package audio.funkwhale.ffa.fragments import android.os.Bundle import android.view.Gravity import android.view.View import androidx.appcompat.widget.PopupMenu import androidx.core.os.bundleOf import androidx.lifecycle.lifecycleScope import androidx.recyclerview.widget.RecyclerView import audio.funkwhale.ffa.R import audio.funkwhale.ffa.adapters.TracksAdapter import audio.funkwhale.ffa.repositories.FavoritedRepository import audio.funkwhale.ffa.repositories.FavoritesRepository import audio.funkwhale.ffa.repositories.TracksRepository import audio.funkwhale.ffa.utils.* import import com.preference.PowerPreference import com.squareup.picasso.Picasso import jp.wasabeef.picasso.transformations.RoundedCornersTransformation import* import kotlinx.coroutines.Dispatchers.IO import kotlinx.coroutines.Dispatchers.Main import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.collect import kotlinx.coroutines.launch import kotlinx.coroutines.withContext class TracksFragment : OtterFragment() { override val viewRes = R.layout.fragment_tracks override val recycler: RecyclerView get() = tracks lateinit var favoritesRepository: FavoritesRepository lateinit var favoritedRepository: FavoritedRepository private var albumId = 0 private var albumArtist = "" private var albumTitle = "" private var albumCover = "" companion object { fun new(album: Album): TracksFragment { return TracksFragment().apply { arguments = bundleOf( "albumId" to, "albumArtist" to, "albumTitle" to album.title, "albumCover" to album.cover() ) } } } override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState) arguments?.apply { albumId = getInt("albumId") albumArtist = getString("albumArtist") ?: "" albumTitle = getString("albumTitle") ?: "" albumCover = getString("albumCover") ?: "" } adapter = TracksAdapter(context, FavoriteListener()) repository = TracksRepository(context, albumId) favoritesRepository = FavoritesRepository(context) favoritedRepository = FavoritedRepository(context) watchEventBus() } override fun onViewCreated(view: View, savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { super.onViewCreated(view, savedInstanceState) Picasso.get() .maybeLoad(maybeNormalizeUrl(albumCover)) .noFade() .fit() .centerCrop() .transform(RoundedCornersTransformation(16, 0)) .into(cover) artist.text = albumArtist title.text = albumTitle } override fun onResume() { super.onResume() lifecycleScope.launch(Main) { RequestBus.send(Request.GetCurrentTrack).wait()?.let { response -> adapter.currentTrack = response.track adapter.notifyDataSetChanged() } refreshDownloadedTracks() } var coverHeight: Float? = null scroller.setOnScrollChangeListener { _: View?, _: Int, scrollY: Int, _: Int, _: Int -> if (coverHeight == null) { coverHeight = cover.measuredHeight.toFloat() } cover.translationY = (scrollY / 2).toFloat() coverHeight?.let { height -> cover.alpha = (height - scrollY.toFloat()) / height } } when (PowerPreference.getDefaultFile().getString("play_order")) { "in_order" -> play.text = getString(R.string.playback_play) else -> play.text = getString(R.string.playback_shuffle) } play.setOnClickListener { when (PowerPreference.getDefaultFile().getString("play_order")) { "in_order" -> CommandBus.send(Command.ReplaceQueue( else -> CommandBus.send(Command.ReplaceQueue( } context.toast("All tracks were added to your queue") } context?.let { context -> actions.setOnClickListener { PopupMenu(context, actions, Gravity.START, R.attr.actionOverflowMenuStyle, 0).apply { inflate( menu.findItem( { item -> when (PowerPreference.getDefaultFile().getString("play_order")) { "in_order" -> item.title = getString(R.string.playback_shuffle) else -> item.title = getString(R.string.playback_play) } } setOnMenuItemClickListener { when (it.itemId) { -> when (PowerPreference.getDefaultFile().getString("play_order")) { "in_order" -> CommandBus.send(Command.ReplaceQueue( else -> CommandBus.send(Command.ReplaceQueue( } -> { when (PowerPreference.getDefaultFile().getString("play_order")) { "in_order" -> CommandBus.send(Command.AddToQueue( else -> CommandBus.send(Command.AddToQueue( } context.toast("All tracks were added to your queue") } -> CommandBus.send(Command.PinTracks( } true } show() } } } } private fun watchEventBus() { lifecycleScope.launch(IO) { EventBus.get().collect { message -> when (message) { is Event.DownloadChanged -> refreshDownloadedTrack( } } } lifecycleScope.launch(Main) { CommandBus.get().collect { command -> when (command) { is Command.RefreshTrack -> refreshCurrentTrack(command.track) } } } } private suspend fun refreshDownloadedTracks() { val downloaded = TracksRepository.getDownloadedIds() ?: listOf() withContext(Main) { = { it.downloaded = downloaded.contains( it }.toMutableList() adapter.notifyDataSetChanged() } } private suspend fun refreshDownloadedTrack(download: Download) { if (download.state == Download.STATE_COMPLETED) { download.getMetadata()?.let { info -> { it.value to it.index }.filter { == }.toList().getOrNull(0)?.let { match -> withContext(Main) {[match.second].downloaded = true adapter.notifyItemChanged(match.second) } } } } } private fun refreshCurrentTrack(track: Track?) { track?.let { adapter.currentTrack?.current = false adapter.currentTrack = track.apply { current = true } adapter.notifyDataSetChanged() } } inner class FavoriteListener : TracksAdapter.OnFavoriteListener { override fun onToggleFavorite(id: Int, state: Boolean) { when (state) { true -> favoritesRepository.addFavorite(id) false -> favoritesRepository.deleteFavorite(id) } } } }