package audio.funkwhale.ffa.repositories import android.content.Context import audio.funkwhale.ffa.model.* import audio.funkwhale.ffa.utils.* import com.github.kittinunf.fuel.Fuel import com.github.kittinunf.fuel.coroutines.awaitByteArrayResponseResult import import import import import kotlinx.coroutines.CoroutineScope import kotlinx.coroutines.Dispatchers.IO import kotlinx.coroutines.launch import kotlinx.coroutines.runBlocking import org.koin.core.qualifier.named import class FavoritesRepository(override val context: Context?) : Repository() { private val exoDownloadManager: DownloadManager by inject( private val exoCache: Cache by inject(, named("exoCache")) private val oAuth: OAuth by inject( override val cacheId = "favorites.v2" override val upstream = HttpUpstream>( context!!, HttpUpstream.Behavior.AtOnce, "/api/v1/tracks/?favorites=true&playable=true&ordering=title", object : TypeToken() {}.type, oAuth ) override fun cache(data: List) = TracksCache(data) override fun uncache(json: String) = gsonDeserializerOf( private val favoritedRepository = FavoritedRepository(context!!) override fun onDataFetched(data: List): List = runBlocking { val downloaded = TracksRepository.getDownloadedIds(exoDownloadManager) ?: listOf() { track -> track.favorite = true track.downloaded = downloaded.contains( track.bestUpload()?.let { upload -> maybeNormalizeUrl(upload.listen_url)?.let { url -> track.cached = exoCache.isCached(url, 0, upload.duration * 1000L) } } track } } fun addFavorite(id: Int) { context?.let { val body = mapOf("track" to id) val request ="/api/v1/favorites/tracks/")).apply { if (!Settings.isAnonymous()) { authorize(context, oAuth) header("Authorization", "Bearer ${oAuth.state().accessToken}") } } scope.launch(IO) { request .header("Content-Type", "application/json") .body(Gson().toJson(body)) .awaitByteArrayResponseResult() favoritedRepository.update(context, scope) } } } fun deleteFavorite(id: Int) { context?.let { val body = mapOf("track" to id) val request ="/api/v1/favorites/tracks/remove/")).apply { if (!Settings.isAnonymous()) { authorize(context, oAuth) request.header("Authorization", "Bearer ${oAuth.state().accessToken}") } } scope.launch(IO) { request .header("Content-Type", "application/json") .body(Gson().toJson(body)) .awaitByteArrayResponseResult() favoritedRepository.update(context, scope) } } } } class FavoritedRepository(override val context: Context?) : Repository() { private val oAuth: OAuth by inject( override val cacheId = "favorited" override val upstream = HttpUpstream>( context, HttpUpstream.Behavior.Single, "/api/v1/favorites/tracks/all/?playable=true", object : TypeToken() {}.type, oAuth ) override fun cache(data: List) = FavoritedCache(data) override fun uncache(json: String) = gsonDeserializerOf( fun update(context: Context?, scope: CoroutineScope) { fetch(Origin.Network.origin).untilNetwork(scope, IO) { favorites, _, _, _ -> FFACache.set(context, cacheId, Gson().toJson(cache(favorites)).toString()) } } }