# Subsonic Kodi plugin to stream, star and download music from Subsonic/Airsonic/Navidrome (requires Subsonic API compatibility) For feature requests / issues: https://github.com/warwickh/plugin.audio.subsonic/issues Contributions are welcome: https://github.com/warwickh/plugin.audio.subsonic Master branch updated to support Kodi 19 Matrix Leia compatible version available in alternate branch ## Features * Browse by artist, albums (newest/most played/recently played/random), tracks (starred/random), and playlists * Download songs * Star songs * Navidrome compatibility added (please report any issues) ## Installation * Click the code button and download * Enable unknown sources and install from zip in Kodi or * Navigate to your `.kodi/addons/` folder * Clone this repository: `git clone https://github.com/warwickh/plugin.audio.subsonic.git` * (Re)start Kodi. Note: You may need to install dependencies manually if installing this way. I recommend installing from zip first, then updating using git clone Repository installation now available [repository.warwickh-0.9.0.zip](https://github.com/warwickh/repository.warwickh/raw/master/matrix/zips/repository.warwickh/repository.warwickh-0.9.0.zip) (Please report any issues) ## TODO * Scrobble to Last.FM (http://forum.kodi.tv/showthread.php?tid=195597&pid=2429362#pid2429362) * Improve the caching system * Search filter GUI for tracks and albums ## License See the `LICENSE` file. Additional copyright notices: * [Previous version of this plugin](https://github.com/gordielachance/plugin.audio.subsonic) by gordielachance * [Previous version of this plugin](https://github.com/basilfx/plugin.audio.subsonic) by basilfx * [SimplePlugin](https://github.com/romanvm/script.module.simpleplugin/stargazers) by romanvm now at [SimplePlugin3](https://github.com/vlmaksime/script.module.simpleplugin) * The original [SubKodi](https://github.com/DarkAllMan/SubKodi) plugin * [`py-sonic`](https://github.com/crustymonkey/py-sonic) Python module