package com.github.apognu.otter.fragments import android.os.Bundle import android.view.View import androidx.core.os.bundleOf import androidx.recyclerview.widget.RecyclerView import com.github.apognu.otter.R import com.github.apognu.otter.adapters.TracksAdapter import com.github.apognu.otter.repositories.FavoritesRepository import com.github.apognu.otter.repositories.TracksRepository import com.github.apognu.otter.utils.* import com.squareup.picasso.Picasso import* import kotlinx.coroutines.Dispatchers.Main import kotlinx.coroutines.GlobalScope import kotlinx.coroutines.launch class TracksFragment : FunkwhaleFragment() { override val viewRes = R.layout.fragment_tracks override val recycler: RecyclerView get() = tracks lateinit var favoritesRepository: FavoritesRepository var albumId = 0 var albumArtist = "" var albumTitle = "" var albumCover = "" companion object { fun new(album: Album): TracksFragment { return TracksFragment().apply { arguments = bundleOf( "albumId" to, "albumArtist" to, "albumTitle" to album.title, "albumCover" to album.cover.original ) } } } override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState) arguments?.apply { albumId = getInt("albumId") albumArtist = getString("albumArtist") ?: "" albumTitle = getString("albumTitle") ?: "" albumCover = getString("albumCover") ?: "" } adapter = TracksAdapter(context, FavoriteListener()) repository = TracksRepository(context, albumId) favoritesRepository = FavoritesRepository(context) watchEventBus() } override fun onViewCreated(view: View, savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { super.onViewCreated(view, savedInstanceState) Picasso.get() .load(albumCover) .noFade() .fit() .centerCrop() .into(cover) artist.text = albumArtist title.text = albumTitle } override fun onResume() { super.onResume() GlobalScope.launch(Main) { RequestBus.send(Request.GetCurrentTrack).wait()?.let { response -> adapter.currentTrack = response.track adapter.notifyDataSetChanged() } } play.setOnClickListener { CommandBus.send(Command.ReplaceQueue( context.toast("All tracks were added to your queue") } queue.setOnClickListener { CommandBus.send(Command.AddToQueue( context.toast("All tracks were added to your queue") } } private fun watchEventBus() { GlobalScope.launch(Main) { for (message in EventBus.asChannel()) { when (message) { is Event.TrackPlayed -> { GlobalScope.launch(Main) { RequestBus.send(Request.GetCurrentTrack).wait()?.let { response -> adapter.currentTrack = response.track adapter.notifyDataSetChanged() } } } } } } } inner class FavoriteListener : TracksAdapter.OnFavoriteListener { override fun onToggleFavorite(id: Int, state: Boolean) { when (state) { true -> favoritesRepository.addFavorite(id) false -> favoritesRepository.deleteFavorite(id) } } } }