#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Module: main # Author: G.Breant # Created on: 14 January 2017 # License: GPL v.3 https://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html import xbmcvfs import os import xbmcaddon import xbmcplugin import xbmcgui import json import shutil import time import dateutil.parser from datetime import datetime from collections import MutableMapping, namedtuple # Add the /lib folder to sys sys.path.append(xbmcvfs.translatePath(os.path.join(xbmcaddon.Addon("plugin.audio.subsonic").getAddonInfo("path"), "lib"))) import libsonic#Removed libsonic_extra from simpleplugin import Plugin from simpleplugin import Addon # Create plugin instance plugin = Plugin() # initialize_gettext #_ = plugin.initialize_gettext() connection = None cachetime = int(Addon().get_setting('cachetime')) local_starred = set({}) plugin.log("This is where the local_stars are cleared") ListContext = namedtuple('ListContext', ['listing', 'succeeded','update_listing', 'cache_to_disk','sort_methods', 'view_mode','content', 'category']) PlayContext = namedtuple('PlayContext', ['path', 'play_item', 'succeeded']) def popup(text, time=5000, image=None): title = plugin.addon.getAddonInfo('name') icon = plugin.addon.getAddonInfo('icon') xbmc.executebuiltin('Notification(%s, %s, %d, %s)' % (title, text, time, icon)) def get_connection(): global connection if connection==None: connected = False # Create connection if 1:#try: connection = libsonic.Connection( baseUrl=Addon().get_setting('subsonic_url'), username=Addon().get_setting('username', convert=False), password=Addon().get_setting('password', convert=False), port=Addon().get_setting('port'), apiVersion=Addon().get_setting('apiversion'), insecure=Addon().get_setting('insecure'), legacyAuth=Addon().get_setting('legacyauth'), useGET=Addon().get_setting('useget'), ) connected = connection.ping() #except: # pass if connected==False: popup('Connection error') return False return connection @plugin.action() def root(params): # get connection connection = get_connection() if connection==False: return listing = [] menus = { 'folders': { 'name': Addon().get_localized_string(30038), 'callback': 'browse_folders', 'thumb': None }, 'library': { 'name': Addon().get_localized_string(30019), 'callback': 'browse_library', 'thumb': None }, 'albums': { 'name': Addon().get_localized_string(30020), 'callback': 'menu_albums', 'thumb': None }, 'tracks': { 'name': Addon().get_localized_string(30021), 'callback': 'menu_tracks', 'thumb': None }, 'playlists': { 'name': Addon().get_localized_string(30022), 'callback': 'list_playlists', 'thumb': None }, 'search': { 'name': Addon().get_localized_string(30039), 'callback': 'search', 'thumb': None }, } # Iterate through categories for mid in menus: # image if 'thumb' in menus[mid]: thumb = menus[mid]['thumb'] listing.append({ 'label': menus[mid]['name'], 'thumb': thumb, # Item thumbnail 'fanart': thumb, # Item thumbnail 'url': plugin.get_url( action=menus[mid]['callback'], menu_id=mid ) }) # Item label add_directory_items(create_listing( listing, #succeeded = True, #if False Kodi won’t open a new listing and stays on the current level. #update_listing = False, #if True, Kodi won’t open a sub-listing but refresh the current one. #cache_to_disk = True, #cache this view to disk. sort_methods = None, #he list of integer constants representing virtual folder sort methods. #view_mode = None, #a numeric code for a skin view mode. View mode codes are different in different skins except for 50 (basic listing). #content = None #string - current plugin content, e.g. ‘movies’ or ‘episodes’. )) @plugin.action() def menu_albums(params): # get connection connection = get_connection() if connection==False: return listing = [] menus = { 'albums_newest': { 'name': Addon().get_localized_string(30023), 'thumb': None, 'args': {"ltype": "newest"} }, 'albums_frequent': { 'name': Addon().get_localized_string(30024), 'thumb': None, 'args': {"ltype": "frequent"} }, 'albums_recent': { 'name': Addon().get_localized_string(30025), 'thumb': None, 'args': {"ltype": "recent"} }, 'albums_random': { 'name': Addon().get_localized_string(30026), 'thumb': None, 'args': {"ltype": "random"} } } # Iterate through categories for menu_id in menus: menu = menus.get(menu_id) # image if 'thumb' in menu: thumb = menu.get('thumb') listing.append({ 'label': menu.get('name'), 'thumb': menu.get('thumb'), # Item thumbnail 'fanart': menu.get('thumb'), # Item thumbnail 'url': plugin.get_url( action= 'list_albums', page= 1, query_args= json.dumps(menu.get('args')), menu_id= menu_id ) }) # Item label add_directory_items(create_listing( listing, #succeeded = True, #if False Kodi won’t open a new listing and stays on the current level. #update_listing = False, #if True, Kodi won’t open a sub-listing but refresh the current one. #cache_to_disk = True, #cache this view to disk. #sort_methods = None, #he list of integer constants representing virtual folder sort methods. #view_mode = None, #a numeric code for a skin view mode. View mode codes are different in different skins except for 50 (basic listing). #content = None #string - current plugin content, e.g. ‘movies’ or ‘episodes’. )) @plugin.action() def menu_tracks(params): # get connection connection = get_connection() if connection==False: return listing = [] menus = { 'tracks_starred': { 'name': Addon().get_localized_string(30036), 'thumb': None }, 'tracks_random': { 'name': Addon().get_localized_string(30037), 'thumb': None } } # Iterate through categories for menu_id in menus: menu = menus.get(menu_id) # image if 'thumb' in menu: thumb = menu.get('thumb') listing.append({ 'label': menu.get('name'), 'thumb': menu.get('thumb'), # Item thumbnail 'fanart': menu.get('thumb'), # Item thumbnail 'url': plugin.get_url( action= 'list_tracks', menu_id= menu_id ) }) # Item label add_directory_items(create_listing( listing, #succeeded = True, #if False Kodi won’t open a new listing and stays on the current level. #update_listing = False, #if True, Kodi won’t open a sub-listing but refresh the current one. #cache_to_disk = True, #cache this view to disk. #sort_methods = None, #he list of integer constants representing virtual folder sort methods. #view_mode = None, #a numeric code for a skin view mode. View mode codes are different in different skins except for 50 (basic listing). #content = None #string - current plugin content, e.g. ‘movies’ or ‘episodes’. )) @plugin.action() #@plugin.cached(cachetime) # cache (in minutes) def browse_folders(params): # get connection connection = get_connection() if connection==False: return listing = [] # Get items items = walk_folders() # Iterate through items for item in items: entry = { 'label': item.get('name'), 'url': plugin.get_url( action= 'browse_indexes', folder_id= item.get('id'), menu_id= params.get('menu_id') ) } listing.append(entry) if len(listing) == 1: plugin.log('One single Media Folder found; do return listing from browse_indexes()...') return browse_indexes(params) else: add_directory_items(create_listing(listing)) @plugin.action() #@plugin.cached(cachetime) # cache (in minutes) def browse_indexes(params): # get connection connection = get_connection() if connection==False: return listing = [] # Get items # optional folder ID folder_id = params.get('folder_id') items = walk_index(folder_id) # Iterate through items for item in items: entry = { 'label': item.get('name'), 'url': plugin.get_url( action= 'list_directory', id= item.get('id'), menu_id= params.get('menu_id') ) } listing.append(entry) add_directory_items(create_listing( listing )) @plugin.action() #@plugin.cached(cachetime) # cache (in minutes) def list_directory(params): # get connection connection = get_connection() if connection==False: return listing = [] # Get items id = params.get('id') items = walk_directory(id) # Iterate through items for item in items: #is a directory if (item.get('isDir')==True): entry = { 'label': item.get('title'), 'url': plugin.get_url( action= 'list_directory', id= item.get('id'), menu_id= params.get('menu_id') ) } else: entry = get_entry_track(item,params) listing.append(entry) add_directory_items(create_listing( listing )) @plugin.action() #@plugin.cached(cachetime) # cache (in minutes) def browse_library(params): """ List artists from the library (ID3 tags) """ # get connection connection = get_connection() if connection==False: return listing = [] # Get items items = walk_artists() # Iterate through items for item in items: entry = get_entry_artist(item,params) #context menu actions context_actions = [] if can_star('artist',item.get('id')): action_star = context_action_star('artist',item.get('id')) context_actions.append(action_star) if len(context_actions) > 0: entry['context_menu'] = context_actions listing.append(entry) add_directory_items(create_listing( listing, #succeeded = True, #if False Kodi won’t open a new listing and stays on the current level. #update_listing = False, #if True, Kodi won’t open a sub-listing but refresh the current one. cache_to_disk = True, #cache this view to disk. sort_methods = get_sort_methods('artists',params), #he list of integer constants representing virtual folder sort methods. #view_mode = None, #a numeric code for a skin view mode. View mode codes are different in different skins except for 50 (basic listing). content = 'artists' #string - current plugin content, e.g. ‘movies’ or ‘episodes’. )) @plugin.action() #@plugin.cached(cachetime) #cache (in minutes) def list_albums(params): """ List albums from the library (ID3 tags) """ listing = [] # get connection connection = get_connection() if connection==False: return #query query_args = {} try: query_args_json = params['query_args'] query_args = json.loads(query_args_json) except: pass #size albums_per_page = int(Addon().get_setting('albums_per_page')) query_args["size"] = albums_per_page #offset offset = int(params.get('page',1)) - 1; if offset > 0: query_args["offset"] = offset * albums_per_page #debug query_args_json = json.dumps(query_args) plugin.log('list_albums with args:' + query_args_json); #Get items if 'artist_id' in params: generator = walk_artist(params.get('artist_id')) else: generator = walk_albums(**query_args) #make a list out of the generator so we can iterate it several times items = list(generator) #check if there==only one artist for this album (and then hide it) artists = [item.get('artist',None) for item in items] if len(artists) <= 1: params['hide_artist'] = True # Iterate through items for item in items: album = get_entry_album(item, params) listing.append(album) # Root menu link_root = navigate_root() listing.append(link_root) if not 'artist_id' in params: # Pagination if we've not reached the end of the lsit # if type(items) != type(True): TO FIX link_next = navigate_next(params) listing.append(link_next) add_directory_items(create_listing( listing, #succeeded = True, #if False Kodi won’t open a new listing and stays on the current level. #update_listing = False, #if True, Kodi won’t open a sub-listing but refresh the current one. cache_to_disk = True, #cache this view to disk. sort_methods = get_sort_methods('albums',params), #view_mode = None, #a numeric code for a skin view mode. View mode codes are different in different skins except for 50 (basic listing). content = 'albums' #string - current plugin content, e.g. ‘movies’ or ‘episodes’. )) @plugin.action() #@plugin.cached(cachetime) #cache (in minutes) def list_tracks(params): menu_id = params.get('menu_id') listing = [] #query query_args = {} try: query_args_json = params['query_args'] query_args = json.loads(query_args_json) except: pass #size tracks_per_page = int(Addon().get_setting('tracks_per_page')) query_args["size"] = tracks_per_page #offset offset = int(params.get('page',1)) - 1; if offset > 0: query_args["offset"] = offset * tracks_per_page #debug query_args_json = json.dumps(query_args) plugin.log('list_tracks with args:' + query_args_json); # get connection connection = get_connection() if connection==False: return # Album if 'album_id' in params: generator = walk_album(params['album_id']) # Playlist elif 'playlist_id' in params: generator = walk_playlist(params['playlist_id']) #TO FIX #tracknumber = 0 #for item in items: # tracknumber += 1 # items[item]['tracknumber'] = tracknumber # Starred elif menu_id == 'tracks_starred': generator = walk_tracks_starred() # Random elif menu_id == 'tracks_random': generator = walk_tracks_random(**query_args) # Filters #else: #TO WORK #make a list out of the generator so we can iterate it several times items = list(generator) #check if there==only one artist for this album (and then hide it) artists = [item.get('artist',None) for item in items] if len(artists) <= 1: params['hide_artist'] = True #update stars if menu_id == 'tracks_starred': ids_list = [item.get('id') for item in items] #stars_local_update(ids_list) cache_refresh(True) # Iterate through items key = 0; for item in items: track = get_entry_track(item,params) listing.append(track) key +=1 # Root menu #link_root = navigate_root() #listing.append(link_root) # Pagination if we've not reached the end of the lsit # if type(items) != type(True): TO FIX #link_next = navigate_next(params) #listing.append(link_next) add_directory_items(create_listing( listing, #succeeded = True, #if False Kodi won’t open a new listing and stays on the current level. #update_listing = False, #if True, Kodi won’t open a sub-listing but refresh the current one. #cache_to_disk = True, #cache this view to disk. sort_methods= get_sort_methods('tracks',params), #view_mode = None, #a numeric code for a skin view mode. View mode codes are different in different skins except for 50 (basic listing). content = 'songs' #string - current plugin content, e.g. ‘movies’ or ‘episodes’. )) #stars (persistent) cache==used to know what context action (star/unstar) we should display. #run this function every time we get starred items. #ids can be a single ID or a list #using a set makes sure that IDs will be unique. @plugin.action() #@plugin.cached(cachetime) #cache (in minutes) def list_playlists(params): # get connection connection = get_connection() if connection==False: return listing = [] # Get items items = walk_playlists() # Iterate through items for item in items: entry = get_entry_playlist(item,params) listing.append(entry) add_directory_items(create_listing( listing, #succeeded = True, #if False Kodi won’t open a new listing and stays on the current level. #update_listing = False, #if True, Kodi won’t open a sub-listing but refresh the current one. #cache_to_disk = True, #cache this view to disk. sort_methods = get_sort_methods('playlists',params), #he list of integer constants representing virtual folder sort methods. #view_mode = None, #a numeric code for a skin view mode. View mode codes are different in different skins except for 50 (basic listing). #content = None #string - current plugin content, e.g. ‘movies’ or ‘episodes’. )) @plugin.action() #@plugin.cached(cachetime) #cache (in minutes) def search(params): dialog = xbmcgui.Dialog() d = dialog.input(Addon().get_localized_string(30039), type=xbmcgui.INPUT_ALPHANUM) if not d: d = " " # get connection connection = get_connection() if connection==False: return listing = [] # Get items items = connection.search2(query=d) # Iterate through items for item in items.get('searchResult2').get('song'): entry = get_entry_track( item, params) listing.append(entry) if len(listing) == 1: plugin.log('One single Media Folder found; do return listing from browse_indexes()...') return browse_indexes(params) else: add_directory_items(create_listing(listing)) @plugin.action() def play_track(params): id = params['id'] plugin.log('play_track #' + id); # get connection connection = get_connection() if connection==False: return url = connection.streamUrl(sid=id, maxBitRate=Addon().get_setting('bitrate_streaming'), tformat=Addon().get_setting('transcode_format_streaming') ) #return url _set_resolved_url(resolve_url(url)) @plugin.action() def star_item(params): ids= params.get('ids'); #can be single or lists of IDs unstar= params.get('unstar',False); unstar = (unstar) and (unstar != 'None') and (unstar != 'False') #TO FIX better statement ? type= params.get('type'); sids = albumIds = artistIds = None #validate type if type == 'track': sids = ids elif type == 'artist': artistIds = ids elif type == 'album': albumIds = ids #validate capability if not can_star(type,ids): return; #validate IDs if (not sids and not artistIds and not albumIds): return; # get connection connection = get_connection() if connection==False: return ### did_action = False try: if unstar: request = connection.unstar(sids, albumIds, artistIds) else: request = connection.star(sids, albumIds, artistIds) if request['status'] == 'ok': did_action = True except: pass if did_action: if unstar: message = Addon().get_localized_string(30031) plugin.log('Unstarred %s #%s' % (type,json.dumps(ids))) else: #star message = Addon().get_localized_string(30032) plugin.log('Starred %s #%s' % (type,json.dumps(ids))) #stars_local_update(ids,unstar) cache_refresh(True) popup(message) #TO FIX clear starred lists caches ? #TO FIX refresh current list after star set ? else: if unstar: plugin.log_error('Unable to unstar %s #%s' % (type,json.dumps(ids))) else: plugin.log_error('Unable to star %s #%s' % (type,json.dumps(ids))) #return did_action return @plugin.action() def download_item(params): id= params.get('id'); #can be single or lists of IDs type= params.get('type'); #validate path download_folder = Addon().get_setting('download_folder') if not download_folder: popup("Please set a directory for your downloads") plugin.log_error("No directory set for downloads") #validate capability if not can_download(type,id): return; if type == 'track': did_action = download_tracks(id) elif type == 'album': did_action = download_album(id) if did_action: plugin.log('Downloaded %s #%s' % (type,id)) popup('Item has been downloaded!') else: plugin.log_error('Unable to downloaded %s #%s' % (type,id)) return did_action #@plugin.cached(cachetime) #cache (in minutes) def get_entry_playlist(item,params): image = connection.getCoverArtUrl(item.get('coverArt')) return { 'label': item.get('name'), 'thumb': image, 'fanart': image, 'url': plugin.get_url( action= 'list_tracks', playlist_id= item.get('id'), menu_id= params.get('menu_id') ), 'info': {'music': { ##http://romanvm.github.io/Kodistubs/_autosummary/xbmcgui.html#xbmcgui.ListItem.setInfo 'title': item.get('name'), 'count': item.get('songCount'), 'duration': item.get('duration'), 'date': convert_date_from_iso8601(item.get('created')) }} } #star (or unstar) an item #@plugin.cached(cachetime) #cache (in minutes) def get_entry_artist(item,params): image = connection.getCoverArtUrl(item.get('coverArt')) #artist_info = connection.getArtistInfo(item.get('id')).get('artistInfo') #artist_bio = artist_info.get('biography') #xbmc.log("Artist info: %s"%artist_info.get('biography'),xbmc.LOGINFO) return { 'label': get_starred_label(item.get('id'),item.get('name')), 'label2': "test label", 'offscreen': True, 'thumb': image, 'fanart': image, 'url': plugin.get_url( action= 'list_albums', artist_id= item.get('id'), menu_id= params.get('menu_id') ), 'info': { 'music': { ##http://romanvm.github.io/Kodistubs/_autosummary/xbmcgui.html#xbmcgui.ListItem.setInfo 'count': item.get('albumCount'), 'artist': item.get('name'), 'title': "testtitle", 'album': "testalbum", 'comment': "testcomment" # 'title': artist_info.get('biography') } } } #@plugin.cached(cachetime) #cache (in minutes) def get_entry_album(item, params): image = connection.getCoverArtUrl(item.get('coverArt')) entry = { 'label': get_entry_album_label(item,params.get('hide_artist',False)), 'thumb': image, 'fanart': image, 'url': plugin.get_url( action= 'list_tracks', album_id= item.get('id'), hide_artist= item.get('hide_artist'), menu_id= params.get('menu_id') ), 'info': { 'music': { ##http://romanvm.github.io/Kodistubs/_autosummary/xbmcgui.html#xbmcgui.ListItem.setInfo 'count': item.get('songCount'), 'date': convert_date_from_iso8601(item.get('created')), #date added 'duration': item.get('duration'), 'artist': item.get('artist'), 'album': item.get('name'), 'year': item.get('year') } } } #context menu actions context_actions = [] if can_star('album',item.get('id')): action_star = context_action_star('album',item.get('id')) context_actions.append(action_star) if can_download('album',item.get('id')): action_download = context_action_download('album',item.get('id')) context_actions.append(action_download) if len(context_actions) > 0: entry['context_menu'] = context_actions return entry #@plugin.cached(cachetime) #cache (in minutes) def get_entry_track(item,params): menu_id = params.get('menu_id') image = connection.getCoverArtUrl(item.get('coverArt')) entry = { 'label': get_entry_track_label(item,params.get('hide_artist')), 'thumb': image, 'fanart': image, 'url': plugin.get_url( action= 'play_track', id= item.get('id'), menu_id= menu_id ), 'is_playable': True, 'mime': item.get("contentType"), 'info': {'music': { #http://romanvm.github.io/Kodistubs/_autosummary/xbmcgui.html#xbmcgui.ListItem.setInfo 'title': item.get('title'), 'album': item.get('album'), 'artist': item.get('artist'), 'tracknumber': item.get('tracknumber'), 'year': item.get('year'), 'genre': item.get('genre'), 'size': item.get('size'), 'duration': item.get('duration'), 'date': item.get('created') } } } #context menu actions context_actions = [] if can_star('track',item.get('id')): action_star = context_action_star('track',item.get('id')) context_actions.append(action_star) if can_download('track',item.get('id')): action_download = context_action_download('track',item.get('id')) context_actions.append(action_download) if len(context_actions) > 0: entry['context_menu'] = context_actions return entry #@plugin.cached(cachetime) #cache (in minutes) def get_starred_label(id,label): if is_starred(id): label = '[COLOR=FF00FF00]%s[/COLOR]' % label return label def is_starred(id): starred = stars_cache_get() #plugin.log(starred) #plugin.log("id in starred %s %s"%(id,id in starred)) #plugin.log("int(id) in starred %s %s"%(id, int(id) in starred)) #id = int(id) if id in starred: return True else: return False #@plugin.cached(cachetime) #cache (in minutes) def get_entry_track_label(item,hide_artist = False): if hide_artist: label = item.get('title', '') else: label = '%s - %s' % ( item.get('artist', ''), item.get('title', '') ) return get_starred_label(item.get('id'),label) #@plugin.cached(cachetime) #cache (in minutes) def get_entry_album_label(item,hide_artist = False): if hide_artist: label = item.get('name', '') else: label = '%s - %s' % (item.get('artist', ''), item.get('name', '')) return get_starred_label(item.get('id'),label) #@plugin.cached(cachetime) #cache (in minutes) def get_sort_methods(type,params): #sort method for list types #https://github.com/xbmc/xbmc/blob/master/xbmc/SortFileItem.h #TO FIX _DATE or _DATEADDED ? #TO FIX #actually it seems possible to 'restore' the default sorting (by labels) #so our starred items don't get colorized. #so do not sort stuff #see http://forum.kodi.tv/showthread.php?tid=293037 return [] sortable = [ xbmcplugin.SORT_METHOD_NONE, xbmcplugin.SORT_METHOD_LABEL, xbmcplugin.SORT_METHOD_UNSORTED ] if type=='artists': artists = [ xbmcplugin.SORT_METHOD_ARTIST ] sortable = sortable + artists elif type=='albums': albums = [ xbmcplugin.SORT_METHOD_ALBUM, xbmcplugin.SORT_METHOD_DURATION, xbmcplugin.SORT_METHOD_DATE, #xbmcplugin.SORT_METHOD_YEAR ] if not params.get('hide_artist',False): albums.append(xbmcplugin.SORT_METHOD_ARTIST) sortable = sortable + albums elif type=='tracks': tracks = [ xbmcplugin.SORT_METHOD_TITLE, xbmcplugin.SORT_METHOD_ALBUM, xbmcplugin.SORT_METHOD_TRACKNUM, #xbmcplugin.SORT_METHOD_YEAR, xbmcplugin.SORT_METHOD_GENRE, xbmcplugin.SORT_METHOD_SIZE, xbmcplugin.SORT_METHOD_DURATION, xbmcplugin.SORT_METHOD_DATE, xbmcplugin.SORT_METHOD_BITRATE ] if not params.get('hide_artist',False): tracks.append(xbmcplugin.SORT_METHOD_ARTIST) if params.get('playlist_id',False): xbmcplugin.SORT_METHOD_PLAYLIST_ORDER, sortable = sortable + tracks elif type=='playlists': playlists = [ xbmcplugin.SORT_METHOD_TITLE, xbmcplugin.SORT_METHOD_DURATION, xbmcplugin.SORT_METHOD_DATE ] sortable = sortable + playlists return sortable def cache_refresh(forced=False): global local_starred #cachetime = 5 last_update = 0 with plugin.get_storage() as storage: #storage['starred_ids'] = starred try: last_update = storage['updated'] except KeyError as e: plugin.log("keyerror, is this a new cache file?") if(time.time()-(cachetime*60)>last_update) or forced: plugin.log("Cache expired, updating %s %s %s forced %s"%(time.time(),cachetime*60,last_update, forced)) generator = walk_tracks_starred() items = list(generator) ids_list = [item.get('id') for item in items] #plugin.log("Retreived from server: %s"%ids_list) storage['starred_ids'] = ids_list storage['updated']=time.time() plugin.log("cache_refresh checking length of load to local %s items"%len(ids_list)) local_starred = ids_list else: #plugin.log("Cache fresh %s %s %s forced %s remaining %s"%(time.time(),cachetime*60,last_update, forced, time.time()-(cachetime*60)-last_update)) pass if(len(local_starred)==0): local_starred = storage['starred_ids'] #plugin.log("cache_refresh returning %s items"%len(local_starred)) return def stars_cache_get(): #Retrieving stars from cache is too slow, so load to local variable global local_starred cache_refresh() #plugin.log("stars_cache_get returning %s items"%len(local_starred)) return local_starred def navigate_next(params): page = int(params.get('page',1)) page += 1 title = Addon().get_localized_string(30029) +"(%d)" % (page) return { 'label': title, 'url': plugin.get_url( action= params.get('action',None), page= page, query_args= params.get('query_args',None) ) } def navigate_root(): return { 'label': Addon().get_localized_string(30030), 'url': plugin.get_url(action='root') } #converts a date string from eg. '2012-04-17T19:53:44' to eg. '17.04.2012' def convert_date_from_iso8601(iso8601): date_obj = dateutil.parser.parse(iso8601) return date_obj.strftime('%d.%m.%Y') def context_action_star(type,id): starred = is_starred(id) if not starred: label = Addon().get_localized_string(30033) else: #Should be available only in the stars lists; #so we don't have to fetch the starred status for each item #(since it is not available into the XML response from the server) label = Addon().get_localized_string(30034) xbmc.log('Context action star returning RunPlugin(%s)' % plugin.get_url(action='star_item',type=type,ids=id,unstar=starred),xbmc.LOGDEBUG) return ( label, 'RunPlugin(%s)' % plugin.get_url(action='star_item',type=type,ids=id,unstar=starred) ) #Subsonic API says this==supported for artist,tracks and albums, #But I can see it available only for tracks on Subsonic 5.3, so disable it. def can_star(type,ids = None): if not ids: return False if not isinstance(ids, list) or isinstance(ids, tuple): ids = [ids] if len(ids) == 0: return False if type == 'track': return True elif type == 'artist': return False elif type == 'album': return False def context_action_download(type,id): label = Addon().get_localized_string(30035) return ( label, 'RunPlugin(%s)' % plugin.get_url(action='download_item',type=type,id=id) ) def can_download(type,id = None): if id==None: return False if type == 'track': return True elif type == 'album': return True def download_tracks(ids): #popup==fired before, in download_item download_folder = Addon().get_setting('download_folder') if not download_folder: return if not ids: return False #make list if not isinstance(ids, list) or isinstance(ids, tuple): ids = [ids] ids_count = len(ids) #check if empty if ids_count == 0: return False plugin.log('download_tracks IDs:') plugin.log(json.dumps(ids)) # get connection connection = get_connection() if connection==False: return #progress... pc_step = 100/ids_count pc_progress = 0 ids_parsed = 0 progressdialog = xbmcgui.DialogProgress() progressdialog.create("Downloading tracks...") #Title for id in ids: if (progressdialog.iscanceled()): return False # debug plugin.log('Trying to download track #'+str(id)) # get track infos response = connection.getSong(id); track = response.get('song') plugin.log('Track info :') plugin.log(track) # progress bar pc_progress = ids_parsed * pc_step progressdialog.update(pc_progress, 'Getting track informations...',get_entry_track_label(track)) track_path_relative = track.get("path", None).encode('utf8', 'replace') # 'Radiohead/Kid A/Idioteque.mp3' track_path = os.path.join(download_folder, track_path_relative) # 'C:/users/.../Radiohead/Kid A/Idioteque.mp3' track_directory = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(track_path)) # 'C:/users/.../Radiohead/Kid A' #check if file exists if os.path.isfile(track_path): progressdialog.update(pc_progress, 'Track has already been downloaded!') plugin.log("File '%s' already exists" % (id)) else: progressdialog.update(pc_progress, "Downloading track...",track_path) try: #get remote file (file-object like) file_obj = connection.download(id) #create directory if it does not exists if not os.path.exists(track_directory): os.makedirs(track_directory) #create blank file file = open(track_path, 'a') #create a new file but don't erase the existing one if it exists #fill blank file shutil.copyfileobj(file_obj, file) file.close() except: popup("Error while downloading track #%s" % (id)) plugin.log("Error while downloading track #%s" % (id)) pass ids_parsed += 1 progressdialog.update(100, "Done !","Enjoy !") xbmc.sleep(1000) progressdialog.close() def download_album(id): # get connection connection = get_connection() if connection==False: return # get album infos response = connection.getAlbum(id); album = response.get('album') tracks = album.get('song') plugin.log('getAlbum:') plugin.log(json.dumps(album)) ids = [] #list of track IDs for i, track in enumerate(tracks): track_id = track.get('id') ids.append(track_id) download_tracks(ids) #@plugin.cached(cachetime) #cache (in minutes) def create_listing(listing, succeeded=True, update_listing=False, cache_to_disk=False, sort_methods=None,view_mode=None, content=None, category=None): return ListContext(listing, succeeded, update_listing, cache_to_disk,sort_methods, view_mode, content, category) def resolve_url(path='', play_item=None, succeeded=True): """ Create and return a context dict to resolve a playable URL :param path: the path to a playable media. :type path: str or unicode :param play_item: a dict of item properties as described in the class docstring. It allows to set additional properties for the item being played, like graphics, metadata etc. if ``play_item`` parameter==present, then ``path`` value==ignored, and the path must be set via ``'path'`` property of a ``play_item`` dict. :type play_item: dict :param succeeded: if ``False``, Kodi won't play anything :type succeeded: bool :return: context object containing necessary parameters for Kodi to play the selected media. :rtype: PlayContext """ return PlayContext(path, play_item, succeeded) #@plugin.cached(cachetime) #cache (in minutes) def create_list_item(item): """ Create an :class:`xbmcgui.ListItem` instance from an item dict :param item: a dict of ListItem properties :type item: dict :return: ListItem instance :rtype: xbmcgui.ListItem """ major_version = xbmc.getInfoLabel('System.BuildVersion')[:2] if major_version >= '18': list_item = xbmcgui.ListItem(label=item.get('label', ''), label2=item.get('label2', ''), path=item.get('path', ''), offscreen=item.get('offscreen', False)) art = item.get('art', {}) art['thumb'] = item.get('thumb', '') art['icon'] = item.get('icon', '') art['fanart'] = item.get('fanart', '') item['art'] = art cont_look = item.get('content_lookup') if cont_look is not None: list_item.setContentLookup(cont_look) if item.get('art'): list_item.setArt(item['art']) if item.get('stream_info'): for stream, stream_info in item['stream_info'].items(): list_item.addStreamInfo(stream, stream_info) if item.get('info'): for media, info in item['info'].items(): list_item.setInfo(media, info) if item.get('context_menu') is not None: list_item.addContextMenuItems(item['context_menu']) if item.get('subtitles'): list_item.setSubtitles(item['subtitles']) if item.get('mime'): list_item.setMimeType(item['mime']) if item.get('properties'): for key, value in item['properties'].items(): list_item.setProperty(key, value) if major_version >= '17': cast = item.get('cast') if cast is not None: list_item.setCast(cast) db_ids = item.get('online_db_ids') if db_ids is not None: list_item.setUniqueIDs(db_ids) ratings = item.get('ratings') if ratings is not None: for rating in ratings: list_item.setRating(**rating) return list_item def _set_resolved_url(context): plugin.log_debug('Resolving URL from {0}'.format(str(context))) if context.play_item==None: list_item = xbmcgui.ListItem(path=context.path) else: list_item = self.create_list_item(context.play_item) xbmcplugin.setResolvedUrl(plugin.handle, context.succeeded, list_item) #@plugin.cached(cachetime) #cache (in minutes) def add_directory_items(context): plugin.log_debug('Creating listing from {0}'.format(str(context))) if context.category is not None: xbmcplugin.setPluginCategory(plugin.handle, context.category) if context.content is not None: xbmcplugin.setContent(plugin.handle, context.content) # This must be at the beginning for item in context.listing: is_folder = item.get('is_folder', True) if item.get('list_item') is not None: list_item = item['list_item'] else: list_item = create_list_item(item) if item.get('is_playable'): list_item.setProperty('IsPlayable', 'true') is_folder = False xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItem(plugin.handle, item['url'], list_item, is_folder) if context.sort_methods is not None: if isinstance(context.sort_methods, (int, dict)): sort_methods = [context.sort_methods] elif isinstance(context.sort_methods, (tuple, list)): sort_methods = context.sort_methods else: raise TypeError( 'sort_methods parameter must be of int, dict, tuple or list type!') for method in sort_methods: if isinstance(method, int): xbmcplugin.addSortMethod(plugin.handle, method) elif isinstance(method, dict): xbmcplugin.addSortMethod(plugin.handle, **method) else: raise TypeError( 'method parameter must be of int or dict type!') xbmcplugin.endOfDirectory(plugin.handle, context.succeeded, context.update_listing, context.cache_to_disk) if context.view_mode is not None: xbmc.executebuiltin('Container.SetViewMode({0})'.format(context.view_mode)) def walk_index(folder_id=None): """ Request Subsonic's index and iterate each item. """ response = connection.getIndexes(folder_id) for index in response["indexes"]["index"]: for artist in index["artist"]: yield artist def walk_playlists(): """ Request Subsonic's playlists and iterate over each item. """ response = connection.getPlaylists() for child in response["playlists"]["playlist"]: yield child def walk_playlist(playlist_id): """ Request Subsonic's playlist items and iterate over each item. """ response = connection.getPlaylist(playlist_id) for child in response["playlist"]["entry"]: yield child def walk_folders(): response = connection.getMusicFolders() for child in response["musicFolders"]["musicFolder"]: yield child def walk_directory(directory_id): """ Request a Subsonic music directory and iterate over each item. """ response = connection.getMusicDirectory(directory_id) try: for child in response["directory"]["child"]: if child.get("isDir"): for child in walk_directory(child["id"]): yield child else: yield child except: yield from () def walk_artist(artist_id): """ Request a Subsonic artist and iterate over each album. """ response = connection.getArtist(artist_id) for child in response["artist"]["album"]: yield child def walk_artists(): """ (ID3 tags) Request all artists and iterate over each item. """ response = connection.getArtists() for index in response["artists"]["index"]: for artist in index["artist"]: yield artist def walk_genres(): """ (ID3 tags) Request all genres and iterate over each item. """ response = connection.getGenres() for genre in response["genres"]["genre"]: yield genre def walk_albums(ltype, size=None, fromYear=None,toYear=None, genre=None, offset=None): """ (ID3 tags) Request all albums for a given genre and iterate over each album. """ if ltype == 'byGenre' and genre is None: return if ltype == 'byYear' and (fromYear is None or toYear is None): return response = connection.getAlbumList2( ltype=ltype, size=size, fromYear=fromYear, toYear=toYear,genre=genre, offset=offset) if not response["albumList2"]["album"]: return for album in response["albumList2"]["album"]: yield album def walk_album(album_id): """ (ID3 tags) Request an album and iterate over each item. """ response = connection.getAlbum(album_id) for song in response["album"]["song"]: yield song def walk_tracks_random(size=None, genre=None, fromYear=None,toYear=None): """ Request random songs by genre and/or year and iterate over each song. """ response = connection.getRandomSongs( size=size, genre=genre, fromYear=fromYear, toYear=toYear) for song in response["randomSongs"]["song"]: yield song def walk_tracks_starred(): """ Request Subsonic's starred songs and iterate over each item. """ response = connection.getStarred() for song in response["starred"]["song"]: yield song # Start plugin from within Kodi. if __name__ == "__main__": # Map actions # Note that we map callable objects without brackets () plugin.run()