package audio.funkwhale.ffa.repositories import android.content.Context import audio.funkwhale.ffa.model.* import audio.funkwhale.ffa.utils.OAuth import audio.funkwhale.ffa.utils.Settings import audio.funkwhale.ffa.utils.authorize import audio.funkwhale.ffa.utils.mustNormalizeUrl import com.github.kittinunf.fuel.Fuel import com.github.kittinunf.fuel.coroutines.awaitByteArrayResponseResult import com.github.kittinunf.fuel.coroutines.awaitObjectResponseResult import com.github.kittinunf.fuel.gson.gsonDeserializerOf import import import kotlinx.coroutines.Dispatchers import kotlinx.coroutines.launch import import data class PlaylistAdd(val tracks: List, val allow_duplicates: Boolean) class PlaylistsRepository(override val context: Context?) : Repository() { override val cacheId = "tracks-playlists" private val oAuth: OAuth by inject( override val upstream = HttpUpstream>( context!!, HttpUpstream.Behavior.Progressive, "/api/v1/playlists/?playable=true&ordering=name", object : TypeToken() {}.type, oAuth ) override fun cache(data: List) = PlaylistsCache(data) override fun uncache(reader: BufferedReader) = gsonDeserializerOf( } class ManagementPlaylistsRepository(override val context: Context?) : Repository() { private val oAuth: OAuth by inject( override val cacheId = "tracks-playlists-management" override val upstream = HttpUpstream>( context, HttpUpstream.Behavior.AtOnce, "/api/v1/playlists/?scope=me&ordering=name", object : TypeToken() {}.type, oAuth ) override fun cache(data: List) = PlaylistsCache(data) override fun uncache(reader: BufferedReader) = gsonDeserializerOf( suspend fun new(name: String): Int? { context?.let { val body = mapOf("name" to name, "privacy_level" to "me") val request ="/api/v1/playlists/")).apply { if (!Settings.isAnonymous()) { authorize(context, oAuth) header("Authorization", "Bearer ${oAuth.state().accessToken}") } } val (_, response, result) = request .header("Content-Type", "application/json") .body(Gson().toJson(body)) .awaitObjectResponseResult(gsonDeserializerOf( if (response.statusCode != 201) return null return result.get().id } throw IllegalStateException("Illegal state: context is null") } fun add(id: Int, tracks: List) { if (context != null) { val body = PlaylistAdd( { }, false) val request ="/api/v1/playlists/$id/add/")).apply { if (!Settings.isAnonymous()) { authorize(context, oAuth) header("Authorization", "Bearer ${oAuth.state().accessToken}") } } scope.launch(Dispatchers.IO) { request .header("Content-Type", "application/json") .body(Gson().toJson(body)) .awaitByteArrayResponseResult() } } else { throw IllegalStateException("Illegal state: context is null") } } suspend fun remove(albumId: Int, index: Int) { context?.let { val body = mapOf("index" to index) val request ="/api/v1/playlists/$albumId/remove/")).apply { if (!Settings.isAnonymous()) { authorize(context, oAuth) header("Authorization", "Bearer ${oAuth.state().accessToken}") } } request .header("Content-Type", "application/json") .body(Gson().toJson(body)) .awaitByteArrayResponseResult() } throw IllegalStateException("Illegal state: context is null") } fun move(id: Int, from: Int, to: Int) { context?.let { val body = mapOf("from" to from, "to" to to) val request ="/api/v1/playlists/$id/move/")).apply { if (!Settings.isAnonymous()) { authorize(context, oAuth) header("Authorization", "Bearer ${oAuth.state().accessToken}") } } scope.launch(Dispatchers.IO) { request .header("Content-Type", "application/json") .body(Gson().toJson(body)) .awaitByteArrayResponseResult() } } throw IllegalStateException("Illegal state: context is null") } }