load("download"), tr("Load cover from URL..."), this);
search_for_cover_ = new QAction(IconLoader::Load("search"), tr("Search for album covers..."), this);
unset_cover_ = new QAction(IconLoader::Load("list-remove"), tr("Unset cover"), this);
show_cover_ = new QAction(IconLoader::Load("zoom-in"), tr("Show fullsize..."), this);
search_cover_auto_ = new QAction(tr("Search automatically"), this);
2018-02-27 18:06:05 +01:00
separator_ = new QAction(this);
AlbumCoverChoiceController::~AlbumCoverChoiceController() {}
void AlbumCoverChoiceController::SetApplication(Application *app) {
app_ = app;
cover_fetcher_ = new AlbumCoverFetcher(app_->cover_providers(), this);
cover_searcher_ = new AlbumCoverSearcher(QIcon(":/pictures/noalbumart.png"), app, this);
connect(cover_fetcher_, SIGNAL(AlbumCoverFetched(quint64, QImage, CoverSearchStatistics)), this, SLOT(AlbumCoverFetched(quint64, QImage, CoverSearchStatistics)));
QList<QAction*> AlbumCoverChoiceController::GetAllActions() {
return QList<QAction*>() << cover_from_file_ << cover_to_file_ << separator_ << cover_from_url_ << search_for_cover_ << unset_cover_ << show_cover_;
QString AlbumCoverChoiceController::LoadCoverFromFile(Song *song) {
2018-02-27 18:06:05 +01:00
QString cover = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(this, tr("Load cover from disk"), GetInitialPathForFileDialog(*song, QString()), tr(kLoadImageFileFilter) + ";;" + tr(kAllFilesFilter));
if (cover.isNull()) return QString();
// Can we load the image?
QImage image(cover);
if (!image.isNull()) {
SaveCover(song, cover);
return cover;
else {
return QString();
void AlbumCoverChoiceController::SaveCoverToFile(const Song &song, const QImage &image) {
QString initial_file_name = "/" + (song.effective_album().isEmpty() ? tr("Unknown") : song.effective_album()) + ".jpg";
QString save_filename = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(this, tr("Save album cover"), GetInitialPathForFileDialog(song, initial_file_name), tr(kSaveImageFileFilter) + ";;" + tr(kAllFilesFilter));
if (save_filename.isNull()) return;
QString extension = save_filename.right(4);
if (!extension.startsWith('.') || !QImageWriter::supportedImageFormats().contains(extension.right(3).toUtf8())) {
QString AlbumCoverChoiceController::GetInitialPathForFileDialog(const Song &song, const QString &filename) {
// Art automatic is first to show user which cover the album may be using now;
// The song is using it if there's no manual path but we cannot use manual path here because it can contain cached paths
2018-02-27 18:06:05 +01:00
if (!song.art_automatic().isEmpty() && !song.has_embedded_cover()) {
return song.art_automatic();
// If no automatic art, start in the song's folder
2018-02-27 18:06:05 +01:00
else if (!song.url().isEmpty() && song.url().toLocalFile().contains('/')) {
return song.url().toLocalFile().section('/', 0, -2) + filename;
// Fallback - start in home
2018-02-27 18:06:05 +01:00
else {
return QDir::home().absolutePath() + filename;
QString AlbumCoverChoiceController::LoadCoverFromURL(Song *song) {
if (!cover_from_url_dialog_) { cover_from_url_dialog_ = new CoverFromURLDialog(this); }
QImage image = cover_from_url_dialog_->Exec();
if (!image.isNull()) {
QString cover = SaveCoverInCache(song->artist(), song->album(), image);
SaveCover(song, cover);
return cover;
else { return QString(); }
QString AlbumCoverChoiceController::SearchForCover(Song *song) {
2018-02-27 18:06:05 +01:00
QString album = song->effective_album();
2018-02-27 18:06:05 +01:00
// Get something sensible to stick in the search box
QImage image = cover_searcher_->Exec(song->effective_albumartist(), album);
if (!image.isNull()) {
QString cover = SaveCoverInCache(song->artist(), song->album(), image);
SaveCover(song, cover);
return cover;
else { return QString(); }
QString AlbumCoverChoiceController::UnsetCover(Song *song) {
QString cover = Song::kManuallyUnsetCover;
SaveCover(song, cover);
return cover;
void AlbumCoverChoiceController::ShowCover(const Song &song) {
2018-09-10 21:58:57 +02:00
QPixmap pixmap = AlbumCoverLoader::TryLoadPixmap(song.art_automatic(), song.art_manual(), song.url().toLocalFile());
ShowCover(song, pixmap);
void AlbumCoverChoiceController::ShowCover(const Song &song, const QImage image) {
QUrl url_manual(song.art_manual());
QUrl url_automatic(song.art_automatic());
if (url_manual.isLocalFile() || url_automatic.isLocalFile()) {
QPixmap pixmap = AlbumCoverLoader::TryLoadPixmap(song.art_automatic(), song.art_manual(), song.url().toLocalFile());
ShowCover(song, pixmap);
else if (!image.isNull()) ShowCover(song, QPixmap::fromImage(image));
void AlbumCoverChoiceController::ShowCover(const Song &song, const QPixmap &pixmap) {
2018-02-27 18:06:05 +01:00
QDialog *dialog = new QDialog(this);
dialog->setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose, true);
// Use Artist - Album as the window title
QString title_text(song.effective_albumartist());
if (!song.effective_album().isEmpty()) title_text += " - " + song.effective_album();
QLabel *label = new QLabel(dialog);
2018-09-10 21:58:57 +02:00
2018-02-27 18:06:05 +01:00
// Add (WxHpx) to the title before possibly resizing
2018-02-27 18:06:05 +01:00
title_text += " (" + QString::number(label->pixmap()->width()) + "x" + QString::number(label->pixmap()->height()) + "px)";
// If the cover is larger than the screen, resize the window 85% seems to be enough to account for title bar and taskbar etc.
2018-02-27 18:06:05 +01:00
QDesktopWidget desktop;
int current_screen = desktop.screenNumber(this);
int desktop_height = desktop.screenGeometry(current_screen).height();
int desktop_width = desktop.screenGeometry(current_screen).width();
// Resize differently if monitor is in portrait mode
2018-02-27 18:06:05 +01:00
if (desktop_width < desktop_height) {
const int new_width = (double)desktop_width * 0.95;
if (new_width < label->pixmap()->width()) {
label->setPixmap(label->pixmap()->scaledToWidth(new_width, Qt::SmoothTransformation));
2018-02-27 18:06:05 +01:00
else {
const int new_height = (double)desktop_height * 0.85;
if (new_height < label->pixmap()->height()) {
label->setPixmap(label->pixmap()->scaledToHeight(new_height, Qt::SmoothTransformation));
2018-02-27 18:06:05 +01:00
void AlbumCoverChoiceController::SearchCoverAutomatically(const Song &song) {
qint64 id = cover_fetcher_->FetchAlbumCover(song.effective_albumartist(), song.effective_album(), true);
2018-02-27 18:06:05 +01:00
cover_fetching_tasks_[id] = song;
void AlbumCoverChoiceController::AlbumCoverFetched(quint64 id, const QImage &image, const CoverSearchStatistics &statistics) {
Song song;
if (cover_fetching_tasks_.contains(id)) {
song = cover_fetching_tasks_.take(id);
if (!image.isNull()) {
QString cover = SaveCoverInCache(song.artist(), song.album(), image);
SaveCover(&song, cover);
emit AutomaticCoverSearchDone();
void AlbumCoverChoiceController::SaveCover(Song *song, const QString &cover) {
if (song->is_valid() && song->id() != -1) {
app_->collection_backend()->UpdateManualAlbumArtAsync(song->artist(), song->albumartist(), song->album(), cover);
if (song->url() == app_->current_art_loader()->last_song().url()) {
QString AlbumCoverChoiceController::SaveCoverInCache(const QString &artist, const QString &album, const QImage &image) {
QString album2(album);
2018-02-27 18:06:05 +01:00
// Hash the artist and album into a filename for the image
QString filename(Utilities::Sha1CoverHash(artist, album2).toHex() + ".jpg");
2018-02-27 18:06:05 +01:00
QString path(AlbumCoverLoader::ImageCacheDir() + "/" + filename);
// Make sure this directory exists first
QDir dir;
// Save the image to disk, "JPG");
return path;
bool AlbumCoverChoiceController::IsKnownImageExtension(const QString &suffix) {
if (!sImageExtensions) {
sImageExtensions = new QSet<QString>();
(*sImageExtensions) << "png" << "jpg" << "jpeg" << "bmp" << "gif" << "xpm" << "pbm" << "pgm" << "ppm" << "xbm";
return sImageExtensions->contains(suffix);
bool AlbumCoverChoiceController::CanAcceptDrag(const QDragEnterEvent *e) {
for (const QUrl &url : e->mimeData()->urls()) {
const QString suffix = QFileInfo(url.toLocalFile()).suffix().toLower();
if (IsKnownImageExtension(suffix)) return true;
if (e->mimeData()->hasImage()) {
return true;
return false;
QString AlbumCoverChoiceController::SaveCover(Song *song, const QDropEvent *e) {
for (const QUrl &url : e->mimeData()->urls()) {
2018-09-10 21:58:57 +02:00
2018-02-27 18:06:05 +01:00
const QString filename = url.toLocalFile();
const QString suffix = QFileInfo(filename).suffix().toLower();
if (IsKnownImageExtension(suffix)) {
SaveCover(song, filename);
return filename;
if (e->mimeData()->hasImage()) {
QImage image = qvariant_cast<QImage>(e->mimeData()->imageData());
if (!image.isNull()) {
QString cover_path = SaveCoverInCache(song->artist(), song->album(), image);
SaveCover(song, cover_path);
return cover_path;
return QString();