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Raw Normal View History

package audio.funkwhale.ffa.utils
import android.content.Context
import android.transition.CircularPropagation
import android.util.Log
import androidx.swiperefreshlayout.widget.CircularProgressDrawable
import audio.funkwhale.ffa.BuildConfig
import audio.funkwhale.ffa.R
import com.squareup.picasso.Downloader
import com.squareup.picasso.NetworkPolicy
import com.squareup.picasso.OkHttp3Downloader
import com.squareup.picasso.Picasso
import com.squareup.picasso.Picasso.LoadedFrom
import com.squareup.picasso.Request
import com.squareup.picasso.RequestCreator
import com.squareup.picasso.RequestHandler
import okhttp3.CacheControl
import okhttp3.HttpUrl
import okhttp3.OkHttpClient
import okio.Okio
* Represent bytes as hex values.
fun ByteArray.toHex(): String = joinToString("") { b -> "%02x".format(b) }
* Convert the string to its SHA-256 hash in hex format.
fun String.sha256(): String =
let { MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-256").digest(it.encodeToByteArray()).toHex() }
* Remove the query string and fragment from a URI.
* Mostly, this is to get rid of pre-signed URL silliness.
* If we ever need to keep some query params, we'll need a more robust approach.
fun Uri.asStableKey(): String = buildUpon().clearQuery().fragment("").build().toString()
* Try to extract a file suffix from the URI. This isn't strictly
* necessary, but it can make debugging easier when you're going through
* the app cache with a filesystem browser.
fun Uri.fileSuffix(): String = let {
val p = it.path
val ext = p?.substringAfterLast(".", "")?.lowercase() ?: ""
if (ext == "") ext else ".$ext"
* Wrapper around Picasso with some smarter caching of image files.
open class CoverArt private constructor() {
companion object {
// For logging
val TAG: String =
// This is just a nice-to-have for API admins
private const val userAgent =
"${BuildConfig.APPLICATION_ID} ${BuildConfig.VERSION_NAME} (${BuildConfig.VERSION_CODE})"
// This client has the UA above, and has caching intentionally disabled.
// (Because we cache the images ourselves and cannot rely on replaying requests.)
private var httpClient: OkHttpClient? = null
// Same: this has caching disabled.
private var downloader: OkHttp3Downloader? = null
// Cache with some useful concurrency semantics. See its docs for details.
val fileCache = Bottleneck<File>()
* We don't need to hang onto the Context, just the Path it gets us.
fun cacheDirForContext(context: Context): File {
return context.applicationContext.cacheDir.resolve("covers")
* Shim for Picasso which acts like a NetworkRequestHandler, but is opinionated
* about how we want to use it.
open class CoverNetworkRequestHandler(context: Context) : RequestHandler() {
* Path to the actual cache directory.
val coverCacheDir: File
* This goes out with every request and never changes.
val noCacheControl: CacheControl = CacheControl.Builder()
init {
coverCacheDir = cacheDirForContext(context)
// Make the cache directory if it doesn't already exist.
if (!coverCacheDir.isDirectory) {
* The primary logic of going from a Request to a usable File.
* tl;dr: Use a local file if you can, otherwise download it and use that.
private fun materializeFile(request: Request): (String) -> File? {
return fun(fileName: String): File? {
val existing = coverCacheDir.resolve(fileName)
if (existing.isFile) {
return existing
val key = request.stableKey ?: request.uri.asStableKey()
val httpUrl = HttpUrl.parse(request.uri.toString()) ?: return null
return fetchToFile(httpUrl, fileName, key)
* Required by Picasso, we only want to handle HTTP traffic.
override fun canHandleRequest(data: Request?): Boolean {
return data != null && ("http" == data.uri.scheme || "https" == data.uri.scheme)
* Required by Picasso, this is the main entrypoint.
override fun load(request: Request?, networkPolicy: Int): Result? {
if (request == null || !NetworkPolicy.shouldReadFromDiskCache(networkPolicy)) {
return null
// Ditch any query params.
val key = request.stableKey ?: request.uri.asStableKey()
// Convert to a short, stable filename.
val fileName =
key.sha256() + request.uri.fileSuffix() // file extension for easier forensics
// Actually find or fetch the file.
val file = fileCache.getOrCompute(fileName, materializeFile(request))
// Hand it back to Picasso in a way it can understand.
return if (file == null) null else Result(Okio.source(file), LoadedFrom.DISK)
* The actual fetch logic is straightforward: download to a file.
* Sadly, this is more manual than you might expect.
private fun fetchToFile(httpUrl: HttpUrl, fileName: String, cacheKey: String): File? {
val httpRequest = okhttp3.Request.Builder()
val response = nonCachingDownloader().load(httpRequest)
if (!response.isSuccessful) {
return null
val body = response.body() ?: return null
val file = coverCacheDir.resolve(fileName)
if (BuildConfig.DEBUG) {
Log.d(TAG, "fetchToFile($cacheKey) <- $fileName <- NETWORK")
val bytesWritten: Long
body.use { b ->
Okio.buffer(Okio.sink(file)).use { sink ->
bytesWritten = sink.writeAll(b.source())
return if (bytesWritten > 0) file else null
* Picasso can send back notification that files are busted.
* In those cases, it could be a transient problem, or credentials, etc.
* We probably don't want to trust the file, so we invalidate it
* from the memory cache and delete it from the filesystem.
* This uses Bottleneck, so it's thread-safe.
fun invalidateIn(context: Context): (Picasso, Uri, Exception) -> Unit {
val coverCacheDir = cacheDirForContext(context)
return fun(_, uri: Uri, _) {
val key = uri.asStableKey()
val fileName = key.sha256() + uri.fileSuffix()
fileCache.remove(fileName) { f, _ ->
val file = f ?: coverCacheDir.resolve(fileName)
if (file.isFile) {
if (BuildConfig.DEBUG) {
Log.d(TAG, "Deleting failed cover: $file")
* Low-level Picasso wiring.
private fun buildPicasso(context: Context) = Picasso.Builder(context)
// The bulk of the work happens here
// Be careful with this. There's at least one place in Picasso where it
// doesn't null-check when logging, so it'll throw errors in places you
// wouldn't get them with logging turned off. /sigh
.loggingEnabled(false) // (BuildConfig.DEBUG)
// Occasionally, we may get transient HTTP issues, or bogus files.
// Listen for Picasso errors and invalidate those files
* We don't want to cache the HTTP part of the flow, because:
* 1. It's double-caching, since we're saving the images already.
* 2. The URL may include pre-signed credentials, which expire, making the URL useless.
protected fun nonCachingDownloader(): Downloader {
val downloader = this.downloader ?: OkHttp3Downloader(nonCachingHttpClient())
if (this.downloader == null) {
this.downloader = downloader
return downloader
* Same here: build a non-caching version just for cover art.
protected fun nonCachingHttpClient(): OkHttpClient {
val hc = httpClient ?: OkHttpClient.Builder()
.addInterceptor { chain ->
.addHeader("User-Agent", userAgent)
.cache(null) // No cache here, intentionally
if (httpClient == null) {
httpClient = hc
return hc
* The primary entrypoint for the codebase.
fun withContext(context: Context, url: String?): RequestCreator {
val request = buildPicasso(context).load(url)
if(url == null) request.placeholder(R.drawable.cover)
else request.placeholder(CircularProgressDrawable(context))
return request.error(R.drawable.cover)