import urllib import urlparse import libsonic def force_list(value): """ Coerce the input value to a list. If `value` is `None`, return an empty list. If it is a single value, create a new list with that element on index 0. :param value: Input value to coerce. :return: Value as list. :rtype: list """ if value is None: return [] elif type(value) == list: return value else: return [value] class SubsonicClient(libsonic.Connection): """ Extend `libsonic.Connection` with new features and fix a few issues. - Parse URL for host and port for constructor. - Make sure API results are of of uniform type. - Provide methods to intercept URL of binary requests. - Add order property to playlist items. - Add conventient `walk_*' methods to iterate over the API responses. """ def __init__(self, url, username, password): """ Construct a new SubsonicClient. :param str url: Full URL (including scheme) of the SubSonic server. :param str username: Username of the server. :param str password: Password of the server. """ self.intercept_url = False # Parse SubSonic URL parts = urlparse.urlparse(url) scheme = parts.scheme or "http" # Make sure there is hostname if not parts.hostname: raise ValueError("Expected hostname for URL: %s" % url) # Validate scheme if scheme not in ("http", "https"): raise ValueError("Unexpected scheme '%s' for URL: %s" % ( scheme, url)) # Pick a default port host = "%s://%s" % (scheme, parts.hostname) port = parts.port or {"http": 80, "https": 443}[scheme] # Invoke original constructor super(SubsonicClient, self).__init__( host, username, password, port=port) def getIndexes(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Improve the getIndexes method. Ensures IDs are integers. """ def _artists_iterator(artists): for artist in force_list(artists): artist["id"] = int(artist["id"]) yield artist def _index_iterator(index): for index in force_list(index): index["artist"] = list(_artists_iterator(index.get("artist"))) yield index def _children_iterator(children): for child in force_list(children): child["id"] = int(child["id"]) if "parent" in child: child["parent"] = int(child["parent"]) if "coverArt" in child: child["coverArt"] = int(child["coverArt"]) if "artistId" in child: child["artistId"] = int(child["artistId"]) if "albumId" in child: child["albumId"] = int(child["albumId"]) yield child response = super(SubsonicClient, self).getIndexes(*args, **kwargs) response["indexes"] = response.get("indexes", {}) response["indexes"]["index"] = list( _index_iterator(response["indexes"].get("index"))) response["indexes"]["child"] = list( _children_iterator(response["indexes"].get("child"))) return response def getPlaylists(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Improve the getPlaylists method. Ensures IDs are integers. """ def _playlists_iterator(playlists): for playlist in force_list(playlists): playlist["id"] = int(playlist["id"]) yield playlist response = super(SubsonicClient, self).getPlaylists(*args, **kwargs) response["playlists"]["playlist"] = list( _playlists_iterator(response["playlists"].get("playlist"))) return response def getPlaylist(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Improve the getPlaylist method. Ensures IDs are integers and add an order property to each entry. """ def _entries_iterator(entries): for order, entry in enumerate(force_list(entries), start=1): entry["id"] = int(entry["id"]) entry["order"] = order yield entry response = super(SubsonicClient, self).getPlaylist(*args, **kwargs) response["playlist"]["entry"] = list( _entries_iterator(response["playlist"].get("entry"))) return response def getArtists(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Improve the getArtists method. Ensures IDs are integers. """ def _artists_iterator(artists): for artist in force_list(artists): artist["id"] = int(artist["id"]) yield artist def _index_iterator(index): for index in force_list(index): index["artist"] = list(_artists_iterator(index.get("artist"))) yield index response = super(SubsonicClient, self).getArtists(*args, **kwargs) response["artists"] = response.get("artists", {}) response["artists"]["index"] = list( _index_iterator(response["artists"].get("index"))) return response def getArtist(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Improve the getArtist method. Ensures IDs are integers. """ def _albums_iterator(albums): for album in force_list(albums): album["id"] = int(album["id"]) if "artistId" in album: album["artistId"] = int(album["artistId"]) yield album response = super(SubsonicClient, self).getArtist(*args, **kwargs) response["artist"]["album"] = list( _albums_iterator(response["artist"].get("album"))) return response def getMusicDirectory(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Improve the getMusicDirectory method. Ensures IDs are integers. """ def _children_iterator(children): for child in force_list(children): child["id"] = int(child["id"]) if "parent" in child: child["parent"] = int(child["parent"]) if "coverArt" in child: child["coverArt"] = int(child["coverArt"]) if "artistId" in child: child["artistId"] = int(child["artistId"]) if "albumId" in child: child["albumId"] = int(child["albumId"]) yield child response = super(SubsonicClient, self).getMusicDirectory( *args, **kwargs) response["directory"]["child"] = list( _children_iterator(response["directory"].get("child"))) return response def getAlbum(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Improve the getAlbum method. Ensures the IDs are real integers. """ def _songs_iterator(songs): for song in force_list(songs): song["id"] = int(song["id"]) yield song response = super(SubsonicClient, self).getAlbum(*args, **kwargs) response["album"]["song"] = list( _songs_iterator(response["album"].get("song"))) return response def getAlbumList2(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Improve the getAlbumList2 method. Ensures the IDs are real integers. """ def _album_iterator(albums): for album in force_list(albums): album["id"] = int(album["id"]) yield album response = super(SubsonicClient, self).getAlbumList2(*args, **kwargs) response["albumList2"]["album"] = list( _album_iterator(response["albumList2"].get("album"))) return response def getCoverArtUrl(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Return an URL to the cover art. """ self.intercept_url = True url = self.getCoverArt(*args, **kwargs) self.intercept_url = False return url def streamUrl(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Return an URL to the file to stream. """ self.intercept_url = True url =*args, **kwargs) self.intercept_url = False return url def _doBinReq(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Intercept request URL to provide the URL of the item that is requested. If the URL is intercepted, the request is not executed. A username and password is added to provide direct access to the stream. """ if self.intercept_url: parts = list(urlparse.urlparse( args[0].get_full_url() + "?" + args[0].data)) parts[4] = dict(urlparse.parse_qsl(parts[4])) parts[4].update({"u": self.username, "p": self.password}) parts[4] = urllib.urlencode(parts[4]) return urlparse.urlunparse(parts) else: return super(SubsonicClient, self)._doBinReq(*args, **kwargs) def walk_index(self): """ Request SubSonic's index and iterate each item. """ response = self.getIndexes() for index in response["indexes"]["index"]: for index in index["artist"]: for item in self.walk_directory(index["id"]): yield item for child in response["indexes"]["child"]: if child.get("isDir"): for child in self.walk_directory(child["id"]): yield child else: yield child def walk_playlists(self): """ Request SubSonic's playlists and iterate over each item. """ response = self.getPlaylists() for child in response["playlists"]["playlist"]: yield child def walk_playlist(self, playlist_id): """ Request SubSonic's playlist items and iterate over each item. """ response = self.getPlaylist(playlist_id) for order, child in response["playlist"]["entry"]: yield child def walk_directory(self, directory_id): """ Request a SubSonic music directory and iterate over each item. """ response = self.getMusicDirectory(directory_id) for child in response["directory"]["child"]: if child.get("isDir"): for child in self.walk_directory(child["id"]): yield child else: yield child def walk_artist(self, artist_id): """ Request a SubSonic artist and iterate over each album. """ response = self.getArtist(artist_id) for child in response["artist"]["album"]: yield child def walk_artists(self): """ Request all artists and iterate over each item. """ response = self.getArtists() for index in response["artists"]["index"]: for artist in index["artist"]: yield artist def walk_genres(self): """ Request all genres and iterate over each item. """ response = self.getGenres() for genre in response["genres"]["genre"]: yield genre def walk_album_list_genre(self, genre): """ Request all albums for a given genre and iterate over each album. """ offset = 0 while True: response = self.getAlbumList2( ltype="byGenre", genre=genre, size=500, offset=offset) if not response["albumList2"]["album"]: break for album in response["albumList2"]["album"]: yield album offset += 500 def walk_album(self, album_id): """ Request an alum and iterate over each item. """ response = self.getAlbum(album_id) for song in response["album"]["song"]: yield song def walk_random_songs(self, size, genre=None, from_year=None, to_year=None): """ Request random songs by genre and/or year and iterate over each song. """ response = self.getRandomSongs( size=size, genre=genre, fromYear=from_year, toYear=to_year) for song in response["randomSongs"]["song"]: song["id"] = int(song["id"]) yield song