#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import xbmcvfs import os import xbmcaddon import xbmcplugin import xbmcgui import json import shutil import time import dateutil.parser import hashlib import random from datetime import datetime from collections.abc import MutableMapping from collections import namedtuple # Add the /lib folder to sys sys.path.append(xbmcvfs.translatePath(os.path.join(xbmcaddon.Addon("plugin.audio.subsonic").getAddonInfo("path"), "lib"))) import libsonic #from lib.dbutils import SQLiteDatabase import lib.dbutils from simpleplugin import Plugin from simpleplugin import Addon # Create plugin instance plugin = Plugin() db = None connection = None cachetime = int(Addon().get_setting('cachetime')) db_filename = "subsonic_sqlite.db" db_path = os.path.join(plugin.profile_dir, db_filename) local_starred = set({}) ListContext = namedtuple('ListContext', ['listing', 'succeeded','update_listing', 'cache_to_disk','sort_methods', 'view_mode','content', 'category']) PlayContext = namedtuple('PlayContext', ['path', 'play_item', 'succeeded']) def popup(text, time=5000, image=None): title = plugin.addon.getAddonInfo('name') icon = plugin.addon.getAddonInfo('icon') xbmc.executebuiltin('Notification(%s, %s, %d, %s)' % (title, text, time, icon)) def get_connection(): global connection if connection==None: connected = False # Create connection try: connection = libsonic.Connection( baseUrl=Addon().get_setting('subsonic_url'), username=Addon().get_setting('username', convert=False), password=Addon().get_setting('password', convert=False), port=Addon().get_setting('port'), apiVersion=Addon().get_setting('apiversion'), insecure=Addon().get_setting('insecure'), legacyAuth=Addon().get_setting('legacyauth'), useGET=Addon().get_setting('useget'), ) connected = connection.ping() except: pass if connected==False: popup('Connection error') return False return connection @plugin.action() def root(params): # get connection connection = get_connection() if connection==False: return listing = [] menus = { 'folders': { 'name': Addon().get_localized_string(30038), 'callback': 'browse_folders', 'thumb': None }, 'library': { 'name': Addon().get_localized_string(30019), 'callback': 'browse_library', 'thumb': None }, 'albums': { 'name': Addon().get_localized_string(30020), 'callback': 'menu_albums', 'thumb': None }, 'tracks': { 'name': Addon().get_localized_string(30021), 'callback': 'menu_tracks', 'thumb': None }, 'playlists': { 'name': Addon().get_localized_string(30022), 'callback': 'list_playlists', 'thumb': None }, 'search': { 'name': Addon().get_localized_string(30039), 'callback': 'search', 'thumb': None }, } # Iterate through categories for mid in menus: # image if 'thumb' in menus[mid]: thumb = menus[mid]['thumb'] listing.append({ 'label': menus[mid]['name'], 'thumb': thumb, # Item thumbnail 'fanart': thumb, # Item thumbnail 'url': plugin.get_url( action=menus[mid]['callback'], menu_id=mid ) }) # Item label add_directory_items(create_listing( listing, sort_methods = None, )) @plugin.action() def menu_albums(params): # get connection connection = get_connection() if connection==False: return listing = [] menus = { 'albums_newest': { 'name': Addon().get_localized_string(30023), 'thumb': None, 'args': {"ltype": "newest"} }, 'albums_frequent': { 'name': Addon().get_localized_string(30024), 'thumb': None, 'args': {"ltype": "frequent"} }, 'albums_recent': { 'name': Addon().get_localized_string(30025), 'thumb': None, 'args': {"ltype": "recent"} }, 'albums_random': { 'name': Addon().get_localized_string(30026), 'thumb': None, 'args': {"ltype": "random"} } } # Iterate through albums for menu_id in menus: menu = menus.get(menu_id) # image if 'thumb' in menu: thumb = menu.get('thumb') listing.append({ 'label': menu.get('name'), 'thumb': menu.get('thumb'), # Item thumbnail 'fanart': menu.get('thumb'), # Item thumbnail 'url': plugin.get_url( action= 'list_albums', page= 1, query_args= json.dumps(menu.get('args')), menu_id= menu_id ) }) # Item label add_directory_items(create_listing( listing, )) @plugin.action() def menu_tracks(params): # get connection connection = get_connection() if connection==False: return listing = [] menus = { 'tracks_starred': { 'name': Addon().get_localized_string(30036), 'thumb': None }, 'tracks_random': { 'name': Addon().get_localized_string(30037), 'thumb': None } } # Iterate through categories for menu_id in menus: menu = menus.get(menu_id) # image if 'thumb' in menu: thumb = menu.get('thumb') listing.append({ 'label': menu.get('name'), 'thumb': menu.get('thumb'), # Item thumbnail 'fanart': menu.get('thumb'), # Item thumbnail 'url': plugin.get_url( action= 'list_tracks', menu_id= menu_id ) }) # Item label add_directory_items(create_listing( listing, )) @plugin.action() def browse_folders(params): # get connection connection = get_connection() if connection==False: return listing = [] # Get items items = walk_folders() # Iterate through items for item in items: entry = { 'label': item.get('name'), 'url': plugin.get_url( action= 'browse_indexes', folder_id= item.get('id'), menu_id= params.get('menu_id') ) } listing.append(entry) if len(listing) == 1: plugin.log('One single Media Folder found; do return listing from browse_indexes()...') return browse_indexes(params) else: add_directory_items(create_listing(listing)) @plugin.action() def browse_indexes(params): # get connection connection = get_connection() if connection==False: return listing = [] # Get items # optional folder ID folder_id = params.get('folder_id') items = walk_index(folder_id) # Iterate through items for item in items: entry = { 'label': item.get('name'), 'url': plugin.get_url( action= 'list_directory', id= item.get('id'), menu_id= params.get('menu_id') ) } listing.append(entry) add_directory_items(create_listing( listing )) @plugin.action() def list_directory(params): # get connection connection = get_connection() merge_artist = Addon().get_setting('merge') if connection==False: return listing = [] # Get items id = params.get('id') items = walk_directory(id, merge_artist) # Iterate through items for item in items: #is a directory if (item.get('isDir')==True): entry = { 'label': item.get('title'), 'url': plugin.get_url( action= 'list_directory', id= item.get('id'), menu_id= params.get('menu_id') ) } else: entry = get_entry_track(item,params) listing.append(entry) add_directory_items(create_listing( listing )) @plugin.action() def browse_library(params): """ List artists from the library (ID3 tags) """ # get connection connection = get_connection() if connection==False: return listing = [] # Get items items = walk_artists() # Iterate through items for item in items: entry = get_entry_artist(item,params) #context menu actions context_actions = [] if can_star('artist',item.get('id')): action_star = context_action_star('artist',item.get('id')) context_actions.append(action_star) if len(context_actions) > 0: entry['context_menu'] = context_actions listing.append(entry) add_directory_items(create_listing( listing, cache_to_disk = True, #cache this view to disk. sort_methods = get_sort_methods('artists',params), #he list of integer constants representing virtual folder sort methods. content = 'artists' #string - current plugin content, e.g. ‘movies’ or ‘episodes’. )) @plugin.action() def list_albums(params): """ List albums from the library (ID3 tags) """ listing = [] # get connection connection = get_connection() if connection==False: return #query query_args = {} try: query_args_json = params['query_args'] query_args = json.loads(query_args_json) except: pass #size albums_per_page = int(Addon().get_setting('albums_per_page')) query_args["size"] = albums_per_page #offset offset = int(params.get('page',1)) - 1; if offset > 0: query_args["offset"] = offset * albums_per_page #debug query_args_json = json.dumps(query_args) plugin.log('list_albums with args:' + query_args_json); #Get items if 'artist_id' in params: generator = walk_artist(params.get('artist_id')) else: generator = walk_albums(**query_args) #make a list out of the generator so we can iterate it several times items = list(generator) #check if there==only one artist for this album (and then hide it) artists = [item.get('artist',None) for item in items] if len(artists) <= 1: params['hide_artist'] = True # Iterate through items for item in items: album = get_entry_album(item, params) listing.append(album) # Root menu link_root = navigate_root() listing.append(link_root) if not 'artist_id' in params: # Pagination if we've not reached the end of the lsit # if type(items) != type(True): TO FIX link_next = navigate_next(params) listing.append(link_next) add_directory_items(create_listing( listing, cache_to_disk = True, #cache this view to disk. sort_methods = get_sort_methods('albums',params), content = 'albums' #string - current plugin content, e.g. ‘movies’ or ‘episodes’. )) @plugin.action() def list_tracks(params): menu_id = params.get('menu_id') listing = [] #query query_args = {} try: query_args_json = params['query_args'] query_args = json.loads(query_args_json) except: pass #size tracks_per_page = int(Addon().get_setting('tracks_per_page')) query_args["size"] = tracks_per_page #offset offset = int(params.get('page',1)) - 1; if offset > 0: query_args["offset"] = offset * tracks_per_page #debug query_args_json = json.dumps(query_args) plugin.log('list_tracks with args:' + query_args_json); # get connection connection = get_connection() if connection==False: return # Album if 'album_id' in params: generator = walk_album(params['album_id']) # Playlist elif 'playlist_id' in params: generator = walk_playlist(params['playlist_id']) #TO FIX #tracknumber = 0 #for item in items: # tracknumber += 1 # items[item]['tracknumber'] = tracknumber # Starred elif menu_id == 'tracks_starred': generator = walk_tracks_starred() # Random elif menu_id == 'tracks_random': generator = walk_tracks_random(**query_args) # Filters #else: #TO WORK #make a list out of the generator so we can iterate it several times items = list(generator) #check if there==only one artist for this album (and then hide it) artists = [item.get('artist',None) for item in items] if len(artists) <= 1: params['hide_artist'] = True #update stars if menu_id == 'tracks_starred': ids_list = [item.get('id') for item in items] #stars_local_update(ids_list) cache_refresh(True) # Iterate through items key = 0; for item in items: track = get_entry_track(item,params) listing.append(track) key +=1 # Root menu #link_root = navigate_root() #listing.append(link_root) # Pagination if we've not reached the end of the lsit # if type(items) != type(True): TO FIX #link_next = navigate_next(params) #listing.append(link_next) add_directory_items(create_listing( listing, sort_methods= get_sort_methods('tracks',params), content = 'songs' #string - current plugin content, e.g. ‘movies’ or ‘episodes’. )) @plugin.action() def list_playlists(params): # get connection connection = get_connection() if connection==False: return listing = [] # Get items items = walk_playlists() # Iterate through items for item in items: entry = get_entry_playlist(item,params) listing.append(entry) add_directory_items(create_listing( listing, sort_methods = get_sort_methods('playlists',params), #he list of integer constants representing virtual folder sort methods. )) @plugin.action() def search(params): dialog = xbmcgui.Dialog() d = dialog.input(Addon().get_localized_string(30039), type=xbmcgui.INPUT_ALPHANUM) if not d: d = " " # get connection connection = get_connection() if connection==False: return listing = [] # Get items items = connection.search2(query=d) # Iterate through items for item in items.get('searchResult2').get('song'): entry = get_entry_track( item, params) listing.append(entry) if len(listing) == 1: plugin.log('One single Media Folder found; do return listing from browse_indexes()...') return browse_indexes(params) else: add_directory_items(create_listing(listing)) @plugin.action() def play_track(params): id = params['id'] plugin.log('play_track #' + id); # get connection connection = get_connection() if connection==False: return url = connection.streamUrl(sid=id, maxBitRate=Addon().get_setting('bitrate_streaming'), tformat=Addon().get_setting('transcode_format_streaming') ) #return url _set_resolved_url(resolve_url(url)) @plugin.action() def star_item(params): ids= params.get('ids'); #can be single or lists of IDs unstar= params.get('unstar',False); unstar = (unstar) and (unstar != 'None') and (unstar != 'False') #TO FIX better statement ? type= params.get('type'); sids = albumIds = artistIds = None #validate type if type == 'track': sids = ids elif type == 'artist': artistIds = ids elif type == 'album': albumIds = ids #validate capability if not can_star(type,ids): return; #validate IDs if (not sids and not artistIds and not albumIds): return; # get connection connection = get_connection() if connection==False: return ### did_action = False try: if unstar: request = connection.unstar(sids, albumIds, artistIds) else: request = connection.star(sids, albumIds, artistIds) if request['status'] == 'ok': did_action = True except: pass if did_action: if unstar: message = Addon().get_localized_string(30031) plugin.log('Unstarred %s #%s' % (type,json.dumps(ids))) else: #star message = Addon().get_localized_string(30032) plugin.log('Starred %s #%s' % (type,json.dumps(ids))) #stars_local_update(ids,unstar) cache_refresh(True) popup(message) #TO FIX clear starred lists caches ? #TO FIX refresh current list after star set ? else: if unstar: plugin.log_error('Unable to unstar %s #%s' % (type,json.dumps(ids))) else: plugin.log_error('Unable to star %s #%s' % (type,json.dumps(ids))) #return did_action return @plugin.action() def download_item(params): id= params.get('id'); #can be single or lists of IDs type= params.get('type'); #validate path download_folder = Addon().get_setting('download_folder') if not download_folder: popup("Please set a directory for your downloads") plugin.log_error("No directory set for downloads") #validate capability if not can_download(type,id): return; if type == 'track': did_action = download_tracks(id) elif type == 'album': did_action = download_album(id) if did_action: plugin.log('Downloaded %s #%s' % (type,id)) popup('Item has been downloaded!') else: plugin.log_error('Unable to downloaded %s #%s' % (type,id)) return did_action def get_entry_playlist(item,params): image = connection.getCoverArtUrl(item.get('coverArt')) return { 'label': item.get('name'), 'thumb': image, 'fanart': image, 'url': plugin.get_url( action= 'list_tracks', playlist_id= item.get('id'), menu_id= params.get('menu_id') ), 'info': {'music': { ##http://romanvm.github.io/Kodistubs/_autosummary/xbmcgui.html#xbmcgui.ListItem.setInfo 'title': item.get('name'), 'count': item.get('songCount'), 'duration': item.get('duration'), 'date': convert_date_from_iso8601(item.get('created')) }} } def get_artist_info(artist_id, forced=False): db = get_db() artist_info = {} print("Retreiving artist info for id: %s"%(artist_id)) popup("Updating artist info\nplease wait") try: artist_record = db.get_artist_info(artist_id) print("Outer %s"%len(artist_record)) if(len(artist_record)==0): print("Empty record, getting data for %s"%artist_id) artist_info = json.dumps(connection.getArtistInfo2(artist_id).get('artistInfo2')) print("Adding to DB artist info: %s"%artist_info) if(db.update_artist(artist_id, artist_info, time.time())): plugin.log("Success") else: plugin.log("Failed") artist_record = db.get_artist_info(artist_id) artist_info = json.loads(artist_record[0][1]) last_update = artist_record[0][2] plugin.log("Artist info: %s"%artist_info) plugin.log("Last update: %s"%last_update) except Exception as e: print("Error get info from DB %s"%e) return artist_info def get_entry_artist(item,params): image = connection.getCoverArtUrl(item.get('coverArt')) artist_info = get_artist_info(item.get('id')) artist_bio = artist_info.get('biography') fanart = artist_info.get('largeImageUrl') fanart = image return { 'label': get_starred_label(item.get('id'),item.get('name')), 'label2': "test label", 'offscreen': True, 'thumb': image, 'fanart': fanart, 'url': plugin.get_url( action= 'list_albums', artist_id= item.get('id'), menu_id= params.get('menu_id') ), 'info': { 'music': { ##http://romanvm.github.io/Kodistubs/_autosummary/xbmcgui.html#xbmcgui.ListItem.setInfo 'count': item.get('albumCount'), 'artist': item.get('name'), #'title': "testtitle", #'album': "testalbum", #'comment': "testcomment" 'title': artist_bio } } } def get_entry_album(item, params): image = connection.getCoverArtUrl(item.get('coverArt')) entry = { 'label': get_entry_album_label(item,params.get('hide_artist',False)), 'thumb': image, 'fanart': image, 'url': plugin.get_url( action= 'list_tracks', album_id= item.get('id'), hide_artist= item.get('hide_artist'), menu_id= params.get('menu_id') ), 'info': { 'music': { ##http://romanvm.github.io/Kodistubs/_autosummary/xbmcgui.html#xbmcgui.ListItem.setInfo 'count': item.get('songCount'), 'date': convert_date_from_iso8601(item.get('created')), #date added 'duration': item.get('duration'), 'artist': item.get('artist'), 'album': item.get('name'), 'year': item.get('year') } } } #context menu actions context_actions = [] if can_star('album',item.get('id')): action_star = context_action_star('album',item.get('id')) context_actions.append(action_star) if can_download('album',item.get('id')): action_download = context_action_download('album',item.get('id')) context_actions.append(action_download) if len(context_actions) > 0: entry['context_menu'] = context_actions return entry def get_entry_track(item,params): menu_id = params.get('menu_id') image = connection.getCoverArtUrl(item.get('coverArt')) entry = { 'label': get_entry_track_label(item,params.get('hide_artist')), 'thumb': image, 'fanart': image, 'url': plugin.get_url( action= 'play_track', id= item.get('id'), menu_id= menu_id ), 'is_playable': True, 'mime': item.get("contentType"), 'info': {'music': { #http://romanvm.github.io/Kodistubs/_autosummary/xbmcgui.html#xbmcgui.ListItem.setInfo 'title': item.get('title'), 'album': item.get('album'), 'artist': item.get('artist'), 'tracknumber': item.get('tracknumber'), 'year': item.get('year'), 'genre': item.get('genre'), 'size': item.get('size'), 'duration': item.get('duration'), 'date': item.get('created') } } } #context menu actions context_actions = [] if can_star('track',item.get('id')): action_star = context_action_star('track',item.get('id')) context_actions.append(action_star) if can_download('track',item.get('id')): action_download = context_action_download('track',item.get('id')) context_actions.append(action_download) if len(context_actions) > 0: entry['context_menu'] = context_actions return entry def get_starred_label(id,label): if is_starred(id): label = '[COLOR=FF00FF00]%s[/COLOR]' % label return label def is_starred(id): starred = stars_cache_get() #id = int(id) if id in starred: return True else: return False def get_entry_track_label(item,hide_artist = False): if hide_artist: label = item.get('title', '') else: label = '%s - %s' % ( item.get('artist', ''), item.get('title', '') ) return get_starred_label(item.get('id'),label) def get_entry_album_label(item,hide_artist = False): if hide_artist: label = item.get('name', '') else: label = '%s - %s' % (item.get('artist', ''), item.get('name', '')) return get_starred_label(item.get('id'),label) def get_sort_methods(type,params): #sort method for list types #https://github.com/xbmc/xbmc/blob/master/xbmc/SortFileItem.h #TO FIX _DATE or _DATEADDED ? #TO FIX #actually it seems possible to 'restore' the default sorting (by labels) #so our starred items don't get colorized. #so do not sort stuff #see http://forum.kodi.tv/showthread.php?tid=293037 return [] sortable = [ xbmcplugin.SORT_METHOD_NONE, xbmcplugin.SORT_METHOD_LABEL, xbmcplugin.SORT_METHOD_UNSORTED ] if type=='artists': artists = [ xbmcplugin.SORT_METHOD_ARTIST ] sortable = sortable + artists elif type=='albums': albums = [ xbmcplugin.SORT_METHOD_ALBUM, xbmcplugin.SORT_METHOD_DURATION, xbmcplugin.SORT_METHOD_DATE, #xbmcplugin.SORT_METHOD_YEAR ] if not params.get('hide_artist',False): albums.append(xbmcplugin.SORT_METHOD_ARTIST) sortable = sortable + albums elif type=='tracks': tracks = [ xbmcplugin.SORT_METHOD_TITLE, xbmcplugin.SORT_METHOD_ALBUM, xbmcplugin.SORT_METHOD_TRACKNUM, #xbmcplugin.SORT_METHOD_YEAR, xbmcplugin.SORT_METHOD_GENRE, xbmcplugin.SORT_METHOD_SIZE, xbmcplugin.SORT_METHOD_DURATION, xbmcplugin.SORT_METHOD_DATE, xbmcplugin.SORT_METHOD_BITRATE ] if not params.get('hide_artist',False): tracks.append(xbmcplugin.SORT_METHOD_ARTIST) if params.get('playlist_id',False): xbmcplugin.SORT_METHOD_PLAYLIST_ORDER, sortable = sortable + tracks elif type=='playlists': playlists = [ xbmcplugin.SORT_METHOD_TITLE, xbmcplugin.SORT_METHOD_DURATION, xbmcplugin.SORT_METHOD_DATE ] sortable = sortable + playlists return sortable def cache_refresh(forced=False): global local_starred #cachetime = 5 last_update = 0 with plugin.get_storage() as storage: #storage['starred_ids'] = starred try: last_update = storage['updated'] except KeyError as e: plugin.log("keyerror, is this a new cache file?") if(time.time()-(cachetime*60)>last_update) or forced: plugin.log("Cache expired, updating %s %s %s forced %s"%(time.time(),cachetime*60,last_update, forced)) generator = walk_tracks_starred() items = list(generator) ids_list = [item.get('id') for item in items] #plugin.log("Retreived from server: %s"%ids_list) storage['starred_ids'] = ids_list storage['updated']=time.time() plugin.log("cache_refresh checking length of load to local %s items"%len(ids_list)) local_starred = ids_list else: #plugin.log("Cache fresh %s %s %s forced %s remaining %s"%(time.time(),cachetime*60,last_update, forced, time.time()-(cachetime*60)-last_update)) pass if(len(local_starred)==0): local_starred = storage['starred_ids'] #plugin.log("cache_refresh returning %s items"%len(local_starred)) return def stars_cache_get(): global local_starred cache_refresh() return local_starred def navigate_next(params): page = int(params.get('page',1)) page += 1 title = Addon().get_localized_string(30029) +"(%d)" % (page) return { 'label': title, 'url': plugin.get_url( action= params.get('action',None), page= page, query_args= params.get('query_args',None) ) } def navigate_root(): return { 'label': Addon().get_localized_string(30030), 'url': plugin.get_url(action='root') } #converts a date string from eg. '2012-04-17T19:53:44' to eg. '17.04.2012' def convert_date_from_iso8601(iso8601): date_obj = dateutil.parser.parse(iso8601) return date_obj.strftime('%d.%m.%Y') def context_action_star(type,id): starred = is_starred(id) if not starred: label = Addon().get_localized_string(30033) else: #Should be available only in the stars lists; #so we don't have to fetch the starred status for each item #(since it is not available into the XML response from the server) label = Addon().get_localized_string(30034) xbmc.log('Context action star returning RunPlugin(%s)' % plugin.get_url(action='star_item',type=type,ids=id,unstar=starred),xbmc.LOGDEBUG) return ( label, 'RunPlugin(%s)' % plugin.get_url(action='star_item',type=type,ids=id,unstar=starred) ) #Subsonic API says this==supported for artist,tracks and albums, #But I can see it available only for tracks on Subsonic 5.3, so disable it. def can_star(type,ids = None): if not ids: return False if not isinstance(ids, list) or isinstance(ids, tuple): ids = [ids] if len(ids) == 0: return False if type == 'track': return True elif type == 'artist': return False elif type == 'album': return False def context_action_download(type,id): label = Addon().get_localized_string(30035) return ( label, 'RunPlugin(%s)' % plugin.get_url(action='download_item',type=type,id=id) ) def can_download(type,id = None): if id==None: return False if type == 'track': return True elif type == 'album': return True def download_tracks(ids): #popup==fired before, in download_item download_folder = Addon().get_setting('download_folder') if not download_folder: return if not ids: return False #make list if not isinstance(ids, list) or isinstance(ids, tuple): ids = [ids] ids_count = len(ids) #check if empty if ids_count == 0: return False plugin.log('download_tracks IDs:') plugin.log(json.dumps(ids)) # get connection connection = get_connection() if connection==False: return #progress... pc_step = 100/ids_count pc_progress = 0 ids_parsed = 0 progressdialog = xbmcgui.DialogProgress() progressdialog.create("Downloading tracks...") #Title for id in ids: if (progressdialog.iscanceled()): return False # debug plugin.log('Trying to download track #'+str(id)) # get track infos response = connection.getSong(id); track = response.get('song') plugin.log('Track info :') plugin.log(track) # progress bar pc_progress = ids_parsed * pc_step progressdialog.update(pc_progress, 'Getting track informations...',get_entry_track_label(track)) track_path_relative = track.get("path", None).encode('utf8', 'replace') # 'Radiohead/Kid A/Idioteque.mp3' track_path = os.path.join(download_folder, track_path_relative) # 'C:/users/.../Radiohead/Kid A/Idioteque.mp3' track_directory = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(track_path)) # 'C:/users/.../Radiohead/Kid A' #check if file exists if os.path.isfile(track_path): progressdialog.update(pc_progress, 'Track has already been downloaded!') plugin.log("File '%s' already exists" % (id)) else: progressdialog.update(pc_progress, "Downloading track...",track_path) try: #get remote file (file-object like) file_obj = connection.download(id) #create directory if it does not exists if not os.path.exists(track_directory): os.makedirs(track_directory) #create blank file file = open(track_path, 'a') #create a new file but don't erase the existing one if it exists #fill blank file shutil.copyfileobj(file_obj, file) file.close() except: popup("Error while downloading track #%s" % (id)) plugin.log("Error while downloading track #%s" % (id)) pass ids_parsed += 1 progressdialog.update(100, "Done !","Enjoy !") xbmc.sleep(1000) progressdialog.close() def download_album(id): # get connection connection = get_connection() if connection==False: return # get album infos response = connection.getAlbum(id); album = response.get('album') tracks = album.get('song') plugin.log('getAlbum:') plugin.log(json.dumps(album)) ids = [] #list of track IDs for i, track in enumerate(tracks): track_id = track.get('id') ids.append(track_id) download_tracks(ids) def create_listing(listing, succeeded=True, update_listing=False, cache_to_disk=False, sort_methods=None,view_mode=None, content=None, category=None): return ListContext(listing, succeeded, update_listing, cache_to_disk,sort_methods, view_mode, content, category) def resolve_url(path='', play_item=None, succeeded=True): """ Create and return a context dict to resolve a playable URL :param path: the path to a playable media. :type path: str or unicode :param play_item: a dict of item properties as described in the class docstring. It allows to set additional properties for the item being played, like graphics, metadata etc. if ``play_item`` parameter==present, then ``path`` value==ignored, and the path must be set via ``'path'`` property of a ``play_item`` dict. :type play_item: dict :param succeeded: if ``False``, Kodi won't play anything :type succeeded: bool :return: context object containing necessary parameters for Kodi to play the selected media. :rtype: PlayContext """ return PlayContext(path, play_item, succeeded) def create_list_item(item): """ Create an :class:`xbmcgui.ListItem` instance from an item dict :param item: a dict of ListItem properties :type item: dict :return: ListItem instance :rtype: xbmcgui.ListItem """ major_version = xbmc.getInfoLabel('System.BuildVersion')[:2] if major_version >= '18': list_item = xbmcgui.ListItem(label=item.get('label', ''), label2=item.get('label2', ''), path=item.get('path', ''), offscreen=item.get('offscreen', False)) art = item.get('art', {}) art['thumb'] = item.get('thumb', '') art['icon'] = item.get('icon', '') art['fanart'] = item.get('fanart', '') item['art'] = art cont_look = item.get('content_lookup') if cont_look is not None: list_item.setContentLookup(cont_look) if item.get('art'): list_item.setArt(item['art']) if item.get('stream_info'): for stream, stream_info in item['stream_info'].items(): list_item.addStreamInfo(stream, stream_info) if item.get('info'): for media, info in item['info'].items(): list_item.setInfo(media, info) if item.get('context_menu') is not None: list_item.addContextMenuItems(item['context_menu']) if item.get('subtitles'): list_item.setSubtitles(item['subtitles']) if item.get('mime'): list_item.setMimeType(item['mime']) if item.get('properties'): for key, value in item['properties'].items(): list_item.setProperty(key, value) if major_version >= '17': cast = item.get('cast') if cast is not None: list_item.setCast(cast) db_ids = item.get('online_db_ids') if db_ids is not None: list_item.setUniqueIDs(db_ids) ratings = item.get('ratings') if ratings is not None: for rating in ratings: list_item.setRating(**rating) return list_item def _set_resolved_url(context): plugin.log_debug('Resolving URL from {0}'.format(str(context))) if context.play_item==None: list_item = xbmcgui.ListItem(path=context.path) else: list_item = self.create_list_item(context.play_item) xbmcplugin.setResolvedUrl(plugin.handle, context.succeeded, list_item) def add_directory_items(context): plugin.log_debug('Creating listing from {0}'.format(str(context))) if context.category is not None: xbmcplugin.setPluginCategory(plugin.handle, context.category) if context.content is not None: xbmcplugin.setContent(plugin.handle, context.content) # This must be at the beginning for item in context.listing: is_folder = item.get('is_folder', True) if item.get('list_item') is not None: list_item = item['list_item'] else: list_item = create_list_item(item) if item.get('is_playable'): list_item.setProperty('IsPlayable', 'true') is_folder = False xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItem(plugin.handle, item['url'], list_item, is_folder) if context.sort_methods is not None: if isinstance(context.sort_methods, (int, dict)): sort_methods = [context.sort_methods] elif isinstance(context.sort_methods, (tuple, list)): sort_methods = context.sort_methods else: raise TypeError( 'sort_methods parameter must be of int, dict, tuple or list type!') for method in sort_methods: if isinstance(method, int): xbmcplugin.addSortMethod(plugin.handle, method) elif isinstance(method, dict): xbmcplugin.addSortMethod(plugin.handle, **method) else: raise TypeError( 'method parameter must be of int or dict type!') xbmcplugin.endOfDirectory(plugin.handle, context.succeeded, context.update_listing, context.cache_to_disk) if context.view_mode is not None: xbmc.executebuiltin('Container.SetViewMode({0})'.format(context.view_mode)) def walk_index(folder_id=None): """ Request Subsonic's index and iterate each item. """ response = connection.getIndexes(folder_id) plugin.log("Walk index resp: %s"%response) try: for index in response["indexes"]["index"]: for artist in index["artist"]: plugin.log("artist: %s"%artist) yield artist except KeyError: yield from () def walk_playlists(): """ Request Subsonic's playlists and iterate over each item. """ response = connection.getPlaylists() try: for child in response["playlists"]["playlist"]: yield child except KeyError: yield from () def walk_playlist(playlist_id): """ Request Subsonic's playlist items and iterate over each item. """ response = connection.getPlaylist(playlist_id) try: for child in response["playlist"]["entry"]: yield child except KeyError: yield from () def walk_folders(): response = connection.getMusicFolders() try: for child in response["musicFolders"]["musicFolder"]: yield child except KeyError: yield from () def walk_directory(directory_id, merge_artist = True): """ Request a Subsonic music directory and iterate over each item. """ response = connection.getMusicDirectory(directory_id) try: for child in response["directory"]["child"]: if merge_artist and child.get("isDir"): for child in walk_directory(child["id"], merge_artist): yield child else: yield child except KeyError: yield from () def walk_artist(artist_id): """ Request a Subsonic artist and iterate over each album. """ response = connection.getArtist(artist_id) try: for child in response["artist"]["album"]: yield child except KeyError: yield from () def walk_artists(): """ (ID3 tags) Request all artists and iterate over each item. """ response = connection.getArtists() try: for index in response["artists"]["index"]: for artist in index["artist"]: yield artist except KeyError: yield from () def walk_genres(): """ (ID3 tags) Request all genres and iterate over each item. """ response = connection.getGenres() try: for genre in response["genres"]["genre"]: yield genre except KeyError: yield from () def walk_albums(ltype, size=None, fromYear=None,toYear=None, genre=None, offset=None): """ (ID3 tags) Request all albums for a given genre and iterate over each album. """ if ltype == 'byGenre' and genre is None: return if ltype == 'byYear' and (fromYear is None or toYear is None): return response = connection.getAlbumList2( ltype=ltype, size=size, fromYear=fromYear, toYear=toYear,genre=genre, offset=offset) if not response["albumList2"]["album"]: return for album in response["albumList2"]["album"]: yield album def walk_album(album_id): """ (ID3 tags) Request an album and iterate over each item. """ response = connection.getAlbum(album_id) try: for song in response["album"]["song"]: yield song except KeyError: yield from () def walk_tracks_random(size=None, genre=None, fromYear=None,toYear=None): """ Request random songs by genre and/or year and iterate over each song. """ response = connection.getRandomSongs( size=size, genre=genre, fromYear=fromYear, toYear=toYear) try: for song in response["randomSongs"]["song"]: yield song except KeyError: yield from () def walk_tracks_starred(): """ Request Subsonic's starred songs and iterate over each item. """ response = connection.getStarred() try: for song in response["starred"]["song"]: yield song except KeyError: yield from () def get_db(): global db_path #global db plugin.log("Getting DB %s"%db_path) if 1:#try: db = lib.dbutils.SQLiteDatabase(db_path) #except Exception as e: # plugin.log("Connecting to DB failed: %s"%e) return db # Start plugin from within Kodi. if __name__ == "__main__": # Map actions # Note that we map callable objects without brackets () plugin.run()