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package audio.funkwhale.ffa.utils
import java.lang.ref.WeakReference
import java.util.WeakHashMap
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap
* Similar to a Map, but with the semantic that operations single-thread on a per-key basis.
* That is: given concurrent accesses to keys "apple" and "banana", one "apple" thread
* will block all other "apple" threads, but not any "banana" threads.
* In practical terms, we use this to make sure we don't get weird edge cases when working
* with the filesystem cache.
class Bottleneck<T> {
// It would be nice to use LruCache here, but its behavior of
// replacing values doesn't get us the right results.
// As it is, this should be a trivial amount of memory compared to
// images and media.
// We single-thread this, so it doesn't need to be concurrent.
private val keys = WeakHashMap<String, String>()
// This one needs to be concurrent, as we don't want to single-thread it.
private val values = ConcurrentHashMap<String, WeakReference<T>>()
* As you would expect from the Map function of the same name, except concurrent
* accesses to the same key will block on each other. If the first call succeeds,
* all other calls will fall through with the same result. (Unlike LRUCache.)
fun getOrCompute(key: String, materialize: (key: String) -> T?): T? {
// First, get the lockable version of the key, no matter how
// many copies of the key exist.
// This map doesn't need to be a synchronized collection, because
// we single-thread access to it. (And there's no compute, so
// it should be low-contention.)
val sharedKey: String = canonical(key)
synchronized(sharedKey) {
val ref = values[sharedKey]
var value = ref?.get()
if (value == null) {
if (ref != null) {
values.remove(sharedKey) // empty ref
value = materialize(sharedKey)
if (value != null) {
values[sharedKey] = WeakReference(value)
return value
* The beating heart of this system: each key is is "upgraded" to
* the one which we use for locking. This does mean we block on
* access to `keys` for all concurrent access, but as it's so light-
* weight, this shouldn't be much of a problem in practical terms.
* The hope here is that this is slightly better than interning.
* In theory we could convert this over to also use WeakReference.
private fun canonical(key: String): String {
val sharedKey: String
synchronized(keys) {
val maybeShared = keys[key]
if (maybeShared == null) {
keys[key] = key // first key of its value becomes canonical
sharedKey = key
} else {
sharedKey = maybeShared
return sharedKey
* Invalidate a key and run the supplied bi-consumer with the old value.
* Note that this will <em>always</em> run the supplied block, even if
* the value is not in the cache.
fun remove(key: String, andDo: ((T?, String) -> Unit)?) {
val sharedKey = canonical(key)
synchronized(sharedKey) {
val oldValue = values.remove(sharedKey)
if (andDo != null) {
andDo(oldValue?.get(), sharedKey)