import sqlite3 as sql import time import xbmc tbl_artist_info_ddl = str('CREATE TABLE artist_info (' 'artist_id TEXT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,' 'artist_name TEXT,' 'artist_info TEXT,' 'mb_artist_id TEXT,' 'image_url TEXT,' 'wikidata_url TEXT,' 'wikipedia_url TEXT,' 'wikipedia_image TEXT,' 'wikipedia_extract TEXT,' 'last_update TEXT);') class SQLiteDatabase(object): def __init__(self, db_filename): print("Init %s"%db_filename) self.db_filename = db_filename self.conn = None self.connect() def connect(self): try: xbmc.log("Trying connection to the database %s"%self.db_filename, xbmc.LOGINFO) #print("Trying connection to the database %s"%self.db_filename) self.conn = sql.connect(self.db_filename) cursor = self.conn.cursor() cursor.execute(str('SELECT SQLITE_VERSION()')) xbmc.log("Connection %s was successful %s"%(self.db_filename, cursor.fetchone()[0]), xbmc.LOGINFO) #print("Connection %s was successful %s"%(self.db_filename, cursor.fetchone()[0])) cursor.row_factory = lambda cursor, row: row[0] cursor.execute(str('SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type=\'table\' ''AND name NOT LIKE \'sqlite_%\'')) list_tables = cursor.fetchall() if not list_tables: # If no tables exist create a new one xbmc.log("Creating Subsonic local DB", xbmc.LOGINFO) #print("Creating Subsonic local DB") cursor.execute(tbl_artist_info_ddl) except sql.Error as e: xbmc.log("SQLite error %s"%e.args[0], xbmc.LOGINFO) #print("SQLite error %s"%e.args[0]) def get_cursor(self): return self.conn.cursor() def run_query(self, query, params=None, cursor=None): #print("Processing query %s params %s"%(str(query),str(params))) try: if cursor is None: cursor = self.get_cursor() if params is not None: cursor.execute(query, params) else: cursor.execute(query) #print("%s rows affected"%cursor.rowcount) return cursor except sql.Error as e: print("SQLite error %s"%e.args[0]) except ValueError: pass #print("Error query %s"%str(query)) #print("Error query type %s"%type(query)) #print("Error params %s"%str(params)) #print("Error params type %s"%type(params)) def get_record_age(self, artist_id): try: last_update = self.get_value(artist_id, 'last_update') record_age = round(time.time())-round(float(last_update[0][0])) return record_age except IndexError: print("No existing record for artist %s" % artist_id) except Exception as e: print("get_record_age failed %s" % e) return 0 def get_artist_info(self, artist_id): query = 'SELECT * FROM artist_info WHERE artist_id = ?'# %str(artist_id) params = [str(artist_id)] cursor = self.run_query(query, params) return cursor.fetchall() def get_all(self): query = 'SELECT * FROM artist_info' #params = [str(artist_id)] cursor = self.run_query(query)#, params) return cursor.fetchall() def update_value(self, artist_id, field_name, field_value): success = False query = 'UPDATE artist_info SET %s = ?, last_update = ? WHERE artist_id = ?' % str(field_name) params = [str(field_value), str(time.time()), str(artist_id)] cursor = self.run_query(query, params) if (cursor.rowcount == 0): query = 'INSERT OR IGNORE INTO artist_info (artist_id, %s, last_update) VALUES (?, ?, ?)' % str(field_name) params = [str(artist_id), str(field_value), str(time.time())] cursor = self.run_query(query, params) try: self.conn.commit() success = True except Exception as e: print("Exception %s"%e) pass return success def get_value(self, artist_id, field_name): query = 'SELECT %s FROM artist_info WHERE artist_id = ?' % str(field_name) params = [str(artist_id)] cursor = self.run_query(query, params) return cursor.fetchall() def close(self): if self.conn: self.conn.close()