use crate::{api::*, ui::title, State}; use gtk::*; use std::{cell::RefCell, rc::Rc}; pub fn render(state: State) -> gtk::Box { let cont = gtk::Box::new(Orientation::Vertical, 24); cont.set_halign(Align::Center); cont.set_valign(Align::Center); cont.set_size_request(300, -1); let title = title("Login"); let instance = Input::new("Instance URL").with_placeholder(""); let username = Input::new("Username"); let password = Input::new_password("Password"); let login_bt = Button::new_with_label("Login"); if let Some(c) = login_bt.get_style_context() { c.add_class("suggested-action") } login_bt.set_margin_bottom(48); let widgets = Rc::new(RefCell::new((instance, username, password))); login_bt.connect_clicked(clone!(state, widgets => move |_| { let mut api_ctx = crate::api::API.lock().unwrap(); let mut instance_url = widgets.borrow().0.get_text().unwrap().trim_end_matches('/').to_string(); if !(instance_url.starts_with("http://") || instance_url.starts_with("https://")) { instance_url = format!("https://{}", instance_url) } *api_ctx = Some(RequestContext::new( instance_url )); let state = state.clone(); wait!(execute(api_ctx.as_ref().unwrap().post("/api/v1/token/").json(&LoginData { username: widgets.borrow().1.get_text().unwrap(), password: widgets.borrow().2.get_text().unwrap(), })) => |res| { let res: Result = res.json(); match res { Err(_) => crate::show_error(state.clone(), "Somehting went wrong, check your username and password, and the URL of your instance."), Ok(res) => { if let Some(ref mut client) = *crate::api::API.lock().unwrap() { client.auth(res.token); } let state = state.borrow(); state.error.set_revealed(false); state.stack.add_titled(&crate::ui::main_page::render( state.window.clone(), &state.header, &{ let s = StackSwitcher::new(); s.set_stack(&state.stack); s } ), "main", "Search Music"); state.stack.set_visible_child_name("main"); state.stack.add_titled(&*crate::ui::dl_list::render().borrow(), "downloads", "Downloads"); state.stack.remove(&state.stack.get_child_by_name("login").unwrap()); // To avoid having a "Login" tab in the header state.stack.show_all(); } } }); })); { let (ref instance, ref username, ref password) = *widgets.borrow(); cont.add(&title); cont.add(&instance.render()); cont.add(&username.render()); cont.add(&password.render()); cont.add(&login_bt); } widgets .borrow() .0 .entry .connect_activate(clone!(widgets => move |_| { widgets.borrow().1.entry.grab_focus(); })); widgets .borrow() .1 .entry .connect_activate(clone!(widgets => move |_| { widgets.borrow().2.entry.grab_focus(); })); widgets.borrow().2.entry.connect_activate(move |_| { login_bt.clicked(); }); cont.show_all(); cont } struct Input<'a> { label: &'a str, entry: gtk::Entry, } impl<'a> Input<'a> { fn new(text: &'a str) -> Input { let entry = gtk::Entry::new(); Input { label: text, entry } } fn new_password(text: &'a str) -> Input { let input = Input::new(text); input.entry.set_visibility(false); input } fn with_placeholder(self, ph: &'a str) -> Input { self.entry.set_placeholder_text(ph); self } fn get_text(&self) -> Option { self.entry.get_text() } fn render(&self) -> gtk::Box { let label = gtk::Label::new(self.label); label.set_halign(Align::Start); let cont = gtk::Box::new(gtk::Orientation::Vertical, 6); cont.add(&label); cont.add(&self.entry); cont } }