Update build tools path.

Gradle now fetches command line tools 30.0.3.
This commit is contained in:
Hugh Daschbach 2023-12-14 22:14:31 -08:00
parent b27e4c85ee
commit 01c676acd8
1 changed files with 1 additions and 1 deletions

View File

@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ cache: &global_cache
- git fetch --unshallow --tags
- export versionCode=`$ANDROID_HOME/build-tools/30.0.2/aapt dump badging $apk_file | grep versionCode | awk '{print $3}' | sed s/versionCode=//g | sed s/\'//g`
- export versionCode=`$ANDROID_HOME/build-tools/30.0.3/aapt dump badging $apk_file | grep versionCode | awk '{print $3}' | sed s/versionCode=//g | sed s/\'//g`
- apt update && apt install gettext-base
- cat $metadata_template | envsubst > $metadata_file
extends: .gradle-default