use crate::{api, ui::network_image::NetworkImage, DlStatus, Download}; use gtk::*; use std::{cell::RefCell, rc::Rc, sync::mpsc::channel, thread}; pub fn render(model: T) -> Rc> where T: CardModel + 'static, { let card = Grid::new(); card.set_column_spacing(12); card.set_valign(Align::Start); if let Some(url) = model.image_url() { let img = NetworkImage::new(url); card.attach(&*img.img.borrow(), 0, 0, 1, 2); } let main_text = Label::new(model.text().as_ref()); if let Some(c) = main_text.get_style_context() { c.add_class("h3") } main_text.set_hexpand(true); main_text.set_halign(Align::Start); let sub_text = Label::new(model.subtext().as_ref()); if let Some(c) = sub_text.get_style_context() { c.add_class("dim-label") } sub_text.set_hexpand(true); sub_text.set_halign(Align::Start); rc!(card); if let Some(dl) = model.download_status() { match dl.status { DlStatus::Done => { let open_bt = Button::new_with_label("Play"); open_bt.set_valign(Align::Center); open_bt.set_vexpand(true); if let Some(c) = open_bt.get_style_context() { c.add_class("suggested-action") } let out = dl.output.clone(); open_bt.connect_clicked(move |_| { open::that(out.clone()).unwrap(); println!("opened file"); }); card.borrow().attach(&open_bt, 3, 0, 1, 2); let open_bt = Button::new_with_label("View File"); open_bt.set_valign(Align::Center); open_bt.set_vexpand(true); let out = dl.output; open_bt.connect_clicked(move |_| { open::that(&(*out.parent().unwrap())).unwrap(); println!("opened folder"); }); card.borrow().attach(&open_bt, 2, 0, 1, 2); } DlStatus::Planned | DlStatus::Started => { let cancel_bt = Button::new_with_label("Cancel"); cancel_bt.set_valign(Align::Center); cancel_bt.set_vexpand(true); if let Some(c) = cancel_bt.get_style_context() { c.add_class("destructive-action") } let track_id =; cancel_bt.connect_clicked(move |_| { let mut dls = crate::DOWNLOADS.lock().unwrap(); let dl = dls.get_mut(&track_id).unwrap(); dl.status = DlStatus::Cancelled; println!("Cancelled"); }); card.borrow().attach(&cancel_bt, 3, 0, 1, 2); if dl.status == DlStatus::Planned { sub_text.set_text(format!("{} — Waiting to download", model.subtext()).as_ref()); } else { sub_text.set_text(format!("{} — Download in progress", model.subtext()).as_ref()); } } DlStatus::Cancelled => { sub_text.set_text(format!("{} — Cancelled", model.subtext()).as_ref()); } } } else { let dl_bt = Button::new_with_label("Download"); dl_bt.set_valign(Align::Center); dl_bt.set_vexpand(true); if let Some(c) = dl_bt.get_style_context() { c.add_class("suggested-action") } rc!(dl_bt); { clone!(dl_bt, card); wait!({ // Fetch the list of files to download let (tx, rx) = channel(); thread::spawn(move || { let dl_list = model.downloads(); tx.send(dl_list).unwrap(); }); rx } => | const dl_list | { let dl_bt = dl_bt.borrow(); if dl_list.is_empty() { // Nothing to download dl_bt.set_label("Not available"); dl_bt.set_sensitive(false); } else { clone!(dl_list); dl_bt.connect_clicked(move |_| { for dl in dl_list.clone() { let mut dls = crate::DOWNLOADS.lock().unwrap(); dls.insert(, dl.clone()); crate::DL_JOBS.execute(dl); } }); } if dl_list.len() > 1 { // Not only one song let more_bt = Button::new_with_label("Details"); more_bt.set_valign(Align::Center); more_bt.set_vexpand(true); card.borrow().attach(&more_bt, 2, 0, 1, 2); } }); } card.borrow().attach(&*dl_bt.borrow(), 3, 0, 1, 2); } { let card = card.borrow(); card.attach(&main_text, 1, 0, 1, 1); card.attach(&sub_text, 1, 1, 1, 1); } card } pub trait CardModel: Clone + Send + Sync { fn text(&self) -> String; fn subtext(&self) -> String { String::new() } fn image_url(&self) -> Option { None } fn downloads(&self) -> Vec; fn download_status(&self) -> Option { None } } impl CardModel for api::Artist { fn text(&self) -> String { } fn subtext(&self) -> String { format!("{} albums", self.albums.clone().unwrap().len()) } fn image_url(&self) -> Option { self .albums .clone()? .iter() .next() .and_then(|album| album.cover.medium_square_crop.clone()) } fn downloads(&self) -> Vec { let mut dls = vec![]; for album in self.albums.clone().unwrap_or_default() { let album: api::Album = client!() .get(&format!("/api/v1/albums/{}/", .send() .unwrap() .json() .unwrap(); for track in album.clone().tracks.unwrap_or_default() { dls.push(Download { url: track.listen_url.clone(), output: dirs::audio_dir() .unwrap() .join( .join(album.title.clone()) .join(format!("{}.mp3", track.title.clone())), status: DlStatus::Planned, track: track.clone().into_full(&album), }); } } dls } } impl CardModel for api::Album { fn text(&self) -> String { self.title.clone() } fn subtext(&self) -> String { format!( "{} tracks, by {}", self.tracks.clone().map(|t| t.len()).unwrap_or_default(), ) } fn image_url(&self) -> Option { self.cover.medium_square_crop.clone() } fn downloads(&self) -> Vec { self .tracks .clone() .unwrap_or_default() .iter() .map(|track| Download { url: track.listen_url.clone(), output: dirs::audio_dir() .unwrap() .join( .join(self.title.clone()) .join(format!("{}.mp3", track.title.clone())), status: DlStatus::Planned, track: track.clone().into_full(&self), }) .collect() } } impl CardModel for api::Track { fn text(&self) -> String { self.title.clone() } fn subtext(&self) -> String { format!("By {}, in {}",, self.album.title) } fn image_url(&self) -> Option { self.album.cover.medium_square_crop.clone() } fn downloads(&self) -> Vec { vec![Download { url: self.listen_url.clone(), output: dirs::audio_dir() .unwrap() .join( .join(self.album.title.clone()) .join(format!("{}.mp3", self.title.clone())), status: DlStatus::Planned, track: self.clone(), }] } fn download_status(&self) -> Option { crate::DOWNLOADS.lock().ok()?.get(& } }